Why is it when some people (usually liberals) look back on the past, the see that bad, and assume people who miss those days miss those evils?
What FOUR people in America miss the days when blacks and women couldn't vote? Who miss when gays were lynched?
I know I know I KNOW, in there minds it's a majority....yet it's strange they go out during the day....shouldn't they be afraid of rampaging hoards of
American savages tearing them to ribbons?
There was a book once talking about the not-so-good old days, and I breezed through it, expecting to find some reality of things actually be horrible back then, but it was about how we didn't have medical advances and things like that.......SIGH....YES, yes, that's exactly right, you're are exactly correct. You are right, everyone wants to go back when there was no aspirin and surgeries were done while people bite down on a piece of wood so as not to bite their tongue's off. That's exactly why people want to go back in time. It it. No, no, your right, people want to back to times of no clean water and slavery and Inquisitions. That's exactly right. (Wait's until blithering idiot leaves right all smug and shit...) Fucking douche bag moron...does he even know how to use utensils?
Music was better back then.
There were many things that were better, and I have many friends who wish they were born in the 50's.
Hell, even bands like Metallica early songs and middle songs were great listens. The Black Album.
Country music in the 90's and before was excellent. It evoked an earlier, simpler time.
Now it's pop/rock country. I hate most of it.
Styles of dress couldn't be beaten, at least in "fancy" style I love pantyhose/nylons, of course.
All ladies wore nylons for any formal occasion back then. Weddings were wonderful!
Now people go to things like baptisms and weddings with shorts and flip flops.
It's probably a subconscious thing.....people can't define it, but they know it's different.
Cooking shows were better!!!! Watch an old episode of Great Chefs, which even featured the likes of Emeril Lagasse.
The camera was almost always aimed at the food, it was all about the food and the technique.
And...the shows almost always featured real chefs or cooks.
Notice now - the camera is always on the personality, and the food may be shown in a wide shot
with the host's face. The hosts now are personalities, preferably good looking, and the real chefs have left
Food Network. Again, it's all subconscious, but has a very real effect.
TV was better. Now it's all Reality TV. Reality TV is bagasse - no nutritional value, like donuts.
It has ZERO staying power or culture. No one will ever remember who the winner of Big Brother 7 is, nor who the 5th Bachelor chose to fuck for a few nights
until the girl got bored. Most people will remember Dallas, Twin Peaks, Transformers, The Smurfs, MacGyver, etc.
Hell, that's why Hollywood is bringing them all back!
This is why shows like The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones are doing gangbusters - they're the only original, well written and made things
out there. Hell, I'm getting bored with Waking Dead, but I'm more engaged in that show than I am in any Reality TV crap.
"ICONIC" is dead, or rare.
The design of movies like Total Recall, Robocop, Darth Vader, are all iconic - they'll be remembered for decades. The new Total Recall came and went.
The new Robocop remake, looks generic. It'll be forgotten soon after it leaves theaters. People will remember Star Wars forever.
Discipline is another thing people miss. Kids weren't shooting up schools, stabbing teachers, cursing out teachers, threatening teachers, etc.
Teachers weren't molesting students. It's great that we now KNOW some of that did happen, but it wasn't happening at the rate that it is now.
There weren't metal detectors in schools, which actually had windows back then, and didn't look like prisons.
There are some things that ARE better - super hero movies are now in the Golden Age.....back then, if they got the name of your comic book character right,
you rejoiced. You celebrated the 10% - if they got up to 10% of the comic right, it was party time.....they were NEVER going to get more than that, what the fuck do you want?!!!
If you took a copy of Iron Man or The Avengers....obviously the effects and budget are top notch, but just...having the characters be like in the comic books,
having everything in the movie coming from the comic book.....nerds back then would literally die of happy heart attacks in the theaters!
Fantasy movies are doing well these days.