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Can Someone Please Explain Why Catholics Can't Eat Meat On Fridays During Lent?


TMF Regular
Jul 30, 2007
I never understood this. From what I understand Catholics are supposed to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, but I never got why they must refrain from meat in particular.

Is this something that is still in the Church law or do people do this no meat on Fridays thing on their own?

It's confusing because there is nothing in the Scriptures that say that you cannot eat meat on Fridays during Lent. However, Lent is not mentioned in the Scriptures either so that makes sense.

Also to add, I know of some Catholics who do not eat meat on every Wednesday and Friday throughout the whole year. I never got why people did this.

So essentially what I want to know is why the specific ban on meat on Fridays during Lent and if this is still official doctrine or some old tradition that has never left?
? never heard of this rule before...I'm Catholic and as far as I know, my priest never made a mention of that in all my years of attending church...could be another branch of Catholicism or some relic of the past...I eat meat on a near-daily basis XP
Lent is a call to prepare for Easter. Lent recalls Christ's 40 days in the desert when he prepared for the final phase of His ministry. During this period of serious reflection, you spend time in self-examination and spiritual redirection. It is a time for you to acknowledge your shortcomings and to seek forgiveness for where you have fallen in your faith. Lent offers you the opportunity to seek spiritual renewal through the practice of prayer and self-denial. In the days when meat was a delicacy, to give it up meant giving up something precious. Today the teaching is still the same, but giving meat up is not the means to self-denial anymore, since meat is so easy to come by.
? never heard of this rule before...I'm Catholic and as far as I know, my priest never made a mention of that in all my years of attending church...could be another branch of Catholicism or some relic of the past...I eat meat on a near-daily basis XP

Seriously? That's a major thing during Lent, although I think if you are under 14 you can eat meat.
Yep no meat on Ash Wednesday and Fridays during Lent. Friday was McDonald's Filet o Fish day for me back in high school.

It is a tradition that has its origins when days of fasting were common as a form of penitence. It was inherited by Christians from the Jewish traditions. There really was no hard and fast rule on the days. Friday was generally the day that the early Christians did it. Ash Wednesday became an obligatory day as well as Fridays during Lent. Meat was considered a luxury back in the 1st Century so it was the no-brainer as to what food was to be given up.

Fish was allowed because it wasn't considered a warm-blooded animal. I'm sure that there is some passage in Acts somewhere that noted warm-blooded animals specifically. There is a story that one of the early Popes wanted to give a boost to fishermen so he gave a special dispensation to fish as being OK to eat during Lent on Fridays.
What FD said... ^^^

Wendys is already advertising their fish sandwich, and I've seen an increase in Long John Silver's commercials. Try visiting either place now on a Friday evening and see the caravan of cars lined up around the drive-thrus.
hm...maybe it could vary from church to church...the tradition of Lent still applies, but not the whole refrain from eating meat thing...at least from what I can remember....it's been a while since I last been to church thanks to being in a college dormroom with no nearby churches within walking distance to attend to...
Bah. Lent. Not eating meat. Not eating shrimp. Working on the sabbath being a crime punishable by death. This stuff was all made up thousands of years ago and by god we're still doing it (and killing people over it as well).

We need a world wide religion that requires daily snuggling and hugging of your neighbor, minding the consequences of your actions, and just requiring you not hurt people. No offense to any religious person and certainly no offense to Christians (as ALOT of you guys and gals are good people and fun to talk to) but when did the focus become more about worship and ritual and less about just being a decent human being?
I think it's all fascinating stuff from a purely outsider view. I'm not Catholic, but many of the rituals and customs are REALLY COOL! Like for instance Mardi Gras (Carnival) season! Life's a big party for a couple of weeks prior to Lent! How great is THAT? :nycelebrate:

So you're stuck with fish on a particular day. How bad is that really? (secretly loves fish)
It's for the same reason men can't shave, women can't wear pants, and that you're not supposed to eat shrimp at certain times.

Absolutely no reason for it at all.

Here's a scenario. A man is homeless but a devout Catholic. He prays every day. Goes to church when he can, and so on. But he hasn't had anything to eat in days and someone buys him a ham sandwich. It happens to be a Friday during Lent. According to the bible, if he eats it, he's going to burn in hell.

I have to question a religion with this line of reasoning.

It happens to be a Friday during Lent. According to the bible, if he eats it, he's going to burn in hell.

I have to question a religion with this line of reasoning.

If this is your understanding of Catholicism then I would suggest learning a little more. :rolleyes

The purpose of the fast is to deprive yourself. To help atone for your personal failings and to connect with those of lesser means than yourself. If you are already destitute you can't very well lower yourself any further.
If this is your understanding of Catholicism then I would suggest learning a little more. :rolleyes

The purpose of the fast is to deprive yourself. To help atone for your personal failings and to connect with those of lesser means than yourself. If you are already destitute you can't very well lower yourself any further.

For someone who grew up with Irish Catholic parents, went to Catholic school for 9 years of her life, catechism on Saturdays, and church on Sundays, I think I know a bit. Which is why I decided to leave the church before I was confirmed. I know the point of the fasting and giving up things for lent, but eating fish on Fridays is just one of the many ridiculous rules made up by a bunch of crazy guys claiming to see burning bushes and sleeping in big fish for days, over 1000 years ago.
Yeah well I went to Our Lady of Perpetual Hope School and a catholic high school. I know my shit too. :stickout

My point was that you are not going to hell for eating meat on Friday if that was your only meal. And nobody is saying that you have to eat fish on Friday, it is only the OK'd meat if one wants that as a source of protein. I'm sure that tofu burgers are fine as well.

In addition the idea of a occasional fast is far from a ridiculous rule. Believe me I have my own problems with my choice of faith, but this is nowhere near it.
Yeah well I went to Our Lady of Perpetual Hope School and a catholic high school. I know my shit too. :stickout

My point was that you are not going to hell for eating meat on Friday if that was your only meal. And nobody is saying that you have to eat fish on Friday, it is only the OK'd meat if one wants that as a source of protein. I'm sure that tofu burgers are fine as well.

In addition the idea of a occasional fast is far from a ridiculous rule. Believe me I have my own problems with my choice of faith, but this is nowhere near it.

Ok, so what exactly is the punishment then for someone who claims to be Catholic, but doesn't fast during lent, provided they are not destitute?
Ok, so what exactly is the punishment then for someone who claims to be Catholic, but doesn't fast during lent, provided they are not destitute?

Hold on, I'll give God a call on my cell and I'll get back to you.

In my personal understanding no one sin is going to get between you and God. It is only one step that will take you further along a path. If one step is fine then another is fine and then another then before you know you are along way away. It is the balance of your actions that will determine your fate. In the grand scheme of things if eating a ham sandwich on a Friday during Lent is the only thing on your conscience when you die then I would say that you are fine. However if eating that sandwich is indicative of living a selfish life, of being a far worse person turning your back to someone in need, betraying a friend etc. Then you are in more than hip deep. The idea is to do your best to live a good life in total by being a good person in general.

OK... I just got texted back. It's one Hail Mary.
That's cool, although God may not even want to be worshipped by said hypothetical homeless man.

- Leviticus 21:17-21:

Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God. For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous, Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded, Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken; No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God.
I see your point but that quote is from Leviticus which is the OT. I prefer looking to the NT, besides taking the Bible literally is one of my bugaboos.🙂
One of mine, is how Catholics get to pick and choose which laws seem to apply and which don't and it differs depending on which Catholic you're talking to. Yet, they get really hung up on some that still seem ridiculous. Fasting is great, to make you understand what Jesus went through during the 40 days he was in the desert and tempted by evil, to help people better understand that there are others that don't have simple necessities, but I don't see many people giving back during lent, which is what they probably should be doing.

And yeah, that was from leviticus, which is also where you read about homosexuals being damned to Hell. A law that is apparently still active.

Here's a scenario. A man is homeless but a devout Catholic. He prays every day. Goes to church when he can, and so on. But he hasn't had anything to eat in days and someone buys him a ham sandwich. It happens to be a Friday during Lent. According to the bible, if he eats it, he's going to burn in hell.

I would love for you to show me that passage.
I don't know the passage, but based on the rules and punishments of other sins, I just assumed.

Punishment for talking back to your parents is death:

- Leviticus 20:9:

For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him.

Punishment for picking up sticks on Sunday is death:

- Numbers 15:32-35:

And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day. And they that found him gathering sticks brought him unto Moses and Aaron, and unto all the congregation. And they put him in ward, because it was not declared what should be done to him. And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp.

I'm going to burn in Hell, along with many others, for being born out of wedlock:

- Deuteronomy 23:2:

"A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation."
I just want a religion that requires us to be nice people to one another...no strings attached. ^~
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