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Confessions of an Evil Maiden - Part 1 of a New Series

Sep 4, 2006
Hey guys. I've been writing for some time (give or take 15 years), with some moderate success. I decided to craft a good tickling story, after being inspired by Karen and Socks' works. So, without further ado...

Confessions of an Evil Maiden

Ryalia O'Clary, the deliciously beautiful daughter of Evil Hector O'Clary, The Terror of Startsbridge; Butcher of Bankville; Scourge of Casston; The Sorrow of Ausland, was sleeping in her room. Her father burst in, covered in some sort of foul-smelling liquid. Blood and ichor and alchemical compounds most likely.
"Wake, my daughter," he bellowed. She blinked, stretched her arms over her head and leaned back, curving her back. She shook her short auburn hair out and ran her fingers through it. At 19, she was tall and slender but incredibly curvaceous. The girl looked up at her father and yawned.
"What is it daddy?" She asked. "Not another raiding party..."
Evil Hector nodded and looked at the growing crowd of peasants outside the window. "Yes. I've decided to let them live, though."
"Aww... that's sweet of you! Why?" Asked the girl.
"Because, my dearest," the old man told her. "I'm trying to set an example for you. I don't want you to be like me. I'm... I'm evil!" She shrugged at him, and he frowned as he continued, "I want you to have a future that includes human friends... and I want you to respect life!" He bellowed as he brought his spiked boot down on a rat.
"Okay, daddy... but can I go to town later?" She fell back on the chaise, staring bored up at the ceiling.
"You may, but," She hates when he says but. "THERE WILL BE NO DRINKING!"
"But daaaad!" He hates it when she whines. "You let me drink here."
The old man cast a worried eye at the fools outside, "Here you're safe, my daughter. In the town there are... men... who will try to take advantage of you!"
"Men? But daddy... you're a man. Your servants are all men," Ryalia told her father. "The living ones anyway."
"Rya my dear... these are bad men."
"Daddy... you feed people to devils! You're 'bad men.'"
He sighed and shook his head. "My dearest... this is a different kind of bad. Nobody here will take advantage of you... sexually."
She blinked. "How's that bad?"
A rock smashed the window and Evil Hector ran up and shook his fist, yelling, "You lackwitted sub-beings! If another stone enters this house, I'll..." Another rock flew up, this time hitting him in the face.
He bellowed, "BEGONE! I'll turn you all into skeletal slaves!!"
The people scattered.
The old man sighed and his shoulders fell. "You see, Rya? Terrible people."
She blinked, still wearing the same blank, bored expression.

* * * *

Mage of the Night Watch of Startsbridge Leira Wilkins stood up from her desk and stretched her legs. It had been a terribly boring night. No disturbances. No highwaymen. No zombies or skeletons or monsters. She pointed at the candle which had gone out again, and it re-ignited. There just wasn't any thrill in magic anymore. The smell of burned flesh was only a memory from school. She giggled at the thought. She wondered if any of her friends would mind getting burned alive.
At 21, Leira was the youngest sorceress ever to hold a post in the King's Watch. Her hair, fire red to suit her interests, fell across one side of her face and down her shoulder. Her green eyes sparkled with youthful fire. I'll bet the fire puns are getting old.
A commotion began outside. Leira went out to see what it was. She saw a group of peasants running into town off the North Road. Not far behind was a carriage drawn by a dark, shadowy horse. Not Evil Hector again...
The coach pulled right up in front of the Watchhouse. The door opened, and out stepped a beautiful young woman dressed in a red velvet dress. Leira was fairly sure that this wasn't Evil Hector. She stepped up and spoke, "Hello. I'm Leira Wilkins, head of the Watch tonight. Are you new in town?"
Rya looked at her and smiled. What a pretty lady! "Hi! I'm Rya O'Clary!"
Leira felt a little cheated. She hoped this stranger might be good to have around, but she'd yet to hear a single good thing about the O'Clarys. "Nice to meet you, Miss O'Clary. Please remember that magic is forbidden within city limits save for self-defence."
Rya smiled cutely, "Okay, Leira!"
Leira couldn't help but smile back at the absurdly cute kid. "Thanks... Rya. Enjoy your stay in Startsbridge, and stay out of trouble." With that, Leira turned and went back inside. After sitting back at her desk, she watched Rya from the window. "Too... damn... adorable... too bad she's as evil as the day is long."
Back outside, Rya looked up at the shrouded driver of the coach and instructed him, "Wait by the bridge. I'll see you in a few hours."
The driver nodded slowly and silently, then rode off. Rya turned directly toward the tavern, smiling devilishly, and went in. The music and conversation stopped. Everyone stared right at her, which suited Rya just fine. She slowly walked up to the bar and several men stepped aside to let her sit. The bartended stepped up and leaned close, "What can I get for you, darling?"
The dark, sexy image was shattered when she piped up, grinning sweetly. "Hi! I want... uhhh... cognac. DeBruin. Vintage 1205."
The fat, bald 'tender sputtered, "We... we don't have that here."
Rya's jaw dropped in disbelief. "No way! I've got my own private stock at home!" She looked around at the small crowd of uncouth men that had begun to form around her. "Come on! Don't all of you?"
The crowd pressed closer, and the words of her father came back to her... "They'll try to take advantage of you..."
Her demeanor changed... she turned totally around to them, glaring menacingly. They didn't seem to care. One reached out and grabbed her shoulder.
"Release me," she commanded. However, another hand grabbed her wrist, then from behind, someone took her by the waist.
"Oh... crap," she whined.
The men dragged her to a table and pinned her down. She screamed and tried to fight, but strong hands kept her fast against the wood. She felt someone remove her boots, and she screamed again, trying to kick her feet. "NO! NO NO! DON'T!" A large quill feather was shown to her by a scowling, bearded man, then slowly dragged down her chin, throat, and chest, down to her dress. Rya screamed in laughter, thrashing against the strong hands. "Pleaaheeheeeeeeeease nohohoho!!"
Another feather touched the sole of her right foot, lingering near the heel, then slowly moving up the arch toward her toes. She squealed and kicked against the immovable grip on her legs. "Doohohohohon't make mehehehe..."
A voice barked at her, "Do what, pumpkin?"
Several sets of hands set upon the task of unlacing her dress and exposing her tummy. Her blue eyes turned wild.
The hands now assaulted her bare belly, pulling a primal scream of laughter and rage from the girl. Several men actually stopped to reconsider what they were doing, most, though simply smiled more and continued.
Rya closed her eyes and bellowed a spell as best she could, "REHEHENATAHAHAHAHA MAHHARSALUSSSSsssSsssSS VEHEHEHEHLUM KARANTHAS!"
The crowd of men flew back, unconscious. Rya rolled over onto her side and screamed.
About this time, Leira burst in. "WHAT THE DEUCE IS GOING ON IN HERE?!?"
One man stood up and gestured to Rya on the table, "She attacked us with her magic!"
Leira raised an eyebrow at the girl... shoeless and partially undressed... and couldn't help but think there was more to this than meets the eye.
"Guards! Seize them all. Have the O'Clary girl taken to punishment chambers."
Rya yelped as two brutish armored guards took her. "No! Please! I was defending myself! I did what you asked!" She pleaded as she was dragged out the door. Leira tried to ignore her cries, but couldn't help but let a little bit of a smile form.
The guards dragged one scraggly rogue in front of Leira. "M'lady... I entreat you, do not condemn us all to the stocks tonight!"
Leira smirked at him, "Very good Mr. Gaffer It shall be the entire week for you."
The man scowled at the redhead and threatened, "Young lady... in my time, I'd have put you over my knee for this, and so I will."
Leira grinned and walked off. She walked up the steps of the watchhouse very spryly and headed straight for the punishment chamber. Adressing the guard outside of it, "Leave me. I will come to you when I'm ready for you to return to this post."
After the guard left, she stepped inside. Rya was tied, arms over her head, to a wooden torture table. Her dress was still undone, and now barely hanging on her young body. Leira smiled.
"Miss Leira, no! Please! I've done nothing wrong! Please don't!" Rya's face was filled with apprehension.
Leira's smile softened, "Don't worry... this isn't going to be an actual punishment session, only a confessional session. There's no permanent injury or death yet."
Rya gulped. "My father will make you suffer if you hurt me... just like he's going to make all those men suffer."
Leira pushed a few stray auburn hairs out of Rya's face and laughed, "You think I care? I'd love that. It might teach them something. But don't fear any pain... it's not like that."
Rya's fear seemed to change into an almost nervous eagerness. She gulped again. "Please... no, Leira. Not again."
"Ah-HAH! So they did attack you." Leira shouted.
Rya nodded quickly. "Yes! I didn't know what else to do... they were so strong. I was afraid they were going to..."
Leira gently touched Rya's cheek. "No... I won't let that happen."
For the first time since the tavern, Rya smiled. "Thank you."
Leira turned her attention to Rya's dress, and the white skin it barely covered. "That's a beautiful dress. Did you make it?"
Rya shook her head. "No. One of Father's servants did it. It's heavy velvet with a premium dye."
Leira nodded appreciatively and ran her hands over it... that is, over the parts that covered Rya's thighs. "Premium? From the berries of distant lands?"
Rya blinked, half because of Leira's hands on her body, half because she was confused at Leira's ignorance. "No, Leira. Blood."
Leira's hand stopped and she looked at the dress again. "Oh... well, that's premium... I guess... who was it?"
Rya giggled. "I'm kidding."
Leira slowly and gently squeezed Rya's thigh, getting a whimpery laugh from the girl. "You're a naughty thing. Didn't your father teach you how to be honest?"
Rya nodded. "Yes! He wants me to learn honesty and care and love. He doesn't want me to be evil like he is."
Leira grinned. "That's great. Nice! Well, we've stalled long enough."
Rya started. "What?!?"
Leira dug her fingernails into Rya's ribs, reaching up under the cloth of her dress, illiciting a scream of surprise from Rya. Leira immediately moved one hand to the younger girl's hip and started moving up it, along her pelvis toward the front of her tummy. Rya jerked uselessly against the tight, unbreakable bonds.

Down the hall in the guard office. Two men sat over their coffee cups. "Miss Leira's up to how many?"
The second guard shrugged. "I didn't think she'd killed anyone yet." He sipped his coffee, then scowled at it. The first man pulled out a small decanter of mead and poured it into their coffee cups. The two men went back to their original bored positions.

Outside in the stocks, Mr. Gaffer was conspiring with several of his equally old and grody friends. "I'm goin' to show that little firehaired tart, mates." He thought about rubbing his groin, but, well... he couldn't.
One of his cronies piped up. "She's a spicy little thing ain't she?"
Gaffer grinned a snaggletoothed smile. "Aye, Harry... And I'll get my hands on her. She'll rethink everything she's ever said... bloody city strumpet. Always fooling around with young men from out of town, or with other womenfolk..."
Another man spoke up. "What's wrong with that, Gaff?"
"Shut up! I can't touch meself, so I don't want to bloody think about that!"

Leira walked around the chamber and put out most of the candles. "Can't let you see what I'm doing."
Rya squealed, "Why not?!?"
Leira smirked back. "If you could see, then it wouldn't be as bad. It's a scientifically proven fact!" She smiled devilishly and wiggled her fingers.
Rya closed her eyes and cringed, then screamed as Leira tickled her underarms mercilessly. "Nohohoho!!"
Leira looked very thoughtful. "Tell me, young Miss O'Clary... where is it worst?" She dragged a fingernail between Rya's barely-covered breasts and across her tummy and belly button. "Tell me quickly."
While continuing, one finger after another down Rya's front, Leira responded. "Yes, Rya?"
Rya tried to force herself to stop laughing, but failed. “LEIRHAHA PLEAAAAHEHEEHSE NOT…”
Leira lifted a curious eyebrow. “Not what, Rya?” She stopped her fingers for a few moments, letting the young woman catch her breath.
“Leira… please don’t…” Rya bit her lip, looking like she hadn’t convinced herself to continue, then did. “Please don’t tickle below my waist… I’m extremely vulnerable.”
“Rya… thank you.” Leira smiled a beautiful motherly smile, then reached around Rya and tickled her behind. The girl half-screamed and half-moaned, arcing her back, putting her tummy up in the air. Leira smiled. “Beautiful.”
Leira gently pulled Rya’s dress back, baring her pale, perfect legs. Rya closed her eyes and blushed bright red. “Something embarrassing?”
Rya nodded, biting her lip. Leira gently ran all ten fingernails down the girl’s thighs. She was rewarded with a soft coo from the girl. Leira then turned a little less merciful, and dug into the backs of Rya’s thighs and knees.
Ryalia screamed and pulled against her bonds. After several minutes, Leira let up and continued onto her captive’s ankles.
She lingered there, getting silly bubbly giggles out of the girl, then put her fingers on each of Rya’s toes.
“No. Please… no?” Rya begged her torturess.
Leira nodded. “Hafta. You haven’t confessed yet!” She slowly and forcefully dragged her nails over Rya’s soles. Rya’s eyes were locked shut as she threw her head back and screamed.
“God can’t save you from me!” Leira said with a gleam in her eye just as she abruptly stopped.
Rya caught her breath. “Leira… I… I… Why’d you stop?”
Leira smirked at the helpless girl. “Mikail Servion Dermatin Rasthis!”
Rya’s eyes got huge and she screamed so loudly that the old men outside of the castle in the stocks heard her. Leira’s spell made every inch of her body feel as though it were being tickled. After only about ten seconds, she shook her head and screamed “IIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIIIII COHOHOHOHNFEHEHEHEHEHES!”
Leira smiled and let the spell continue. “Confess to what?”
“GAHAHAHAD!!! LEIRAHAHAHAHA!! ANYTHIHEEHEEHEENG!!” Rya squealed as her body felt like it would explode from the laughter.
Leira waved her hand and dismissed her spell. “Good. Good.” She climbed up on the table, straddling Rya and leaned down over her, getting nose to nose. “Good girl. I hereby sentence you to return to this room in one week for punishment.”
Rya gulped and nodded as Leira moved slightly closer and kissed her on the cheek.
“I still didn’t do anything.” Rya said.
Leira looked annoyed, raised her hands and called out, “Mikail Servion…”

* * * *

Leira escorted Rya out of the watchhouse, down the steps in front and up to her waiting coach. “Remember, Rya. One week. Don’t make me come for you.”
“Leira, that wouldn’t be safe and you know it,” Rya told her. “Father would have you fed to the moat monster.” Rya stepped up into the coach and smiled back at her new friend. “Thank you, Leira, for… everything.”
Their eyes locked and everything they needed to say was said in that single glance.
“I’ll see you next week, Leira.” Rya closed the door and the coach sped off into the dawn. After the ride, she ran into the house, and headed for her room. Her father stopped her on the way.
“Ryalia… where have you been?” He boomed at her.
“In town, Father!” She replied. “I had the time of my life… and I didn’t even drink a drop!”
I love this story.....
"I still didn't do anything.."
"Mikail Servion..."
I liked the character of Ryalia O'clary, the Sorrow of Ausland. She reminds me of something so familiar...but I just can't place it..
The scenes where you set the action could have been described more, but, some of the words you used gave the impression of a dark bar lit by either torches or candles...
Was that the case?

Oh yes, also, I give this Journia's Good God Y'all badge of approval
Thank ya sir!

As for Rya... her father, Hector is the Sorrow of Ausland. He's the big bad evil lord 🙂
After reading this, one would never guess you've never done a tk story before, Jimmy. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the series. n_n
I have to agree with Sammi. Reading this, it definitely looks like you've got a natural ability with tk stories. This is a really interesting storyline you've come up with, and I'd love to see more of Rya and Leira.🙂
Jimmy James, my reaction to your story is exactly how I like my steaks...


Can't wait to read more of your work.
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