Ace Riley said:
But despite my love for that, I'm also a big fan of The Last Laugh. Which has fully clothed girls in unique positions having absolute fun with each other. (And occasionally getting that evil glint in their eyes right before tickling the shit out of each other 😛) TLL has had a girl tied up to a stove in the woods, and has had girls in stocks, one girl was hanging from a doorway tickled by two girls. And one has one tightly bound tickled by the producer himself. The extreme variety, choice of formats (VHS, Clips on CD, or DVD), make TLL one of the bests out there. Even if the girls do beg in french. (Or Canadian, whatever lol) 🙂
Open up your flavors a little. The scenery to me is not as important as the bondage.
Hi Ace! Just happened to check out this post and I noticed The Last Laugh being mentioned. Thank you for your kind comments about my work. Yeah, the girls do have fun, and while my videos tend to be on the playful side, the girls do lean towards the sadistic side from time to time.
Now, I totally agree that a variety of situations/positions/techniques/locations is a good thing, even though it's not absolutely necessary. It's what makes a scene or video unique. However, when one doesn't have easy access to a few different places, is further limited by not having a car, and also doesn't have much in the way of equipment, there's only so much one can do to make each video totally different from the others. We producers don't all have a lot of resources. We don't all have access to clubs and such, and we don't all have a big house that provides a lot of variety. It's not something you can do just about anywhere. I personally can't even use my own apartment because of the noise. That can be somewhat limiting.
I do try different things when I can, but it's not always easy. I often go back to the basics, or the same locations. I mean, for more variety I'd need access to many original places, ideally a dungeon or something like that, and that's quite impossible. Besides, considering my models are ordinary girls, not fetish models, I get the feeling that some of the more original bondage situations would be quite intimidating to them. I probably wouldn't be very comfortable myself.
There are also time restrictions to consider. Some of the more original positions require more time to prepare, possibly even a bit of travelling. If it were only up to me I'd be more than happy to take the extra time. But the thing is that I have to be careful not to ask too much of the models. They're not professional models, and I don't pay them by the hour. If a shoot takes too long they can get a bit impatient or tired. They can even become less ticklish with time. So if I spend too much time on the bondage job or finding a good place, I might risk sacrificing the ticklish reactions or having the models become a bit annoyed with me.
Doing a shoot isn't just a matter of technical issues. It's also very psychological, especially because of the models. So I have to do a tricky balancing act and arrive to a compromise. Because of this, there are times I have a good idea for a shoot but eventually drop it because I don't feel the time or the mood allows it.
Ankles locked in stocks with the wrists tied over the head is a good standard, easily acceptable for most people, and it's something I can easily do with my equipment, so it's something I do regularly. Not very original, I know, but it works well. And I feel that even when shooting in the same place and in the same positions, simply changing models can provide an acceptable level of variety. Different looks, different attitudes, different laughter...
As for bondage being really important, that's a matter of taste. Some people actually prefer light bondage that allows the models to struggle and even fight back a bit. Personally, I rarely use super restrictive bondage. I'd need professional equipment that I don't have and don't care to use, and the models might not like that. I do use methods that prevent the ticklees from defending themselves much. But I also do some scenes where the models are not only capable of fighting back, but are actually totally free. Tickle fights, I mean. Such scenes can be pretty wild.
The models can also be half free, like that scene in ZETA where the models are on the massage table, one on her back and the other one above here, facing her, all four ankles locked in stocks. Somewhat limited in their movements because of the stocks, but otherwise quite free to dish it out with their hands. An other example is a somewhat similar scene in my latest video, LAMBDA, the main difference being that the models are on either side of the bench instead of facing each other directly. While they can't really see each othe this way, they're free to feel what's on the other side, and it works almost as well. I think it's a rather original position, even though it doesn't feature full bondage.
So I think semi-bondage or no bondage at all can be fun and even original. But again, it depends on one's tastes. I must say that while several of my videos include tickle fight scenes or semi-restrained scenes, I personally wouldn't make a full video of it. It's usually a small portion of a video, the rest featuring various levels of bondage, which, I have to admit, does offer more possibilities overall. But I do like to allow the models to do a little tickle fight at the beginning of a video. It gets them in the mood and serves as a warm-up session.
If I may comment on a few items of your post, I believe that the girl standing in the doorway (something I've been incapable of doing again, I'm sorry to say) is only tickled by one person. Her older sister, actually. That's assuming you're referring to Lisa and Caroline from BETA.
Regarding video formats, I do offer all three, but I've decided to drop CD-ROMs from now on. The older titles are still available, but starting with KAPPA my videos will only be offered on DVD and VHS. There's just not enough demand for CD-ROMs. I only sold 2 since I started selling DVDs in April.
As for language, it is indeed French, but a very different dialect from France French. Can't call it Canadian, since your typical Canadian English is nearly identical to American English (I do say nearly), and I doubt most Canadians would agree with a French dialect being called "Canadian". Let's just call it "Quebecois" French, since it's the dialect spoken in the province of Quebec, at least by the francophone population. Mind you, people from Quebec and people from France can understand each other fairly well overall (though some words and expressions can easily go over our heads), but an American who's learned France French or a more international version as a second language is likely to get quite lost trying to understand our Quebecois gibberish.