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Conquered Angel, part one. (A Digimon story), M/F


Registered User
Aug 20, 2005
Greetings all, for about two years now I’ve been lurking about the forums and I figure it’s time I contribute something. Hope you like it:

Conquered Angel

By Rinthrith

Angewomon woke to the sight of sunlight seeping through the dense tree cover that she’d chosen to sleep under the previous night. All was currently calm in the Digital world and with Kari and the other humans back on Earth, and her other Digimon friends guarding other territories throughout the Digital world, she had been tasked with defending this forest should any fiends appear.

She laughed at the thought however, apart from a handful of Gazimon who harboured a painfully misguided impression that they could sing, she had not seen another soul for two days. The forest was all but deserted, and for that she was glad as peace and tranquillity were things she had been without for far too long, and now that MaloMyotismon was gone, hopefully for good, she figured she deserved a break. It also felt good to be back in her ultimate form. Normally she was only ever able to stay this way when there was fighting to be done.

With that thought in mind, Angewomon pushed herself off of the dry ground and flew up to the tops of the nearby trees in search of something edible. She had not the chance to search for long however before a trio of figures appeared behind her, she looked round, startled to find other Digimon around. By the looks of the newcomers, they were Phantomon. These creatures weren’t normally the friendly sort.
“You!” Boomed one in what was probably meant to be an imposing voice, “You must come with us.”
“Our master has been watching you for some time now, he greatly wishes to speak to you.”
“Oh yeah? And who exactly is your master?” Angewomon responded, fists clenched at her side, she was pretty sure that this would get nasty before too long.
“Oh he’s a Sh…” The third Phantomon’s sentence cut out abruptly as one of his companions whacked him upside the head with the blunt end of his scythe.
“Fool, we’re not meant to tell her that.”
“Um, yes, well anyway.” The first Phantomon tried to regain his imposing tone, but by now it was largely hopeless “Like we were saying, our master wishes to speak to you.”

Angewomon’s answer was a series of uneasy shuffling. The three newcomers then started mumbling to themselves.
“Why was it again?”
“I don’t know, he gave you the note.”
“That wasn’t about this you snipe, that was a dry cleaning receipt.”
“God dammit, we forgot to pick up the master’s clothes.”
“And they’re closed on Sundays.”
“Which means a fifteen dollar storage fee.”
“Look, it doesn’t matter now, let’s just get on with this.”

Angewomon raised one of her concealed eyebrows as she watched this comic scene unfold. Whoever this ‘master’ was, he apparently didn’t have a talent for choosing good underlings.
“Sorry,” she said, “But if your master wants to speak to me then he’ll have to come here.”
“That, I’m afraid will not do.” The first Phantomon said, “What our master wants, he always gets. If you will not come willingly…”

You wouldn’t think a creature whose face was comprised of shadow could blush, but somehow the sneezing Phantomon managed it when all eyes turned towards him. The first Phantomon looked especially annoyed considering his imposing persona had been dented yet again.
“Gah, enough talking. Subdue her!”

Angewomon smirked at the advancing idiots and took aim at the closest.
“Celestial Arrow!” She cried as she let loose a supercharged projectile at one of her attackers. The arrow struck the Phantomon’s scythe, the weapon was torn from his hands and plummeted down to the floor. It’s owner parted with a stream of expletives and then chased it down to the floor.

“Shadow Scythe!” Screamed a second Phantomon, swinging the blunt end of his weapon at Angewomon’s head, she evaded the blow and landed a swift kick on the Digimon’s head. He then proceeded to stagger backwards.
“Idiots.” The first Phantomon said. He noticed that Angewomon was readying another arrow and that it was intended for him, he however already had a cunning plan in the works and her efforts would prove to be too little too late. Or at least that was what he hoped, otherwise he was doomed.

He lifted himself to the top of the trees and swung his scythe at a bunch of innocent coconuts. Severed fruit and assorted shrapnel soon proceeded to rain down on Angewomon. He hoped that this would keep her off guard long enough to get in close, the end result however was better then he could have hoped for.

The first of the coconuts she evaded with ease, another two were too far wide to be of any help, another one exploded for reasons still unknown. As she prepared to fire however, a sixth coconut struck the back of her head, knocking her unconscious instantly. The other two Phantomon who had recovered from their earlier indignities caught her in mid fall, and with their target subdued, the three retreated back to the lair of their master.

A Jiffy Later

Angewomon awoke some time later to the sound of unfamiliar voices.
“What do you mean you forgot my dry cleaning!”
“But sir, we…”
“My book club has a meeting this evening, if I turn up looking like I rolled the entire distance from the lair to Ogremon’s house then what are they going to think?”
“We assumed that…”
“Imbeciles, that fifteen dollars is coming out of your pay checks.
Angewomon thought she heard one of the Phantomon mumble ‘git’ but she couldn’t be sure. Realisation suddenly caught up with her, and she tried to sit up, only to find herself constricted by…something.
“Ah, our guest is awake. Away with you all, give us some privacy.”
“Yes master,” The Phantomon said in succession before floating off to resume the poker game they’d been in the middle of before they were sent off.

Angewomon’s focus returned somewhat, and she realised that she was stretched out on a bed, her arms tied over her head and fastened to something unseen, her ankles were tied together and tied to the posts at the end of the bed. Another slight detail was that she was now completely naked.

She gasped at the revelation, and tried to de-digivolve back to Gatomon in the hope that she could escape her bonds and then run. Try as she might though, she couldn’t. She didn’t know what they’d done to her, but she was trapped in her current form, and with her hands immobilised, she couldn’t use either of her attacks.
“You’re up earlier then I expected,” Said the unfamiliar Digimon, presumably the Phantomons' master. He looked like Angemon, but his skin was a bluish grey colour, and his wings were bat wings, not angelic ones.
“Not that I’m complaining though,” He continued, sitting himself on the edge of the bed by his captive’s bare feet, “I have to admit, patience isn’t one of my many virtues.”
“Who are you?” Angewomon hissed at the Digimon, “What do you want?”
“My name, dear lady, is ShadowAngemon. Don’t let my appearance fool you, I’m not as evil as I may appear.” The look Angewomon gave him suggested she didn’t believe him. Not an entirely unreasonable assertion considering the circumstances.

“As for what I want, well, that should be largely obvious. As my simple minded minions no doubt told you, I wanted to see you. I’ve been watching you ever since you arrived in my territory. At the moment I’d say I want what a lot of warm blooded males want when a shapely female is bound and helpless on his bed.”

Angewomon’s eyes widened and she tried to pull her legs up to her chest, the ropes held though and she soon realised that she wasn’t going anywhere. ShadowAngemon grinned and shook his head.
“Well that part can wait,” He said with a grin, “First things first though.”

ShadowAngemon spared one glance for his victim’s flawless (and helpless) feet. He then began to lightly scrabble his fingers over her right sole. Angewomon yelped, as much in surprise as anything else. Her eyes now showed a different look of fear.
“Excellent,” Her captor said, intensifying his assault on Angewomon’s foot. Her normally calm and confident persona soon shattered.
“AHHHH HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! STAHHA HA HA HA!” To say that Angewomon was ticklish would be like calling a Komodo Dragon in your kitchen an inconvenience, the slightest touch from ShadowAngemon’s fingers sent her into hysterics. His attacks however were only to intensify, and he unleashed all his fingers on both of his captive’s soles, occasionally venturing upwards to explore the areas underneath her toes.

“Come now,” came the taunting voice at the bottom of the bed, “We’ve barely begun and you’re begging for mercy already, we’ve barely begun here my dear, believe me you’re going to be here a long time.”

His attacks on her helpless feet soon got worse as he plucked two feathers from her wings and began sawing them back and forth in between her toes, switching at random from one space to another. Angewomon thrashed as much as her bonds would allow, and her laughter had all but degenerated to a fully fledged shriek.

ShadowAngemon was overjoyed at just how well things were playing out, it was rare that a Digimon worth taking stumbled into his realm, and never before had he found someone as utterly tickling as this. Distantly, he had to wonder how she ever managed to walk in that feathery boot of hers without collapsing into fits of giggling.
“PLEA HEHEHEHEHEHESE!” She wailed desperately, pulling with all her strength to try and pull her feet away from the maniac who tickling her into insanity. “I CAN’T BREATHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!”

Deciding it was probably best not to have his captive pass out on him, ShadowAngemon reluctantly pulled the feathers away. Angewomon looked exhausted, her body was beaded with sweat and she breathed with hurried desperation.
“Having fun?” He asked, bending down to kiss the top of her left foot, she yelped again and shot him an evil glare in return and hoped he wouldn’t notice how hard her nipples had gotten. She hated being tickled, but she didn’t want to admit to herself just how arousing it was.

ShadowAngemon left the room for a few moments to gather some helpful devices. After searching out two electric toothbrushes, and yelling at a Phantomon who had used a needlessly large amount of toilet paper and consequently blocked the toilet, he returned to find Angewomon still struggling against her bonds.

A look of fear soon showed itself when she saw him return with tools in hand, unfortunately for her. The toothbrushes soon took off from ShadowAngemon’s hands and slowly made their way towards her armpits. Unfortunately for her, her captor was gifted with telekinetic powers, as such he was free to return to her feet while the toothbrushes descended on her armpits.

She clenched her mouth tightly shut and tried to keep her composure, but as the rapidly gyrating bristles touched her skin her resolve shattered and soon she was reduced to a giggling, begging mess once again.

ShadowAngemon grinned at the sight and knelt down at the edge of the bed, grasping Angewomon’s feet in his hands, he began to suck her toes. Her already manic laughter took a dramatic upswing as she felt his tongue snaking around her hypersensitive toes. Under this new two pronged onslaught, she found that she could no longer beg for mercy and could only lay back and let the torturous sensations come.

Soon the feathers that had previously been used to ravage her feet began to torment her breasts, soon the only things she was able to focus on was the tickling sensations covering almost her entire body, and the ever growing arousal that was fast becoming almost as maddening.

Initially, she didn’t hear the sound of, for lack of a better word, the secluded lair’s doorbell. ShadowAngemon was tempted to ignore it, he’d hoped he’d have a little longer to play with his new catch before his guest showed up, but at the same time he wasn’t a selfish creature, and he was certain Angewomon’s torment would be increased several fold when he showed her who he’d invited over.
“Hope you don’t mind,” He said, not entirely sure whether she was listening or not “I invited a guest over. I think you’ve met her before.”

Angewomon’s focus was all but gone, she didn’t notice ShadowAngemon leave the room, but when he returned with LadyDevimon, her arch nemesis, in tow, she found an all too familiar dread well up inside her.

To be continued.

Hope you liked it.
Like I said at TMF, I could do without the nudity and the sexuality but this is a cool story,
If my name was any hint, that's a nostalgic pick as far as story settings go XD It's strange for there to be nudity and the like in a Digimon story, but I suppose I can deal with it - a nice touch of humor, mainly because Phantomon never appeared in a competent manner early on in Adventure 01, so I can easily see this happening. Look forward to part two.
Huh I like Digimon
Ok I´m a F/M Fan but hey this story ist really good and may she gets a revenge he he

Good job
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