"Seinfeld" had a great back-and-forth along these between Elaine and Jerry, after Elaine and Susan went out shopping:
JERRY: What else did you two do?
ELAINE: Oh, I don't know, you know, girlie stuff.
JERRY: Ah, so, ah, flower shows and, shopping for pretty bows, and then
back to her place, strip down to bra and panties for a tickle fight?
(Elaine stands there for a good 6 seconds with arms crossed, blank
expression, just looking at Jerry)
ELAINE: That's really what you think girls do, isn't it?
JERRY: Yes, I do. (very serious)
I have a similar thought involving lesbians, and I'm likely going to piss someone off with this fantasy/stereotype, but I don't profess to know a damn thing about lesbian intimacy. That said --- it always seemed to me that tickling would be extremely natural for lesbian intimacy, as far as the sensory level is concerned. Same-sex intimacy always seems to have a patina of kink, and considering how touchy-feely straight women are, it seems women have more of a natural desire to touch/be touched. With straight touching, it always seems to me more of a "man 'takes' woman" sort of thing. More about "doing" her, less about touching/pleasuring her. This commercial's body language conveyed to me that she wasn't just stroking her sole in passing, but that she literally craved that contact, and the reaction. Sure, of course ------ ACTING ---------- but this ad was choreographed, and someone told the actress how to approach the tickle, which had the slow, lush flourish of a fetishist.