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Copyright, starring Katy Perry. Part 2 - The Pedicure (M/F Feet)


Registered User
Dec 9, 2013
Having spent the long journey to the prison and the entirety of that evening trying to ignore jibes and taunts about her feet and their sensitivity, Katy awoke a bag nerves the following morning at the prospect of someone else giving her a pedicure, and curious about how it was innovative, and exactly what the nerve treatment entailed. She got dressed in the special prison clothing that had been provided for her: a tight black and white-striped low cut tank top and black leggings. She gazed at her feet as she went to pull on her thick black uniform socks. They were truly her pride and joy. All of those regular pedicures she had given herself, the nightly moisturising and the love with which she cared for her prized feet had made the unmistakably pristine. She wondered exactly why the court had determined that she needed a thorough pedicure: her feet were already satin-soft and unbearably ticklish. In fact they were in perfect condition to be tickled right now - or so she thought. She quivered at the idea of other people touching her feet - the effort that had gone into beautifying them was for her to enjoy and it sickened her that foreign hands would now be able to enjoy her efforts as they ran over the soft, moisturised skin. What she didn't know was that her feet were not even close to being as smooth and sensitive as they can be. As she pulled on her socks she admired the new polish adorning her toenails. Last night after dinner she had been given acetone, as well as bottles of black and white nail polish. She was returned to her cell and told to remove the teal polish that had been so lovingly applied and to slowly and carefully apply "prison polish" to her toenails. Katy duly took great care applying the black and white stripes, having been warned that if her nails were not perfect, she would be mummified in shrink wrap and taken to the guards' room, where they would be given free rein to tickle her feet.

Having got herself ready, she then began the nervous waiting game. After 90 minutes of letting Miss Perry stew in her own nerves and apprehension, a male guard finally came to put her out of her misery. "Ready for your hellish pedicure?" he asked cruelly. Ignoring him, she got up and walked out of her cell.
"The boss has kindly allowed me to stay inside and watch your pedicure," chimed the guard gleefully. "As a long-time admirer of your feet I must say I cannot wait to watch them receive their treatment, not to mention to see just how ticklish they really are. And don't worry, I've brought ear-defenders as I'm sure you'll be doing a lot of laughing and screaming in there." As had become customary, Katy's toes curled within the safety of the socks at that statement, as they continued their walk towards impending discomfort. Katy's heart suddenly sank. While she had been dreading the actual tickling sessions, her attitude to the pedicure had been one consisting more of curiosity. She had not considered just how ticklish and torturous it may be.

After 5 minutes in which the dread rose immeasurably within Katy Perry, they arrived at a large metal door. "Well here we are," said the guard. "Don't worry this room is sound-proof so you can scream and cackle all you want at what the evil pedicurist is doing."

"You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" Katy retorted irritably, as the door was opened. Having expected to see a standard pedicurist's chair, she was somewhat surprised by what lay before her. The room was completely black, from the carpet to the walls, to the ceiling, However, the lighting was exceptionally bright. Immediately both the guard and Katy had to shield their eyes as they adjusted.
"Yes apologies for the brightness," said the man standing in the middle of the room, next to a device that intrigued and frightened Katy in equal measure. "I need maximum lighting so that I can refine the finer details of the soles of Miss Perry's feet so that I can make them as flawless and ticklish as possible." Cue the habitual wiggling of Katy's toes as the thought of this man tending to her feet in an undoubtedly ticklish manner sent chills down her spine.

Katy gulped as she was led over to the device. She noticed how empty the rest of the room was, save for another man with his back turned, supervising some sort of distillation in the corner, surrounded by laboratory apparatus. Stood next to it, she now saw the various intricacies of the "chair" in which she was to sit. It looked more or less like a table, with a smaller table mounted vertically at one end. However, both parts were padded. Katy noticed a hole halfway up the vertical part, while along the horizontal part there were two flaps of thick neoprene extending almost all the way along, with straps attached, with a further thick strap at the end opposite to where the vertical part was attached.
"Wait you're going to restrain me for this?" exclaimed Katy.
"Certainly," replied the pedicurist. "Miss Perry I have pioneered an incredibly thorough pedicure that softens the soles more than previously thought possible. The downside of such innovation is that the treatment tickles a fair bit. When using it commercially I plan to anaesthatise clients' feet to make it more bearable but given that you are to be punished, it has been decided that you will receive it at full sensitivity. Now I can't have you flailing around in the chair as I perform my magic so you will be tightly restrained. By all means laugh as much as you like but the soles of your feet - my canvas - will not be moving. Now please sit on the table."
Katy reluctantly climbed on to it and sat with her back against the vertical and her legs stretched out along the horizontal. The guard moved behind her and pulled her arms through the hole in the vertical part, before tying her elbows and wrists together and strapping them to the back of the table. He then fastened a strap around her midriff before moving to the side of the horizontal part, opposite the pedicurist. Together they brought the 2 flaps of neoprene together around her legs and fastened it tightly (just before the point of cutting off circulation) with straps at her mid-calves, knees and lower thighs. Katy, horrified by the tightness of the restraints, tried to mover her legs, only to find them completely constricted by the thick neoprene that ran from her ankles to the tops of her thighs. She half-resembled a mermaid, albeit one with a pair of highly ticklish feet sticking out in place of a tail fin. The guard now retreated to a seat beside the door, while the pedicurist walked menacingly behind Katy, out of her view.

"Now, just a little test before we begin," announced the pedicurist. His calm demeanour was really starting to irk Katy in her high-alert state. With that he drew 2 fingers along the palms of her hands, elliciting a giggle in the process from Katy. "Interesting," he mused. "Research has shown that there is a correlation between the palms of a woman's hands and the soles of her feet. Essentially, if her palms are soft and unblemished, as will her soles be.
Now Miss Perry your palms are incredibly soft so I now cannot wait to see what treat awaits me beneath those socks of yours. Do you know what else the research has uncovered?"
"What?" replied Katy tersely; the anticipation starting to get to her.
"Well there is also a correlation in sensitivity between the palms and soles. While a number of women have ticklish feet, ticklish palms are far less common. Now although many women with ticklish feet do not have sensitive palms, it has been proven that if a woman has ticklish palms, the soles of her feet will be immeasurably ticklish. So with that in mind, I think after that little giggle from you I shall have to add a couple more leg straps because I expect your feet to be more ticklish than any I've ever come across," he enthused with a little too much glee for Katy's liking. "I think I'll need my strongest foot restraints as well," he thought aloud as he fastened further thick straps around her upper thighs and lower calves.

Katy whimpered as the pedicurist pulled a big leather chair over and sat in front of her defenseless socked feet. Next to him was a trolley with numerous drawers containing various lotions, creams, pumice stones and brushes. Her eyes widened as she glanced at the implements she knew he would soon be scraping along her excruciatingly ticklish soles. Despite Katy's best efforts to remain passive and dignified, she could not contain her trepidation at this "torture trolley" that she had somehow failed to notice.

Smiling at her obvious panic, the pedicurist set to work with ruthless efficiency. Tears formed in Katy's eyes as he teased her socks off, exposing undoubtedly the most exquisite pair of feet he had ever laid eyes on - and that was saying something.

His eyes darted around as he had no idea which bit of perfection to look at. The lightly tanned skin of the tops of her feet contrasted tremendously with the striking "prison polish" on her toenails, which to Miss Perry's credit had been painstakingly carefully applied. Then there were those superb soles. His eyes moved slowly from the wrinkled, moist and beautifully pale heels to the wonderfully elliptical arches (he thought that if only he'd had Miss Perry's arches to help him study the moon's orbit, he may have passed Physics at school). These arches melted into wonderfully soft and fleshy balls of her feet, from which 10 long lollipop toes protruded cheekily. He sampled the softness with fingertip to her insteps and was stunned at the results. He'd never encountered such soft and unprofessionally pedicured soles, though he knew he could make them so much silkier.

"Eeeeehhhh!" Katy screeched as she felt his unwelcome touch. This, coupled with the violent curling of those lollipops alerted him to the need for the extra-strong toe loops. After all he needed taut, motionless soles for his pedicure to be truly effective and had already grown weary of Miss Perry's compulsive toe curling.
Katy looked on fearfully as he withdrew a wooden structure from the bottom drawer of the trolley, consisting of 2 shorter bars attached at 90 degrees to a longer, thicker bar. Setting it down next to her ankles, he pulled out 2 thick straps from the same draw and fastened them around her ankles at the end of the neoprene and then to the table to hold her feet still. As Katy came to terms with her depressing lack of mobility, the pedicurist slotted the 2 smaller bars of the wooden structure into holes on either side of Katy's ankles, so that the thick horizontal bar was level with the bottoms of the stems of Katy's toes. What Katy couldn't see was that the other side of the horizontal bar was open and contained a metal bar with 80lb fishing line wound around it, with 8 small rubber rings attached to 8 separate strands or rolls of the line, with a bigger ring in the middle attached to a separate roll of 100lb line. The pedicurist then attached a wooden handle to to one end of the structure, which confused Katy but thrilled the guard at the door, on whom the purpose of the rings had finally dawned. He too had grown tired of Miss Perry constantly curling her toes.

"Uncurl your toes," ordered the pedicurist, sitting back down, There was suddenly more of a menacing edge to his tone.
"Why should I?" replied Katy, using up her last ounce of defiance.
"Unless you want me to summon that guard who has an obviously raging foot fetish to lick honey that I will baste on to your soles, you will uncurl your toes and hold them still," threatened the pedicurist sternly.

Reluctantly Katy uncurled her toes and straightened them, watching bemused as the pedicurist placed small elasticated rings on her 8 smallest toes. Her concern grew as the slightly larger ring was fastened over both her big toes, holding both her soles together to create one large ticklish surface. Just as she was processing the ramifications of her feet being presented to the pedicurist's tools in this manner, he reached over and started turning the handle. As the line began to wind back around the bar in the wooden structure, Katy felt her bound big toes and 8 little toes being drawn back towards her, tightening her soles as they retreated. The pedicurist continued winding until the wrinkles all disappeared from her arches, locking the handle so that Miss Perry's toe curling would cease while he softened her soles.
The guard licked his lips as he observed a scene he could only have dreamed of 2 days ago. Sat in front of him was disgraced international music star Katy Perry, fully immobilised with her gorgeous pale feet - contrasting nicely with the back neoprene encasing her legs - protruding in front of a pedicurist whose remit was to make the soles of her feet softer than any have been before, and to make the process as agonisingly ticklish as possibly. Miss Perry's soles, the one pair of soles in the world he would give anything to run his rough fingers and tongue along, were drawn taut by strict bondage placed on her toes, and were about to be made even smoother and more delicious in front of his very eyes - and, if it were even possible, more ticklish!

Taking out a nozzle attached to a tank on the trolley, the pedicurist aimed the nozzle at Katy's feet as warm water containing a scentless detergent was ejected slowly. As the warm water moved around her soles, Katy shifted uncomfortably and she grimaced as he aimed the water between her toes to wash away the lint. The pedicurist noticed that the strap around her knee had come loose, so he reached over to tighten it; the end of his orange tie just brushing the tips of Katy's toes and causing her to yelp softly.
"Wow Miss Perry, your facial expressions as a nice gentle spurt of warm water trickled onto your feet and that little yelp as my tie touched your toes just stun me. I'm running out of adjectives for how ticklish your soles are. Unfortunately for you, that means this next stage, the main part of the procedure, is going to tickle like crazy."
Katy whimpered.

"You see, for years a pumice stone has been used to remove dead layers of skin on the soles of the feet. It is clear from your feet that you employ this very technique. However, I have discovered a layer of skin that has never been exposed on human feet before. Pumice stones only remove the immediate flakes of dead skin but I have pioneered a technique using stiff brushes that removes not only any dead skin, but an entire layer of skin under that, which exposes a layer of skins softer than anyone thought possible. It transpires that this skin layer is the one in which the skin receptors reside, so by removing a layer of skin from your soles with these brushes, the skins receptors on your soles will be right on the surface."

A look of dawning comprehension replaced that of confusion on Katy's face.
"You see what this means Miss Perry? Not only will the soles of your feet be literally as soft as silk, they will be ticklish beyond reckoning."
He nodded to the guard, who got up and placed a piece of tape over Katy's mouth.
"Sorry Miss Perry but I do not wish my hearing to be damaged irreparably by your desperate laughter, nor do I wish to be hear any pathetic pleading for mercy from you as I perform my art. As the terrible bristles from my brushes overwhelm your soles, think about your crime and how you truly deserve this," concluded the pedicurist.
With that he picked up his 2 brushes, and began scraping them semi-vigorously from Katy's toe stems down to her globular heels and back up again.
"MMMMMpppppphhhhhhhhhh!" emanated uncontrollably and unwaveringly from Katy's gagged mouth, at a volume that was most impressive considering the constrained nature of her mouth.

"Her voice always was majestic," the pedicurist thought to himself as he continued incessantly scraping the bristles up and down the ticklish soles. He would continually change from vertical to circular motions on Katy's soles, occasionally brushing figures of 8 in the centres of her arches. He grinned evilly as he watched the state of turmoil Miss Perry's feet were currently in. The fishing line was at full tension as she tried furiously to curl her toes so as to at least offer a modicum of protection to her tormented soles, and the pedicurist gave himself a pat on the back for electing for the strongest line her could find. Regardless of how frantically Katy fought against the rings that imprisoned her lollipop toes, her soles remained agonisingly taut as the evil man in front of her persisted with scraping those stiff bristles along the ticklish surfaces.
Amongst all the agony and desperation in which she found herself, Katy still had the piece of mind to reflect on just how maddening and hopeless her situation was. As the pedicurist switched to cruel zig-zag motions on her defenseless soles, Katy pondered how things were only going to get worse. The pedicurist kept changing the paths of the brushes so as to overload her mind with new sensations, and Katy realised crushingly that with each punishing stroke of those brushes her soles were becoming silkier and more ticklish, such that the jolts of electricity shooting up her legs from the increasingly exposed receptors on her soles were being mind-bendingly amplified.
Finally, after 30 minutes of pure agony the pedicurist relented and brushed the incredibly mountainous pile of skin that had scraped from Katy's soles into the bin, with Katy herself having passed out from the ordeal.

He motioned the guard to come over. "Touch her soles," he said.
The guard extended his shaking fingertips and gently stroked the soles of his dreams. They were softer than anything he'd ever felt. "That is incredible," he enthused, "I had no idea skin could be so soft."

"I know," replied the pedicurist. "Miss Perry's feet were already very smooth but she now has feet that are beyond her wildest dreams. Unfortunately the price of that is that her soles are now about 5 times more ticklish than they were when I started," he continued as he rubbed copious amounts of lotion into her feet, having released her toes from their cruel bindings.
As he was doing this, the man who had been furiously working away in the corner of the room, seemingly oblivious to the madness going on behind him, approached the table armed with a syringe in each hand. He carefully inserted the syringes between the big and second toes on each of her feet; the needle piercing the now satin-soft skin like a hot knife through butter, and released the serum inside them.
"And now my good man," the pedicurist chimed to the guard, as he put polythene socks and then the thick black socks on Katy's feet, "that serum will make Miss Perry's feet a further 5 times more ticklish. These polythene socks and her over-socks will not be removed until Saturday, so she will have no idea just how excruciatingly ticklish her soles now are until then. What a lovely surprise that will be, haha. A blade of grass stroked gently along both soles will send her into hysterics."

End of part two.
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