I started this, then got distracted by Skyrim, Modern Warfare 3, WoW, work and lady friends 😉 . I need more hours in the day to play more games! 😛
Trying to get 100% on Asylum before I get City. Amazing game!
Heh. This is where I feel uber cool. My girl is also a serious gamer. It helps. 😀
My girlfriend is abit of a gamer too, doesnt play much right now but she gets it, which makes things easier in the quest for gaming time 😀
Only two games on the PS3 I have achieved a Platinum trophy in. Suberb games, Batman done right.
I got about halfway through the game on my PS3 (or further, not sure), and then I turned it off while saving. . . So, eventually, I'll have to start ALL OVER AGAIN!
Great game, though.