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Crackdown on reviving dead posts

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May 20, 2005
I know this doesn't happen a whole lot around here but, when it does it's annoying. Shouldn't there be a rule against bringing back ancient threads after they've reached a certain age?
Although we don't have a specific rule about "thread necromancy," we treat it as a form of spam and act accordingly. In most cases, we silently delete irrelevant posts which bump old threads, though sometimes we prefer to respond (if a question was asked) and then close the thread.

Interestingly, OCMB does have a formal rule against raising old threads, yet at 12,000 members they have a necromancy problem much worse than we have here. The only sure solution would be to automatically close threads over a certain age, but I'm not sure if the board software can do that.

Best regards,
Just curious as to why that would be a problem?

If a member signs up today, and they find a thread from a year ago, and respond to it, it is a "new" thread to them.

plus, members who may have missed that thread would get a chance to respond.
cellardweller said:
Just curious as to why that would be a problem?

I'm somewhat curious as well. With the exception of an old thread that contains a now dead link.... i don't see what the problem would be. Besides... if we start getting rid of posts that are let's say... a year or so old... we are going to be getting rid of a lot of good content here (stories, clips, pics...) that sometimes get burried for a while in a forum like this.
I can see people getting upset if, say, an old thread in which they expressed divisive views in which they no longer believe gets re-aired. Maybe there could be color coding or some trick to let folks know that posts are more than a year or two old? That way, it will be easy to tell at a glance what is new and what is not. Yes, we can all look at the post date, but if you don't know from the beginning that the material is outdated, why would you?

As a newbie myself, I might really enjoy an old thread I find and be guilty of necromancy. 😉
I'm with the others here. If you come across a thread that has been around for say, a couple of years before you joined, to you it's new, and so you should have as much right as anyone else to post a reply to it. Perhaps the dates on individual posts should be made larger, to make the point of just how old each post is?

Plus, as was also said, good material would get deleted, if you impose an age limit. To paraphrase an old proverb,

"Good BB threads never die - they just simply fade away (to the bottom of the pile)"

And as long as the post has an actual valid point (not just to bump the thread), what should it matter?
koopacooper said:
And as long as the post has an actual valid point (not just to bump the thread), what should it matter?
That's the key -- if someone bumps an old thread with a relevant observation or comment, then it isn't a problem 🙂

Necromancy is troubling only when someone bumps an old interpersonal controversy, or a thread with dead or outdated links ("why doesn't this 2002 link work?"), or when someone bumps an old thread solely to make irrelevant comments or post gibberish like "ggfffjjjjkkk" (which happens quite often, unfortunately).

In the case of the thread which I believe started this discussion, someone bumped a badly outdated advertisement posted by a person who hasn't visited the board in years. I answered the question and then closed the thread so that it would drift back down to the bottom, since (1) ads are no longer allowed in that forum, and (2) the advert was several years old.

Best regards,
I can't wait for this thread to die out.

Then I'm going to bump it and cause some SERIOUS shit.

Um, of course, in this section, that could take about ten years.
That's the key -- if someone bumps an old thread with a relevant observation or comment, then it isn't a problem 🙂

Necromancy is troubling only when someone bumps an old interpersonal controversy, or a thread with dead or outdated links ("why doesn't this 2002 link work?"), or when someone bumps an old thread solely to make irrelevant comments or post gibberish like "ggfffjjjjkkk" (which happens quite often, unfortunately)....
This makes perfect sense. So what's to be done about the one guy who hangs out in Image Requests waiting to ambush unsuspecting art requesters about *shudder* bumping their requests? This guy acts like he's the only artist in the place who can fulfill these requests and he gets mightily annoyed about people "cutting in front". 😱 Not that he is actually even trying to fulfill a significant portion of the art requests anyway, but this is hall-monitor-itis taken to a psychotic level.
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I can't wait for this thread to die out.

Then I'm going to bump it and cause some SERIOUS shit.

Um, of course, in this section, that could take about ten years.

Don't worry, I am going to set the camera for fifteen years of recording.
Translation provided by the business manager of Count Vladislaus Dracula and the people who brought you Crimson Surge, the only energy fruit juice sponsored by the Count of Transylvania!

"Mmmm...Crimson Surge! Taste the plasma!" ®

This makes perfect sense.

translation: This makes no sense but I'll say it does since I've addressed a moderator and hopefully I'll be able to get either in good with that moderator by appealing to their post or get them to see some logic in what I have done and said and maybe it will excuse how uncooth I have acted and am acting right now.

jts963 said:
So what's to be done about the one guy who hangs out in Image Requests waiting to ambush unsuspecting art requesters about *shudder* bumping their requests?

translation: Nothing is to be done about this guy, because he didn't do anything wrong. I'm too cowardly to mention him by his name though, so I'll assume people know who I'm talking about. But, nevermind that! I feel so hurt that my only option is to exagerate and lie about what this guy has done, like saying he hangs out there and ambushes people....yeah, thats real evil of me! Tee hee hee! I showed him! Nevermind the fact he was only ever giving advice for better bump usage and how to make better requests. I'll just insinuate that he's a troll. There, that covers all my bases, doesn't it? Man, making a good thing look bad never felt this good!

jts963 said:
This guy acts like he's the only artist in the place who can fulfill these requests and he gets mightily annoyed about people "cutting in front". 😱 Not that he is actually even trying to fulfill a significant portion of the art requests anyway, but this is hall-monitor-itis taken to a psychotic level.


I'm assuming this guy thinks he's the only artist in this place who can fulfill these requests and that he gets mightly annoyed about people "cutting in front". But, nevermind that! I'm brooding right now! Who cares if what I'm saying is actually true!? I'm angry, damnit! He's not psychotic, but I'll say he is since I'm angry, and that intitles me to a free necromancer's pass!
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Oh, the irony.

LOL, yeah, but you know what would be even funnier than that? If the staff decided to make me the Image Requests Moderator! ROFL! Come on now, admit it, that would be funny! :laughing:


  • Approved.JPG
    18.5 KB · Views: 8
blah blah blah blah ...
Translation: "I'm an egomanical nitwit with a tent pole so far up my ass, I'm gagging on it, but I still think I should be able to tell other people what to post when, where and how :drool:."

Here's the real irony (which is falling-down hilarious) : somebody who uses a vampire as his avatar being the one guy to whine about "dead" requests getting "resurrected".

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Here's the real irony (which is falling-down hilarious) : somebody who uses a vampire as his avatar being the one guy to whine about "dead" requests getting "resurrected".

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Dude, you obviously tried too hard on that one if you thought it was that funny and to post an obscene ammount of smilies. In the words of 4chan "FAIL!"

You may think you have alot of balls for standing up to me, but you're the one who made this an issue. Regardless of what I say, you've already got your two threads and your nonsense in this thread to account for. I'm clean, so I can afford to laugh at and mock your stupidity.

If I ever did anything wrong I will have been reprimanded (banned) for it long ago. That day has never come and it never will, because though its true that I am opinionated and I am agressive in those opinions, it doesn't take away from anything I said that was a fact. I debate ideas, positions, and emotions, I don't insult them as people, which is why I'm not in trouble. All you have done here is exagerated what I have done because you're just pissed off and moaning because of your precious thread and how it irked you. If that wasn't true you would have never deleted your thread twice or even once, you will have tolerated my opinion in a calm way, like a man, rather than a child, and you certainly will not have resurrected this thread in order to express your illbegotten contempt.

Face it dude, you've lost no matter how much more you say or how many more comebacks you think you can make. There's no talking your way out of this. You did two stupid things, and in this thread you've done another, and that was BEFORE I even posted. Now this thread will most likely be deleted, closed, or our posts deleted (I have reported it so expect moderator activity). What will YOU have to show for it? Was it worth it? Was it? I don't think so, and I think you know that already. You're just trying to save face against me, and I'm telling you now its pointless. I don't sweat this kind of stuff, but apparently you do. I wish you the best.
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Dude, you obviously tried too hard on that one if you thought it was that funny and to post an obscene ammount of smilies. In the words of 4chan "FAIL!"
"Fail!" is one word. :laughing: And I couldn't care less who or what a 4chan is.
You may think you have alot of balls for standing up to me, but you're the one who made this an issue.
More hilarity, you assuming it takes balls to stand up to you. :laughing: :laughing:

Off your meds? Again? Were you ever on any?

Megalomania, look it up.
Megalomania, look it up.

Sure thing.



An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions."

Even your definitions are exagerated, since theres nothing grandiose or extravagant about asking people to cut down on unnecessary bumping or to formulate better requesting habits simply by taking a few extra seconds to plan out how they're going to handle their threads in the event they're unsuccessful. My suggestions were practical and meaningful. True, these things would do that forum a favor, and I would gladly take credit for any progress made because of it, but they're not extravagant desires or grandiose obsessions to start with.

What I'm asking for (what you interprete as demanding) is actually quite simple, and isn't asking much from anyone, especially when I only bring up the issue on occasion. You refer to me as ambushing people, which implies that I'm always waiting for people to make mistakes so I can browbeat them.

Well, if you're willing to assume that much, you're willing to assume anything else as long as it you feel it justifies your anger and resentment. I may be bullheaded and stubborn, but I don't have that kind of misguided logic. I think things through, which you have obviously failed to do as you were unprepared for others to call your post here ironic. You then flipped out on them, thus demonstrating your need to vent and expecting a platform with which to do it, regardless of where, and whether it was dead or not. Thats rude to everyone. At least I have the respect to tell people I apologize if it offends them, but you've not once extended any kind of apology for your activities as of late. You bumped a dead thread about reviving dead threads to attack someone. Bad form on your part. What you should have done from the start was PM me, but don't bother, because its too late for that.

You're the one with the shame hanging over him, not me. Get angry until your face turns blue all you want, but don't forget to breathe. Goodbye.
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Sure thing.



An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions."
No surprise that you would choose the secondary meaning.

Here's the primary and appropriate-for-vampire-freaks definition:

"A psychopathological condition characterized by delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence."

Dude, nobody else here acts like you. Nobody else gives a rat's ass about bumped requests. BTW the only "dead" request is a fulfilled request. We don't need some overaged hall monitor with a god complex trying to run things here.

Seriously, go get some psychotherapy. You're long overdue.
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