Hi There CuteFeetInNJ,
Add me to the list of welcomers (or is it welcomees ?)
Whatever, welcome. Stick around awhile.
Suggestions ?
Check out 10 or 20 threads. They go back by the thousands. You could die of old age before reading one single percent of them.
Familiarize yourself with the various personalities of the individuals who participate in the TMF. You can find a lot of people with whom you share a lot of common interestes (tickling aside) from all across the country; plus the whole planet thanks now to the TMF's emerging world-wide appeal.
You will learn as much (and probably more) about individual members by reading threads in the <I>General Discussion</I> area as you will from reading here in the <I>Tickling Discussion</I> area. Reading there will tip you off on making more successful (and less failing) posts in this section of the TMF (as well as others).
The <I>Technical Assistance</I> area has great info on everything.
Send E-mail to members who interest you.
Don't get taken in by the flame-brigade
Don't spend too much time here. It can monopolize your brain
Contribute some stories. There's a place for it; non-fiction or fiction; there's a place for your story.