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Camping fun (F/F, feet)


TMF Poster
Mar 8, 2006
Camping fun (F/F, feet); 2nd chapter up (F/F, feet, UB)

Spawned from an idea I had a little while ago and partly inspired by a pic I saw on dA. Jess and Jen are not my characters, they are the OC's of a member of AVGDID and were used with his permission. At least I hope so, I haven't exactly asked yet...
Jen lowered herself slowly onto the large rock, sliding her fingers under one strap of the backpack she was carrying with a relieved groan. She didn’t quite know why she agreed to go hiking with Jess – in hindsight, the idea of spending a night under the stars sharing a tent with her was appealing in itself – but now most of the muscles in her body screamed in pain. Her shoulders and legs in particular were gathering strength to go on a violent protest against her, and the thought that she had to do it all over again the next day to return to civilisation didn’t help. Something flew past, and Jen looked in the direction it had come.

Waving her arms energetically, Jess grinned at Jen’s weary form, “Come on, Jen. We’re almost there and it’ll get dark in an hour and a half.”

“Define ‘almost’,” Jen replied, although she worked it out in her head. At their speed – or at least the speed Jen was currently capable of – an hour and a half meant about a kilometre. Applying deductions for Jess planning to arrive at her chosen site early for setting up while there was still light, factoring in a forty-five minute setting up time…

Jen started as something prickly began poking her in the arm. One hand gripping the stick she held, the other clenched into a fist and pumping in the air, Jess grinned again.

“Come on. You can do it, you can do it!”

With a sigh, Jen forced her body to comply, standing up and glaring at Jess. “Now stop poking me.” Seriously, where the hell does she get all that energy from?

Dropping the stick, Jess turned and started walking again. Her legs were burning, and she felt the consequences of her earlier wild arm waving, but they were only several hundred metres from where she was planning on camping the night, and she refreshed herself with that thought. Her mind drifted to the several large rolls of tape she had hidden in her pack, adding more fuel to her fire. She looked back, noting with satisfaction that Jen was keeping pace. She knew that Jen wasn’t accustomed to this kind of exertion, and even though she picked an easy track and was carrying the tent they would share, she could see the tiredness in her friend’s body. Jess hoped it wasn’t too bad, though. If she’s too tired then tonight might not be as fun as I planned it to be.

They rounded a corner formed by a wall of trees, and Jen’s eyes widened. From seemingly out of nowhere, a wide field had been placed. A stream ran past the far edge, and the ground was covered in what looked to be soft and well maintained grass. A sign declared the site as ‘Black Range Campsite’. Jen noted that someone had even built a pair of stalls for what she imagined were pit toilets – still several steps beyond the self dug hole she first imagined. Jess noted another small group of campers that had arrived first, frowning slightly. It made things a little harder if they weren’t alone, but the site was quite large, and the other group had set up on the far end of it.

Jess made her way to the other end and dropped her pack with a sigh. “We’ll set up here,” she declared, unstrapping the lightweight tent from the top of her pack and unzipping the carry bag for it.

Jen dropped her own pack with a loud groan, flopping down on the grass and letting her limbs rest. After several minutes, she sat up, seeing that Jess had already spread out the main part of the tent and was unfolding the fibreglass poles. Jen took the empty water bottle from the side pocket of her pack, digging out the small hand-pumped water filter from where she had packed it.

“Should I fill up yours as well?” she asked.

Jess pointed to her pack, “Sure, thanks. It’ll be in the right side pocket.” She balked inside, remembering that her pack had two such pockets, one containing an empty water bottle, the other containing several smaller rolls of tape. She watched as Jen decided which pocket, an odd pressure seizing inside her chest as she picked the tape one. “The other one,” Jess blurted, feeling her spirit dying as Jen opened the pocket.

Jen looked up as she started to undo the zipper, “Ah. I should have asked first.” She did up the zipper again, opening the pocket above it and taking out the empty bottle from inside. She stood up, taking the three items with her. “Back soon.”

“Sure,” Jess replied, waiting until her friend had turned around before exhaling. “Way too close,” she whispered to herself.
Later that night…

Jess moved slowly, taking one of the larger rolls of tape and finding the end with her fingernails, pulling out an inch of it as quietly as she could. She found the edge of Jen’s sleeping bag, noting in the almost complete darkness that Jen had moved to one side of it. She drew out more of the PVC tape, anchoring it on the bottom of the bag, breathing once to prepare herself, and getting to work. She rolled the bag around Jen so that she resembled a sushi roll encased in the material, picking her body up gently to provide room and winding the tape around several times.

She’s not even stirring, Jess thought, Perfect though, she’s even hugged her arms up to her chest.

Jess continued winding the tape around Jen’s form, following a spiral pattern until the roll ran out. Jess ripped the cardboard cylinder at the end of the roll free, cursing softly as Jen stirred suddenly.

Jen’s eyes blinked open the moment she felt the fact that her arms were pinned to her chest. She rolled over, finding that her arms weren’t alone in their situation. She saw a shadow looming over her, and opened her mouth to scream.

Jess clamped her hand over Jen’s mouth, gripping tight as she grappled in the dark for a fresh roll. She ripped a strip from the roll – this one was thick cloth tape, so she winced at the rather unsubtle ripping noise it made – and pressed it over Jen’s lips, criss-crossing with two more strips. Jen was struggling now, rather frantically, and it occurred to Jess that she probably didn’t realise it was her. She held Jen’s shoulders, fighting against her thrashings.

“Jen!” she hissed, “Jen!! It’s just me! It’s Jess… relax damn it!”

Jen heard Jess’ voice, taking a few moments to slow her breathing and questioning her friend from behind her gag. She thought back to the rolls of tape she’d glimpsed in Jess’ pack earlier. Now she had confirmation…

Jess sighed with relief, before turning on the battery powered lamp in the middle of the tent and bathing the interior in soft light. She let Jen see her face to further allay any concerns that a random person had snuck into their tent. “Phew. Anyway, sit tight. I just have a couple more things left to do.”

She moved down to the other end of Jen’s sleeping bag, feeling where her feet were and wrapping the tape around her ankles, making sure it was extra tight. She moved back to Jen’s arms, sitting her up and reinforcing the original wrappings before laying her back down and tearing a last strip from the roll.

The strip descended over Jen’s face, and once her mind registered where it was going, she shut her eyes quickly. Jess smoothed the blindfold in place with a smile, poking Jen’s nose playfully before moving back down to her feet.

“Your feet must be really tired,” Jess said, taking hold of the zipper. She especially picked a bag for Jen that had separate zippers for the side and bottom, and she undid the one at the bottom now. “After all, you’re not used to walking for so long are you?” Jess revealed Jen’s bare feet from within the bag, seeing that they were flushed red. She reached her hands inside the bag slowly, and Jen started grunting into her gag.

Jen wriggled in her captivity as she felt how close Jess’ hands were, her head flicking left and right in a futile effort to see through the blindfold. In the middle of nowhere of all places, with strangers a hundred metres away? You’re nu-

Her thoughts were cut short as Jess suddenly took a hold of both her feet, bracing herself for the tickling that she was expecting, moaning in relief as she felt a massage that was one of the most comfortable things she’d ever felt. Jen sighed happily into her gag as Jess pressed her thumbs into her arches, massaging up and down steadily.

Jess changed position, moving her hands to the base of Jen’s toes and moving her thumbs side to side, making small circular movements as she went. She could hear Jen’s deep breathing, like someone caught in euphoria – which was what Jess had planned. With an evil grin, she switched her hands to a tickling position, brushing against Jen’s soles with her fingertips. “Now for another kind of relaxation.” Jess wrapped one arm around Jen’s legs, wriggling the fingers of her free hand, “Mine.”

Jen cried out into her gag as Jess’s fingers scrabbled rapidly across her soles, descending into laughter in moments. She fought against her sleeping bag and the tape that turned it into a prison, trying to kick out her legs from Jess’s firm grasp. Jess ceased after a while, mostly because she was close to having her shoulder dislocated by Jen’s thrashings, finding the roll of electrical tape from her pack. She moved Jen around so that there was more space, winding several revolutions around Jen’s big toes. Sitting on the tent floor, Jess rested Jen’s legs against her own, holding them down with the other before resuming her work, tickling the pair of immobile feet in her lap with both hands. Jen squealed into her gag at the renewed tickling, sweat beginning to form on her brow. The added warmth from the sleeping bag combined with the heat she was producing from her struggles were making things quite warm.

Jess continued, monitoring Jen and slowing as she became exhausted, gradually coming to a stop. Jen was panting into her gag, completely drained. Jess kissed each of Jen’s feet lightly, before reaching up and peeling away the tape covering her mouth.

A moment of unimpeded breathing later, Jen cocked her head to where she thought Jess was. “Jess?” she asked.

“Right here,” Jess replied with a smile, “Was that fun?”

Jen frowned, “Well, I wouldn’t say it was worth the walk.” Jess giggled. “But yeah, it was fun. Now, Jess?”


“Could you let me out of this damn sleeping bag?”
ps: I was kidding, I asked first
Last edited:
Second part. I originally intended to make this longer but I ran out of steam...
Standing outside the house, Jen was at a mental crossroad.

Her body was still tired from the hike Jess had dragged her on, even though it had been two days, and she wanted to go home and sleep off her day at school. However, the fact that Jess had been absent for the whole day worried her. With a decisive sigh, she stepped up to the front door, ringing the doorbell and waiting.

She waited.

With a frown, Jen made her way around to the back of the house through the way Jess had shown her – the gate was made to look locked but in fact wasn’t, provided it was opened correctly. Standing in the back yard and facing the window of Jess’s room, she called out her friend’s name as loud as she dared.

“Big house and nice backyard but not a rock in sight. Looks like I’ll have to do this the old fashioned way,” Jen muttered to herself, dropping her schoolbag next to the small shed attached to the wall. “Break and entering.”

Ignoring her body’s protests, Jen anchored one foot in the discrete toe hold Jess had shown her, finding the other and jumping up, anchoring her other foot into it. She grabbed the edge of the shed before she lost balance, lifting her first leg and finding the third toehold, vaulting herself onto the roof of the shed.

She hated this next part. Wrapping her hands firmly around the drainpipe in front of her, she placed first one then the other foot flat against the wall as if she were abseiling, walking up the wall and bracing herself with her grip on the pipe. She didn’t look down – the last time she made that mistake, landing in Jess’ arms was the only thing stopping her from making a human shaped hole in the shed’s roof.

She reached the balcony that was outside Jess’ window, quickly transferring herself so that she stood on the edge, her throbbing hands gripping the railing. Jen took a moment to breathe, before climbing over the railing and finally ending up on stable ground. Now she looked down, peering over the balcony. She always found it impossible to believe that she could manage to make it to the second storey so easily, and not for the first time thought about the risks involved in Jess’ room. If an unfit girl like herself could do it, then what if an athletic kidnapper were to try?

Jen pushed the thoughts out of her mind. “I’ll play the unfit kidnapper,” she mused, peering through the window door into Jess’ room.

The curtains had been drawn, but through the gap Jen spied a blanket-covered lump on the bed, seeing a bare foot peeking out from under the sheets and sighing. Jess can’t possibly have slept in the whole day!

Realising the door was unlocked, Jen slid it open silently and stepped inside, closing and locking it behind her. Again, the potential kidnap risk was the first thing in her mind. She made another mental note to never sleep in this room without a baseball bat next to her.

Jen stood over the bed, shaking her head in disbelief at Jess’ peacefully sleeping face. No one else was home, which was typical of Jess’ parents. A slow tide of thoughts entered Jen’s mind, and with a grin that apparently frightened people to see, she crossed to the wardrobe, opening it and reaching into the back corner for where Jess kept one stash of her “game equipment”. Jen set the box in front of her, taking out several bundles of rope and returning to the bed. Jen pulled the blanket aside, nodding with satisfaction when Jess didn’t stir, before crossing her friend’s wrists above her head and lashing them together before tying them to one corner of the bed frame. She noticed that Jess was wearing the set of teddy bear print pyjamas she’d given to her the year before, smiling as she noticed some parts of the print was becoming faded with use. It pleased her to know that her gift was seeing good use.

Jen continued, tying Jess’ knees together before pulling her feet closer to the diagonally opposite corner of the bed. She tied Jess’ feet together with the longer rope she had taken from the box, wrapping it around the bedpost and pulling until she had Jess stretched out nicely before securing it.

“Not even a murmur,” Jen said to herself. Admittedly, Jess managed to basically mummify me in tape without me noticing but I was tired. She must have played games until 5am again.

Jen scratched her head. “Okay… now what.” She looked down and noticed Jess’ feet. “Ah. Of course…”

Jess hated dreams like this. She’d been happily eating a chocolate pudding, savouring the final spoonful when the empty cup jumped out of her hand, rolling on the floor and growing in size. It started floating as it continued spinning; white plastic saw teeth suddenly appearing around the edge of the now rather large cup. She dropped her spoon and ran for the door that was just in reach. She reached for the handle, cursing as the door displayed typical dream logic and moved away from her. The spinning doom cup was making whirring noises as it neared, and Jess began running faster, watching in despair as the door matched her speed, staying always beyond reach. She cried out as something caught on her ankle, landing and faceplanting onto something that smelt suspiciously like warm marshmallow. She rolled onto her back, reaching out with both hands for the door one last time and finding herself stuck to the floor with her body stretched out. She looked down at her feet, grimacing as the possessed cup whirred towards her feet.

“Nnngh… that tickles damn it…”

Jen looked up as Jess stirred, giggling as she continued to brush her fingertips over her soles. “Awake yet?”


Jess woke fully, her first reaction to sit up denied by the ropes. She looked around frantically. Jen waited with a sock – one of her own that she’d pulled off shortly after completing Jess’ knots – stuffing it into Jess’ mouth and sealing it in with several strips of tape. She grinned at Jess’ sleep-muddled look, savouring the look of realisation in her eyes.

The sock tasted worn – it probably was, considering that Jen was barefoot – and Jess vainly tried to spit it out in distaste. The aroma of marshmallows wafted up her nose, and she looked to the bedside table, seeing a steaming dessert snack. It was a marshmallow and biscuit one, something she’d been dying to microwave and eat. Yet there it was, open and evidently heated.

Noticing her friend’s look, Jen picked up the dessert and the spoon next to it, “You were taking a while to wake up, and you looked peaceful so I didn’t want to prematurely disturb you. Then I got hungry, so I hunted around for things to eat. Only thing I found was this and that chocolate pudding.” Jen pointed to the empty pudding cup on the table, and Jess groaned loudly. That had been her last one!

“These were the last two as well,” Jen continued through a spoonful of marshmallow, “Guess I got lucky.” Man, how does she eat these? The sugar is burning my throat…

Jess kicked against her bonds with surprising strength, grunting with effort through the gag. With a shrug, Jen put down the dessert and spoon, straddling Jess and crossing her arms.

“So, you managed to sleep in ALL day?”

Jess nodded.

Jen sighed with exaggerated disappointment. “Skipping school is bad.” She leaned closer, her hands moving into position. “Bad girls should be punished.”

Jess barely had a chance to whimper before Jen began to tickle her armpits, jiggling her fingers between the ribs as well. Jen continued in those areas, working her fingers firmly into Jess’ body and already seeing tears forming. She pulled the feather that she’d kept behind her ear, maintaining one hand in Jess’ armpit and stroking her chin with the feather.

Jen moved down, slowly lifting the bottom of Jess’ pyjama shirt and undoing the bottom button to reveal her navel, heaving with Jess’ breathing. Jen made slow circles around Jess’ belly button with the feather, reaching up and using the fingers of her other hand on Jess’ tummy. Jen soon dropped the feather, using both hands and digging into Jess’ sides, sending her into violent fits that began to make the bed frame creak.

“Oh and I’m not nearly done yet,” Jen said over Jess’ increasingly frantic laughs. “You know where I’m going next, don’t you?”

Jess’ thoughts were clouded, but Jen’s words still registered. No… not there!

Jen turned around and moved down, kneeling with her legs astride Jess’ ankles. She’d recovered the feather, and brushed it over the top of Jess’ toes a couple of times as a warm up, before bending the feather and sliding it into the gaps between Jess’ toes, working the feather back and forth. Jen looked over her shoulder, seeing tears flowing from Jess’ eyes as she laughed from behind her gag. With a sly grin, Jen dropped the feather again, lowering her body to hold Jess’ feet further immobile before scrabbling her fingers across the soles of her friend’s feet.

Jess screamed, tugging at the rope binding her wrists, feeling the bed frame move slightly but nothing else – the knots were tight as steel. Jen didn’t relent, pushing Jess’ limits until she estimated she was ready to pass out. Jen climbed back off the bed, peeling away the tape and pulling the sock from Jess’ mouth.

“How was that?” Jen asked.

“Gah… that… horrible,” Jess replied through deep, panting gasps.

Jen allowed Jess a few more seconds to catch her breath, before slapping another strip of tape over her mouth, smoothing it out and applying several more until almost her entire face below her nose was covered. With the final bit from the roll, Jen blindfolded Jess and poked her nose, much in the same way Jess had done when she’d got her in the sleeping bag.

Jen untied Jess’ feet slowly, making sure that Jess understood not to fight. Jen untied Jess’ hands from the bed frame, but kept them bound. Holding the rope like a leash, Jen pulled Jess from the bed, pulling her elbows above her head and holding her hands behind her. She poked Jess from behind.

“Walk,” she commanded.

Jess took a hesitant step forward, before reassuring herself with the shaky belief that Jen wouldn’t deliberately walk her into a wall. She growled angrily when she felt her toe bang against a wall corner.

“Whoops,” Jen giggled, “Might need to learn some steering control.”

Jess grumbled and continued, taking the stairs extremely cautiously despite Jen’s prodding, eventually feeling tiles against her bare feet, signifying the kitchen. There was a low hum that she didn’t remember hearing last night, and she wondered at what it could be. It sounded like a refrigeration unit, but the walk in fridge and freezer hadn’t been switched on since her parents left on their holiday several months ago.

Uh oh…

“Wait here,” Jen said, hurrying and retrieving the large rabbit cage she’d found.

She took off Jess’ blindfold and untied her wrists, pointing to the open cage. “In with you.”

Jess complied reluctantly. It was a large cage – for rabbits, at least – the bottom covered with a plastic tray that had once been covered by shredded newspaper. The wide squares of the cage had also been resecured with a lining of chicken wire, but that too was missing now. Jess found it cramped, but could still crawl in. She rolled over so she sat with her legs out. “Mmm?”

“Perfect,” Jen replied.

She crouched down and bound Jess’ ankles with a pair of cable ties. She didn’t believe the perfect bondage equipment she’d found all over Jess’ house. Jen tucked Jess’ feet inside the cage, closing and locking it before moving around to the other side. Another pair of cable ties bound Jess’ wrists and thumbs, a third one holding them to the thick wire of the cage.

“Hmm, just for fun,” Jen muttered to herself, returning to Jess’ feet and binding her big toes together with another cable tie, running a final one around the cage and looping it through, holding Jess’ feet to the cage by her toes.

Jess tested her plastic bonds, wincing as she felt them biting into her skin. Jen lowered her body, pushing the occupied cage towards the heavy door of the refrigerated room. She recalled Jess telling her the reason why her parents had it installed, but forgot the reason itself. Realising that her fears about her destination were true, Jess began to protest loudly. Jen ignored her, opening the door and pushing the cage in. She squealed as she felt the floor suddenly become numbingly cold against her bare feet, moving Jess quickly underneath the large industrial liquid container that she had filled with water. The spout of the plastic tap protruding from the bottom stuck out over the edge of the shelf she’d left it on, and Jen turned the key until the water began to leak out in a steady drip, watching as the water impacted against Jess’ head. Nodding in satisfaction, she lugged another one onto the top of the cage, placing it so that the tap was just above Jess’ hips. With an evil grin, she took the hose connected to the refrigeration unit, snaking the free end of it down the back of Jess' shirt, watching her squirm as the water from the condenser dripped out.

“Sorry Jess,” Jen said, turning the tap to a faster drip, “Your pyjamas might get a little wet.”

Jess growled as the chilled water began to wet her. It had been barely a minute, and already she was feeling the cold. Last she remembered, the room had been set for 5° C. She hoped that Jen had made adjustments, but it didn’t seem likely.

“Back in a while,” Jen said casually, stepping out of the room and sliding the door closed, blocking out Jess’ muffled yells. She checked the display – 6.5° C. “She should be able to handle that.” Jen looked at her feet with a frown, “Now I need to wake these up somehow…”
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