When I first saw this topic, I was hoping TIB would respond, since I always liked Cory Lane (looks-wise anyhow) from the FM stuff I've seen her do. However, that TIB and TC are not interested in doing a tickling vid with Cory doesn't really surprise me, for 2 reasons, both of which I think people are dancing around on here.
First off, TC has in the past made many references to not wanting to bad mouth other tickling companies and producers of said films. They never would even say in words that FM was using Sara as a model, or that they had hired her and Julie from them in the past. I think they do this to keep a sense of propriety in the business, and to show that they can do their job and still remain competitive on their own, without resorting to either bad-mouthing other companies (like Gabrielle and Foot Paradise supposedly do/did) and with their own cast of models. Hiring Cory Lane would go against this principle - how else could anyone see it then as a video intending to prove that FM doesn't know what they're doing or doesn't bother to use "real tickling"? Besides, I think TIB and TC like to have their own cast, and prefer to show us the women they find on their own. I'd take a great deal of pride in that work if I could find so many beautiful women to tickle as they do - and I'm sure 99% of the people on here would agree!!
Second, and maybe more importantly, it seems to me that maybe TIB and TC share the same opinion as most of us seem to - that Cory Lane may not be ticklish, and they see no need to spend money or time on a wasted effort when their entire goal is to show us, their consumers, "real tickling". I suspect this more since it seems Cory was the one to contact TC; had it been the other way around, I would be more inclined to think Cory was more ticklish and needed to be coaxed with money. Linked to this thought is the most important of all - if they did do a vid with her, what's to keep most people from judging her tickling at TIB's hand just as fake as that coming from the people at FM? Honestly, all I see happening is a bunch of people loudly asserting (without any real source of reference save a video of her reactions and their self-appointed "expertise" in ticklee reactions) that she was a fake then and is a fake now.
If she is acting with FM, she'd be inclined to fake with TC. If she's not faking with FM, or even if she was and didn't with TC, most people would probably assume she was still faking, and TC and the TIB simply earn a lot more criticism, even if they're on the level. My personal opinion? I think they just don't want to stir up the hornet's nest and want to keep their reputation as spotless as possible. And I say bravo. 🙂
My 2 cents,