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Dawn of Darkness ch.3


1st Level Orange Feather
Nov 3, 2006
Greetings all and a happy new year. I never though I would finish this story in such a short time (around 2 days without review, so it is not the best piece) and so here it is. This story features next famous people of TT: Umojar, Sammi-chan, Kimiko, Journia and Duke Diablo. I made this story a little more comical and added too much battle, probably, but I hope you enjoy it. Hope to read some interesting review and critics.

It was stormy night above castle that was engulfed with screams of its endless victims and prisoners. Castle design looked like an architectural joke, but its grim walls painted with blood and spikes that encircled it were not. The design was quite simple, few towers scattered around the main building, few useless hallways that connected those towers and three layers of wall that surrounded places that didn’t need defense. Probably because of this unoriginal and ill made construction the architect was their first victim. This place was something closest to Hell in the world, place of endless torture and longing for eternal war. Countless people were tortured every day and night, some for information’s, some for revenge, but mostly because of pure pleasure.
How he loved to hear melody of pain early in the morning, if morning could ever be differed from night in that place of everlasting storm. The combination of begging, crying and screaming made such a nice symphony in his twisted mind. He caught himself humming to the sweet sour melody and occasionally wishing he was the conductor of that orchestra. He walked silently through the hallway, though he didn’t have to do it for apparent reasons, but he liked to practice. Even in visible light his existence was ignored, but if he was on enemy territory that would be grave mistake. The light brown coat rose slowly at upcoming cold wind. He knew where he was so he lowered his brown hat, over his dark brown hair and chestnut eyes, even he didn’t want to see this. Gently he opened the crimson door decorated by few oh so lovely silver skulls, made with real silver and real skulls. The hand of fear stroked him as he entered weakly lighten room. He carefully examined his surroundings, even in their own lair treacheries were normal. There was one man, his whole body covered with heavy armor ornamented with few sigils of no particular reason. He wore a skull shaped helmet with four eye slots and four demon like horns. Almost one half of his body was covered with bloody red cloak giving him even more notorious looks. It was Duke Berith, the commander of Demon squad, the deadliest force they had. If he was here then the matter needed urgent ‘removal’.
At the very edge of his eyesight was hidden another person. In her red eastern clothes adorned with few black flames an exotic female stood. Her face was hidden by her best friend, the darkness, but few of her strands of her black hair sprayed with red revealed. Judging from her height and stand he identified the person quickly. Kimiko, lady of bloody hands, terror of peasants. He couldn’t ever get it why do the peasants fear her, was it because she burns down their villages or was it ‘cause she brings them here after that? Needless to say that she was one of best close combat fighters in the world, she was also one of most villainous interrogators.
Quickly he bowed down. He didn’t sense anyone else in the room, but the precautions wouldn’t hurt. No, he was wrong. As soon as he heard the grim metal breathings and hissing he knew he made a mistake he would never forget. “You are late!” metallic voice stated the obvious. He was late almost an hour, because of symphony that made him drunk. He quickly tried to apologies, but was almost instantly hitted and sent flying to kiss the wall. He barely managed to land on his feet and bow once more. He coughed few times, but he regained his composure quickly. With silent voice he addressed his commander.
“I am sorry lord Belial I didn’t mean to make you wait. Please forgive me!”
“You love for sound of tormented souls is starting to become really frustrating lieutenant Journia of Predator brigade.” Filled with rage the voice said stopping only few times to breathe in deeply. Naming him fully with his title only showed him how grave the matter truly was. In fear for his life he threw a quick glance at Lord Belial. His appearance changed drastically few years back, after the incident with new so called Angel of Death. Only his left arm, half of his torso and his head were still human, everything else was exchanged with pure adamant after that fight in which he should’ve lost his life. His body now was eight feet tall and wide six in shoulder section, but that didn’t lower his agility. His right metal arm looked like a demon claw covered with many magic symbols that strengthened it even further, but his left arm was strong enough by itself, being trained hard for past few years. Journia could hear few gears moving, probably his heart compartment, though that was not the fault of blacked haired bringer of doom. Belial was heartless from the birth, this way he was literally heartless. One strong arm rose him high, almost to the ceiling. Journia fought for air, but only thing he could concentrate now was Belials face or what was left of it. Short purple spiky hair still covered most of his head, but instead of his face he had to wear the breathing mask and goggles with green lenses.
“Make sure it doesn’t happen again, or the next time…” adding weight to the words “you will be the one singing the song you love so much.” He dropped him instantly and slowly went back to his throne. Actually only things that were in the room were deadly cold air and the throne that would make you think it was made from cement blocks of different size putted randomly on. “Listen to me carefully, ‘cause I will say this only ONCE! I have finally gained the clue to the location of that infidel! Your orders are simple. You three, our best operatives will take everything they need and attack it, desolate it, slaughter it, but you will bring me his head on silver plate. Is that clear?”
Both Kimiko and Journia quickly bowed and nodded, while Duke Berith stayed in his position without a single movement. His only thoughts now were –Have I had a breakfast yet?-
“Also one more thing. Bring HER with you. She will be useful weapon against any mage-type enemy.” And with that Belial dismissed his subordinates. He still sat there thinking about that faithful night and about the pain he had gone through. This time he plans to repay that ‘kindness’ ten times its worth. With a gentle swing he made, yet another hole in the wall behind him. His green lenses started to glow in total darkness that enveloped him.


“That mechanical creep, who does he think he is?!” complained Journia along the way to Berith and Kimiko. Berith was obviously uninterested in conversation still thinking inside of himself about his dilemma with breakfast, but Kimiko smiled at ill fortune that striked Journia.
“That CREEP just happens to be second in command of our entire army, next in chain of command to great Anaxi Mander himself.” Said Kimiko, obviously teasing young Journia and pushing him into state of rage. Her eyes shined red as she danced in front of him to see his face. She was disappointed, he smiled, why she didn’t know. After that they walked in silent through the hallways engulfed in screams and smell of dried blood. They went deeper underground taking the endless spiral stairway. Kimiko was bored, for it seems like hours have passed without them getting anywhere and unlike the sadistic Journia she didn’t have any pleasure in hearing painful song of captives, she liked to do the torture herself. Berith on other hand was fascinating to her, always silent, cold and passive, but sharp and deadly in combat. She couldn’t ever figure out what was he thinking, but to her opinion not even the famous sculpture, The Thinker, was match to him. Thinker probably though about something nice, while on other hand she though that Demon Duke though of something hell like.
Berith’s only thought at that point were “Ok it is past breakfast time, but what about lunch? Is it time for me to take lunch yet? Hmmm…”
And so the odd trio went to the deepest level of the castle, that took them around three hours walk. Half way there Journia’s song went silent. After a while they started to hear laughter, a frantic and never ending laughter. That was not common in the place closest to hell, so it took them by a surprise. Kimiko listened with disgust, Journia with interested and Berith finally moved onto other topic in his thoughts, dessert. When they entered the room they wished they haven’t. It was laboratory of Doctor Gladius, mad scientist that came few years ago and started with some really disgusting experiments. It was him who made Belial’s new body, it was him who cloned soldiers to give them almost endless army, and it was him who was known to be the second cruelest man in the castle. Some of his experiments even made Journia threw up his lunch. Berith on other hand had no problem with it, because he never knows if he had any lunch to throw up at all. When they entered he was busy ‘breaking’ another victim’s will. The thin man stood next to the pair of stocks as he admired the machine he made. The stocks secured a beautiful young blond girl, the victim. Her arms where risen up and chained onto a stone block, while her feet were trapped inside the stocks. With the single glide of softest kind she started to laugh again. Feather glided across her underarms and soles so softly that it barely caressed it, only the tip of the feather tickled her.
“Isn’t this fascinating?” said the doctor adjusting the machine that tortured the girl “She is one of strongest people, both in will and in body and any torture we tried had no effect on her, but this… this simple child play had effect after first hour. Imagine how she feels after year of almost endless laughter.” When he finally turned to his visitors he raised his glasses with middle finger.
“She probably feels awful.” Shivering in fright kimiko said. She knew all too well how torturous that felt. She was the torture queen after all and she was probably as ticklish as that poor girl.
“You think? I think she doesn’t feel anything anymore. Her will broken, her rational thinking reduced to obeying our commands. She doesn’t even know her name anymore. She trains because we tell her to. She doesn’t make any mistake. And to think that we have to thank a little feather for a perfect warrior.” He lectured while slowly moving his finger tips across the machine he created. He couldn’t feel the cold metal due to his white gloves, but he could imagine it. Sharp shiver was sent to his mind and made into a great idea, but it was interrupted by a cough from Journia.
“We came for her.” He said and pointed at giggle pile of laugher that was supposed to be their top rated weapon.
Doctor grinned, showing his pearly white teeth in darkness. “So the show begins.” He said grimly “But she needs to rest first. Three hours should be enough.”
Journia and Kimiko were annoyed. They spent almost an entire day just walking through the castle. In the meantime Berith went to the kitchen to finally conclude his lunch problem.


Umojar felt like a fish on the dry land. Almost a week passed without any action and his new ‘master’ wasn’t doing any evil schemes yet. Sure they opened few portals, gained trust few demons and made some strategies, but there was no real action. He caressed his short beard strongly and let a little sigh. With a shaky hand he moved. A sweat drop appeared on his forehead, not visible under his white fedora hat.
“Checkmate Umojar my friend.” Said the red eyed warrior as he looked him with a happy face. They were sitting on the top of the cliff for days now, playing chess and spying on Michael and Samantha. To them they were not very entertaining. They were mostly arguing, even in life or death situation like the current one. In the valley down from their current positions, the two peons were fighting with couple of thugs. The fight should’ve lasted more than a minute or two, but thanks to their uncooperative attitude to each other they were leading a little war down there.
“Master I must ask you one question.” Umojar said regaining his confidence after being totally defeated in chess. The dark figure just politely gave him a hand gesture. “Why is that boy so important to you?”
The raven haired master laughed silently “Because he reminds me on Alexander. He is the one that I want to see in battle again.”
Suddenly both of them focused their sight on the battle. It was over with obvious winners. Sammi and Michael panted hard, but hard willed Michael decided it is best for them to move on. Sammi though he was an idiot. They walked away from the stone valley and after an hour of walk they decided to camp on the lavender field. The smell of lavender and their low fatigue made them fall asleep quickly.
Again he went to his nightmare. “Ex inferno nulla redemptio.” He heard again and again. That stylish voice filled with dread and terror, blood of many. He saw them again, all of them. Elder, weapon shop clerk, few kids and of course Seline. How could he forget, they were his fuel of hatred, they are the ones that made him come this far. Them and those two bastards. He would go even to the end of the world and fight with last ounce of strength, but he would defeat them. Again and again he saw them slaughtered, their body parts scattered across the field, and he saw himself making grave after grave after grave. Then suddenly he heard steps. He was sure they were not in his dream. Quickly he jumped from his resting place and grabbed his sword. Still half asleep he could only notice four strangely dressed persons. One was a very young eastern style girl with vicious smile and equipped with few shurikens. Second was a fully dressed knight which’s design reminded him on demon. Third one was a young man, probably older than him, with no weapon apparent. The last one was fully cloaked person so Michael couldn’t analyze him.
“What do you want?” he asked coldly.
“My, my isn’t he rude?” said the girl putting her hands behind her head.
“I will repeat myself once more…” he said pointing his sword at them “What do you want?”
The noise rose and beautiful thief had problems maintaining her beauty sleep. “Oh no don’t mind me!” she yelled as she stretched her body. After few moments she noticed Michael and small group exchanging deadly glares. “You don’t plan to start a fight again do you baka?!” she yelled at him, but as usual he didn’t even blink. He was too cold to her and it started to annoy her. Taking her usual stance she drew her faithful daggers and prepared for the worst. “So why are these costumed figures here mate?”
“Who knows? You probably robbed them few months ago.” Said Michael sending Samantha into pit of anger and fury.
“I told you I am a treasure hunter, not a thief!”
“Oi love birds! Forgot about us?! We are the enemies here!” yelled Kimiko furiously. She would rushed and attacked both of them wasn’t it for Journia who stopped her at last moment.
“Where is so called Avatar, the red eyes angel of death? We are just dying to meet him.” Journia said with a little grin on his face. Only then his eyes meet with Samantha’s and Michael’s. Both of them felt the shivering as they looked into those deadly looking eyes.
“These guys are special.” Concluded Michael and changed his stance into one of his more powerful ones. He was ready to strike when he heard silent laughter.
“Hahahaha… interesting. So thy wanted to meet with me?” he smiled as he elegantly approached them with his faithful companion “So what are we waiting for?”
“You… I want to know about Belial more from you?” said Michael pointing his blade toward their new ‘guests’. Both Umojar and raven haired male smiled at the very thought of that name.
“The worthless one.” They both said in unison. Michael only now noticed the demon he fought not so long ago. –So they are allies- he said to himself. He knew that this will become a rough fight.
“May we know your name evil one?” Journia said with sneaky look.
“No, but you can call me Samael.” He replied gently, now looking at Michael “I have no intention of fighting my own pawns.”
“Who are you calling pawn mate?!” yelled Samantha.
The tension rose, but the fight still didn’t start. Each of the fighters kept silent and carefully studied their opponent. By the number of opponent they all concluded they would get at least one opponent at same time. They analyzed each other, but only few were able to grasp the true fighting nature of their opponent. Michael was obviously a close combat fighter, but he knew some attacking magic too. Samantha was also purely close combat fighter, but with her weaponry she could also be a mid range fighter. Both Kimiko and Duke looked like purely as close range warriors, but what other talents to they hide? Umojar was definitely a ranged fighter, a mage and at rare occasions a summoner. He would probably have too much problems with some of fighters here. On other hand Journia, Samael and hooded person could not be analyzed fully, for their stance told nothing of the technique they used. Most of them already chose their opponent and strategy. Everything was getting ready for them to start…
“Come on you blockhead narrator! Start the fight already!” yelled Sammi as I stood silently trying to figure how this could happen.
Kimiko made the first move, being hasty one in their group, and high kicked Sammi. Samantha fell backward, made a loop and charged back, hitting Kimiko with her knee in the belly. She fell back on her knees as she saw Michael coming as support to the purple haired girl. She already though that she lost the battle, only because she underestimated the girl and if she survives she would make her pay. Michael swung his blade high, his blade shinning due to Sun. She hastily closed her eyes hoping for miracle, when she heard a metal hitting metal. When she opened her eyes she saw a fully armored figure in front of her. Berith saved her using his Grimoar, a sword 3 feet wide and 5 feet long, monster amongst the swords. She quickly grasped the situation and used Dukes strong shoulder as a jump platform to attack that girl again, while Michael was having some trouble breaking through the defense of his opponent. Quickly she charged the magic energy inside of her, concentrated it into her left fist and used it as a container for her next attack. Flame sprouted from her palm and with that palm she hitted thief directly sending her flying back in smoke. Berith on other hand had no problem with Michael, deflecting his every move. Only thing he though about now was –Should I slice him horizontally or vertically?-
On other side of battle field things were going peacefully for now. Both Samael and Umojar were enjoying watching the fight, while Journia didn’t seem to be in such a hurry to end this. He remembered the thing that doctor asked him to do, at all cost. Slowly he bowed down, slightly raising his sight and increasing his smile. “Shall we dance on field of truth bastards?” he asked as he tightened his gloves.
“My, my, what a lousy manners. I think it will be worth beating you and taking your soul into everlasting torment.” Said the Umojar as he walked slowly toward Journia.
“Torment? Only tormented one here will be you!” in that instance they started fighting. As fast as he could, Umojar sent his black tentacles through the ground making them emerge as black spears that rushed toward Journia, hoping to impale him. It failed miserably, because Journia jumped back few times until he was out of reach of his spears. –Pretty good analyzer- though Umojar as he caressed his beard, thinking about torments he was going to put him after this event. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t have much time to think. Almost in the blink of his eyes he saw Journia disappearing, leaving only dust and few lavender flowers floating in the air. Suddenly he felt a pressure around his neck and hand. He was being pushed back with an incredible force, but he wasn’t going to give up. Unlucky for him, neither was Journia. He fell on his back, now feeling that even his legs were tangled by some mysterious force. His head was slowly meeting with his legs, ever so slowly feeling his spine bending, almost at breaking point. He could now see his opponent’s back and his left hand making strange finger patterns. Strings. Those were his weapon and with that weak tool he, the Soul catcher Umojar was knocked down.
“See you in Hell.” Journia slowly said, making every word last for an eternity. Another finger pattern and Umojar’s spine cracked. Devious was the smile on young fighters face when he finished his opponent and walked toward his next one, but suddenly he heard some strange sound from the corpse. Even before he could act Umojars white tuxedo ripped open and two black tentacles grabbed his hands. Behind those tentacles followed the black head with its glowing sapphire eyes and full face smile. “Welcome to the Hell!” said true face of Umojar as he used his tentacles to smash his opponent on hard ground. Only thing that young string user could mutter were “Attack!”
At his command the hooded figure attacked Samael. Using movements that could easily be mistaken for Journia’s, she appeared below raven haired antagonist and with a single kick sent him flying high in the sky. At the height of twelve feet Samael was already going to be greeted by another kick that smashed his body into solid ground. Everyone on the battle field was amazed and even stopped their fighting for a moment, but instinct of warrior overwhelmed so they continued. Samael on other hand was having great time. Slowly he stood up and clapped to the hooded warrior.
“I must say that whom ever you are, you have great talent. Maybe as great as I had at the moment of battle in the Globe of Infinite Darkness. Unfortunate for you, your chances to defeat me now are as small as they could get.” Hooded fighter didn’t seem too concerned about what was Samael talking, but waited another good chance to attack. Using same pattern of moves like last time he sent Samael flying in air again. Mere moment before he landed second hit, this time harder and mightier than before, Samael body turned into black smoke and disappeared. Second later he reappeared high above him hold dark sphere in his right hand. He had no problem hitting him in mid air and power of the strike sent him flying down fast, but thanks to some strange training or just mere luck he landed on his feet after few leaps. His hood ripped he was finally unmasked. He was she and she was beautiful blond girl with empty eyes.
“So another doll controlled by worthless one. It seems that this game isn’t chess anymore, but shogi. Taking pieces and returning them on field, sounds interesting.” Samael said calmly and seriously finishing the sentence with his regular smile. “Come Doll!”
Doll attacked fast, faster than he could react. She jumped on Umojar’s stomach making him drop Journia from his monstrous grip. After that she punched into the empty air toward kneeling Sammi and pleased Kimiko who cruelly stood above Sammi laughing at her misery and weakness. The hard wind rushed toward both of them and made them fly away. Instantly she moved between Duke and Michael who had a stalemate fight, Duke still thinking artistic about how to slice and dice him and Michael using all his power in vain. Berith instantaneously understood her orders, orders of her controller, the ‘good’ doctor, so he backed away to Journia’s side. Michael just stood there holding his blade few inches from her forehead. He was overwhelmed with her likeness to Seline. He even muttered it silently, hoping it is her, but knowing that it probably couldn’t be. Leaving to response, she retreated fast with two of her companions, leaving Kimiko unconscious.
Without a single warning Michael felt a strong punch in his stomach, losing almost all of the air immediately. With a short glimpse he saw Samael, he tried to say something like bastard, monster or anything that would say how angry he was, but he fainted. Samael approached Umojar in hope of helping him stand up, but it seemed like he had everything under the control. His true head falling back into his stomach and his fake head moving yet again.
“Pick that red haired girl and let us go. We have a new pet to play with.” Instructed Samael as he moved away from the site. Umojar gently picked up the girl with his tentacles and followed his master still angry about out come of the battle.


“Why has he made us retreat like that?! We could’ve defeated them with few simple complications!” yelled Journia angrily. He wanted to play some more, but never the less he looked at two vial with blood of two enemies. At very least he finished the assignment that doctor gave him.
“Too bad for Kimiko though.” He said signing. Looking at current company that rushed fast toward castle without saying a single word, he felt depressed. He had a silent mass murderer and a pumped doll like fighter that doesn’t talk unless ordered by doctor. Not a very good company. Not a very good company indeed.


Michael stood up after an hour of sleep. He carefully watched his surrounding, then inspected seriousness of Sammi’s injuries and just after that though back about battle. He felt so miserable, so weak, and so useless. If he was going to take a revenge he will have to get stronger fast. He knew only one way to do that. Darren of the Dragon Order. If he could get him to train him, this guys would fall under his single strike. He had to be accepted as his apprentice now. That he promised to himself.


Samael smiled at today events. He was so happy now that everyone started acting, even if that was neither helpful or harmful to his plan. He looked at his fellow demon playing with his new toy with so much enthusiasm. He trapped the girl with his tentacles spreading her into an x position and covering her loud mouth with one. They noticed from the start that she was too mouthy and rude to be helpful, so Samael though about Umojar training her to help her.
“So my friend you have seventy two hours to train her. Is that enough?”
Umojar smiled as his tentacles started to gently tickle spunky girl. He was going to easy all of his frustrations on her. Gently he started to tickle her ribs, every once in a while probing her ribs. Also he started to tickle her knees and her pale neck. He couldn’t wait to get to her feet. “A warrior of this caliber…” he said “… will need at least one week to break.”
He lied, Samael knew that very well, but he accepted this act. “Oh is that so? So she is strong little girl. Oh well what is a week of tickle torture to a girl like her anyways” he acted the best he could, but Kimiko couldn’t act strong anymore. After what she heard she was on brink of crying. She was the torture queen reduced to a victim. She was surely not going to survive a whole week, not without going insane. A tear of fear slid down her cheek.

Will Michael and Sammi get stronger? Will Samael finally reveal his plan? What was Journia’s quest after all? Read the next chapter, next year!
I like this very much. I am giving a brief reply for noqw because I am going to give a more detailed reply later. Soon to come: Review.
Ow... we got our asses kicked. u_u But! At least I get to sit back with satisfaction knowing that at least Kimi's gonna pay for it. 😉 Nicely done, dude. Good action, and I look forward to seeing what the villainous plans are. Keep it up.
Hmm... extremely interesting and unique story. I applaud to you. A story well worth the wait, all expectations outmatched!
The fights are great, very anime-like in style (they remind me very much of Ninja Scroll and Basilisk, which are both great animes). Love how you described my char, btw. Looking forward to the next chapter.
And yes, happy new year!
Yes!!! This is even better the second time around! Very imaginative battles, and I am uniquely intrigued by the coming events of the next chapter. Silent Murderer? My, this will be quite interesting in the coming days. I only wish I could hear Lonelykimiko's thoughts on this. BTW Happy New Year Bashiku and Kimiko!
Happy new year to all too.
Thank you guys and I must admit... I am scared of what Kimiko might think 😛
So to be sure I am going into Sherwood forest 😀
Now for few spoilers I planned for next chapter. Sammi kicks *cough* (input name here)'s butt.
Revealed Duke's face.
More destructive fight between Samael and new character.
Well I am back to work... I hope this bodyguards that I hired can take care of Kimiko 😀
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