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Create-a-Subforum Suggestions


1st Level Red Feather
Apr 8, 2003
woohoo! my first venture into the silly stuff forum.... (I guess I should never say never, huh? lol)

Ok, here are the rules...
To "help out" (lol), create a fictional subforum and accompanying description based off of the odd/quirky/strange things you observe everyday on the TMF in (sub)forums <i><b>other than this one</b></i>. (If we were to include spoofs on 'silly stuff,' well, we'll be chasing our tails FOREVER in here. :jester: )

Acceptable humor: dark, sarcastic, snide, parody, having a sense of....
Unacceptable humor: mocking the thread starter. 😀


<b>Name:</b> "The Depression Forum" -- a subforum of General Discussion.
<b>Description:</b> Post about your most heartwrenching breakup, loss, or just general feelings of utter helplessness and despair for which there is no relief or solution other than time.....lots and LOTs of time. This is the place where people who are actually feeling good about life (but would rather not) can mellow out, grab a bottle of Jack Daniels, and begin to contemplate suicide.

<b>Name:</b> "Literal Interpretation Forum" -- a forum of the TMF (main).
<b>Description:</b> Here, literally everything you post is literally taken literally. There are no exceptions; there are no jokes. Many of the threads many be formed around interpreting the true meaning and interpretation of the original thread and/or preceeding posts. The words "intended meanings" are intended to have no meaning here. As such, the answer to the question asked will likely be forgotten or considered irrelevent.

Accordingly, everything you type in the LI Forum should be worded so that there is perfect clarity. To clarify, by everything, we literally mean everything. However, by "clarity," we don't mean that it should be clear like, say water, or that it should be clear of sound, like, the sound of a tuning fork, but rather that it should be lucid. By clear water we are referring to a small quantity of water that has been distilled, recollected and is, hypothetically, 100% pure and held to the light in a clean, transparent vessel. Lucidity has two definitions; however the less-common one--"a presumed capacity to perceive the truth directly and instantaneously"--is not intended here. Instead, we simply intend "clearness of thought and mind."

<i>Note: Emoticons disabled in the LI Forum</i>
<b>Name:</b> "Obvious Answers Forum" -- a sub-forum of the General Discussion forum.
<b>Description:</b> This is the place to ask miscellaneous questions of the membership that are better, more-easily, and more-quickly answered by either an online encyclopedia, dictionary or Google. Qualifying posts generally take longer to write the question than to find the answer. Qualifying threads must contain at least 10 redundant responses, three flirty hijacks, two smart remarks, and several mis-interpretations in addition to the actual answer to the question--which should be a one-line posted response that must become lost in the shuffle. Note: Threads that generate less than two pages of responses to submitted questions will be removed daily for suspicion of being legitimate discussion topics. These threads will be summarily banished to the main General Discussion form with our deepest regrets. Thank you.
<b>Name:</b> "Grammatically-Challenged Forum" -- a sub-forum of the TMF (main).
<b>Description:</b> Can't tell when to use "there" "they're" and "their?" Well hear's the place for you're posts. Weather or not you no when too use "who" and "whom" appropriately doesn't matter, but if this seams like normal righting, than this seen is four you!

<b>Name:</b> "Punctuation-Free Forum" -- a sub-forum of the Grammatically-Challenged forum.
<b>Description:</b> Hey if your bored or just tired of havin to do stuff like put in commas periods and stuff in your sentences just stop theirs really no need to do that here not at all because here its all one big happy sentence ha ha ha i mean its very clear wear every thing goes and every body all ready nose what youre sayin so; fuggit (oops i put a punctuation thingy back theyre sorry but its ok because i didnt use it write im sure) note you should not make two many typos hear because than it could be hard too figure out what you mean ok
Whoa, this smacks of a really tough essay question in a homework assignment. Arrggg !!
I have no suggestions for additional forums, you covered them very nicely.

I just want to be a pedantic jackass and point out that in your description of the "Literal Interpretation Forum", you suffered a non-lucid interlude which, of course, would be shameful behavior in such a forum.

I decline to detail it here, let's see if anyone else sees what I saw.

Ok, done now. 😀

I think you need to take a deep breath and relax. Obviously, you like to compartmentalize things into nice neat little sections. Life is messy, darling. I take a great cocktail of meds every morning.....I'm not saying my mixture would work for you, but I know a great doctor....hahahahahaha. I will pm you and find out what this is all about.
The individual Member forum
(aka the Jackass POV forum)

Subforum of P & R where our favorite juice monger( or anyone) can post all
about their own opinion on anything as their own opinion is all that matters and everyone else is wrong anyway....

We would set up several of these sub forums under P & R and each pontificator could have their own place to "hear themself talk" to their hearts content..... :firedevil
Name: "The Politically Incorrect Forum" -- a subforum of General Discussion.
Description: A place where we can either vent on the silliness of political correctness and/or a place where political correctness is not allowed. Such as we can say things like "Stewardess" instead of "Flight Attendant" and not have to worry about repercussions.
The Thread Hijack Forum

Where those of us who constantly unintentionally hijack threads can do so without fear of moderator wrath.
"The Really Inane Question Forum" under General Discussion

where people can start threads like "Who here is ticklish?", "Ladies what is your shoe size?" and "Are you barefoot right now?"
subforum: i have a headache thread

description: post why you have a headache and how it ruins your entire day.. and how you would love to bang someone's head into the wall so they hurt like you do... lol

isabeau 😀
Wow...some good ones here! I'll digress to make a few comments...

TKpervert: I REALLY don't want to read that rambling mess I wrote again to find the breakdown in lucidity you found. (Please, don't make me! lol) But your query would certainly make for a good first thread in the LI forum! :jester:

Helena: I responded to your PM. Also, my doctor has already given me a brand new prescription....I was told there would be internet post-related side effects. 😀

Ven: Good one! You took the words (i.e., the Individual Member Forum inside P&R idea) right outta my mouth. Hilarious.

mz. chaos: I thought you dames loved being politically correct. 😛

ticklishlurker: I never thought you were a notorious hijacker at all...oh well, looks like you're creating the right place. lol

unit: ROFL! I didn't think of that one at all. Priceless.

isabeau: You have a mean streak, lady! 😉

<i>and back to the regularly scheduled silliness.....</i>

<b>Name:</b> Contradictory Forum - A version of the Tickling Media Forum existing in a parallel universe (a.k.a. TMF: Bizarro World) [Reference: see the works of Stephen Hawking and/or DC Comics' <i>Superman</i>.]

<b>Description:</b> Here's the place where posters can contradict everthing they've ever said or done before just to make an exception for themselves, their friends, and/or their own way of life at any given instant in time. Here, tickle fetishists may freely deride people who like, say, spanking. Others might want to post about their wild orgies with grain-fed farm animals while simultaneously opposing gay marriage. Basically, it's a logic/reason clearance sale--anything consistent must go!
Last edited:
MrPartickler said:
<b>Name:</b> "Grammatically-Challenged Forum" -- a sub-forum of the TMF (main).
<b>Description:</b> Can't tell when to use "there" "they're" and "their?" Well hear's the place for you're posts. Weather or not you no when too use "who" and "whom" appropriately doesn't matter, but if this seams like normal righting, than this seen is four you!

<b>Name:</b> "Punctuation-Free Forum" -- a sub-forum of the Grammatically-Challenged forum.
<b>Description:</b> Hey if your bored or just tired of havin to do stuff like put in commas periods and stuff in your sentences just stop theirs really no need to do that here not at all because here its all one big happy sentence ha ha ha i mean its very clear wear every thing goes and every body all ready nose what youre sayin so; fuggit (oops i put a punctuation thingy back theyre sorry but its ok because i didnt use it write im sure) note you should not make two many typos hear because than it could be hard too figure out what you mean ok

:blaugh: :blaugh: :blaugh: :blaugh: :blaugh:
That is just about the funniest thing i have ever heard/read in my life
These two are for you, Amanda (re: jealousy) ... 😛

<b>Name:</b> Lucky Bastards Forum - a subforum of the TMF (main)
<b>Description:</b> Got a partner into tickling? Get tickled or get to tickle them all the time? Here and ONLY here is the place to brag about it. To show you care about the <s>losers</s> others, you can occasionally post encouraging cliches like, "you'll find yours soon enough" and "never give up hope" and "life is like a box of chocolates." This should balance out the thousands of boastful threads chock full of your unimaginably steamy anectodes and vivid tales of tickling bliss. Oooh...mmmmm!

<b>Name:</b> Hating the Lucky Bastards Forum - a subforum of the TMF (main)
<b>Description:</b> Here's where the folks with out partners can insult people in the Lucky Bastards Forum. To show your nonchalance here, posts may be prefaced with statements like, "They're not bad people, but..." or "It's not that I'm jealous, but..." or "F*ck em' " (It will be obvious to everyone that you don't care, too, because you'll say it so often.)
<b>Name:</b> "TMI" Forum - a subforum of the General Discussions Forum
<b>Description:</b> Here's where folks can share something about themselves 99.999999% of the general population just doesn't need or want to know. Gossip fanatics and publicity hounds can go wild! Read or post all about members' infatuations with fancy fetishes ranging from flatulence to fecal matter! Find out how many of the oozing, ulcerous boils on someone's ass have spread! Learn how many corpses buried in certain member's backyard were related to them! No such thing as 't.m.i.' in this neck of the woods. It's all news, it's all made public, and at last....it's all here!
MrPartickler said:
<b>Name:</b> "TMI" Forum - a subforum of the General Discussions Forum
<b>Description:</b> Here's where folks can share something about themselves 99.999999% of the general population just doesn't need or want to know. Gossip fanatics and publicity hounds can go wild! Read or post all about members' infatuations with fancy fetishes ranging from flatulence to fecal matter! Find out how many of the oozing, ulcerous boils on someone's ass have spread! Learn how many corpses buried in certain member's backyard were related to them! No such thing as 't.m.i.' in this neck of the woods. It's all news, it's all made public, and at last....it's all here!

hmm ok.. what i want to share that the general population doesn't need or want to know... hmmm i psttttt now this is a deep dark secret, i have an egg... guess why? blushes..

isabeau :xpulcy:
isabeau said:
subforum: i have a headache thread

description: post why you have a headache and how it ruins your entire day.. and how you would love to bang someone's head into the wall so they hurt like you do... lol

isabeau 😀
Wow... either you have a headache at the moment, or you have issues that need working out. Jeez dear...
Forum name: Rapid Feather Forum

Description: A forum specifically designed so that everyone, and yes, i mean everyone can reach their feather status. All you do is go there and put up blank posts, and reply to blank posts. Or you could just put a letter of the alphabet.

And then maybe could reply with the next successive letter of the alphabet. And so on and so forth.

Then maybe you could start games where you name famous people, or songs, or other such silly stuff.

We don't have a place like that, and gee willikers we should!

Mz Chaos said:
Wow... either you have a headache at the moment, or you have issues that need working out. Jeez dear...

actually i had a killer headache when i wrote that...

<b>Name:</b> Intoxicated Forum
<b>Description:</b> After the sixthsht shot of Jager and the fiffith joint or the seconfd hit of the crack pipe... youu acn post here. bheree. thasss a funnie word. "here." ain't it? Here! LOL. you're sow funny when yo U SAY THAt. here. hahahah!
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