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Can anyone read/understand Korean?


1st Level Blue Feather
Oct 11, 2001
hi. was wondering if any of our members here can read and understand Korean websites? there is one i'd like you to look at and tell me whats going on there. it appears they are selling tickling clips from there website that they get from hard working websites. they are also charging to stream other company's tickling movies.

if you can understand Korean on a website please email me here and say hi. many thanks to you.
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You're kidding, right?

Does anybody besides me find this a tad loathesome? We're talking about going after a foreign entity for selling streaming access to his server. It would be different if he were selling access to a server that didn't belong to him. With all due respect, I find this very petty indeed. Don't be surprised if the Korean counselate laughs at your complaint. :sowrong:

Are you saying copyright theft is cool if it crosses national boundries? Or simply that property owners shouldn't protect their rights, 'beacause it's just not a biggy'?

Are we talking about copyright infringement? Perhaps. Are the Koreans bound by US copyright laws? I honestly don't know. But I think there are reasonable limits as to how far one goes to "protect" his "rights" as you so eloquently put it. In my opinion, going after a foreign entity in an attempt to enforce US copyright laws is going far beyond those reasonable limits.

Another area of concern is the choice of words: "Selling clips they're getting from American sites." By suggesting that America is being ripped off, it seems clear the intent of this post is to inflame patriotic indignation. I would also place this in the category of going beyond the reasonable limits.

Another example of going beyond reasonable limits to "protect" one's "rights" would be having Ebay nix any attempted sale of an original, legitimately purchased video, just so one might be able to make money selling that material as streaming media.

Do you condone such strategies, Myriads?
I'm on record regarding sales of original material. It's personal property and it's owner can give it away, sell it, or light it on fire and dance around it. It's the same as selling a book. On this point I disagree with TiB. It's a personal possession and disposable as it's owner wishes.

As to copyright, Korea has a trade agreement with the US that covers copyright law, and upholds US copyright law. So TiB has every right to persue the theft of his work there if he chooses, and can proove it. It may be impossible, or too costly to do effectivly, but he can if he wants to. The one thing it's not, is petty.

Which brings me to the second point I like to be on record about. Copyright holders rights.

The second a creator looses control of his work via copyright violations, they loose the ability to make their living from that work. They are being robbed. Pure and simple. A creator must always have the ability to protect how and where their creations are sold. I support copyright law and it's global enforcement.

drew, I realize you like to be all rebellious n' stuff, but this

"Selling clips they're getting from American sites." By suggesting that America is being ripped off, it seems clear the intent of this post is to inflame patriotic indignation.

is twisting TiB's words into something they aren't. He says the Korean site is ripping off American sites because... well... how many Korean producers of tickling material do you know? Any?

...that's what I thought. Most of the tickling web sites, and producers, come from America. The Far East, especially China, is notorious for rampant piracy of American media. So TiB indicating that the Korean web site is ripping their material from American sites isn't rabble-rousing or rampant patriotism; it's just fact.
Take a closer look though.

tickler n black said:
it appears they are selling tickling clips from there website that they get from "American" sites.

What's up with the quotation marks? There are English, Canadian, French, Australian, Japanese, and Brazilian producers just to start. What would the nationality of the original producer have to do with anything if someone was most worried about copyrights and theft for everyone?
Hopefully it's just a zealous phrasing error. Maybe its HIS clips being sold. But it's not like clips from other worldwide producers haven't been streamed illegally in this land of the bush Regime.
Maybe Tibs could explain.
TiB is a businessman who has made a significant capital investment in his business. As such he has the right to complain to whomever when his property is stolen by someone else who is then profiting from it. If I was TiB I'd be screaming too. Just my opinion. Tom C.
hi all. thanks for the help. if you'll go back up to my first post you'll see i edited my post about "American". i wrote it in haste and after re-reading it saw that i didn't like how it sounded either. i never thought i'd ever say it but drew70 actually made a valid point that time. people could've read into it differently than what i meant by it. thanks for catching that for me drew70. 🙂 you're a real swell guy ya know. 😱

although i didn't write it in a way to make it patriotic, it could've been viewed that way yes. but as someone said above, the point i was trying to make is that they are stealing tickling movies from "my" area of the world (where most companies of tickling are) and selling them as streams and video cassettes without the original company's consent or knowledge of it. as many people have confirmed my feelings on this, that it is all out theft, i'm going to look into it is all. i owe myself that. thanks all.
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in fact, here are the companies they advertise on their site.

Realtickling, Ticklingparadise, Ticklehell, Meninbondage, MTP

thank you 4pawz for the info! 😉
All those? Boy, somebody has been busy. Maybe you could enlist help from the other companies? The more on your side, the better your chances.
Re: Re: Can anyone read/understand Korean?

Wilson said:
Take a closer look though.

What's up with the quotation marks? There are English, Canadian, French, Australian, Japanese, and Brazilian producers just to start. What would the nationality of the original producer have to do with anything if someone was most worried about copyrights and theft for everyone?
Hopefully it's just a zealous phrasing error. Maybe its HIS clips being sold. But it's not like clips from other worldwide producers haven't been streamed illegally in this land of the bush Regime.
Maybe Tibs could explain.

Not sure about the quotation marks, but it could just be TIB being descriptive. There doesn't seem to be a jingoistic tone to his post, just a pissed off, "that mellon farmer stole my work" one. I know I'd be pissed off if someone was stealing my livliehood. I probably wouldn't describe it as "British tickling media" simply because there's only one producer in this country and the comment would be out of context. There are over a dozen producers of such material in the US though, so TIB using that term may not be soooooooo out of place.

As for Drew, well don't mind him. He always turns on the most objectional side of his personality whenever TIB's around. It's become a standing joke. 😀 Just TIB making a post renders Drew so annoyed that he can't even spell consulate properly. :dogpile:

:bouncybou :couch: :dogpile: :bump: :atom: :xpulcy: :woot:

*This has been another Big Jim multiple smiley announcement*
Myriads said:
On this point I disagree with TiB. It's a personal possession and disposable as it's owner wishes.


Am I reading something wrong or did you misype Myr? It says disagree, but everything you said was in agreement with TIB. What am I missing?

(Apart from a life.😀)
To clairify for Jim:

I agree with TiB on his copyright enforcment stance. In this one he is protecting his own property rights. The copyright infringers are profiting off his work, which is wrong. I'm all for him going after them. They are picking his pocket.

I disagree with his 'you can't sell your original tape' stance. In this one he is attempting to limit an individual from dispossing of property that they have paid for in full and own. The sellers are not attempting to profit from his work, as they are simply disposing of one copy of material, and their intent is to not sell mass copies of same, but be rid of the item, and empty their abode of unwanted possesions. Just like the sales of used DVD's CD's and books, the law allows for this form of second sale of intelectual property in respect of peoples property rights. Thus my disagreement with him on that issue.

So is it then illegal for TIB to forbid the reselling of his videos in the circumstances you describe? I always thought that TIB forbidding people from selling their videos on Ebay was a bunch of bullshitt anyways.
Indeed, Myriads is correct and the law is on his side. Once you buy a tape from any video producer, you own that copy of it and - as long as you don't alter it in any way - you can sell it like any other piece of property you own. MAJOR video companies (ie: Warner Brothers) have conceded that point and have that information posted on their websites when discussing copyrights and infringement of their material. (In fact, prove it for yourself: Go to ebay's Rules & Safety Overview page, then click on Verified Rights Owners (Vero) Program, then click on List of Active Participants. Choose a major video producer and see what they say. Here is Warner Brothers' exact quote from the Q&A section of copyright legalities:

Q: If I purchase a legitimate copy of one videocassette from an authorized retailer, can I re-sell that single copy on eBay?
A: It is legal to re-sell the single authorized videocassette that you purchased. But, be careful - you cannot make copies of authorized videocassettes and sell them.

- Westchester Tickler
Myriads said:

I disagree with his 'you can't sell your original tape' stance.

Ah, I'm with you now. Sorry for being a dunce. 😀
Yes the law is on his side, but it would be time and money consuming for him to pursue it civilly.

I don't think he has anythign against sale of original copies, but he thinks most people who do make backup copies which they then keep, essentially profiting from the duplication. Yes the sell the original, but the sale creates two copies on an already fringe market.
There's no way he can enforce that though to my knowledge, except by asking eBay to not let his material be sold there.
But that violates the right of someone who, for example, buys a tape he doesn't like and then is prevented from selling it on ebay. When it comes right down to it, that person's right will be upheld before the video producer's who suspects that all sellers made copies for themselves. Come on, some of the videos out there suck and I have the right to try sell them to regain some of my money. In another case, I liked a VHS video so much I bought a DVD version of it and then, legally, sold the VHS version. In TiB's world, both types sales wouldn't be allowed although they, in no way, break the law or infringe on his copyright protection.
- Westchester Tickler
No-one ever suggested that TIB had the law on his side in the case of re-selling original copies. (Not even he did.) I suspect that TIB was just trying to lower the ciculation of illegal copies by whatever means he had at his command.

There are plenty of ways to flog off an old vid you don't want without using eBay though.
Sure there are, but I find ebay to be super convenient and fast and that option shouldn't be closed off to me. (And I sell lots more stuff on eaby than videos.) Luckily, I don't have any more of his I'm looking to sell so it's a moot point for me with regard to TiB... but if other producers do the same - and since ebay just takes the video producer's say-so that the copy isn't authorized for sale - it sets a bad precedent. That's my point. Look, I've purchased close to 500 titles - 99% directly from producers like TiB, FMC, Paradise Vision, et al. I don't have room to keep them all, especially when there are so many clunkers. I don't need someone saying I'm either stuck with their unwanted product, or I have to use a selling venue they'll allow me to!
- Westchester Tickler
I appreciate your point mate. 🙂 Everyone's got an interest in this one. Take Drew for instance. He's very happy to plan a civillised discourse about copyright theft.

Originally posted elsewhere on the internet by Drew70

> Wow. I don't know what nefarious deeds TIB
> has done in the past

Doc, where've you been, pal? Remember all the hubbub about lifetime
memberships that were shitcanned after six months? That was TIB's
baby. He's the same guy who said he didn't have time to ship videos
because of a sick mother, yet still manages to run his streaming video
business, not to mention keeping watch on EBay to nix any resale of
even legitimately purchased videos. I could go on, but you get the
picture I'm sure.

> BUT here you are talking about the "depths"
> he's sunk to but all he's doing is trying
> to keep a thief from stealing from him
> (if I read you correctly).

Oh please, get real, Doc. It would be one thing if Paradise Vision or
Uncle Steve were doing this. But we're talking a Korean site selling
to Korean people in a target market TIB wouldn't have the wherewithall
to approach. It's not like he's losing anything. He's just being his
usual petty self.

> So what would you do if someone was stealing
> from you at work or at home. Turn the other
> cheek? Bendover and let someone screw you?

It all depends on what was "stolen" and whether or not it really
qualifies as "theft."

> The "ripping off America" sounds funny to me.

It should indeed. It's a typical ploy by TIB. Rather than come out
and admit the truth he hides behind phraseology designed to elicit
emotional response. A sick mother....America being ripped off...etc.

> But if there is theft,
> then there is theft, plain and simple.

With emphasis on the word "if." Face it Doc, people have differing
ideas on what constitutes theft over the internet. I don't consider
what the Korean site was doing as theft. All these values you refer
to are still generally regarded today by decent folk. But over the
internet, if you think about it, all you're downloading is raw data.
Zero's and ones, essentially.

But the real issue here is TIB. He's such a greedy weasil he'll even
go as far as traversing international waters in his quest for

Such a chamring chap is our Drew.😀
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