Originally posted elsewhere on the internet by Drew70
> Wow. I don't know what nefarious deeds TIB
> has done in the past
Doc, where've you been, pal? Remember all the hubbub about lifetime
memberships that were shitcanned after six months? That was TIB's
baby. He's the same guy who said he didn't have time to ship videos
because of a sick mother, yet still manages to run his streaming video
business, not to mention keeping watch on EBay to nix any resale of
even legitimately purchased videos. I could go on, but you get the
picture I'm sure.
> BUT here you are talking about the "depths"
> he's sunk to but all he's doing is trying
> to keep a thief from stealing from him
> (if I read you correctly).
Oh please, get real, Doc. It would be one thing if Paradise Vision or
Uncle Steve were doing this. But we're talking a Korean site selling
to Korean people in a target market TIB wouldn't have the wherewithall
to approach. It's not like he's losing anything. He's just being his
usual petty self.
> So what would you do if someone was stealing
> from you at work or at home. Turn the other
> cheek? Bendover and let someone screw you?
It all depends on what was "stolen" and whether or not it really
qualifies as "theft."
> The "ripping off America" sounds funny to me.
It should indeed. It's a typical ploy by TIB. Rather than come out
and admit the truth he hides behind phraseology designed to elicit
emotional response. A sick mother....America being ripped off...etc.
> But if there is theft,
> then there is theft, plain and simple.
With emphasis on the word "if." Face it Doc, people have differing
ideas on what constitutes theft over the internet. I don't consider
what the Korean site was doing as theft. All these values you refer
to are still generally regarded today by decent folk. But over the
internet, if you think about it, all you're downloading is raw data.
Zero's and ones, essentially.
But the real issue here is TIB. He's such a greedy weasil he'll even
go as far as traversing international waters in his quest for