Ya know. i used to admin (along with some others) for what was at the time a major chat and vid service on the net. I did my best to make sure that the models got to do their jobs undisturbed from idiots and that the chatters and members got to chat with the models and play nicely and be respected. That being said. I never could understand why some people never took advantage of the tools they were given. I have seen other people say that the chat has an ignore function. Thats the best bet. Just use it. If everyone being harrassed just used it then they would'nt even know the person was there..i swear sometimes people are just gluttons for punishment. I do not mean that in as harse a way as it sounds, but if the best answer is right under your nose and your waiting for someone else to solve the problem then it can't be that big a problem. No one ever likes being called names and harrassed, but use the tools they give ya. remember the person causing the trouble is seeking attention. When the attention leaves so does he or she because they get bored. I know this from experience. Sometimes ignoring them will get them gone faster than any boot or ban can. Don't worry Big Jim i'm not picking on you for this post. i have seen others post messages like this. I'm just saying that the best option is already there. On a related note thats pretty much why i dont go into chat rooms. I know there are alot of great people that go there , but its not worth the headache to me. Its not the idiots saying stupid things for attention that bother me. Its the people that let them get to them when a solution is already there. It sucks to see a person you enjoy talking to getting all frazzled over some idiot. so my advice, and agian i'm not trying to be mean, is to either wait till a chat mod is presant to chat, learn to ignore the idiots that will most deffinately find there way in there, or quit going and save yourself the heartache.