-> BellyButtonsRock
You are quoting a religious text.
And that is just one religion - and one culture. 🙂
Again, story showed religion is - quite often - just a tool.
Something to keep people apart. A tool to give or take power and keep the ruled in line.
I'm not saying that God [god? gods?] is not. I'm saying that trying to desume a higher being's will/thought is quite hard, especially from a century old book - passed through many, many communities, which all had different outlooks and ideas on morality and life.
Besides, the quote says: "foolish". Not wrong.
We have been given free will. To try and sample. And discover if - for us - something is really wrong, just foolish, or maybe not too bad after all.
Clearly, this is MY outlook.
I have a spiritual life and "layman" [there isn't the proper word in english] moral and ethics.
Just I don't go by a book [or the Book] when making choices.
I go by my feelings, by common sense, by experience, and by thought. And sometimes I can do "right", despite all my shortcomings. 🙂
So, take care and... widen you perspectives. 🙂