After Ross had hired Vic Barger.
Ross's workload became mostly discussions with Vic, servicing Tim Patrick as his top client, and sitting in on board meetings.
Ross would also look for small companies in financial difficulty to buy, and after discussing such with Vic, he would buy the companies, and fold them into RossShell.
One day, Ross got an extremely surprising phone call.
"Ross, this is George Borgier. I come to you in peace. I would appreciate if you would meet me, alone, to discuss something" George said.
"Okay, tomorrow, lunch or dinner" Ross said.
"Lunch tomorrow. 1 pm the eating place at my former club" George said.
"Fine" Ross said.,
Ross went into see Vic Barger. "Vic, George Borgier just called me. He wants me to meet him alone for lunch tomorrow. Let me see what he has to say, I will discuss it with you, of course, and then if there is a second meeting, we will meet with him jointly" Ross said.
"That;s fine, Ross" Vic said.
When Ross got to George's club the next day, they began discussions.
"Ross, you know the problems my company has been in. There are still some assets left, but you also know being a successful businessman that it will be very difficult for me to rebuild. My proposal is to sell you what is left of my company, and then ask if you would have perhaps, a Vice President job for me at RossShell where I would work for anyone you wanted me to" George said.
"Let me talk to a few people, the accountants, attorneys, and Vic Barger, and see what can be worked out" Ross said.
Ross went back to his office, and discussed the situation with Vic Barger. :Vic, he wants me to buy his company, fold it into RossShell, and then work as a
Vice President for us" Ross said.
"That;'s fine. I think we should call the accountants and attorneys to evaluate his company" Vic said.
Ross called the appropriate people, and was able to negotiate a deal with George to buy what was left of George;s company. Ross then started looking at the assets of George's company, to figure out what he would keep, sell off, or try to negotiate.
When Ross got home the night he officially bought George;'s company, he told Kayley what was going on.
"I bought George;s company today. He had come to me, asked me to see if I would buy it. The company is now folded into RossShell ?George is also going to work at RossShell as one of our Vice Presidents. "
"How do you feel about that?"
""I've gotten over the whole lawsuit thing with George. I've learned in business that you have to try to put things behind you. "Ross said.
Ross knew that he had to view the whole situation as just one of buying a company whose assets RossShell could use. Everyone who knew the real situation knew it was more than that.
Maybe, with Ross being able to buy George's company, he had come to peace with the whole George situation.
With that now behind him, Ross now just had to focus on working with Vic Barger to run RossShell, and see if it could be expanded further by buying up the small , struggling companies as he was doing.
One knew that other twists and turns were to come.
Ross's workload became mostly discussions with Vic, servicing Tim Patrick as his top client, and sitting in on board meetings.
Ross would also look for small companies in financial difficulty to buy, and after discussing such with Vic, he would buy the companies, and fold them into RossShell.
One day, Ross got an extremely surprising phone call.
"Ross, this is George Borgier. I come to you in peace. I would appreciate if you would meet me, alone, to discuss something" George said.
"Okay, tomorrow, lunch or dinner" Ross said.
"Lunch tomorrow. 1 pm the eating place at my former club" George said.
"Fine" Ross said.,
Ross went into see Vic Barger. "Vic, George Borgier just called me. He wants me to meet him alone for lunch tomorrow. Let me see what he has to say, I will discuss it with you, of course, and then if there is a second meeting, we will meet with him jointly" Ross said.
"That;s fine, Ross" Vic said.
When Ross got to George's club the next day, they began discussions.
"Ross, you know the problems my company has been in. There are still some assets left, but you also know being a successful businessman that it will be very difficult for me to rebuild. My proposal is to sell you what is left of my company, and then ask if you would have perhaps, a Vice President job for me at RossShell where I would work for anyone you wanted me to" George said.
"Let me talk to a few people, the accountants, attorneys, and Vic Barger, and see what can be worked out" Ross said.
Ross went back to his office, and discussed the situation with Vic Barger. :Vic, he wants me to buy his company, fold it into RossShell, and then work as a
Vice President for us" Ross said.
"That;'s fine. I think we should call the accountants and attorneys to evaluate his company" Vic said.
Ross called the appropriate people, and was able to negotiate a deal with George to buy what was left of George;s company. Ross then started looking at the assets of George's company, to figure out what he would keep, sell off, or try to negotiate.
When Ross got home the night he officially bought George;'s company, he told Kayley what was going on.
"I bought George;s company today. He had come to me, asked me to see if I would buy it. The company is now folded into RossShell ?George is also going to work at RossShell as one of our Vice Presidents. "
"How do you feel about that?"
""I've gotten over the whole lawsuit thing with George. I've learned in business that you have to try to put things behind you. "Ross said.
Ross knew that he had to view the whole situation as just one of buying a company whose assets RossShell could use. Everyone who knew the real situation knew it was more than that.
Maybe, with Ross being able to buy George's company, he had come to peace with the whole George situation.
With that now behind him, Ross now just had to focus on working with Vic Barger to run RossShell, and see if it could be expanded further by buying up the small , struggling companies as he was doing.
One knew that other twists and turns were to come.