Bill and L a bad joke gone worse
I watched the vid and should of save my money,what a horrible piece of work.I am not the one who produces this trash,but like others get ripped off buying it.This is the main reason I don't buy alot of stock films anymore.
Producers would get alot more business if they would quit turning out bad films.When you buy a piece of garbage you try not to make the same mistake twice so you live and learn not to do business with that company anymore.
I hate screamers ,this is the best way to fake ticklishness along with silent laughter and steal your money.For you that don't have a clue believe me some of these companies have it down to an art,and don't care what they sell as long as they can get your hard earn money and that's their game.
Want to know or hear a great ticklee,try Jordan from the clip SANDLES OFF or the girls in REAL TICKLING with TIB or the girls T2D Productions uses,now that's money well spent.There other good companies I just didn't mention in this post.I will end with this .....for every good producer you have three or more that are rip off artists.Maybe I need to produce a feww tickle vids🙂
The Musician