You heard me.
I'm having a rotten day....and I just need to get it out!
The truck full of sod for my lawn cracked my brand new driveway at my new house. Grrr
Kid having trouble in school. (The kind that makes mommies cry a lot.)
My air conditioner went out in my car.
AND...Dial up SUCKS after having a cable modem that is now "not available in that area, ma'am."
I've cried the morning away. Now, I want a fucking drink. Yes, I said fucking.
BLECH.........UGH.............God I'm just so pissed.
Joby, a woman on the edge of her reality and about to let go.
Where the hell is a tickle pal when you really need one?
You heard me.
I'm having a rotten day....and I just need to get it out!
The truck full of sod for my lawn cracked my brand new driveway at my new house. Grrr
Kid having trouble in school. (The kind that makes mommies cry a lot.)
My air conditioner went out in my car.
AND...Dial up SUCKS after having a cable modem that is now "not available in that area, ma'am."
I've cried the morning away. Now, I want a fucking drink. Yes, I said fucking.
BLECH.........UGH.............God I'm just so pissed.
Joby, a woman on the edge of her reality and about to let go.
Where the hell is a tickle pal when you really need one?