The biggest, juiciest bug will hit your windshield at eye level. You will be out of wiper fluid.
Just as you are stepping into the shower your doorbell or phone (or both) will start ringing. Your phone will stop ringing as you are about to pick up the receiver.
When you do get in the shower, UPS will show up with an important package.
The worse the weather the more likely you are to have a flat tire or breakdown. Your spare tire will have no air in it.
Any small object, when dropped, will roll or bounce to dead center under your car, or behind the heaviest piece of furniture.
When you find a product you like it will be discontinued or "improved".
The more you need to get someplace, the likelier your flight will be delayed or cancelled.
Your home or car air conditioning (or both) will fail on the hottest day of the year.
You will spill something on your tie or shirt just before an important meeting.
One hour after you wash your car it will rain for the first time in weeks.
Just as you are stepping into the shower your doorbell or phone (or both) will start ringing. Your phone will stop ringing as you are about to pick up the receiver.
When you do get in the shower, UPS will show up with an important package.
The worse the weather the more likely you are to have a flat tire or breakdown. Your spare tire will have no air in it.
Any small object, when dropped, will roll or bounce to dead center under your car, or behind the heaviest piece of furniture.
When you find a product you like it will be discontinued or "improved".
The more you need to get someplace, the likelier your flight will be delayed or cancelled.
Your home or car air conditioning (or both) will fail on the hottest day of the year.
You will spill something on your tie or shirt just before an important meeting.
One hour after you wash your car it will rain for the first time in weeks.