Elizabeth Hasselback woke up dazed in the back of a speeding van on a country road. The last thing she remembered, she had been walking down a street in New York on her way to her apartment, when she had felt a hand over her mouth, and then everything went black. Now, as she tried to shake the cobwebs from her head, she realized she was in grave danger. She tried to speak, but her mind was in a fog. Then , after a short time, the van stopped in front of a creepy old house, and a man wearing all black, with gloves and a gun opened the back of the van door with a gun pointed at the attractive "View" hostess. "Get out, Elizabeth, and into the house" "Please dont hurt me, please dont do this" She begged. "Do it, cutiepie or we'll have to hurt you." The man said. Eliazbeth did as she was told, and was forced into the house at gunpoint: "Okay, upstairs and into the bedroom" "Please, if its money you want I can get you some, just please dont do this" She begged. "Strip down to your bra and panties, and lie down on the bed" The man ordered. Elizabeth did as she was told, and stripped to her bra and panties, and was tied hands and feet to the bed: "What are you going to do to me?" She asked. There was no answer. Then, another tall man entered the room, and without saying a word, went over to the bed and began to tickle Elizabeth on her neck with his fingers as she began to giggle and squirm around: Heheheheheheheheheehe! What are you doing!? Hehehehehehehehehee! The man was still silent, saying nothing, he ran all ten of his fingers down Elizabeth's sides and armpits, and in her ribs and belly, as she jerked at her restraints and more squeals filled the room: hehehehehehehehheheheheheheheheheehee! Please! I'm very ticklish! Please no! Hehehehehehehehehehehehee! Then, the two men ran their fingers down Elizabeth's inner thighs, causing her legs to buck and jerk inward. Following that, they got down to the soles of Eliazabeth's pretty bare feet. Each of the two guys took a foot, and proceeded to run their fingers over Elizabeth's soles, and over and under her toes. Elizabeth filled the room with hysterical girlish laughter: Heheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehehehee! Oh please I'm very ticklish! Hehehehehehehehehehehehe! Her captors werent yet finished with the beauty. They then proceeded to engage in a tortorous instrument tickle of feathers, ice and the ever dreaded electric toothbrush over Elizabeth's soles, and over, under and inbetween her terrribly ticklish toes. This drove Eliazabeth absolutely beserk! She flexed, pointed and wiggled her toes every which way as she squealed with girlish laughter, tears came to her eyes, and she begged the tortorous tickling to stop: Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehee!! Please no more! I'm very ticklish! I'll do anything! I give up! NO! NO! Please no! Heheheheheheheheheheheheheheeheheheehe! Finally, the cruel captors stopped the tickle and let their victim rest. She was panting on the bed. When the tickle stopped, Elizabeth was told to dress. She was then driven to a deserted train station where the captors knew a train was due, given enough money from her purse for fare, and told to go home and not tell anyone, that they would be watching, and would come back and hurt her if anyone found out. Elizabeth got on the train and went home. What to do next was not clear to Elizabeth. She feared the captors would come back if she told the cops, so she decided to tell everyone she had been purse snatched by someone on a dark street, and didnt get a good look at the snatchers. She couldnt take a chance on telling for fear she would get tickle tortured, hurt or worse. Besides, who would believe her? She had been kidnapped, not hurt, but tickled. She couldnt believe it herself. She decided to try and forget the incident. Besides, they could be watching, and she didnt want to think of the consequences if anyone ever found out.
The End
The End