red indian said:but I think you are WAY off the mark at 200 quid!!! just look at any Brit site for escorts for instance, they want 300 nicker just to turn up at your house for a 1 hour wham bam thankyou mam session, let alone being tied up and tickled by complete strangers for.....well how long do you think it will take? a whole day? dont forget she will want to be paid from the moment she arrives till the moment she leaves even if you only end up with 3 minutes from an episode of the "Clangers" on the tape.
ticklemad said:Good luck with this Jim, I hope you get it off the ground. I'm female and in the Uk but I fear not the look you'd be wanting for a video. As for any others out there worried about being tickled by a stranger there's aways ways round that as long as you observe basic safety rules. You can talk by phone, meet for a drink, hey even have a tickle session sometime together before the shoot - it's not impossible, but obviously requires careful planning.
Good Luck Jim
Strelnikov said:EQ, my choice of words was deliberate - I was trying to bait red indian into a tirade. There hasn't been enough excitement around here lately.
red indian said:but dont you just love the clangers??!!!
ps:- if i can help in any way i will try, let me know.