A better idea would be to donate to the playground fund one of our local DJ;s has started.....
Here's the info: Make checks payable to We Are The Children, write "Playground Fund" in the memo section. Send your checks to Gary Craig, c/o We Are The Children, 10 Executive Drive, Farmington, CT 06032
Here is Gary's post on Facebook....
I have devoted a good portion of my professional life here in Connecticut to making kids happy. When this evil, horrific senseless killing of innocent children took place in our state, I was crushed, and am still having quite a time dealing with the loss of life. For a split second, I actually considered cancelling the We Are The Children party. I asked myself,
"how can I justify having a party for children, when such an unspeakable event has HAPPENED to children in our state?" But I realize, having the party for children is more important that ever. Showing who we are, and what we
are in the face of adversity has always meant something. We Are The Children has always been about making sure that kids know there are people that care about them, and that love them, even if it's for just 3 hours on Christmas day. They need to know that no matter how bad their situation might be, there is always a bright spot. The We Are The Children immediate crisis
fund has always been in place to help any child in need in the state of Connecticut, and that doesn't change now. I will make myself availablke to any family in need, in our state. I have contacted the Governor's office and forwarded my contact information. Recently, in my quest to create something that would benefit chidren the rest of the year, we've started
a fund to begin building playgrounds in Connecticut in the spring. Joe Lee suggested that maybe the first one should be in Newtown, and that it should be dedicated to the memory of all the lost and innocent souls. I think it's a most worthy idea. If any of you would like to make a donation to the organization, you can make it right online at
www.garycraig.com. Thank you all from my heart.
Gary began the "we are the Children Charity years ago. Every Christmas day since he has had Christmas dinner for thousands of kids and their families complete with gifts. He does this for those who would otherwise have no Christmas. He now is working towards building a playground in Newtiwn in memory of those lost....