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Belle (beauty & the beast) in the asylum fff/f & f/f


3rd Level Red Feather
Aug 31, 2004
With the live action Beauty & The Beast movie coming out I wanted to try and write something about Belle getting some much needed tickle torture

The idea came from thE picture by DeadpoolDisassembled (attached at the bottom of the page) All Characters belong to Disney. Comments and suggestions appreciated!

Belle’s eyes slowly opened as she awoke, she felt strange as though she had been asleep for days. Trying to move Belle was quickly met with a horrible realization, she found herself sitting on a padded chair with her ankles in a set of heavy wooden stocks while her wrists were in front of her chained together by a set of metal cuffs
“What’s going on?” she cried out into the empty room but there was no answer, only the echo of her voice. Looking around she could see she was alone in some kind of dungeon with the stocks she was occupying positioned in the centre of the room, several torches on the walls barely lit the room and there was only one metal door to enter or leave which was closed

“Am I in the Beast’s dungeon?” Belle thought to herself, “No, he wouldn’t do that to me! So how did I get here? And where is here?” Thinking that someone else must be responsible Belle attempted to free her wrists, however the cuffs were far too strong, leaning forward she then tried to get the stocks open but a large padlock prevented this. Sitting back against the chair Belle realised there was no way she was going to get free by herself so she shouted out as loud as possible
“HELLO? IS ANYBODY THERE? SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!” Belle’s voice again echoed against the thick stone walls. Suddenly as if to answer her Belle heard the noise of footsteps and hushed voices approaching followed by the sound of a key being turned in a lock and the heavy door slowly opening, bright light flooded in from outside into the room forcing Belle to shut her eyes

“Well, well, look who’s finally awake” said a feminine voice
“And about time to! I thought the lazy girl would never wake up!” another female voice replied
“Looks like we can finally have some fun with her” added a third girl’s voice as Belle’s vision finally returned. She let out a gasp of shock when she saw standing in front of her Claudette, Laurette & Paulette – 3 identical triplet sisters from her home village who Belle had mockingly nicknamed “The Bimbettes” each of them was blonde, leggy and buxom with only the color of their dresses to differentiate them. They entered the room with Paulette closing the door behind them and locking it

“Where are we? And why have you brought me here?” Belle shouted at the triplets as they stopped near her.
“You really don’t remember?” Claudette said as her sisters each sat against the sides of the stocks
“You’re in Les Maison des Lunes Asylum” Laurette answered with a smirk
“You’ve been her for a very long time Belle. Ever since you came into town ranting about a giant beast kidnapping your father” Paulette added as she balanced playfully against the stocks while kicking her legs up and down in the air
“N-no, that’s not true!” Belle shouted, “My father really was kept prisoner by The Beast at his castle but he’s not dangerous at all, if you let me out I’ll show you”
“Nice try Belle but you know Monsieur D’Arque has strict instructions that you must be kept restrained at all times”

Belle couldn’t believe it, what was happening here? The last thing she remembered before waking up in this place was living with the Beast at his castle with the enchanted staff like Mrs Potts, Cogsworth, & Lumiere. Now she was being told that was all wrong?
“No, it’s some kind of trick!” she defiantly thought to herself!
“Well enough talking, it’s time for today’s treatment session Belle” said Claudette
“Treatment?” said Belle confused
“Why yes silly, I’m going to be observing for Monsieur D’Arque today while my sisters proceed”

Claudette then walked behind Belle and sat herself down on a small wooden stool
“You may begin any time” she said to her sisters as Laurette and Paulette both sat down in front of the stocks while Belle began moving around again to try and get free but still had no luck. Then without warning the sisters pulled off both her shoes revealing Belle’s soft bare feet, her slender toes wriggled in the cold air showing off her high arches

“HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Belle cried out but her question was then answered as both girls started running their fingernails up and down Belle’s unsuspecting soles
“HA HA HA OH NO PLEASE!” she giggled as she was incredibly ticklish “PLEASE DONT TICKLE ME! HAHAHA SOMEONE HELP ME!” she called as the tickling continued all over her helpless feet
“But we are helping you dear” replied Claudette in a gentle tone “This treatment is to help you exorcise those insane fantasies of yours so you can become a functional member of society again”
“Hmm... the patient seems to be suffering from partial memory loss, you should make a note of that sister,” Paulette called out without stopping “Since she doesn’t seem to remember that she’s been in our care for the last two years undergoing this procedure every day!”
“Thank you Paulette” Claudette answered as she made a note on her chart “Anything else?”
“Yes, the patient’s reactions have improved considerably since she began receiving daily massages in the last week” said Laurette as she held back Belle’s toes and ticked underneath them causing Belle to howl with laughter
“I must agree with Laurette, Belle is definitely moving around a lot more today”
“Good, Monsieur D’Arque will find this all very useful” Claudette said as she wrote down the findings

“HAHAHAHAPLLEEEEEAAASSEEESTOOOOOHAHAHAPPPP! STTOOOPPP TICKLING ME!!!!” Belle pleaded as she leaned forward towards her tormentors to try and hit them away with her chained hands but Claudette quietly appeared behind her and grabbed Belle’s shoulders
“Uh uh uh dear” she whispered in Belle’s ear as she firmly forced her back against the chair then pulled a thick leather strap around her waist which she buckled in place forcing Belle to remain seated and take the tickling on her sensitive feet “And just for that I’m adding an extra hour to today’s session”
“HA HA HA! NOOOO! I’M SORRY! PLEASE STOP THIS!” Belle begged, the tickling was unbearable as both girls continued. Laurette kept holding back her toes and tickling away while Paulette had been focusing more on Belle’s instep which proved maddening to the poor girl. After what seemed like an age both girls stopped and Belle collapsed down into the chair

“HA HA HA, thank you ha ha, please....please stop this now, I’m begging you!” she said as she continued to laugh while tears ran down her cheeks, Belle felt exhausted and prayed that someone would help her while the three “care-givers” went into the corner to talk amongst themselves, Belle managed to catch a few words like “difficult” “stubborn” and “punish” being thrown around but she hoped they would leave her alone. However a short while later Paulette and Laurette were standing either side of her, each grabbed one of her wrists and then pulled them up so her arms were held up straight, Belle was too worn out to offer much resistance as she spied Claudette turn a small handle on the dungeon wall. Looking up she saw a hook on a chain lowering from the ceiling, when it was in low enough the two sisters at her arms hooked the length of chain binding her wrists to it and Paulette then turned the crank back the other way to make the hook rise up which pulled Belle’s arms above her head as much as they could go. Claudette locked the hook and chain in place and returned to her observation spot as Belle tried in vain to get her wrists free of the hook but gravity worked against her so she remained stuck there. Then she saw the two girls resume their previous positions and each began tying a piece of string around both her big toes

“HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” Belle called but was ignored as the strings were then tied to metal nails in the top of the stocks effectively immobilising both her feet. The girls stood back to admire their handiwork as Belle tried to move around in this new bondage but she had even less movement than before. Then the tickling began again, this time Paulette produced a large white feather which she lazily brushed against the sensitive skin causing Belle to shriek out and beg again for mercy. Meanwhile Laurette pulled a small bottle out from her pocket and poured the contents over Belle’s foot, it was oil that soon covered every inch of skin and made her foot glisten in the torchlight of the dungeon

“HA HA PLEASE NO MORE!!!” was all she could say as Laurette moved a small hairbrush to her arch. The second it made contact Belle’s entire body shook
“HA HA HA HA PLLLLEEEAAASSEEEE STTHHAAAPP!!!!! I’VEEE HAAAAAHAHADDDD ENOOUUUGGHH!!!” Belle continuing pleaded as Laurette expertly moved the brush over her trapped foot getting every part of her instep, ball, arch and even under her toes. The only real movement Belle could now do was to furiously shake her head from side to side which caused her long brown hair to whip around wildly
“HA HA HA PLEASE I’MM BEEEEGGIINNNG YOOOOUU!!!!” she cried to both girls but neither said a word or even looked up at her they just kept tickling her poor feet. Belle couldn’t decide what was worse, the brush against the oil tickled horribly but the laziness of the feather dancing on her sole was also torturous.
“THEY’RE GOING TO DRIVE ME MAD! THIS CANT GET ANY WORSE!” Belle frantically thought to herself but then she felt 2 hands dig into her unguarded sides

“HA HA HA OHHH NOOOOO!!!!” she shouted, turning her head round she saw Claudette smiling at her with a Cheshire cat grin while she poked and prodded her sensitive sides and underarms
“HA HA HA MERRRCCCYYY!!!!!!” the once proud beauty screamed with pleading eyes to the oldest sister but Claudette just casually replied
“But we still have 2 more hours left of today’s treatment” making Belle’s eyes open in horror as she frantically screamed at the top of her lungs
“HA HA HA NOOOOOOOO!!! SOOOOOMMMEEBOODYYYY HELLLLP MEEEEEE!!!! PPLLEEEEEAAASEEE!” as her laughter echoed down the halls of the asylum.

The 3 tormentors expertly tickled Belle’s body in tandem and always made sure to lessen the tickling when it looked like she might pass out. Throughout the session they generally ignored Belle and conversed with each other on any number of topics ranging from attractive men in the village to a new dress Laurette was planning to buy. At the end of the third hour they finally stopped and Belle, now drained of any resistance simply hung limply against the bonds at her wrists, tears streamed down her delicate face which had turned a bright shade of red while her hair was a wild mess.

Paulette brushed the hair out of Belle’s face while Laurette untied her toes and Claudette helped her drink some water. Finally the sisters unhooked Belle’s arms and gently lowered her down against the chair. Belle was too afraid to talk in case this lead to any more tickling punishment. After gathering their belongings they all stood up and made their way towards to door, Claudette was the last to leave and turned to face her
“Belle I think we made some real progress today” she said as she stepped out of the cell “The guards will be here soon to give you dinner and strap you in for the night. We will see you tomorrow for your next session!” With that that door closed with a loud “CLANK” and Belle was left alone in the dim room, she felt so tired from the ordeal that she soon found herself drifting off to sleep...

Sometime later Belle woke up again and saw things were now much worse. Her ankles remained in the stocks but she was now her upper body was also tied down so she was lying flat on her back with her arms strapped above her head, almost like being on a torture rack. Even more unsettling was that her blouse had been opened up revealing her white lace bra and taunt bare stomach! Feeling stronger after her rest she tried to free her wrists but they were still bound too tight, then she heard the cell door being unlocked making her pray it wasn’t the Bimbettes returning, however a different voice called out into the dark instead.

“Mademoiselle?” The feminine voice sounded familiar to Belle, slowly a woman walked into the candle light
"Fifi?” Belle cried ecstatically upon seeing the leggy brunette, "Thank goodness! How did you find me? And how did you become human again?" Belle was amazed to see the young woman standing before her in a classic French maid uniform who had been an enchanted feather duster the last time she has seen her at the castle.
"Madame Belle, I am so glad to see you!" Fifi called out as she walked into the cell stopping just by the stocks
"Quick, untie me so we can escape!" Belle cried ecstatically however Fifi remained in place
"Oh no Belle, you misunderstand, I’m not here to free you"

"WHAT!?" Belle couldn’t believe what she was hearing “WHY NOT?!”
"You see when you abandoned the Master he sent all the servants out to find you and make you pay for breaking your promise to stay with him at the castle forever”
"But I didn't run away! I was kidnapped and brought here against my will!" Belle protested
"Sorry but I have my orders Belle, since all the asylum staff have left for the day we have a few hours before I return you to the castle for the Master" Belles couldn’t believe she was hearing this.
"W..what are you going to do to me?" Belle said worriedly, Fifi then revealed her feather duster from behind her back
"Oh... I think you can guess!" Belle let out a shocked gasp as her heart sank

“NO! OH PLEASE NOT THAT! I’VE ALREADY BEEN TICKLED SO MUCH!!!!!!!!” Belle started to panic as she thrashed around as much as possible against her restraints
“Now, now Belle surely you didn’t think you would get away with breaking your promise!” Fifi asked as she began lightly stroking the feathers against Belle’s foot.
“HA HA HA HA IIIIIII DIIIIIDDDNTTTTT RUUUN AWAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!! HA HA HA HA!!!!! ITTSSS NOOOTTT TRRUUUUUUEEEE! HA HA HA HA!!!!” Belle was shocked to find her body was still incredibly sensitive from the previous tickle assault she had suffered as the new barrage of feathers glided all over her helpless soles. Fifi kept lazily dragging the duster against one foot for a few moments before swapping to the other and then back again without a break making Belle laugh so much she couldn’t even verbalise a response beyond helpless laughter

Finally Belle’s prayers for mercy were answered as Fifi put the duster down, it took several minutes for her to finally stop laughing
“HA HA HA HA O-O-OK! YOU HAVE TO STOP NOW!” she shouted but Fifi ignored her and began circling round Belle’s tied body like a predator moving in to strike making Belle worry about what Fifi had in store next, then without a word she suddenly stopped and dug her long nails into Belle’s bare underarms
“HA HA HA HA! PLLLEEEEAAAASEEEE!!!!!! IIIII’VVEEEE HAAAAAAD ENNOOOOUUGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!” she screamed as she tried shaking the invasive fingers off but with her limited movement this proved impossible
“ZE ITZY BITZY SPIDER CLIMBED UP ZE WATERSPOUT!” Fifi began teasingly singing as she ran her nails up and down Belle’s sides from her hips to her underarms which made her laugh even harder than before. Belle tried to move her head up to try and hit Fifi away but she kept well out of reach.

Belle crashed down against the table as Fifi finally stopped, she was so tired – how long had this torture gone on for? All she wanted to do was sleep, she almost found herself wishing that the Bimbettes would relive Fifi of her tickling duties! Looking up she saw Fifi kneel back down near her feet, fearing for what was next Belle began pleading to her captor
“PLEASE STOP YOUR’E DRIVING ME MAD!!!” she begged making Fifi stand up and face her
“Well then, it’s a good thing you’re already in an asylum!” she cruelly replied as she crouched down again out of Belles field of vision, her mind began to race for what might be next! Then she felt something cold land on her toes and trickled down her left sole all the way to the heel

“AHHHH WHATS THAT!!!!” She cried in confusion but was only met with silence as the process was soon repeated on her other foot. Fifi then peered over the stocks with an evil grin
“Why don’t you remember the grey stuff? It’s delicious” and with that she was gone again but Belle had already guessed what was coming
“NO PLEASE DONT DO THAT!!!! I’M BEGGING YOU!!!!!!” then she felt Fifi’s tongue run up her left sole following the trail
“HA HA HA PLEASE STOOOOPPPP!!!!!!!! I CANT TAKE ITTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Belle screamed as tears again began running down her cheeks but Fifi continued to dart her tongue all over her trapped soles then began sucking on each individual toe to lick them all clean, her tongue expertly glided around making Belle laugh harder than ever before. After finishing with one foot she paused and quietly spoke
“Oh ma chère Belle, votre rire est tout simplement délicieux ! Je pourrais continuer à vous chatouiller comme cela pour toujours!” before continuing onto the other foot. Once all the toes were thoroughly cleaned she gently planted a kiss on each one individually leaving a red lipstick imprint.

Soon all the gooey liquid was licked clean and Fifi began weaving her tounge along the various wrinkles of Belle’s soles and planting more kisses. Eventually both of Belle’s soles had gone bright red from both the tickling and all the lipstick kisses left on them. Fifi then stopped and Belle slumped back on the table
“Please......no more......” she cried out weakly, her tear strewn face showed she was close to breaking. Fifi walked to Belles side and held the bottle above her midsection, Belle watched in horror as the cold grey liquid slowly poured out drop by drop and landed on her bare skin making her gasp as it made contact.

“Oh please no!” she meekly whimpered to Fifi with pleading eyes as the liquid slowly ran downwards towards her belly button and filled it up completely before overflowing with the grey delicacy. Fifi leaned in and began lapping it up
“HA HA HA HA!!!!!!! GETTTT OUUTTTTT OFFFF THEREEE!!!!!!!!!! HA HA HA!!!!!” her head thrashed back and forth as the warm tongue slowly intruded on her sensitive skin moving in all directions making her body shake around frantically from side to side, once the excess was fully lapped up her tongue then probed deep into her belly button to get every last morsel. Belle was beside herself with a mix of laughter, begging and screaming, she couldn’t believe one of her friends was doing this to her!

Finally once the desert was all gone Fifi began to lovingly kiss her tummy leaving several further lipstick marks all around her navel. Belle looked absolutely ragged by now, her crimson face stained with tears and topped with unruly hair plastered to her forehead. Fifi picked up the bottle and shook it around
“Shall I see if we have any more?”
“Please no, no more....I can’t take it, I’m gonna die! Please just stop tickling me!” Belle softly begged. Fifi tipped the opening of bottle above her palm but nothing came out.
“Luckily for you it’s empty” she said as she gently stoked Belles forehead brushing the hair back in place “I trust we have learned our lesson?”
“Yes, yes, I promise I won’t ever leave the castle again, I PROMISE!” she hoped that the torture was now over but instead Fifi ran her other hand across Belle’s belly making her giggle again
“No no no, that’s not it!” she then leaned in close so that their faces almost touched “The lesson here is don’t ever steal from my room again!” Belle was puzzled by this when she began laughing again as something was lightly tickling her feet
“Ha ha, I promise! No more!”

“No more” Belle mumbled to herself as she woke up with a start, checking her surroundings she found herself back in the drawing room of the Beast’s castle wearing her usual blue dress. She was lying on a sofa with her head on one of the armrests and her bare feet propped up on the other. Slowly she began remembering what had happened, after finding a book in Fifi’s room that looked interesting she had borrowed it without permission and decided to read it in the drawing room, once finished she had felt sleepy so she had kicked off her shoes and lied down on the couch to rest for a while. Suddenly the tickling sensation returned at her feet again making her pull them towards her for protection, peering over the side of the couch she saw on floor was Sultan the Beast’s pet dog who was currently trapped in the form of a foot stool. He was asleep on his back with his tail flicking back and forth randomly which had been brushing against where her feet had just been
“That must have been why I was dreaming about being tickled!” Belle realised “but why was I dreaming about being tied up in a dungeon?”

Suddenly the door opened revealing Cogsworth & Lumiere
“Ah Mademoiselle, I’m so glad you have enjoyed your rest. The master would like to invite you to dine with him tonight”
“Oh of course,” Belle said as she picked up her things “I’ll go and get ready now, thank you” Once they had left she quickly picked up the book again to check the title
“The Diary of the Marquis De Sade” she read to herself “Hmm I guess that explains it! I guess that will teach me not to take someone else’s belongings. Although I wonder why Fifi would have this in her room! I think I will have to ask her about it in private later, it might be interesting!” she said with a smile, and with that Belle gathered her things and walked out the room to prepare for dinner with the Beast

The End


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