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Bra and Panties Match (FF/FF)


Registered User
Apr 19, 2003
Bra and Panties Match
By Hardyzlita28

Lita paced back and forth in her lockerroom.

She and Trish Stratus, the women's champion, were about to have yet another bra & and panties match.

"Great.........." she muttered. "Everytime we take a step forward in the women's division, people like Stacy and Torrie have to set us back five steps.

Lita then sighed.

She couldn't really blame the girls though. They had no experience and it was Mr. Mcmahon's idea to have this match.

"To endulge in his perverted fantasies............."

The redhead still wasn't to fond of Stacey though, especially after she had tried to steal Matt away from her.

And Trish didn't like Torrie either. The former Alliance diva tried to put the moves on Jeff Hardy the same time that Trish was doing the very same thing.

Lita's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in............"

It was Trish.

"Hey Trish..........."

"Hey.....there's been a change of plans............."

"The match was cancelled?!"

"No........no such luck.........it has been altered though........"


"Well, instead of the 'whoever strips the other team down first wins' rule, It's been changed to 'whoever strips the other team down first and get's a submission wins' rule........."

"So we have to pin them?"

"Nope, submission........in any form........"

"Cool......that shouldn't be too hard........"

Trish nodded her head in agreement.

"Oh yeah.........there's no time limit on this one either........"

"What?....are you sure.......?"

"That's what I was told........."

"Oh, okay then........."

"Come on...let's go.....it's almost time for our match........."

"Okay......." Lita replied as she followed Trish out the door.

*Lita's music blares through the arena*

The crowd jumped to it's feet and cheered when both divas walked down the ramp.

They jumped into the ring and posed for the crowd.

New music started and both women turned towards the entrance to see Torrie and Stacey strutting down the ramp to catcalls and wolf whistles.

Torrie gingerly stepped into the ring, while Stacey made a big show of stepping through the second ropes by wiggling her behind.


The match was underway and Torrie and Trish started it off.

Trish easily subdued the other blonde with a flurry of kicks and flips. She then proceeded to rip the shirt and pants from Torrie's body much to the delight of the men in the audience.

Stacey ran into the ring and grabbed Trish's hair and pulled roughly.

Lita jumped in and tackled the tall diva to the ground and began wailing on her.

Trish stood there and cheered her friend on.

Torrie jumped up and took advantage of Trish's distracted state. She grabbed her by the hair and threw her between the ropes onto the arena floor.

The women's champion bang her head on the ground and layed there.

Lita had just gotten finished ripping off Stacey's shorts when she was shoved from behind by Torrie.

The former Alliance diva pulled her friend up and they both back Lita into a corner beating her down.

Both blondes then dragged Lita by her arms to the other side of the ring.

Torrie jumped from the ring to get Trish, who was slowly beginning to wake up.

Turning her onto her stomach, Stacey then tore Lita's tanktop from her body.

The tall diva then wrapped Lita's wrists in the second and third ropes. She then used the strips of Lita's t-shirt to tie her wrists to the ropes and to tie her ankles together as well.

Satisfied that she wasn't going anywhere, Stacey jumped from the ring and helped her friend.

Both women sat Trish up on the steel steps against the turnbuckle. Torrie ripped the champion's top from her body revealing her red bra encased bust.

Like Stacey had already done, Torrie took Trish's shirt and used strips of it to tie the busty blonde's arms and elbows, over her head and waist to the turnbuckle.

The audience watched on curiously.

They'd never seen anything like this in a Bra and Panties match before.

Lita began to wake up and realizing her predicament, began pulling at her bonds.

Stacey hurridly jumped back into the ring and straddled Lita's back.

The referee had been watching the entire scene unfold. He couldn't call a DQ. It was a submission match and he couldn't call anything until a submission was made and someone gave up.


Stacey leaned down towards Lita's ear.

"I'm gonna make you submit............."

The tall diva then placed her hands in Lita's armpits and began tickling.

Completely caught offguard, Lita laughed and giggled.


Stacey continued tickling, slowly moving downwards towards the redhead's stomach. She lightly began to scratch her nails up and down Lita's quivering belly.


"Do you submit?"


"Then I can't stop........" giggled Stacey as she tickled harder.

Lita laughed and bucked her body. Under normal circumstances, she would have easily been able to throw the thin blonde off of her. But, these were not normal circumstances.


Trish heard her friend's pleas for help, but she was having troubles of her own.

She had come out of her groggy state to find herself seated on the ring steps and tied to the turnbuckle with Torrie Wilson standing in front of her.

Trish pulled and pulled but was unable to free herself.

Torrie laughed at the sight and gave Trish a hard slap to the face. She then sat on the step near Trish's feet. Torrie began to remove the captive diva's boots and was delighted to find that she was actually wearing stockings underneath.


Ignoring her, Torrie grabbed Trish's ankles and trapped them under her arm.

Trish pulled her legs, but soon stopped when she felt a crawling sensation on the bottoms of her feet.


Torrie had been lightly tracing her nails on the bottoms of Trish's stocking clad feet and began to pick up speed at the sound of her captive's protest.


"Submit Trishie..............."


Getting tired of using one hand, Torrie got up and straddled Trish's ankles. She then resumed the tickling.


Both divas laughed heartily as some of their most ticklish regions were explored unmercifully.

The referee had a hard time deciding on who he wanted to watch more. Not to mention that he had to watch for a submission.

Tickling Lita's waist, Stacey began speaking again.

"Submit Lita.......you know you want to. You can't last much longer. We both know that............just think about it. The moment you surrender the tickling will stop......."


"Fine......be stubborn, but now do you understand why this was a submission match instead of a regular bra and panties match?..........Torrie and I personally asked Mr. Mcmahon for this favor and he was more than happy to grant it to us....." Stacey said casually as she moved back up to Lita's baby soft pits.


"Will ya submit?"


Stacey shrugged.

"Suit yourself.................oh, you did remember that there's no time limit on this match right?..........."

Lita laughed and laughed and screamed.

Tears rolled down her face and drool dribbled down the side of her mouth that was frozen in laughter.

The audience actually laughed and cheered the tickling diva on. They especially enjoyed the closeups of both Lita's and Trish's faces as they were being tickled.

Make-up streaks ran down the faces. They were drooling. Their eyes squeezed shut and their faces red.

It truly was a sight to behold.

The wrestlers in the back were enjoying themselves as well.

The camera man zoomed in on Trish to find her laughing hysterically. One look at Torrie and everyone could see why.

Torrie had ripped one of the stocking's from Trish's foot, tickling the bare skin while tickling the other stocking encased foot.

She tickled the toes and balls of the bare foot, while the sheer covered arch seemed to bring out the most laughter on the other ped.


"Submit Trish........"


The other camera man went to Stacey and Lita.

Stacey had stopped tickling for the moment, but only to pull Lita's sneakers and pants from her body. She would tickle every body part that became exposed while she brought the pants down. Lita's butt, the backs of her thighs and her calves too.


Stacey and Torrie exchanged sadistic smiles with one another.

Much to the relief of Trish, Torrie had stopped tickling her feet.

She turned around and straddled Trish's lap. She was mere inches from her face.

"I'm gonna tickle you Trish.............I'm gonna tickle these armpits of yours..." she teased as she slowly descended her nails onto the ticklish flesh.

Torrie hadn't even begun tickling yet and Trish was already giggling madly.

"Kitchie Kitchie Koo........."

The tickling diva tortured Trish's entire upper body with a vengeance. She even went so far as to stick her tongue in the laughing woman's ear, making her squeal and scream for mercy.


Torrie ignored her and kept tickling, now having moved on to Trish's ribs and tummy.


After removing Lita's pants, Stacey sat on the redhead's calves and tickled the backs of her thighs and knees.

Stacey frowned when she couldn't hear Lita's screams. She turned towards the Titan Tron and smiled widely when she saw that Lita was practically crying because of the torture.

The referee stood there, completely entranced by the sight before him. All these beautiful women tickling and being tickled. He felt so lucky that he had been assigned to this match.

Tiring of the appetizer's, Stacey moved on to the main course.

Lita's feet.

Stacey turned around straddling the redhead's ankles.

Lita's soles were turned up and just begging to be tickled.

Sensing what was about to happen, Lita began to beg.

"Please don't----------don't tickle anymore----------"

"Are you submitting?"

"No, but please don't--------------"

The tall blonde smirked and began raking her nails over Lita's sensitive soles.

Lita wiggled, but was too weak from the prior tickling to do much to stop the dreadful tickling.


Stacey dug at the base and then continued raking.

Lita laughed and screamed, begging for a miracle.

She looked over at her friend through tear filled eyes and saw that she was having the same problems.


Trish was no longer struggling.

She accepted the fact that she wasn't getting loose and just sat there laughing and laughing.

"You know, if I didn't know any better Trish, I'd say that you were enjoying this..........." she whispered before sticking her tongue back into the ticklish woman's ear.

Trish laughed uncontrollably, but couldn't help the feelings that were suddenly washing over her. Her nipples were surprisingly erect and she unconsciously ground her hips into Torrie's.

The tickling diva looked at Trish and getting an idea, she stopped tickling and jumped down to retrieve a piece of her tattered clothing. Returning to Trish, she forced a huge piece of tanktop into the diva's mouth and kept it in by tying another piece of cloth around her head.

Torrie then sat on Trish's ankles, facing her, and reached behind to tickle the diva's feet.

Trish laughed and screamed through her gag. Her only release from the torture, laughing out loud, had been taken away from her.

The ticklish woman began to grind once more when the feelings returned. The tickling sensations on her bare and stockinged feet made her feel a tingling in her most private parts.

'Oh no..........why do I?------No! she can't make me do that!!!----------no I can't-I---I---' Trish managed to think through the tickling.

Torrie smiled as she watched Trish's reactions. She then sped up the tickling without stopping.

Trish jumped and moaned.

After a few more minutes of tickling, Trish arched into her bonds, straining against them.


Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as the delicious sensation rolled through her entire body.

She then slumped down into her bonds and promptly passed out.

Seeing that the show was over with Trish, the referee and the audience watched Stacey and Lita.

Torrie got off of Trish and climb into the ring.

"Need some help Stacey?"

"Yes, she's tough..........."

Torrie took Stacey's earlier position and tickled Lita's pits, ribs and tummy, while the taller diva continued on the feet.


The referee was kneeling near her face.

"Do you submit Lita?" asked Stacey.


The referee heard her and called for the bell.

"Here are your winners..............Stacey and Torrie.................." shouted Lillian.

The audience stood up and cheered like they had just gotten finished watching a TLC match.

The divas stopped tickling and stood up cheering.

Lita layed there gasping and giggled.

The two blondes knelt beside her again and Lita jumped thinking that they were going to tickle her again.

Lita had a look of agony and what was that?...................wanting...........on her face.

"What's the matter Lita?" asked Stacey.

"N-N-othing--------" she stammered.

"I think I know............" said Torrie. "You wanted to end up like your friend over there...." she said pointing to a sleeping Trish.

Lita looked at her friend.

"I made her orgasm you know?" whispered Torrie.

Lita gasped.

"Don't act surprised, we know you want the same thing.............." said Stacey.

"N-N-o I don't-----------"

"Okay then..........but if you change your mind, stop by our hotel room later........room 305............"

"And bring her too.........." said Torrie.

Both divas walked from the ring and up the ramp as Lita stared after them.

The underwear clad redhead slowly made her way over to her friend.

After untying Trish, Lita placed her arm around Trish's waist and Trish's arm around her shoulder.

They both walked up the ramp.

"Man that was intense..............." Trish whispered.

"I know...............we need to talk later............"

Trish nodded as they disappeared behind the curtain.

The redhead would talk to her friend about the experience and then tell her of the offer made by the tickling blondes.

They might just take them up on that offer.

And maybe just maybe, get a little revenge.



  • lita04.jpg
    13 KB · Views: 690
That was a pretty good story, and the pic was a nice touch, too! Thanks for posting it 🙂
I hope there will be a follow up story. You just comibined two of my passions: wrestling and tickling!
Thank you!

Thank you both for your kind words.

I would like to make a sequel to this story, but the well's a little dry right now.

Thanks again. 🙂
It's kind of sad to think that Vince "The Size of Grapefruits" McMahon, wouldn't even THINK of this kind of match, unless the fumes from his toupee glue got to him!😛 Nice story, anyway! Keep up the good work! 😀
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