Having viewed the video, and having 2 cents left, I will donate it. The video is the color it is probably due to darkness while the camera uses what light is available giving the green hue.
Now, if you have tickled at all, then reaction is above all over laughter and we see plenty of reation on her part. Considering the fineness of the bristles on the brush, and they look trimmed, this would give a very minimal touch which, considering the location, is necessary. You wouldn't want to use a power buffer now would you?
Try gently tickling a sleeping foot and you are looking at a similar reation. No laughing but just twitching.
My vote is a fine first attempt at finally showing something new and expanding the possibilities.
Remembering a snippet from the movie "The Best Little ***** House In Texas", an olderly woman, and I meant to say olderly, confessed to being glad for the ***** house where her husband went once a week "of course that was before women enjoyed that sort of thing themselves".
Potential for giving and recieving stimulation and pleasure, as defined by the reciever, is expanding rapidly since the internet provides a place for like minded individuals to share their attempts, wants, needs and desires hopefully without being bashed by another 'like minded person'. If you like it, then by all means let the author know. If you don't, remain silent since 'we', as most of us would be uncomfortable revealing our compulsion to those we call friends, should be supportive of each other and not react the way we expect the rest of the world to react to us.
Ok, maybe I put in more than 2 cents but too many people are being put down when they need to be congratulated for putting forth an effort. Congrats, Alien, and keep trying new things.