They are hot, but there is a potential downside,... at least in my own experience. And they made me chuckle.
Went to some kind of alumni thing in Richmond in the 80's,... and with a lady with whom I was well acquainted and looking forward to the evening's promise. But she was wearing shoes that were sort of similar,... not quite as tall, but constructed with the same coordinate axis webbing design. Later, after the festivities and as we were getting a little amorous back at my place, I noticed that her feet had been embossed with what I can only describe as "Christmas ham" crisscross lines. Now, while for some, I'm sure, this would be a distinct plus..... but I found it a distraction at the moment,... and on such lovely feet, too. Could not shake the image of seeing them basted in brown sugar & butter and sporting a pineapple ring or two. And this both cracked me up and diffused the focus of things a little,.... from drama and beauty,... to slapstick sitcom, you might say. Probably brought on a case of the munchies, as well.
But they are hot.