A Chestful Of Mammaries
Big or normal breasts, you'll love this one! I met a lady at a campout a few years ago. We hit it off and did the usual thing people who meet for the first time do... we went skinnydipping! Talk about flotation devices! Anyway, we got to our tent and made out a little. Mr. Sandman peeked in, covered his eyes and threw the bucket of sand in our faces. We were soon in dreamland... the next morning, I awoke before her. Her little pink erasers were standing at attention like a drill instructor's Privates! I got a bit frisky. I couldn't move too much because I didn't want to wake her and ruin the moment. So, I took the collar of my Izod shirt (the one with the little alligator emblem) and held it directly over one of her pleasure buds. I began gently tickling it, tickle, tickle. Then the next one, tickle, tickle. She stayed asleep but was obviously aroused. I continued doing this for about an hour. Just as I stopped, with her eyes still closed, she said, "If you stop doing that I'll kill you!" What could I do but continue.