No this is not a prison story. 
Last week, my company relocated those of us in the McLean office to the corporate campus in Reston. My second night here in Reston, at about 12:30 a lone cleaning woman came by dusting the cubicles. She spoke little to no English. My Spanish isn't the greatest, but I get by. She's from Venezuela. Though her body was quite attractive her face had clearly seen better days. She wore black stretch pants that leave nothing to the imagination.
So after introductions, she asks me for a cigarette. I told her I didn't smoke. We talk further, and she tells me she really wants a cigarette. She kept harping on it, and I finally told her, "Okay, voy a comprar cigarillos por tu, y tu nessisita darme cosquillas, okay?"
"Okay," she agreed. I went to a nearby 7-11 and bought a pack of Marlboro Lights. I returned, and went outside with her while she smoked two right off the bat. We went back up to my cube. I looked at her expectedly. She grinned, wiggled her fingers at me, giving me a questioning look that said, "Are you SURE you're ready for this?" I smiled at her, winked and nodded. Before I know it her hands were all over my torso, tickling me with her long nails. I hunched over, laughing and squirming. She laughed, obviously delighted with my reactions. We played a game where I would see how long I could hold my hands over my head voluntarily while she tickled me. I couldn't do it at all. All in all she spent about 10-15 minutes ticking me, and letting me catch my breath. I went home that night with a smile on my face. 😀

Last week, my company relocated those of us in the McLean office to the corporate campus in Reston. My second night here in Reston, at about 12:30 a lone cleaning woman came by dusting the cubicles. She spoke little to no English. My Spanish isn't the greatest, but I get by. She's from Venezuela. Though her body was quite attractive her face had clearly seen better days. She wore black stretch pants that leave nothing to the imagination.
So after introductions, she asks me for a cigarette. I told her I didn't smoke. We talk further, and she tells me she really wants a cigarette. She kept harping on it, and I finally told her, "Okay, voy a comprar cigarillos por tu, y tu nessisita darme cosquillas, okay?"
"Okay," she agreed. I went to a nearby 7-11 and bought a pack of Marlboro Lights. I returned, and went outside with her while she smoked two right off the bat. We went back up to my cube. I looked at her expectedly. She grinned, wiggled her fingers at me, giving me a questioning look that said, "Are you SURE you're ready for this?" I smiled at her, winked and nodded. Before I know it her hands were all over my torso, tickling me with her long nails. I hunched over, laughing and squirming. She laughed, obviously delighted with my reactions. We played a game where I would see how long I could hold my hands over my head voluntarily while she tickled me. I couldn't do it at all. All in all she spent about 10-15 minutes ticking me, and letting me catch my breath. I went home that night with a smile on my face. 😀