I regret that you have had a bad experience with the chat room. And I understand the frustrations that can come from computer issues.
But your argument is akin to complaining that you are dissapointed with how bland TV programming looks because your set is only a black or white model.
Computer products are in a constant state of change. Programs are improved, code is altered and things stop workimg, or fail to work for older systems. The solutions to such problems are usually very simple. One gets the proper code update (which is free 99% of the time, and in this case is)
A quick trip to Sun.com and a download of the propper modern java plug-in which matches your operating system should take care of your issue, as it has for several dozen other users who have had the same issue.
It is of course your choice to do this or not, and decide if using the room is worth the minimal effort to get and install the update. If not, then I regret that you shall not be able to enjoy the room. I hope the rest of the forum still brings enjoyment.