Thanks for sharing your letter Iluv2btickled. My post is somewhat influenced by what you typed, so I just want to tell you that I'm being honest and will be expressing my own personal experiences and philosophies... Hope I don't come across as judgmental:
Regarding "coming out the closet": I would only tell my Significant Other, as she's the only one who should care.
How my gf reacted:
I never made a big deal about tickling. It was always something I casually did with my gf. In hindsight, I realized that up until we talked about it; she just took it in a playful way. Not sexual at all.
We did talk about it once, and I expressed my interest in going all out (bondage, play toys, the whole 9 yards); in other words, now I'm letting her know it’s a sexual thing for me.
I told her that I love her laugh etc etc, and at first she didn't get it. She just never realized that tickling could be sexual, and thought it was silly at first. So we actually had many discussions, and eventually she grew to understand what the big deal was. We also had similar discussions about spanking, and now I know what the big deal is too. Different strokes for different folks indeed eh? 😉
She still pokes fun at my "silly tickling fetish" lol but, to me, that’s part of the fun so I'm cool with it.
Now to show you another side: How a tickler (myself) reacts to people "coming out" so to speak:
A personal experience:
I'm a young adult (just to put things in perspective).
I remember about a year ago, I had a colleague at work (male) that actually used to tickle me. I would be sitting at my computer terminal, focused on my work, and he would sorta just sneak tickles. Naturally, being focused at work (and being a straight male), I never paid any attention nor reacted (and I'm extremely ticklish)… To me he was just a goofy colleague who liked to antagonize me.
Then one day, he comes up to me and tickles me and asks me why I don't laugh. I told him in a friendly/witty tone: "because we are both men". He never tickled me again.
I used to get playful tickles from girls too (there must be a lot of ticklers where I'm at lol)... and I'm equally uncomfortable about that. Now bare in mind that I'm into tickling; its something intimate I share with my gf... but that is exactly why I'm squeamish about being tickled by people who I don't have intimate relationships with (best friends included).
So perhaps the reaction of "fear" that we perceive from others is the same thing?