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Breaking Rey - A Star Wars Tickling Story

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TMF Poster
Feb 2, 2009
Hello! I'm a deviantart fetish writer and a long-time user of this forum.

I've decided to post all my stories here for your enjoyment.

I take commissions! If you want to commission me a story, please contact me THROUGH DA. My profile is: http://the-tickling-master.deviantart.com/gallery/

Feedback is greatly appreciated. If you liked (And especially if you disliked) the story, leave a comment!

ATTENTION: Spoilers of The Force Awakens below. You have been warned.

Rey looked around, looking for a way to escape. The memories were still fresh in her mind. Kylo Ren attacked and captured her, confident he could extract Luke Skywalker’s location from her mind, since she had seen the map that BB-8 contained. Unfortunately for the First Order commander, Rey proved to be tough to crack. She had resisted his mind probe in a way no mortal ever was able to. Frustrated, Kylo had left the room not long ago – but Rey had no doubts he would be back in no time. She needed to escape. But the torture machine she was locked in was inescapable. Her wrists were locked near her hips, and her ankles below her, leaving her lying like a corpse in the machine.

Suddenly, she had an instinct to try something she had heard only in legend. She had no idea why she decided to try this, but being guided by her instincts, she spoke to the Stormtrooper guarding her.

- You will release me from my bonds and will leave the cell door unlocked.

The stormtrooper faced her for a moment.

- What did you just say? – He asked, with incredulity and a hint of rage in his voice.

- You will release me from my bonds and will leave the cell door unlocked. – She repeated, praying it would work.

The stormtrooper approached. She cheered mentally, certain it had worked.

- I will make them tighter, rebel scum! – He responded, angry. Rey sighed. Maybe third time’s the charm?

- You will relea-

- Shut up! – He replied, making true on his promise and tightening her bonds. What the hell was she thinking? She was no Jedi. She couldn’t control minds...


Kylo Ren was in despair. He needed to make the girl break, and fast. He needed to know Skywalker’s location before the Resistance could do the same, or his master would be unforgiving on his mistakes. But her mind was extremely resistant – she even managed to look into his mind instead!

One of the Captains aboard the Star Destroyer noticed the distress of the leader of the Knights of Ren. He approached him, unsure.

- Sir, can I help you?

Kylo looked at him. Is that man stupid?

- That depends, are you some sort of interrogation specialist? Otherwise, no. – He replied, sarcastically.

- Well, we do have Imperial interrogators on board. In fact there is one who’s been rising through the ranks. His methods are a bit... unusual, but he’s effective. I’ve seen him break countless rebels, specially rebel ladies.

Kylo stared at the man. Well, anything could help. Maybe a bit of torture would weaken her mind and make it easier for him to probe her mind for the map.

- All right. Lead me to this man.


The door opened. Rey was still as locked as Kylo left her. But this time, he had company. A strange bald man, tall, muscular and menacing. Floating besides him, an interrogation droid, a little black sphere with an intimidating aura.

- She’s the one I need to break? – He asked. Kylo nodded. – Breaking this cute will be very fun...

He approached with a threatening look, pressing buttons on her restraints. The machine started to hum and move. The arms of the machine, where her wrists were locked, started to slide sideways and rotate. In the end, her arms were lifted a bit, leaving her in a “T” position in the machine. Kylo’s mind probe was painful, but she hasn’t been physically tortured yet. The droid approached, and she squirmed in her bonds. The reputation of the interrogation droids reached all the corners of the galaxy, even the distant planet of Jakku. However, fear gave place to confusion when the man took out her boots and socks. With a knife, he cut a section of her clothes, baring her belly to the world to see.

- What are you doing?! – She asked, furiously.

- What’s your name, miss? – The bald man asked.

- My name is go fuck yourself. – She replied, still angry. She wouldn’t break. She wouldn’t give him this satisfaction! No matter what he was going to do, she would resist and laugh on his face!

- I see. I wonder if your attitude will change if I do this... – He says, and his fingers start sliding up and down her sides, slowly. Her eyes widen as the ticklish feelings start traveling up her spine. She started to slowly squirm in her bonds as her body fought to avoid the tickling.

Tickling. Why tickling?! Why such a childish thing? She was so ticklish, goddammit!

- What’s your name, miss? – The man asked again, dead serious.

- Scrhehehew yohohohouu! – She replies. The fingers started to tickle her faster and harder. The giggles became laughter. The squirming became struggling.

And between the tickling, Rey felt Kylo probbing her mind again, trying to find the map. She quickly focused to keep her out – not really sure on how to do it, just acting by instinct. It was, however, brutally hard to do this while being tickled. Her mind slipped, and she felt Kylo going deeper into her mind. She fights back, shoving him away, but then the interrogation droid appeared. He had two mechanical arms coming out of him, each with a featherduster on it’s end. They started working on her feet, and Ren went ballistic. Her feet were her weakspot – despite her harsh work conditions on Jakku, she always wore strong boots. Therefore, her feet was still very soft and smooth. Which only makes the droid’s work easier. The droid didn’t have the coordination power a human hand had, so it compensated by tickling the whole feet at once on each stroke with his ample duster. The arches, the soles, between and under her toes – everything was under the droid’s mercy.

- What’s your name, miss? – The bald man asked again, and Kylo intensified the mind probing. She had to focus with all her might to keep him away – and her silence angered the torturer. He stopped tickling her sides and went straight for her armpits, tickling at full force. She buckled against her bonds, laughing despairingly.

- REHEHEHEHEHEYY! MY NAHAHAHAHAMMEHEHEHE IHIHIHHISS REHEHEHEHEHEYYY!!! – She screamed, trying to satisfy her torturer. And it worked – the man stopped the tickling, satisfied.

- See? Now this is how it will work – you cooperate with me, and the tickling stops. Now... – He started to say, but was interrupted by Kylo

- No, you buffoon! She’s not going to tell you anything, I just need you to distract her enough for me to take it from her. Don’t stop the tickling! – He felt so goofy saying that, but he was too pissed to care. Rey used the moments without the tickling to shove him back in their mental battle once again.

- Sorry boss, should have told me that sooner. – And so, he and the droid started tickling her again. Ren laughed and screamed and squirmed, and Kylo send out the worst probe yet. She couldn’t handle. But she needed to... She wouldn’t crack...

And then, the torturer gave a stronger pinch on her armpits, the droid did one of it’s torturous sweeps, and her mind slipped. Kylo found the map. Under the mask, he smiled with satisfaction.

- NOHOHHOHO!! – She screamed, fighting back with such strenght that Kylo Ren was thrown backwards into the air, hitting the wall of the torture room. The bald man stopped, running at him, worried.

- Boss, you’re all right?

The Knight of Ren slowly rose, angered – but also hurt. He wouldn’t be able to probe her mind again, not right now. He needed to rest a bit.

- I’ll leave for now. Make her suffer. I want her mind broken when I return! – He barks furiously at the man, who just smiles.

- She’ll be begging for you to look at her map when you come back, sir.

Rey just stares at them both, terrified.

Meanwhile, somewhere else in the ship, Finn looked for her. Will they find her in time?

- STOTOHOHOHOHPP IHIHIHIHIHITTTT!! – Rey screamed. It has been ten minutes since Kylo Ren left the room, and she didn’t got a single moment of rest since then. As soon as the Sith apprentice left, the interrogation droid started working on her again, under the watch of the bald interrogator, which decided to not enter the action for now.

The droid was at her feet, floating menacingly above the ground, with two metallic arms coming from it. Each had a feather on it’s extremity, and those feathers had been busy torturing the orphan’s feet. The strokes were slow and meticulous, going up and down, up and down in a never-ending cycle of torment.

The bald man was honestly surprised at how sensitive the girl’s feet were to the feathers. Usually he used the feather to simply sensitize the target before bringing the big guns, but she was howling already just with them. He smirked with sadistic satisfaction. That was going to be fun, and easy.

Finally, the man raised his hand, signaling the droid to stop. The metallic appendages retracted, reseting the droid’s shape to the simple floating black sphere, and the torturer approached Rey.

- So, Rey, wasn’t it? I hope you understand why I must do this.

Rey didn’t answer, focusing simply on trying to breath as much as possible. Her silence, however, angered the bald man.

- Very well. If you’re going to ignore me, I’ll have to raise the stakes.

Rey remained silent. She was determined to not give them what they wanted. She would rather die under torture than give them the map to Luke Skywalker. Though she was not sure she could die by being tickled... was that possible?

Her train of tought was derailed when she felt the droid approaching her with a strange syringe full of a yellow-colored fluid. She looked at it, terrified, struggling uselessly against her bonds.

- Usually I like to use truth serums, but this is a different situation. My goal is to make you submissive, cooperative, not make you spout the coordinates. So, brute force is unfortunately the way to go. So, this is more useful. Are you familiar with the effects of gargalesinin? – The bald man asked. She had no idea of what he was talking about, as she was just a simple scavenger.

The droid injected the serum on her arm. The sting hurt less than she expected, and the serum entered her veins with little resistance. In a single minute, she started feeling... well, certainly something. She was not sure yet, but it was like she was more aware of everything. She could hear better, look better, it’s as if all the receptors on her body were suddenly enhanced. She could perceive the world in such a overwhelming manner that it was a bit uncomfortable. It didn’t take very long for her to put the pieces together – it was a sensitive enhancer, which would surely make her ordeal a lot harsher.

- Remember, this is all your fault. If you had cooperated in the beginning, you would be free already by now. So, if you ever feel like getting pissed at someone... get angry at yourself. – The tortured said, before snapping his fingers.

The droid came closer, again with two metallic arms projecting themselves out of the sphere. This time, however, the arms ended in some sort of spheric tip with five centimeters of diameter. The rod was vibrating itensely. Without delay, the droid applied the rods to Rey’s exposed armpits. A new definition of agony took over Rey as she erupted with mad, uncontroulable laughter and struggled violently – but uselessly – against her bonds. The metallic rods were terrible enough by themselves, but the sensitizer made it unbearable. She howled, tears quickly forming on her eyes, as the vibrating rods starting to move around her hollows in a circular motion.

She was tortured like this for what seemed like hours. Each minute stretched into an eternity of ticklish agony. She didn’t take this torture seriously at first – she thought it was extremely good at distracting her for Kylo to probe her mind, but not something that would be able to actually make her suffer, to actually break her. Right now, however, she wasn’t so sure. It was horrible, absolutely horrible, and she would gladly give all her portions back at Jakku to make this stop. Though this rarely meant more than half a potion...

And the droid made everything worse. Being tickled by a human is one thing, but the droid was so... mechanical. It was a cold torture, devoid of purpose or warmth – just a heartless husk of metal that would make her suffer for as long as it was programmed to, without any possibility of negotiation or mercy. Also, the cold, calculating patterns of the droid made the tickling previsible – and the antecipation of the next step made it even worse. The droid would first start circling the edges of her hollows and then, slowly, approach the center, completing two whole circles before hitting the very center of her hollows. Then, it would spend 30 seconds working only the very center before doing one circle going back to the edges, and restart the circle. She quickly noticed the center of her armpits were more sensitive than the rest. So, her heart would skip a bit whenever the rod would approach the center, and when the blow finally came, it was so, so much worse. And she knew that half a minute later she would receive it again. It was maddening.

She never felt such a big relief than when the droid retreated, finally leaving her alone. She had no idea that only 15 minutes had passed – she lost count of the cycles amidst her suffering.

- INITIATING SECOND CYCLE. DURATION, 25 MINUTES. – The droid said, in a cold voice.

- WHAT?! – Rey protested in despair. The droid quickly approached again, not allowing her to rest. The cycles of torture started anew, slowly breaking Rey’s will.

She barely registered when the bald man finally moved out of his corner, around the ten minute mark of her new torture cycle. She only realized what was going on when she felt his fingers making contact with her soles. Her laughter grew an octave, her struggling intensified, and her despair rose tenfold. She was already suffering immensely with only her armpits being targeted, with her feet also on the torture, she simply couldn’t handle it.

- PLEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHSHSHEHEHEHE!! IHIHIHIHMMM BHEHEEHEHEHEGGIHIHIHIHNNNGGG!! – She screamed, but the tortured could as well be another droid, for her pleas fell on silent ears. And his technique was top-notch. He exploited her feet masterfully, leaving no area untouched, neither toes nor soles nor arches. His fingers tickled quickly and unrelentingly, sliding up and down her feet, skillfully finding the most sensitive spots and mercilessly exploiting them. Rey howled and laughed – her abdomen hurt terribly from all the laughter, her muscles were too fatigued to struggle any further, and her lungs screamed for air, since she could barely catch a breath, only desperately gasp for some precious air now and then.

And the torture kept going on, relentless. Rey laughed and screamed and suffered, but on the end, she couldn’t do anything but take it. They weren’t going to stop. And oh boy, she would give them anything for them to stop. Well... anything but betray her friends. She wouldn’t give them the map to Skywalker either. But if they wanted her home? If they wanted for her to humilliate herself? If they wanted to blow Jakku up? She’d give them in a heartbeat.

Finally, they stopped again.

- Please... no more... please... – She begged, tears rolling down her eyes. She couldn’t take more of this. She needed, at the very least, a break.

- You’re not broken enough yet. – The bald man replied, cold and matter-of-factly. – The next cycle is 25 minutes, but we’re raising the stakes. After that, we’ll talk. – He concluded, and Rey looked at him, despaired. She couldn’t take another 25 minutes! And what did he mean “raise the stakes?”

- Please... I’ll do wathever you want... – She begged again, but he ignored her completely. The man approached the droid, and it opened a window on itself. From inside the droid, the man retrieved two strange objects, two black plastic pads, each with a handle that allowed it to be attached to his hands, covering the palms. And so the torturer did. It was certainly another instrument meant to make her suffer more, and she was not looking foward to it. But it looked so... unremarkable. Non-menacing.

Her thoughts, however, were suddenly interrupted when the droid spoke again.


Shock teraphy? Where they going to start using regular torture together with this new method.

Rey quickly found out the answer was “no”. And she actually wish it was. The metallic rods lit up, electrified. She stared at them, horrified, and soon, the droid dug them on her armpits. Rey let out a scream of pure agony and started to struggle violently against her bonds. She needed to escape that, to aliviate it somehow. It was too much. It was just too much. The shock didn’t hurt, it tickled – tickled beyond anything her mind could comprehend. It acted directly on her nerves, activating them at maximum intensity. It was as ticklish as tickling can get, made even worse by the sensitizer.

And then, it got worse. The bald man approached the pads from her feet, her weakspot, and they, too, electrified, with the same strange tickling shock property. It sent ticklish waves up her body to her brain. Rey convulsed in her bonds, struggling with energy she didn’t knew she still had, exhausting her muscles to the point of injury. She howled and screamed, barely able to form coherent laughter, much less any words. For someone listening from the outside, the screams of ticklish lament would be undistinguishable from someone undergoing traditional torture.

Except it was a bit worse. She couldn’t really rationalize thanks to the overwhelming sensations taking over her body, but if she had a clearer mind, Rey would be able to see the advantages of such a choice. Tickling can be used for much longer periods than the regular tortures – while a torture session can last hours, you can only beat, shock or cut someone for so long before you need to stop it. You certainly can’t do it for 25 minutes straight, relentlessly, and expect them to survive for another round. Tickling, however, allows for this, and makes it a very excruciating experience.

But of course, none of this was going through Rey’s mind right now. Pretty much nothing was. Her world was tickling and ticklish suffering. She was but a toy, a robot programmed to laugh when her buttons are pressed. Never before she felt so hopeless and so devoid of free will. She was an object for the amusement of her torturers, despite what she felt about it.

Finally, she felt her view blurring. She embraced, relieved, the darkness of unconsciousness.

As she did, however, she felt the tickling on her armpits stopping for a moment and, then, another injection to the arm. Suddenly, her strenght returned, and she was completely awakened.

- NOHOHOHOHOHOHHOHOHO!!! – She screamed in pure despair, realizing her only hope for any rest or stop had just been taken from her. - NOHOHOHOHOHHOHOHOOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!! – She screamed even harder as the droid resumed the horrible eletric tickling on her underarms.

She was mentally and physically exhausted. At the 15 minute mark of this third cycle, she was far beyond the breaking point. She couldn’t have ever imagined something as horrible as this could exist. She also couldn’t believe the empire found a way to turn something so innocent and harmless like tickling into the worst of tortures. But, more than anything, she felt guilt for the things she started to scream.

- IIIIHIHIHIHIH’LL GIHIHIHIHIVVEHEHEHE THEHEHEHE MAAAHAHAHAHAPP!!!! – She howled between laughter. She was broken. Completely broken. She needed that tickling to stop, as much as she needed water and food, as much as she ever needed anything in her life. She would give anything. She would betray her friends, she would surrender the galaxy to the First Order, she would allow the deaths of every member of the Resistance and she would execute them herself. Anything was a fair price to stop the torture.

But it didn’t stop. It would never stop. Both the droid and the man just kept going – and Rey just stayed there, a ticklish toy, a ticklish object, a ticklish non-person that exists to suffer and laugh and squirm and beg and cry for the pleasure of her captors. Was she going insane? Maybe. Would insanity take her mind away from the tickling? She hoped. She was weak, pathethic and hopeless.

Finally, it stopped. Rey laid on her bonds, completely out of energy. What didn’t stop, however, were her cries, the tears going down her cheeks and her despaired sobs. Her breath was hard, troubled.


- NO!! – She screamed, the panic giving her a sudden burst of energy. She struggled with inhuman strenght against her bonds, twitching as if her restraints were on fire. – I CAN’T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! PLEASE! – She tried begging as well as her little developed imagination and vocabulary allowed. – I’LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT! – The man needed to have some compassion. He was human, right? – Anything... – She accentuated.

Neither the man nor the droid said anything. She just heard the noise of the metallic rods and the plastic pads igniting again, as the droid approached. Rey started to scream, a scream of panic and despair, her face contorted in an expression of pure terror.

- NO!! NO! NOOOOOO!!!! – She screamed, starting to cry again.

Before they started, however, another noise filled the room, the familiar “Zummm” of a lightsaber being turned on. She felt it was Kylo Ren, but the weapon was brandished and it was the bald torturer who let a scream as he fell to the ground, a big cut on his back. The blue lightsaber quickly cut the interrogation droid in half as well, and it fell down, broken, hitting the floor with a loud “tump”. Only then Rey managed to stop crying in order to recognize the figure of Finn, as he turned the weapon off and strapped it to his belt.

- Goddamn bastards... Rey, are you alright? – He asked, worried, releasing her from her bonds. She weakly fell foward, forcing the ex-stormtrooper to hold her in his arms. She quickly started crying again, still traumatized by what happened. Unsure of what to do, Finn lightly stroked her head, trying to comfort her.

- Finn... they... – She tried to say, only to be overcomed by sobbing.

- There there, calm down, everything’s fine, Rey. You’re a strong girl, you held the best you could – He said, not really sure if it was true, but he needed to say something.

- No, no I didn’t... They broke me... I would have betrayed the Resistance if they wanted... But they didn’t, they just kept.... – Once again, her cries intensified, stopping her from finishing the sentence.

- Yeah, but you didn’t betray us, did you? Everything’s fine when everything’s fine. – Replied Finn, sttill hugging the girl and doing the best he could to comfort her. The young man was absolutely shocked to see Rey like this – she was such a strong woman. She must have endured something truly horrible to be left in that state. He wasn’t sure what happened to her, since he arrived between the “cycles” the droid was talking about. Emphatic to her ordeal, he hugged her harder. – You’re amazingly strong, Rey. You’re much more than what you’ve endured inside this room. And it doesn’t matter if you broke, as strong as you are, you’re still human. If you didn’t give them anything, then no damage is done, you didn’t betray anyone, even if you wanted.

Slowly, her sobs stopped. Rey closed her eyes, breathing deep, trying to recompose herself. Finn was right. There was no damage done. She was better than this. Stronger than this.

She opened her eyes, determined.

- Let’s go – She said, offering Finn her hand. The ex-stormtrooper smiled. That was the friend he knew. He grabbed her hand, allowing her to guide him through the starship, looking for a way out.
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