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Chemistry 101 (FF/M)

Sherbet Riley

Registered User
Nov 20, 2022
The weather forecast had predicted a “light snowfall,” flurries to send students home for the holidays on a festive note. Mark should have known better. He’d attended Needleham University long enough to know that there was no such thing as a light snowfall around here. His first semester, Mark had overslept and had to race across campus to Chem 101. It had been -11 degrees outside, the first time he had ever known such cold. By the time Mark reached his class, the vapor from his breath had frozen his eyelashes together. The campus was next to Lake Mirano, and it was not uncommon for sudden storms to brew on the lake. Carried by strong winds, these storms would inevitably be carried over the campus, flash freezing it within minutes. In all his time attending the university, Mark had only ever known flurries to augur an oncoming blizzard. Yet despite this, he believed the weather forecast every time. He was a man of science, after all.

If it had been up to him, Mark would have already been halfway home. Instead he was in Randall Hall. This close to winter break the campus was nearly deserted. Most of the student body had already turned in their final essays for the semester. It was December 2001 and the novelty of emailing in one’s work from the comfort of home was a new and welcome luxury. Unfortunately for students like Mark with in-person final exams, they had to stick around campus until the bitter end with unenthused RA’s who could not themselves leave until they’d checked out the last of their departing classmates.

Mark tried to focus on his biochemistry exam. The sooner he was finished, the sooner he could pack up and hit the road. But his attention kept drifting to the window, watching with growing anxiety as the snow continued to come down harder and harder, blanketing the campus in swaths of white. Already the roof of the campus center was nearly covered and Mark assumed the roads would not be far behind. If he didn’t get on the road soon, it was likely that Mark would be stranded on campus until the storm passed. Already he was worried it might be too late. Of course he’d be enrolled in one of the few classes that held its exam on the final day of exam week.

But travel and chemistry were not the only things occupying Mark’s thoughts as his pencil scraped against his sheet of scratch paper. For days he’d been gripped by a palpable anxiety that had been eating at him night and day. You see, Mark had a secret. He was a fetishist, and not one of the fortunate ones. Mark had always known he was different. He’d watched as other boys his age developed fixations on women's’ breasts and legs while he preferred to rewatch the same VHS over and over again, one that he had recorded of a particular “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” episode.

Not only did Mark have a potent tickle fetish but perhaps an even stronger foot fetish. Aside from the weather, what most dismayed Mark about the winter season was his classmates’ months-long switch to boots and other closed-toe shoes. He much preferred the start and end of the year, when female students favored flip flops and sandals, airing out their feet on the quad and slipping out of their Birkenstocks in class. That was when Mark could innocently watch them from afar and lose himself in his fantasies. He’d started keeping a green, spiral-bound notebook with him at all times, where he could privately draw his classmates’ feet and any number of ticklish situations they might find themselves in. Even more privately, Mark could insert himself into these scenes, where his own feet could be bared and teased by his crushes in the safety of his notebook.

That notebook was the very thing that had been gnawing at him for days. You see, Mark’s notebook had recently disappeared. Since picking it up, the notebook had rarely been out of Mark’s sight. Short of theft Mark could scarcely think of an explanation for how it could have gone missing. He tried retracing his steps, racing to figure out where he may have left it. At best, perhaps he’d left it behind in the library or maybe the dining hall, where it had been thrown away by a well-meaning member of the janitorial staff. But this was unlikely. Mark was not the type to be so careless as to simply leave his precious notebook behind. But this was preferable to the most likely explanation, which was far more worrisome…

If Mark we being honest with himself, he’d have to acknowledge that it had always given him a small sexual thrill — bringing this collection of fetish art with him everywhere he went. The idea that a simple wayward glance or curious passerby was all it would take for his kinky little fantasies to be laid bare excited him greatly. Shy as he was, Mark had something of an exhibitionist streak in him. But this was best left to the world of fantasy. Now that Mark’s notebook had actually gone missing, he didn’t find the prospect of his secrets being exposed even the least bit erotic.

Making matters worse, Mark had run out of time. It was the end of the semester and time for him to go home for the holidays. It would be weeks before Mark was back on campus. Who knows how many people might look at his notebook between now and then. Hell, dozens of girls could have seen his artwork by now. What if Valerie Kornblatt…?

Mark’s pencil broke and he was suddenly snapped out of his shame spiral. Nothing else could happen before he finished his exam. Best to focus on that and worry about the notebook later, he reasoned. He’d probably find it during the course of packing Yes, that seemed likely. It would turn up, he reassured himself. Mark took a deep breath and turned to the final sheet of his exam.

Outside, the snow continued to fall. The campus really was gorgeous in the wintertime.


By the time Mark was making his way back to Clement Hall the “flurries” had progressed into a full on blizzard. Road closures were being announced via radio and local news broadcasts, and campus security was instructing all students that remained on campus to shelter in place in their dorms. Mark was rushing across campus to his dorm, doing his best to not let his eyelashes freeze. His nose was running and his shoes were soaked. A fresh anxiety was rising in his chest now, intermingled with guilt.

Missy and Lisa were waiting for Mark back at their dorm. Weeks ago the three of them had made a plan to carpool back downstate for the holiday break. Though Missy and Lisa had finished their exams two days prior, they had kindly offered to stay behind and wait the extra days until Mark had finished his finals so the three of them could travel back together. Mark had felt bad about this even then, but the girls had assured him they were happy to kill time on campus until Mark was ready. Now a blizzard had descended, delaying their journey for at least another day. If it hadn’t been for him, Mark thought, Lisa and Missy could be home with their families by now. He hoped they weren’t mad at him.

Mark had met Missy and Lisa on the university’s cross country team. It had been a great way to meet people when Mark first arrived at school and had brought him out of his shell, even if only a little. Mark liked cross country. Unlike other athletic pursuits, he didn’t have to worry about catching a ball or making it to base, he simply had to run and keep running. Missy and Lisa were among the first friends he’d made at school and together the three of them formed an almost sibling-like bond. Missy was the blonde girl next door, outgoing and friendly, while Lisa had light brown hair and bangs, with the motor-mouthed and sarcastic cadence of a sitcom character.

Mark knew better than to view Missy and Lisa as potential romantic partners, but that didn’t stop him from crushing on them hard. They treated him like a baby brother and he’d learned to be okay with that. It was an unfortunate affliction for Mark and the similarly shy boys like him, to fall in love with any pretty girl who showed them even the smallest bit of affection. But Mark knew the score. He was firmly in the “little brother” zone with them.

But that hadn’t stopped him from fantasizing. One of Mark’s favorite things about the cross country team was that it afforded him plenty of chances to sneak peeks at Lisa and Missy’s feet on occasion. It wasn’t uncommon for them to slip off their running shoes and peel off their socks to rest their feet in the grass between races. On a few previous occasions they’d caught Mark staring at their pale little feet. Mark would blush and stammer through excuses — he was looking at a ladybug, he was just zoning out — and the girls would delight in how red and flustered he got. They’d tease him and ask why he never bared his own feet during breaks, which only made him blush even more. Feet held an incredible amount of sexual power for Mark, and he had as complicated a relationship to his own feet as he did with the ones he ogled and lusted after. Baring his own feet made him feel naked and embarrassed, tickled that exhibitionist in him in ways that made his stomach flip. When Missy or Lisa would playfully pull at his laces or otherwise tried to pry his shoe off, he’d run away while they giggled themselves silly at his outsized reaction. They never failed to get a rise out of him.

By the time he reached his dorm room, Mark was soaked, with clumps of snow falling off his clothes with every step. The dorm was dark, quiet. He half-expected to find that Missy and Lisa had already left. Not that Mark would have blamed them.

He logged onto his AIM account, short of running into them in the hallway it was the easiest way to find out if they were around. Upon logging in he was bombarded with messages from both Missy and Lisa, asking if he was back yet. He hastily typed out an apology, doubling down on his “sorries” and asked if they were still on campus, making sure to stress that he totally understood if they had decided not to wait for him.

But what really grabbed his attention was seeing BananaPhone00 online. That was Valerie Kornblatt’s username. Of all the girls on campus, perhaps she was the one that truly had his heart. Unlike Missy or Lisa, who were beautiful but outgoing and confident, Valerie was the type of shy nerd that Mark could actually see himself with. She had a round face and kind eyes that crinkled when she laughed, framed by loose strands of dirty-blonde hair. They had met in Randall Hall, where Valerie did her work study. Not only was she nice to Mark but they hard genuine, yes, chemistry.

What Mark secretly feared most was that Valerie might have stumbled upon his precious green notebook. How many pages had he devoted to drawing ticklish scenarios involving him and Valerie? At least half of his notebook’s drawings were of her, her feet, her laughing face. Valerie lived down the hall from Missy and Lisa. They knew each others names but didn’t hang out very often outside of dorm activities. Missy and Lisa were outgoing, sporty types, the girls who could make friends at any party. Valerie, on the other hand, was a shy, geeky girl who was more likely to skip parties in favor of board game nights and cozy movies in bed. She and Mark had that in common, that shy, nerdy disposition, a softness and care that was all to quickly discarded once students left home. They were both still fundamentally themselves, never trying to be anything or anyone else. While other students around them were fashioning new personas and identities at college, Mark and Valerie were comfortable in their own skin, knew who they were. That quiet confidence, that certainty, is one of the things that endeared Mark to Val.

That, and she was super freaking cute. Maybe she was still on campus. If she was, he could…

Mark was snapped out of his reverie by a new IM from Missy, her response to his frantic apologies.

MsMissy80: hey! sorry just saw these. we’re still here! didn’t finish packing in time lol. r u here?

MarkeyMark: Like on campus?

MsMissy80: no lol the dorm

MarkeyMark: Oh yeah. Almost had to tunnel through the snow to get back

MsMissy80: luv it. looks like we’ll be here a while.

MarkeyMark: Looks that way.

MsMissy80: oh! btw lisa and i wanted to ask, did u lose a green spiral notebook?

Mark’s stomach dropped. He felt as though he were falling from a great height and unable to see the bottom. Oh god. Mark knew that within that notebook were dozens of daydreams and sketches about “M & L” and the things he wanted to do to them, and they to him. Immediately his mind was racing about other people who he could claim stood in for “M & L” but even if he could, the likeness of the drawings would be a dead giveaway. He was screwed. Before his panic could blossom into a full on meltdown, another IM came in.

MsMissy80: i found it in my bag and it wasn’t mine. don’t think it’s lisa’s either.

The fact that she hadn’t said anything more was good news. For a moment Mark was able to calm down. If she had looked inside she would have probably said something by now. Missy was being her usual, friendly self. Mark couldn’t imagine a world where she’d still be willing to be his friend, much less talk to him, if she’d taken a look inside the notebook. Mark needed to get that notebook back before she thought to take a look.

MarkeyMark: Oh! Yes, I’ve been looking for that! I’d love to get it back.

The seconds ticked by like minutes, Mark’s eyes glued to the screen, waiting for Missy to respond. He nearly leaped out of his skin when he heard a knock at the door.

“Mark?” It was Lisa’s voice. What was she doing here?


“We just wanted to give you back your notebook and figure out when we’re gonna try to leave.”


“Hey Mark…” Oh god, it was Missy.

Without even thinking, Mark raced to tidy up his room. He’d been in the middle of packing when he’d left to take his exam that morning and his room looked as though it had been sacked by an invading horde. Mark hurriedly tossed stray socks and wrinkled shirts into his still open suitcase, wiping away crumbs from his desk by hand, and kicking various items under his bed.

“Just - just a second!”

“We’re waaaaaiting…” Lisa chimed. Already she was starting to hum the Jeopardy! theme.

Mark’s heart was in his chest by the time he finally summoned the nerve to open the door. There they were, Missy and Lisa. M & L. Immediately his eyes shot to his green notebook, tucked under Missy’s arm. They were smiling. Was that good?

“About time,” Lisa smiled as she pushed past Mark into his room. “Roomie already leave?”

“Yeah, yesterday."

“Lucky him,” Missy said, as she too stepped into Mark’s room. She was still holding his notebook. The two of them were looking around, their eyes never quite landing on anything, in the way a child might perform nonchalance. Mark grimaced when he saw that he’d forgotten to make his bed. He could feel his neck getting hot.

“S-sorry again if I held you guys up…” his eyes were still locked on to the notebook.

“Oh, don’t worry about it.” Missy said, waving off his apology. “Like I said, even if this blizzard weren’t hitting us right now we wouldn’t be ready anyway.”

“Okay. So what’s the plan?”

“Gonna wait for mother nature to quit huffin’ and puffin’ then hit the road once it’s clear.” Lisa took a seat on Mark’s bed, brushing away a stray corner of the comforter. “But it looks like that won’t be for a while.”

“Probably not until tomorrow,” Missy added, now standing by his roommate’s bed.

“Jesus Christ, Mark!” Lisa exclaimed. “You’re tracking water everywhere!”

It was true. Mark had logged onto his computer to message Missy as soon as he got back from his exam. He’d barely taken off his jacket, much less his boots. Puddles of grey water were pooling on the linoleum floor, chunks of ice and snow still clung to his shoes.

“Do you ever take your shoes off?”

Mark looked down at his shoes, if only to hide the reddening of his cheeks. Whenever the girls had tried to take his shoes off in the past he’d been able to run away or otherwise think up an excuse. This time he had none. Not only was he clearly dripping everywhere, he was in his own dorm room. It would be weird if he didn’t take them off.

But he didn’t want to, especially if he was being told to. Mark didn’t like to take his shoes off in front of other people. There was something about showing his bare feet off the deeply embarrassed him, especially in front of girls. Even just walking around in socks in front of them made his stomach feel funny.

“Yeah, I mean, I thought we -“

Before he could even finish the thought he felt Missy’s hand press against his back and shove him forward. Mark slipped in one of his own puddles and fell face first onto the bed, where Lisa was waiting for him. Mark’s hands hit the mattress as his knees hit the floor. Lisa grabbed his arms and pulled him toward her on the bed. Mark tried to fight her off but couldn’t get leverage, his boots slipping and sliding on the floor. Unable to right himself, Mark could merely turn himself over as Lisa held his arms and Missy went for his boots. His arms were bent, as though he were placing his hands on his hips, and Lisa wove her arms through them, pinning them there and pressed them into his back. Meanwhile Missy began picking as his wet and swollen laces, deftly pulling them loose.

“H-hey! Stop it! Cut it out guys!” Mark pitifully as he tried to fight the girls off. But they were sportier than he was, stronger, and had little trouble subduing him.

“Don’t kick me, Mark!” Missy warned as she worked on his laces, “or else you’ll be in real trouble.”

“I’m not gonna! I promise! Just please don’t take off my shoes!”

“But Mark, you’re making a mess! Blizzards should stay outside, don’t you agree?” Missy asked sweetly, finally getting the laces of his left boot loose.

“I-I suppose? But -“

“Then be a good boy and stay still,” Lisa whispered in his ear. Something in the way she said it caused the hairs on Mark’s neck to stand on end. To punctate her point, Lisa poked Mark’s belly, causing him to jolt a little.


“Awww, someone’s a widdle jumpy…” Lisa giggled, bringing her finger back to his belly, bending a little to reach and pressing his right arm harder into his back. She began curling her finger over and over again, like an inch worm, the soft tip pressing into his sensitive belly. “Are you ticklish, Markey? Huh? Are ya?”

Her finger was poking and caressing his ticklish stomach in all the worst ways. Mark was wriggling about now, trying his best to get away from that cloying, playful finger. Giggles escaped through his teeth as he tried to free himself.

“S-sthahap t-t-thahat!”

“Yeah, ‘stahahap’ kicking! You’re only gonna make it worse…” Missy chided him, as she gripped his left boot and tried to pull it off. Mark wasn’t going to make it easier for her, scrunching his toes to create more resistance. But the more he struggled against her, the looser the boot became.

“Oooh, such a stubborn widdle guy!” Lisa trilled, now poking his other side with her other hand, “Look at him wiggle! Wiggle wiggle wiggle! Marky wuvs doing his widdle wiggle dance for us girls!”

“Nohoho I-hihi dohon’t! Stahap!”

“Uh oh! I see a tummy!”

Lisa was right, in his struggle against Missy and Lisa his shirt had ridden up, exposing his lower belly. He’d already gained some winter weight, and had hoped his blacks and gray winter clothing might disguise it. No such luck. Now Mark was frantically trying to pull his shirt down. He hadn’t even registered that he’d stopped fighting against Lisa, whose thumb and forefingers were now formed into devastating pincers that now poked and tweaked his fleshy belly. Mark now bounced up and down, shaking his head as he giggled himself silly.

“Hehehehehehehehehehehehe! Liiiihihihihihisa stahahahahap! Lehehehehet mehehehe puhuhuhuhul myhyhyhyhy shihihihihirt dohohohohohohown!”

“Are you kidding? I don’t think I’ve every seen anything other than your arms and legs! You never change with the team, never take off your shoes…” Missy cooed, finally wrenching off his left boot. Lisa’s tickle pincers had taken up all of Mark’s bandwidth and he’d ceased clenching his toes. “This is the first time we get to see little Markey’s tummy! Ooh, and so haiwwwy!”

Missy reached out and ran her open palm over his exposed stomach, as though she was rubbing it for good luck. This coupled with Lisa’s ticklish prongs turned Mark’s titters and giggles into full on belly laughs. Naturally, the jiggling of his laughing belly only spurred the girls on further.

“Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Gehehehehehehehehet ohohohohohohohofffff’a meeeheheheheheheheheheheheeeeee!”

“I’ve heard of the ‘freshman fifteen’ but not the ‘2nd semester ten!’”

“Shuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhut uhuhuhuhuhuhuhup! Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha!”

Mark could feel the cool linoleum through his socked foot as he kicked and pleaded. Missy was momentarily distracted by her tickling of his belly and had started gently tensing her fingertips as her splayed palm continued to circle and provoke. His cheeks were pink from laughter and embarrassment in equal measure. It was just like something from out of his notebook! But that meant…

“Such a big bewwy our little Markey has! And so tickly too!”

“And with such a cute widdle laff! ”Lisa teased, her hands freely roaming now, caressing and wiggling up and down his sides. Both Missy and Lisa delighted in his embarrassment and were surprised at how easily they were able to overpower him.

“Ihihihihihihihihihi dohohohohohohohohoooooooo nahahahahahahahahahahat!”

Mark could barely keep a thought in his head, his brain overloaded with conflicting emotions and sensations. There was the embarrassment of his present predicament, the anxiety in already being down one boot, and the bomb that was his notebook just waiting to go off. He was powerless to stop them, or at least, that’s how it felt. And it felt good. Really good.

“Help me get him up…” Lisa grunted. She was now dragging him up further into the bed with her, never once ceasing her ticklish assault on Mark’s torso. In wrangling Mark up into his bed, Lisa’s hands had slid under Mark’s tender armpits, where her tensing fingers elicited fresh squeals from her red-cheeked victim. Mark tried to make himself dead weight, to impede her progress, but his resistance only pressed Lisa’s stiff fingers deeper into his hollows.

“OH-HO-SHIIHIHIHIHIHIHIT! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Leheheheheheheheave meheheheheheheheheeeeeee ahahahahahahahahahalohohohone!”

Mark kicked and his still-booted foot made contact with the floor, launching him onto the bed and on top of Lisa.

“Get offa me you big baby…” Lisa grunted from beneath Mark, tickling him with renewed vigor.

“Ahahahahahahahahahahaha dohohohohohohohon’t sahahahahahahahayyyyy thahahahahahahahahat! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Plehehehehehehehease!”

Mark managed to roll onto his side and off of Lisa, but she didn’t let go. Now all Mark could do was try and curl up into a ball as her hands snuck up his shirt to play with his belly while Missy went after his remaining shoe.

“Hold ‘im still!”

“I’m tryin’ but he’s such a wriggly little giggler! Isn’t he? Isn’t he? Huh? Is the big baby ticklish?”

Plehehehehehehehehehehehease! Nohohohohohohohohoooooo mohohohohore!”

With Lisa pinning Mark down on the bed and overwhelming him with tummy tickles, Missy was able to grab ahold of his remaining boot at began ruthlessly pulling at his knotted laces. Mark was was still kicking, albeit lamely. He knew it was only a matter of time before the shoe came off. But as long as they didn’t bare his soles…

“Such a sensy widdle tum tum on the big baaaaaaaby! You love it! C’mon, tell mommy! Say it!”

“Nohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohohoooooo! Ihihihihihihihihihihihiiiiiiiii wohohohohohohohohohohon’t!”

“You won’t say it? Or you won’t admit it? Huh? Which one is it baby? Use your big boy words…c’mon!” Lisa wasn’t letting up, slipping her finger into his belly button to gently scratch inside. Mark screeched.


Mark kicked with renewed vigor, twisting this way and that in an attempt to dislodge that devastating finger that now dominated his brain. But one sensation cut through all the ticklish noise — the cool air hitting his socked foot as Missy finally pulled his boot free from his foot. For the first time since he’d met Missy and Lisa, his shoes were off.


To his surprise, Mark felt Lisa’s hands retreat from under his shirt. Instinctively, Mark curled into a ball on his bed, tucking his socked feet in and burying his reddened face in his hands. It wasn’t even out of embarrassment that he did it, it was an evolutionary instinct. He tried to catch his breath, breathing through the gaps in his fingers as he felt the weight of Missy land beside him on the bed. He was sandwiched between them now, being spooned by Lisa and pushed into her warmth by Missy.

“There, that wasn’t so bad now, was it?” Missy asked. “Little Markey was making such a mess! Aren’t you glad we helped?”

Mark simply nodded, both because he wanted to stave off more tickles and because he’d loved every minute of it.

“Such a silly boy, hiding his feet from us girls. Like you don’t look at ours every chance you get.” Lisa taunted, her mouth right by his ear. The feeling of her breath in his ear tickled and caused him to turn his head away, resulting in his body pressing into Missy.

“Ow! Mark…what is that?” Missy asked, though she already knew the answer.

Mark had been so overwhelmed by the tickle attack that he’d completely forgotten about the situation down below. The turgid length of him was now poking Missy’s side, an undeniable tumescence that caused his cheeks to burn even hotter than before. He turned away from Missy but it was too late. They knew. Now facing Lisa, he melted when he saw the predatory grin spreading across her face.

“Uh ohhhh,” Lisa cooed, “Is the big boy a widdle excited? Huh? Is heee?” She reached down to feel for herself and Mark reflexively turned back to Missy. There was nowhere he could go and he knew it. The worst part was, this only made him even more aroused.

“S-stop.” Mark pleaded, unable to hide the anxious excitement in his voice as he tried to play it off. All he could do was twist and squirm between the two girls, helpless to defend himself and thoroughly unwilling to put a stop to this.

“Stop? But we just started,” Missy said, her fingers fumbling with his belt.

“N-noooooo.” Mark whined, further embarrassed by how small and helpless he sounded, which only caused his cock to throb more urgently.

“Lis, help me with these…”

Lisa and Missy wasted no time pulling down Mark’s pants, he even did a little shimmy to help them in their effort, though he’d never willingly admit it.

“Oh Markey! Wook at dat!” Missy cooed. Sure enough, Mark was hard as a rock.

“I bet we could hang a towel off’a that thing!” Lisa exclaimed.

“We looked inside your notebook, Mark.” Missy said evenly, he fingers tracing the length of him through the tent in his underwear. “Is this what you wanted? Huh?”

Mark shuddered beneath her touch and felt his shoulders relax while Lisa continued to whisper in his ear. “

“C’mon, you can tell us…”

“N-no, it’s not like…ungh….”

Missy’s hand slipped beneath Mark’s waistband, her hand gently wrapping around his cock, the head of his penis pressing against her warm wrist.

“Oh…uhhh…” Mark could only moan as he felt Missy’s fingers tighten around his shaft, adding just the right amount of pressure.

“There we go, good boy…” Missy breathed.

“Hey! No fair! You don’t get to have all the fun!” Lisa pulled away from Mark and took a seat at the foot of the bed. “Poor little boy, crushing on his fwends, looking at their pretty little feet…Do you like our feet, Mark?”

Mark’s eyes had been shut, lost in the euphoric sensation of Missy’s touch, but when he opened them again he saw Lisa’s socked feet coming closer and closer to his face.

“I…I…Lisa I-“ But he was cut off as he felt Lisa’s socks make contact with his face. He could feet her cotton toes press against his nose and mouth, the bend of her arch rubbing against his chin.

“Poor baby,” Lisa cooed, “I bet you wanted to take a sniff, didn’t you? When you saw us take off our shoes during practice, did you want to know what they smelled like?”

“I don’t…I don’t…”

“Tell the truth, Mark,” Missy warned as her hand sped up, bringing him back to her and her softness.

“Yes! Yes I did! I did!” Mark was overwhelmed between the growing pleasure down below at Missy’s soft palm and expert fingers and the faint popcorn-like smell of Lisa’s fuzzy, socked feet. “I wanted…I wanted…” he couldn’t finish the sentence. That was all. Mark wanted…he wanted…he wanted…

“You wanted to take a widdle whiff of Lisa’s piggies. Well now’s your chance, baby boy,” Lisa teased, flexing her socked toes against Mark’s nose, making sure he could sniff between them. Mark couldn’t help himself and gave her toes the gentlest little kiss. There was some sock fuzz on his tongue now. He didn’t care.

“Awww, such a happy little boy, sniffing my feet. You love it, don’t you?”

Mark had never said the words out loud before. Pleasure had overridden shame, but Mark worried that if he said he liked it, admitted his secret to them out loud, confirmed what they already knew, that he might break the spell.

“I…I don’t…oh fuck…!”

“No no…stay with us, Markey. Say the words…” Missy’s hand was speeding up even more now, explicitly rubbing him to orgasm now.

“I…I can’t! I ca-oh god-I can’t!”

“Sound like someone needs a bit more encouragement,” Missy said, slowing down her hand as she nodded to Lisa. She didn’t even need to say the words.

Mark felt Lisa’s feet pressed harder against his face, both feet now covering his eyes, nose and mouth, as she leaned back and began rolling down his socks. Suddenly that all too familiar panic began to rise in Mark’s chest again. This was it…

“Wai-!” Mark tried to sit up, tried to stop them, but Lisa’s feet pressed even harder against his face now, forcing his head back down onto the pillow as Missy sped up her hand once again. Lisa’s fingers hooked around the elastic lip of his right sock and began to gently, calmly pull it off.

“Nnnnnph! Waiphhh! Stomph!” Mark tried to call out, but his words were muffled by Lisa’s feet. He could feel the cool air of the room on his ankle, then his heel…

“So helpless, so soft…” Missy whispered, “showing off his naked little feetsies for the whole world to see.” She could feel the precum against her hand now. Mark was close.


“No use denying it, baby boy. Tell us. Tell us you love it. Confess…” Lisa teased as she rolled his sock down past his heel and exposed his sole.

Mark wanted to cry out, to beg them not to take his socks off, to leave his poor little feet alone. But he was intoxicated by the feeling of Lisa’s feet against his face, their warmth, their smell. Coupled with Missy’s expert stroking and rubbing, Mark was overcome. He nearly came right then when he finally felt the sock roll past his toes and expose them to the world.

“Oh Markey! Was a pretty little tootsie you have!” Lisa gasped.

“What’s she gonna do to that naked little tootsie?” Missy asked, causing Mark to buck into her hand.

“Oh how the tables have turned,” Lisa teased. “I wonder if he’s…” Lisa trailed her fingers up Mark’s naked foot, “…ticklish…”

“MMMMMPH!” The reaction was undeniable. Mark nearly kicked Lisa in the face. His feet were deathly ticklish.

Lisa gasped and exchanged a mischievous look with Missy.

“I think the big baby has tickly little feet!” Lisa began absently playing with Mark’s toes now as she pressed her feet against his face, delighting in watching his toes splay out and wiggle.


“Poor baby,” Missy cooed, her hand speeding up. She could feel him tensing, knew he was close.

“I wonder what would happen if I took off the other sock,” Lisa mused, spidering her fingers up and down Mark’s naked foot. “I bet his other footsie is even more tickly!”

“Only one way to find out! Isn’t that right, Markey?”

Mark was close. So close. As he felt Lisa picking at the elastic of his other sock his eyes began to roll back in his head, half convinced that in a few seconds he might wake up and realize this had all been a dream. A wonderful, wonderful dream.

“You gonna ‘splode for us baby boy? Huh? You gonna make a mess for mommy?” Missy breathed, coaxing him toward climax.

“Mhm! Mhm!” Mark whined from beneath Lisa’s socked feet, nodding ecstatically as he came closer and closer and closer and clos—


Everything stopped, as if all three of them had been snapped out of some kind of trance. Mark’s urgent orgasm began to ebb and the girls grew still. Before Mark’s mind could catch up, Lisa hopped off the bed and went to his computer.

“Who’s BananaPhone00?” ‘Hey Mark, are you still on campus?’”

“I wonder who that could be?” The way Missy said it, it was impossible for Mark to tell if she knew who it was or not.

“NO! Wait please!” Without Lisa’s feet in his face Mark could finally speak up again. “Lisa! Please! Don’t message her!”

“Her?” Lisa’s eyes lit up. “Oooh, Markey poo, why should we have all the fun? Hm? Let’s see….” Lisa began typing her response, “‘Yeah, I’m in my room watching a movie. Wanna join?’ Annnnnd…..send!”

Mark couldn’t fathom ever being so bold as to invite Val to his room. He wanted to crawl under his sheets and hide, but Missy wouldn’t let him.

“Nuh uh uhhhhh…you stay right there mister…”

Mark’s heart leapt in his chest when he heard another IM come in.

“Wh-what did she say?”

“Don’t worry about it,” Lisa said as she got back into Mark’s bed, snuggling up close to him and giving his ear a little kiss. Mark was definitely worried about it. “You’ll know soon enough. Now, where were we…?”

As Lisa went back to peeling off his remaining sock and Missy’s hand once again began to rub…

There was a knock at the door.
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Wonderful story! I envy Mark. :devil:
Please do write part 2, when Val enters his room. 😀
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