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Chloe’s Cellar Surprise: No longer alone


Registered User
Aug 29, 2023
Jess, stood in her purple bra and matching thong takes a stride towards chloe. Whilst running her finger up and down Chloe’s sole making her squirm and giggle she mutters “where is it the worst” to Jack, who replies in complete awe “ribs or hips”. Jess climbs up on top of chloe straddling her thighs and digs her thumbs into Chloe’s hip whilst Jack goes straight for her feet. The overwhelmingly ticklish sensation sends chloe immediately into hysterics, having never been tickled by more than just one person at once she had no idea how bad the tickling could potentially be and this well out did her expectations. Jack raked one hand up and down her sole whilst he drew patterns across her other foot with the toothbrush. Jess decided to go further a field and was now tickling her belly and her hips at the same time alternating between both and now with Jess over her she was a lot more immobile, trying to buck and squirm with very little success.

At this point despite all the enjoyment, Jess realised that her friend was still stood in the corner and hadn’t joined in. She said “Come on Em this is so much fun” to which Emma replied “nah it seems like torture, I don’t wanna”.

“Come on man, it’s not that bad, all fun isn’t it, maybe we should tickle you instead?” Said Jess, Emma replied with “I’d rather it be me, couldn’t do that to poor chloe”.

With no objection Jack and chloe locked eyes and chloe nodded. Jack began uncoupling all the restraints and chloe stood up off the bed with a devilish grin on her face.

Jess turned to Emma and went “come on then, lay down”. As a trio Jack, Chloe and Jess, locked Emma in a spread eagle X position with every tickle spot open. “She’s a squealer so bonus points if we get her laughing” Jess says jokingly outing her best friend. Emma has long thin toes with pink and cream soles, a deep belly button and smooth skin everywhere. All three started at a different part of her body ready to explore. Jess started at her feet, Chloe at her armpits and Jack at her belly button, each person had a toothbrush and feather to use. They all began simultaneously finger tickling her body and she instantly hit the roof, squealing with laughter, Jess spidering her long nails over her soles, chloe spidering her sides and armpits and Jack with his finger wiggling about in her belly button. Emma began to beg “Ahhhhhhshahahassha plleeeaaassseeeeeee stohohohohohohppppp, nohohohohottt the feeeeeeeeettttttt”. They all knew they were doing damage but the feet were just too much for her, always had been her weakness.

“What do you reckon girls, shall we get the fizzer out?” Jack asked “yes” they both shout. Jack pulls out a bracket with an electric toothbrush strapped to it perfectly in line with Emma’s belly button. All the tickling stops and the fizzer gets lowered in. Emma instantly starts laughing “ahhahahahhahahahhhahahaha thashahahhahahahahattststststs sooooohohohoohohohoho bahhahahahahahhahahddddd, plleahhahehhahahahsee”.

“I have to experiment with my tools” Jack says. He also pulls out two contraptions at the end of the bed, a hair brush on the bottom and 4 toothbrush heads.

The brush sits on her soles and goes up and down while the toothbrush heads go in and out between her toes.

Jack sets this up and asks Jess to press level 5. She starts to cry and beg “nohohooohohoohohoohoh”. Then he gets out the final tool, the feather wheel, this is a little conveyor belt with deaths attached to it, half pin end down, half soft end down and it rotates just above her armpit, he sets both up and sets them on slow mode.

This just about finishes Emma off and sends her into silent laughter, it felt as though she was being tickled by 300 people at once, and then Jack said something that made her scared. He said “so shall we go get a drink and leave this to tick for a bit?” Then the three ticklers walked out and went for a drink.

Almost three hours later Chloe turns to Jess and says “are we missing someone?”, Jack jumps up and shouts “oh s*it, Emma”.

They run down to the cellar and see her laid there, sweating, looking lifeless. They turned off all of the machines and got her stood up, she came around and grabbed a hold of Jack and just cried.

After a lot of apologies the girls realised something, there was liquid on the bed that wasn’t clear, Emma wasn’t exhausted from just the tickling, she’d had 7 orgasms whilst they were gone and she’d found a new sexual interest.

Now it’s Jess’ turn but she seemed excited. Jack gave Jess the option to take her belly button piercing out and she said “yes of course how else would you use the fizzer?”

“Em, you’re in charge, she put you in that position” Jack says. “All 3 machines, on full and us tickling”.

Jess started to panic when she heard that but Jack and Chloe went along with it, they turned on all the machines and Jess screamed “ahhahahahahahahahahahAHHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH FUCKKKKKK MEEEEEEEEE” “any tool you wanna use grab it now” Emma commanded. “Jack, legs, Chlo hip and lower belly, and me, her ribs.” Emma grabbed a hairbrush, Chloe grabbed a toothbrush and Jack grabbed a feather and they all started to scrub in their area. Jack lightly scraped with the soft end across her knees, chloe scrubbed her Pant line and used the handle to caress her hips and Emma scrubbed her ribs with the soft bristles of the brush. Jess exploded with cum going right down to her feet, followed by a moan as loud as a sonic boom. “AhhhahahahahahhahHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA” she screamed unable to speak. For another 12 minutes they carried on the same procedure with the machines in full force before eventually Jess passed out.

Once Jess came around they untied her and the girls got dressed. They went upstairs and decided to work out what to do with this now. They decided on “The Tickle Challenge Cup”. Each of the four of them pick a partner who they think they won’t last longer than plus someone Jack picks. They all pay £10 for entry and they work in a tournament fashion. Whoever wins in the end gets all the money with 1-7 odds of winning. However the losers also tournament backwards, and the winner of the losers gets tickled by all of the others. Excited to do this they start looking for places they could host this and find an old cheap warehouse and decide to purchase it and set up all their equipment, 4 torture beds all parallel. Now all they need is some competitors.

To meet some new characters there’s a story called “A night In” written for me a while ago.

Part 4 will be “Tickle Challenge Cup:” rather than “Chloe’s Cellar Surprise”
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