Now, I'm sure I'm not alone in tickling friend's sisters here, but I was just wondering if some people feel that this area is off limits. See, I've tickled my best friend's sister several times in recent years, particularly recently, as we normally meet up on the last train out of London on Friday nights. It's essentially a party for everyone on board, and as I'm close to the girl in question, we often get close, and have a mutual appreciation society (no, not like that!!! That's certainly off limits!!).
Anyhow, I'll often tickle her, but then feel guilty about it afterwards, as if I've somehow taken advantage of the relationship between me, my friend and his sister. Don't get me wrong, the tickling's great while it goes on (it's only brief), but I feel a bit guilty about doing so in the cold light of day.
Anyone else got any thoughts on this, or am I alone in feeling bad? Looking forward to hearing from you all.
Cheers, everybody,
Anyhow, I'll often tickle her, but then feel guilty about it afterwards, as if I've somehow taken advantage of the relationship between me, my friend and his sister. Don't get me wrong, the tickling's great while it goes on (it's only brief), but I feel a bit guilty about doing so in the cold light of day.
Anyone else got any thoughts on this, or am I alone in feeling bad? Looking forward to hearing from you all.
Cheers, everybody,