Points to Bella
Bonus points, Bella... What were these kids doing home alone?
As to blaming media for childhood violence, let me use an old analogy I came up with in a college Media Class (I was an English Major... see if you can notice):
"There are certian people out there who will be prone to do certain things. John Milton, in his poem "Paradise Lost" writes Satan not as a character who is inherently evil, but rather as a character who is TOLD that he is inherently evil. The humans Adam and Eve were given free will, a character trait that which the Angels of heaven were never offered. Satan comes to the realization that God was in need of an opposite side, and created Lucifer as the angel who would fall. Satan had no choice in the matter. This led to his hatred of mankind.
I think that this analogy works in this class' discussion of a medium's responsibility for violence. If a child is prone to violence, he or she will act on this. People were killing each other thousands of years ago without the aid of television, film or console gaming! If a 35 year old man shoots his next door neighbor, then he is an asshole. If his twelve year old son shoots the neighbor, then the video game he was playing is to blame. Or Marilyn Manson is to blame for the dickheads in Columbine. And Beavis and Butthead made some kid burn the house down. Why is it that this society has no assholes under the age of sixteen?"
God, I miss college!!