What started it all for me was "The Case of the Killer Kimono", the classic TMNT episode where Don Tortilini torture April O'neil by tickling her defenseliss foot with a stiff white feather. Oh the laughter mesmerized me, and the tool facinated me. I had dreams over and over and over and over and over again of being in Don's shoes and gliding the tip of that feather up and down April's foot. It became my world to tickle, my passion, my writing inspiration, my hobby, and when brought to a sexual level.....my perfection.
I remember, as a kid, walking around the neighborhood for HOURS looking on the ground for the perfect feather from a bird. One day I came across this perfectly shaped, long, stiff, gentle tipped, black feather....probably a raven or crow feather, not to experienced in that field.....and brought it home, gently cleaned it and went down the path to my addiction. Every friend that I had I would at one point or another convince to sit on one of the kitchen table chairs and I would have them stick their foot through the back of another chair where I would duct tape their ankle...or ankles....and then duct tape their big toes to the little poles on the back of the chair...because I wanted them to move around as much or less than April O'neil......and then I would go to work. Slowly gliding the tip of my feather gently across their soles, from heel slowly up the arch, across the pads, up to the toes and then back down again. I would repeat this stroking motion for minutes at a time, increasing my speed little by little. Oh how they laughed...how they screamed with smiles....it was so pure and arousing, I wanted more. I would then zig-zag the feather over the arch, or whatever part got the greatest reaction and I would stop...and they never begged me to seriously stop.
Alas, here I am today, continuing my childhood dream in the form of a sexually arousing, pleasurable, fun, and strategic hobby. Thank you TMNT, you led me down the path of greatness.