I cant recall if I perhaps posted this already or not, but there was a scene in a May 1985 "Dallas" episode called "Swan Song" in which Bobby was killed by a car at the end of the show. In the show, just before Bobby leaves the house of his ex wife, Pam and meets his fate, he gets her down on the bed, and gives her sides a good tickle. It seemed like a real and sincere tickling episode, as Victoria Principal, the actress who played Pam, seemed to be really laughing and writhing, and it seemed genuine. There is also an implied tickling scene in the very first "Dallas" episode, where Bobby and Pam are upstairs in bed at night, and even though the camera is not in the room, the viewer hears a lot of laughter coming from the room, and finally Victoria Principal as Pam saying "ooh no"! These are about the only scenes of tickle or implied tickle that Ive seen on that show, and I figured Id post it to share. Again, Iam sorry if this is a repeat post and people have read it already, but after scanning the forum, I didnt see it posted anywhere, so I figured I would post it anyway.