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Conquered Angel Part 2 - A Digimon Story MF/F


Registered User
Aug 20, 2005
Greetings, first off, I have to say sorry for the year it’s taken me to update this story, but inspiration did abandon me utterly. Thanks to TKForce for helping me to dig it out of the grave.

For the record, this story contains some quasi-dark and sexual themes which are largely at odds with the television series. There’s nothing inappropriate to be seen here, to the best of my knowledge, though anyone who disapproves of non-consensual tickling or sexual content should read no further.

P.S. Navaltickler75 if you’re reading this then I did try to incorporate your request, though in all honesty I doubt you’ll like the rest of the story as it does pretty much what you asked me to avoid, that’s just the way it went though.

If anyone wants it then here is the link to the first chapter. Thanks to any who read and commented on it, and I hope you enjoy this one.


Conquered Angel, Part 2.

Now that he had a comrade to work with, ShadowAngemon found it practical to have Angewomon moved to the makeshift dungeon located in a moderately sized cabin, (or shed if you want to be pedantic) at the end of his garden. Gloomily he was forced to admit to himself that his fortress of doom was not quite as imposing as he would like.

Nevertheless, unimposing though it was, the space was certainly large enough for the variety of restraints and devices of nefarious intent that made interrogations, or the torture of tightly-wound winged women, that much easier.

Angewomon struggled valiantly, if hopelessly, against the bonds around her arms, feet and wings as the Phantomon underlings carried her nude form to the set of stocks in the centre of the room. She tried desperately to resist, even after her ankles were locked securely in place, her bound wrists secured tightly to a hook hanging overhead and her wings outstretched and fastened to similar hooks on the wall, providing relatively easy access to her torso for anyone standing behind her.

“Pull up a chair.” ShadowAngemon said breezily to Ladydevimon, who stood at his side grinning at the helpless angel who was soon to be laughing herself into insanity.
“Nice try,” she replied, knowing from past experience that chairs in this place had the habit of tying up those that sat in them, “you’re not getting your hands on me as well.”

There was a look about her face that seemed to add the word ‘yet’, but perhaps that was just wishful thinking. No matter in either case, he’d get to her sooner or later. He was sure that she rather enjoyed being tickled, considering that she hadn’t ripped him to pieces after the first time when he’d ambushed her in the shower, hogtied her and tickled her senseless.

In any case, the celestial temptress in the stocks demanded his attention at the moment.
“You can’t blame me for trying.” He said, “Anyway, where would you like to start my dear? Top half or lower?”
“Hmmmm, I’m going to have to say top half. Besides,” distantly she found herself remembering the feet of his tongue on her feet, “I know whereabouts your tastes lie.”
“True enough. Very well, I’ll see to her feet, you take the upper body.”

Finally realising that escape was impossible, Angewomon stopped struggling, deciding to try and save her strength to help her endure what was to come.

“You’ll pay for this.” She said darkly, staring with murderous eyes at her captors, “Both of you!”
“Brave words goldilocks,” Ladydevimon responded, stepping towards Angewomon and smiling as she saw her flinch at her approach, “but you’re hardly in a position to threaten us are you?”

Stepping behind her victim, Ladydevimon wrapped one arm around the bare midsection to hold it relatively still, with her other hand she reached towards Angewomon’s left underarm and started to scrabble her fingers in it.

ShadowAngemon watched as his captive started to writhe away from the fingers, which followed her effortlessly and kept up their assault. She was trying with all her strength not to start laughing but by the looks of things she wasn’t going to last long.

“Toothbrush?” He asked, summoning one of his many electric toothbrushes from his coat pocket and offering it to LadyDevimon.
“Ooh, thank you.” She replied, catching it as he threw it to her. She held it in front of Angewomon’s face for a few seconds before switching it on and moving it to the underarm she’d been attacking previously.

The tickling sensation was far worse than it had been before. The dam of resolve Angewomon had been fighting so valiantly to maintain collapsed in seconds, and though she was still determined not to beg, she couldn’t stop herself laughing.

“Eeeaaaaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Naaahaha aha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ho! Daaahahamn it! Noaaahaaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Staaph it! Staahahahapp it!”

Ladydevimon delighted at the sound of this blonde waif, who had twice… inconvenienced her on the battlefield, shrieking in ticklish agony. Agony that she was dispensing, and this was just the beginning.

“You’re never getting out of this.” She whispered in her prey’s ear, “I’m going to do this every morning from now on.”

Angewomon wasn’t sure if she meant it or not, but the prospect terrified her. Once again she tried to squirm free of her restraints, but not one of them was buding.

“Come on Shadow, are you just going to stand there gawping at me all day, or are you going to give me a hand?”

ShadowAngemon’s lusty focus was broken and he mentally kicked himself for waiting as long as he did.

“Sorry,” he said moving towards the pair of feet in the stocks, “it was such a lovely spectacle though, it seemed a shame to interrupt.”
“It’ll only get lovelier if she screams louder.”
“Too true.”

Wasting no more time, ShadowAngemon struck out with his hands and started to tickle Angewomon’s helpless feet. At the same time, Ladydevimon moved the toothbrush downwards, tracing it back and forth over her belly a few times before moving it into her naval. It seemed to fit perfectly well. The resultant thrashing which came from being tickled in two places at once was as violent as it was delicious to the two tormentors.

“Aaaaaaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Leeehet go! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Aaaaagh! God, leeeaaeheheve my feeeehe he he he he heeeet aloo haaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Leeaaaahe he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he! Geeaaahahaheeet that thing ouuaaahaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa ha out of there yoeeaahaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha you witch!”

“Fiesty isn’t she?” ShadowAngemon said, holding back the toes on her right foot and tickling the space underneath. Angewomon was trying to bat him away with her other foot but to no avail.

“For the moment,” Ladydevimon responded, “but she won’t last long. Give it an hour or two, she’ll be begging for mercy before long.”
“It didn’t take her long to start when we were alone together.”
“Oh she just doesn’t want to lose face in front of me, as if being naked, tied up and laughing like a maniac gives her any claim to dignity.”
“I suppose she has to take what she can get.”

Angewomon had been howling with laughter throughout the entire exchange. Finally, if only to save themselves the effort of shouting over her, they decided to give her a break.

“Having fun?” He asked to the top of Angewomon’s drooped and breathless head. She didn’t respond.

“He asked you a question blondie,” Ladydevimon added, moving the toothbrush back into her belly button and earning a high pitched ‘eeeeek!’ for her trouble.

“No!” Came an unladylike shout from Angewomon finally, “no, I’m not.”
“Oh that’s what they all say.” Came a mock-disappointed reply.
“I’m not quite sure I believe her.” Ladydevimon said, examining the sweating Angel Digimon closely, and grinning at what she saw “Let’s continue, I want to see the end of this defiance.”
“As you wish milady.” ShadowAngemon said, lowering his mouth to suck the long toes on Angewomon’s left foot while continuing to assault the sole of her right foot with his fingers.

Ladydevimon switched her attention to the angel’s hitherto ignored breasts which soon proved to be as ticklish as the rest of her smooth and largely (for lack of a better description) un-weathered skin.

Thrash though she might, even the slightest escape from the tickling sensations striking both halves of her body proved utterly impossible. It was getting harder to maintain her stoic defiance in the face of such torment, and she didn’t even want to contemplate the almost involuntary arousal that was now creeping back to pester her in the midst of a new round of tickling ministrations on her naked body. She had never felt anything like this before, and the joys of human(ish) sexuality were all but unknown to her.

That said she would still much sooner be free of this torment then surrender to it, and her language reflected this.

“Gaaaaaa ha ha ha ha had daaaha ha hamit! Geehehet off of meeeeeee he he he he he he he he he he he! I caaaha ha ha ha ha ha han’t breeeeeeeeeeeeth! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Aaaaaaah! NO! Naaahahahat theeehehehehereeeeee! Leeeeaaave my… my… he he he heaaahahaha!”

It was a peculiar quirk of Angewomon’s character design, or digital DNA if you will, that she couldn’t bring herself to swear or even mention certain parts of her own anatomy such as, in this instance, her nippled, which Ladydevimon was now encircling. One with the toothbrush, one lightly with her clawed index finger.

“Come on blondie,” Ladydevimon muttered darkly in her ear, “I want to hear you beg for mercy. I might ease up on you a little if you do.”

“No! I waaahahahaaaaaaaahha, I won’t beeaaaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha aaahh ah eaaa! I won’t... Eeaaahhhh! Noooaaaahhhh! Get off of theeee he he he he he he he he he he he he! Leeeehe he heaave my toes alooaaaaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!”

ShadowAngemon of course did nothing of the sort, and continued to ravish the perfect feet he had at his mercy with both tongue and fingers incessantly. It was only when Angewomon appeared to be on the verge of passing out that they allowed her a small break.

Ladydevimon was getting increasingly frustrated. She wanted pleading, she wanted a broken blonde toy to play with. Then again, they were wearing her down, and it wasn’t as if time was against them.

“Do you think we’re making things too difficult for ourselves?” ShadowAngemon asked.
“What do you mean?” His partner asked, lazily dangling the electric toothbrush in front of Angewomon’s eyes.
“Well there’s just a few things I could summon to make our work a little easier; we could pluck some feathers from her wings. I think I’ve got some itching powder somewhere. There’s some honey in the kitchen I need to use before it passes its sell by date as well.”
“Honey? What would that… Oh, I see.”

Angewomon also saw, and at the prospect of these new tortures that her captors were casually contemplating inflicting upon her she tried once again to break free of her bonds, only to meet with disheartening failure.

“What do you think?” Ladydevimon asked her scornfully, “any preferences.”

She could barely bring herself to mutter an angry response. The mere thought of enduring this kind of torture anymore was becoming more and more terrifying with each passing minute. It took a conscious effort not to break into tears.

“Please,” she stammered finally, “I can’t take this. Just let me go.”

Ladydevimon instantly started to laugh a sadistic laugh of triumph. At long last she had broken this blonde bitch. (Admitedly she had done so with some help but that was neither here nor there, she would have managed the same thing by herself eventually, it just would have taken a little longer.)

Feeling slightly faint with the full extent of her triumph, Ladydevimon collapsed backwards onto a luxorious looking armchair that was conveniently placed behind her. No sooner had she done so however, then her eyes went wide with the memory of what she had seen chairs in this place do, and why she had refused to sit down earlier.

“Oh shit.” She muttered, making a move to stand up but as if sensing her thoughts, two metallic cuffs on chains shot out from underneath the seat and snared both her wrists, yanking her back down as they pulled themselves taught. A second later, two metallic hands emerged from the arm rests. One held her right leg steady while the other carefully removed her knee high leather boot, carelessly flinging it into the distance. The hands repeated the process with the other boot and then with both of Ladydevimon’s black silk socks. Once they were done they pulled a length of rope from a nearby shelf on the wall and, after some struggling and loud protests on her part, bound her lithe legs together.

All the while, ShadowAngemon watched this scene unable to believe his luck. He was sure he’d have to abandon all hope of tormenting these two womon together.

“Well done.” She said as calmly as she could to ShadowAngemon’s grinning face, “But this isn’t the time for this kind of thing. We’ve still got to finish up with her. Untie me and I promise you can have your fun with me afterwards, ok?”
“I am sorry my dear.” ShadowAngemon replied, trying not to laugh himself, “But I’m afraid I doubt your sincerity. Therefore I have no choice but to take advantage of this opportunity now.”
“What?! But wait, you… damn it!”

Ladydevimon made her own futile attempt to escape as ShadowAngemon moved towards her feet. Though she was somewhat angry about this awkward twist in her moment of triumph, there was plenty about what was about to happen that she did find appealing.

Angewomon too couldn’t help but feel slightly better about the situation, even though her own hadn’t really improved by much. Still, a pyrrhic victory would have to suffice for the time being.

To be continued… hopefully.
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