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Dawn of Darkness ch. 5


1st Level Orange Feather
Nov 3, 2006
Well after being sick I decided to finally finish my new chapter. This chapter includes tickle torture of one of your most favorite member. I won't tell who, but after this chapter she is probably going to strangle me... or burn me... or strangle me and burn me. Well who cares! Enjoy the show. Again critics are welcome, and because I don't plan to make another D.O.D. chapter in a while I might take few requests if you think I am good enough... but I don't do sexual context.
Also I have something to say to Sammi-chan. Ready this chapter... it has a hidden message for you 😛

Her heart beat so fast as she saw the doorknob rotate slowly. She already accepted that she couldn’t hide, but her warrior instinct made her prepare for what could be her last battle. Being in her silk dress, she felt such a sorrow when she ripped downer part of dress, up to the knees. If she would by any chance come back from this alive, she would make that nerd Valeria pay for this dress as collateral damage. She grabbed her daggers tightly, screamed through her teeth, before charging at half open doors. She landed a hard kick on her unsuspecting enemy, knocking him over the counter, but seemingly without effect as he continued to glide over like a feather moved by a weak wind. She could now observe the Count for few seconds before he counter attacks. His raven hair was a mess and covered most of his pale face, only showing his white fangs when he smiled and a look filled with killing intent. He laughed as he ran his fingers through his hair, raising his chin over high black collar mixed with golden threads. His whole body was covered in an intimidating black cloak, covered with a few hardly seen golden runes and designs of bats.
“So you are the one who dared to give my victims a second chance. Interesting. If you were here for more than few minutes you should know that you can’t win against a monster like me, no?” he said grinning. Sammi knew he was right, she had no weapon that could fight against him. For now she could only stall a little bit, hoping that someone would hear the commotion and send help. As fast as she could in remains of her dress, she jumped over the counter and assuming her low stance rushed toward vampire. In few second she was already at his back, jumping high and hoping she would hit some critical point. But even before she hitted her target, her plan was destined to fail for vampire stood there not making a single move, until the last second. His body divided and turned into countless bats who circled around Samantha furiously. Every second of those bats attacked her, ripping a single piece of her dress, leaving her in the end just in her bra and panties. After that the bats reformed in silents of the shadow letting the count laugh at his deed.
“You have a pretty body child. It would be a waste to just kill you here.”
“Oh great, not only you are a vampire, but you are a pervert too!” she yelled at him “Do you know how much that dress costed!?
“Oh my… what a spunky attitude. I like you child. Maybe we should play some more games at my lair?” he said smiling, opening his grim cloak and revealing only darkness inside. Darkness was endless, but to Sammi’s surprise it seemed like it was leaking out of him coming closer to her. She tried to jump away, take better position, analyze the technique, but as she tried to jump the darkness swallowed her whole. At that moment she felt terribly sleepy, but she tried to get out. Her last thought before fading away were –Why am I always the damsel in distress? - Hours passed by her estimation and still she was unconscious. At some moment in time and space of her subconscious she started an interesting conversation with her childhood imaginary friend, Freddy Krueger.
“One, two, Freddy's coming for you. Three, four, better lock your door. Five, six, grab your crucifix. Seven, eight, gonna stay up late. Nine, ten, never sleep again.” Sang the children as they played in eternal darkness, barely forming an illusion of cemetery. Outlines shone bright, but everything inside was empty, barely visible or noticeable. Only a figure in black and red Christmas sweater was solid enough to view. His razor hand moved for a second, metal clanking due to every movement, making himself more terrifying. With his other hand he raised his hat a little bit, revealing his totally burned face with a playful sadistic look on its remains.
“Come to Freddy.” He said making a hand gesture with his razor hand. "I should warn you, princess: The first time tends to get a little... messy."
Sammi looked puzzled by current events, hitting herself on the forehead and declining to herself that this was real “Why do I always attract the creeps, even in my dreams. I am so gonna sue author of this novel... You hear me!?” she continued to yell at me for some time after this… I gave her choice between Winnie the Pooh and Freddy Krueger… but for some reason she never replied on my mail… I think she is done with cursing me… let us get back to the story.
She yelled at the sky, trying to wake up and still ignoring the notorious Freddy who was getting annoyed with her ignoring him. “I can't come back if no one remembers me! I can't come back, IF NOBODY'S AFRAID!!” he roared making her whole imaginary world tremble, now she hoped it was imaginary. In one moment, mere blink of an eye, she found herself tied spread eagle on metal table. The cool of the metal touching her bare back made her shiver and in futile attempts she tried to lift herself up. She still had only her black bra with pink outline and matching panties, but as her luck would have it some sick perverted idiot will try to take them of. Unfortunately for readers, this is not that day. She felt a gentle scrape on her silky skin, cold and sharp grate. She looked up as far as she could with her new restrains and she saw Freddy gently gliding his razor hand over her tummy.
“Welcome to MY nightmare!” he said smirking widely as he made few cuts on her white belly. Just as soon as he did that he disappeared. Only she existed strapped to a leather chair by her ankles, wrists and neck with metal shackles. Her forehead was pulled backward by some sort of contraption she couldn’t see. Her mouth was wide open with few little metal gadgets she didn’t recognize, but she knew she wasn’t going to like it. Soon a bright light hitted her and she had to close her eyes just for a second. Then she heard some loud buzzing, a sound she knew she wasn’t going to love. When she opened her eyes she saw a familiar figure jumping in front of her eyes.
“Say A!” said Freddy in his dental outfit bringing electrical drill near her mouth. She would try to escape from her own skin if she could right now, but in her helpless condition she could only sit and ‘enjoy’ the treatment.
“Oh dear you have cavities here… ups wrong tooth… now where is this blood coming from? What? You want to say I am bad dentist? Ups was that your tongue?” commented Freddy as he cruelly tortured Samantha on his dental chair, while she screamed, cried, tried to run away, but to no avail. The pain was overwhelming and she soon pasted out.
When she opened her eyes she just wished that she would never see Freddie’s face again. And she didn’t. She just saw a lightly dimmed ceiling made from solid block. He didn’t come at first moment nor moments later. She was so thankful to the God that she wanted to pray to him, but as she tried to pull her hands together she found out she was strapped again. “Dear God, I just want to tell you that you are one big ugly chauvinist.” She said quietly ending her sentence with Amen. She just found out that there was only ‘damsel in distress’ expression, there have never been any ‘gentlemen in distress’. She felt so stressed after this few events that she couldn’t hold her anger anymore. First that cold hearted Michael, then bunch of assassins and then a vampire. Even in her dreams there was someone to torture, kill or tie her up. Her thoughts went back to her mothers bickering about becoming a baker, not an adventurer like her father. Her mother was probably right at that moment, nobody kidnaps bakers. As she continued to bring back old memories she heard a door opening in direction of her head. She could see who entered, due to her restrains, but she could have guessed with blindfold on. The count Umbra, Undivine Shadow himself.
“Oh my... I hope I didn’t wake you up princess. My apologies for low rate accommodations, I will try to get some torture device in a while if you survive ‘playtime’.” He said while he glided around her, carefully studying her body. He liked her, her pale body, her black hair sprayed with purple strands, her glowing eyes filled with life. He wanted that life for himself, for eternity. He took a little bell from his inside pocket and rang it gently, after what he stood silently for few minutes still watching Samantha. After few moments the wooden door opened again, now entering three young and pale girls.
“What does His Divine Shadow wants from his mistresses?” asked a girl with long green hair. Two spikes of light green rose from her forehead and at half way to end fell down in their natural course. Darker green color was mostly for ends and areas of hair around shoulder, while grass green was color for her skull. Sammi was impressed with her hair style, if she finds the way out she will probably ask the girl about her hair stylist’s address.
“Undivine Shadow Sandra, Undivine. Even after five years you fail to remember that.” He said obviously angry, cause he resented anything divine, that was probably the reason why he decided to join up with Samael. Sandra felt sorrow, for she didn’t want to disappoint her master, so she fell to her knees and begged for forgiveness. He on other hand just looked at her coldly, but that cold face soon turned into a bright smile. “Play with her, but do not hurt her too much. She will become your sister soon, while I entertain the girl with glasses. She is just my type. My blood type that is.”
All of them smiled, revealing their fangs, making them look more monstrous than before. The pack encircled her as Umbra left the chamber and went to enjoy his delicious meal, before main course. Slowly three doll figures walked around Sammi, enjoying her nervous looks and her efforts in trying to keep their movements in her eyesight. There was a girl with long green hair, Sandra, one with dark blue hair that was falling to her shoulders. The third one had a curly white hair, not too long, but long enough to cover most of her face. All of them where dressed in black silky dresses, had black nails, black lipsticks. If Sammi didn’t knew better, she would call them friends already.
“So how should we play with kitty cat?” white haired purred as she glided her fingers from her ankle to her thigh. It tickled lightly, but unintentionally, Sammi concluded for whom in right mind would start right away with that torture. She hoped that they were not related to that white fedora demon.
“Who knows…? I say that we should take a lick… maybe even a quick drip.” Suggested Sandra, while blue haired one smiled shyly. Every girl took a certain position compared to Samantha’s body. Sandra, the ringleader, took place above her hear and shoulders, gliding her spreaded arms gently, so gently that it almost made Sammi giggle. Blue haired one took position over her stomach and unlike others who started with a tease, she already was using her tongue to glide over her belly. Because of this event Sammi let few giggles out, seemingly unnoticed, but to her surprise girls smiled at that moment.
“Is little baby girl ticklish?” asked Sandra as she glided her long black fingernails over Sammi’s underarms, slowly and torturous. The pace of her giggles increased, but only a little. Compared to that demon this was still nothing. Then she wished she never thought about that. The white haired girl caressed her pearly white feet, teasing them and making them jerk with occasional quick tickles.
“My… my Bridget, aren’t you a teaser.” Sandra told white haired girl as she watched her technique. Two fingers glided slowly over gothic girl’s feet followed with rapid attacks from all fingers that lasted no more than mere moment, but still made Sammi extremely exhausted. Her breath was already fast and they weren’t even tickling her hard… yet.
The blue haired girl was hasty. She was licking fast by now and made her captive’s stomach dance like a jelly, but she wanted more. Using her fingernail she made a little cut on Samantha’s skin, making her bleed, and making her lick the wound as a furious beast. “Calm down Sabrina! Take your time.” Sandra commanded while she showed her fangs and ever so slowly came down to Sammi’s right arm. Quick bite, a silent yelp and all was over. Sandra was now licking the wound she made on Sammi’s arm, her tongue ‘accidently’ sliding into her underarm and making her giggle more.
“I am not your chewing…. Hehehe… toy!” yelled captive beauty as she lied helplessly on the table, still tickled to end of her wits. While two girls already made their favorite licking spots, Bridget took more time. She finally licked her lips and chose to go to action. With tip of her tongue she teased her captive foot a while, making her squeal, shriek and yell from deep of her lungs. She hitted the jackpot for a tickle, for it seemed like her foot was so ticklish that a mere feather would make her beg. With another lick, from heel to toes, Bridget backed away and looked at giggling pile of meat they were torturing. To her she was nothing more than a food and they were kids playing with their food, but it seemed that this one particularly captured Counts attention. She wondered why.
Sabrina was in ecstasy. She made another little wound and started to vary her licking from one point to another. Amongst them, she was the youngest and this was her first time feeling a maiden’s pure blood, highest quality amongst humans. She was drunk just from few drops she licked, but thirst was still there. Her head was wobbly and she felt disoriented, but couldn’t stop what she was doing. She brought her hands into play and started tickling and probing her ribs with them, making her go ballistic and laugh as hard as she could. She was almost ready to hit one of her veins when Sandra grabbed her and rammed her against the wall.
“That is quite enough! Let us play nice.” She said calmly, but with a demons face for she knew how rare an opportunity like this was. She was second that was made into vampire from them three and in her lifetime as demon of the night she had only one opportunity before this to try maiden’s blood. She acted almost like Sabrina, but due to her high self control she managed to pull it off.
Bridget was having a black of a time while those two argued. Being the oldest of three she trained herself to manage to suppress the thirst of the blood to limit, enjoying every drop, but before doing that making a right atmosphere. She tickled two cute footsies with all she had, making her victim into a banshee. She was hypnotized by how her toes were dancing in front of her, like a weird ballet she thought. Her lust for blood hitted the limit, she concluded. Slowly she danced toward the wound that Sandra made and started to lick. She occasionally looked at her captives face. Her mascara was ruined by tears, her cheeks here bright red on earlier pale white and her breathing was fast.
-Thank god tickling stopped! I will never say you are sexist again! - Sammi thought, but she couldn’t afford much rest now. The white haired girl was licking her arm wound so slowly, still making her giggle like a little girl. In the mean time Sandra and Sabrina were watching this joyful event. Sandra always respected Bridget for her elegancy in feeding, while Sabrina could help, but to shake in drunken frenzy. Her oval face was throbbing, her eye shadowed eyes widened revealing her azure eyes filled with lust. She jumped on Bridget all of sudden and threw her against near wall, knocking her down. Sandra acted as fast as she could, grabbing Sabrina’s hair and hitting her face into one of shackles that held their captive. With a single move she made Sabrina’s face into bloody mess, a mess that will heal in just a few hours, but a feeling of shame will probably never disappear. She threw her body on the floor and casually checked Bridget. She too was knocked out for some time in near future.
“Well more for me I guess!” she said with victorious smile, knowing that she could do whatever she wants now, without any consequences. She sat at her prey’s body and glided her face. “Shall we play a game? The game is about you losing blood and me getting it until you are unconscious. What do you think?”
“I think…” started Sammi, but still breathing deep, trying to renew her composure “I think you should shut up.” And with that she broke shackle that was damaged by Sabrina’s hard head and punched Sandra into dream world. After that she laid there for few minutes before her strength returned to her and she decided to leave this place for good.
“At least this was better than that Freddy creep dream.” She said as she undressed one of vampires and slowly went into the darkness.


Slowly he walked over big stone bridge, stalking his future opponent from darkness. He could help, but to feel excited, for after so long he will duel against one of the best warriors there is now days, even if he has gotten old. He pulled his handle without edge, only true weapon he will ever need and finally came out from darkness. Right before he could say anything he was interrupted.
“Aye I know you are there you land loving dog. What do you want?” General said agitated for he thought it was an insult to his name for his man to fail in guarding this castle, yet alone let intruder this far in.
“As always I am impressed oh Darren the Dragon warrior.” Samael said mockingly as he bowed deeply. He knew from the past how to annoy Darren and he was ready to pull his biggest weapon against him. “So how is your sister?”
As struck by lighting Darren quickly pulled his spear and charged at opponent. The distance between them was great, but thanks to Darren’s skill the distance was shorten by half in one instance. In other instance he was able to attack Samael directly, but it seemed like he knew where he would attack and jumped high up. In air he looked like an artist, making a gallant loop, stretching his hands to his sides and letting demons appear. They stood on the ground, between Samael and Darren, growling quietly and slobbering all over. They were called Tindalos, or more commonly hellhounds, but Samael never saw anything hell-like on them. The black scale that covered them was so cold, their violet eyes were so fascinating, and their razor sharp claws were so useful. -Dozen of them are enough for warrior of Darren caliber- he concluded. With a quick hand gesture he commanded the creatures to do his evil bidding. Twelve shadows danced around spearman looking for a breach in his defense. And for a moment there was one, right on his right shoulder from behind. Two of beasts charged at his, one from the leap and one from bottom, in hope of cornering him and making him lose balance so they could trip him over the bridge. With a single lighting strike, both of the pups were sent back from which they came. With a grace of an acrobat he spinned the spear like it was a toy, passed it over his shoulders, grabbing it with his other arm and thrusting it into another of the beasts. Same black smoke appeared like from other two and now he was sure that this battle will be easy.
“Yer are not a worthy opponent summoner.” He said mockingly as he stabbed the spear into the ground. It was his usual stance against weak opponents. With a hard kick to the blade he made spear spin, adding a little balance with three fingers that helped rotate. Like a windmill, the spear rotated without changing its speed making all other Tindalos back off a few steps. It was right where Darren wanted them to be. In an instance he stabbed the spear again into the ground and jumped on the top of it, safe from his own trap. Bolts of electricity charged through the ground from the spear and right across all of hellhounds and their heart muscles. One after another they were engulfed into black smoke and disappeared from the face of this world. Now there were only him and the black summoner on the battleground.
“I see you learned some new trick Darren. Interesting, but unfortunately it will not do much against me.” Samael said confident in his skills. If Darren could use some new trick so could he.
“It all fun and games lad until you get hurt, but before I rip off yer heart will ya tell me yar’s name?”
“Now I feel depressed. You don’t even remember me after all that fighting in Globe of Infinite Darkness?” dark hair youth replied with a fake sad face, while making a black fireball in his left palm.
“Mander!” Darren concluded as he charged with full force. He used almost all of hi magical energy to speed up his body, making his body movement unseen to normal human. He thrusted his spear with full force into Samael, making both of them go through the nearby wall. Explosion spreaded through out the city. Most of them were not surprised by the current event, cause this was a city of many most powerful heroes and even heroes had a days where they liked to stress out. Only city guards where alarmed, because if it came from the castle it meant that Darren was fighting someone above their fighting abilities.
Covered with dust and with few broken bricks, Darren rose up proudly as he saw few of his subordinates coming to his aid down from the small corridor. –It is done yet again. - He said to inside of his thoughts, assured that the battle was over. He slowly walked toward guards, still feeling uneasy about current events and then it hitted him. Quickly he ducked seeing only with a glimpse of an eye terror that stood behind him. Unharmed and still highly entertained stood the dark Avatar. Furious was not a word to describe Darren’s feelings when he saw that figure again in front of himself.
“You guys run away!” he yelled at his fellow guards, but before he could warn them he noticed it was too late. The last blow was not meant for him, but was meant for now decapitated guards whose bodies still stood there as they were alive. Only after two more moments did the bodies fall down making a puddle of blood. Darren was astounded, for the Avatar had no weapon at hand, for he only had a sword handle in his right arm, no blade, no magic used so far. Inside of himself he wondered what was the trick, for he couldn’t attack without knowing his abilities. And then he saw it. A little black edge emerged from the handle, growing longer and making its structure more comforting for user. Soul edge was it called at ancient times, a technique where a master of magic and swordsmanship could use his magical power in making a perfect weapon for himself, an indestructible and sharpest weapon. That skill was indeed deadly, but the only wielders he knew that could teach anyone that skill were dead, including Alexander, the last soul edge user.
“Yar stole that skill from Alexander, eh Mander? He asked as he pointed the spear toward him. Now his chances for victory were low, especially if it was indeed Mander, Lord Mander, Anaxi Mander.
“You still have no clue whom I really am, do you? Well let me remind you a little bit.” He replied as he pulled something with his left hand. It was a colorless string, a piece of useless string that would now conclude the match. String pulled another two strings, which pulled another sixteen string, which all together pulled different mechanisms that in the end set contraption in work. Now the dance begun. At the first moment only two strings moved toward Darren with such a speed that would just go through his armor and bones all together like a knife through butter. Darren easily avoided first strike, but after he jumped in the air a net from the ceiling started falling towards him. With a swift move of his right arm he moved the net besides his, evading the attack, but pulling a string attached to the net and setting another trap in motion. Two fireballs were hurling toward him again from the ceiling, hidden behind net, two magical charms that were used against him. –When did he manage to do all this? - Darren wondered while he disposed of fireballs with a slash of his spear. At that single moment he forgot about his enemy and that was a mistake he would never forget. His sight lowering toward the floor he noticed Samael, also in midair, ready to slash him with his black edge. In despair he used his spear as a pole and thrusted it into a wall, pushing him beyond the reach of his opponent, but sacrificing his spear in exchange. He muttered silently few words, before throwing lighting at dark haired warrior, who dissolved into black smoke. For a moment Darren looked for him hastily, hoping that he could win before it is too late. But for him it was already too late. Even before he felt the blade going through his heart, he heard a little laugh. Coughing blood, stabbed with a soul edge through heart, weaponless, the only thing he could do is accept defeat. He still had few moments before his mind fades away.
“Do you know who I am now?” Samael asked him proudly, as a child proving its worth to a playmate.
“You are… yes you are not Mander… you are him, but how… Darkness… death… we saw…” Darren said feeling his lungs getting heavier with amount of blood, pain moving through his whole body, feeling deadly cold.
“Indeed… I am him. How pathetic are you, are you not Darren? You feared death back then, backed away so that others could die, and now you have lived more than most people had. With this I release you of your fear and as a repayment I will take a little reward, a catalyst for my plans.” He said as he saw Darren body turning to ash, time taking its toll. Soon all that was left of him was a pile of armor. “Umojar.” He said to himself knowing that demon was listening “bring our little prisoner with us.”
From nowhere Umojar appeared with a little girl tied with his black tentacles, screaming and struggling in vain “Yes my master. By the way was that your close friend?”
“He was once a comrade.” Samael replied nostalgically, while examining their little captive. He adored her big chestnut eyes and curly oak colored hair. His armored hand, monstrous looking armored arm glided across her cheek, sending her shivers and making her cry. “Welcome to hell princess.”


In the meantime at the local tavern, exhausted Sammi returned from her adventure with her vampire kin. She entered the tavern looking like banshee and walking furiously as bull. All of costumers were backing off from her, only Michael was stupid enough to approach her at a moment like that.
“Where were you this whole time? And didn’t you have a white dress?” he asked ignorant of her previous situation. Samantha felt like choking him and her hands almost complied, taking slow motions toward his neck. At last possible moment she refrained herself and with a hard slam to the counter that broke it, finished the talk with Michael.
“I am going to sleep.” She said while almost every man, including Michael was hiding behind farthest table. Only the old drunk perverted man that introduced himself as Empedocles, was still stupid enough to try anything with her.
“Oh baby you need to laugh more.” He said as he poked her ribs. The poke hitted Sammi like a lighting on the clear day, as she jerked, rotated and kicked the old man making him fly over the tavern and through the wall. Moments passed with waiting for nervous goth girl to go to sleep when one man, still amongst bunch hiding behind the table said “Who put a bee in her undies?”
“I HEARD THAT!” Samantha yelled furiously, making all man shiver in fear and stay awake for a whole night. Michael was probably the only one courageous enough to say something after few hours.
“This will be a long night.” He said interrupted by another one of Sammi’s screams.
Nice chapter, m8! Great battle, and I liked the tickling scene😀
You read fast... glad that you liked it 🙂
Well now I am starting to get worried... I mean I posted 5 chapters up until now and I mostly don't ever get any critics,thoughts or suggestions, not to mention a pleasant 'how are you?' or any normal chat... 🙁
I finally caught up with all the chapters and must say great work. I have really enjoyed the read and am ready for chapter six. Dont get to dicouraged if not many reply, it is the way things are.
Well since lately I get a lot of click... more than usual and that is enough for me to be encouraged to continue forward... THE SHOW MUST GO ON!!
For all those who were faithful to my series of stories... I will try to finish my next chapter tomorrow and from that point I will try to add the chapters once a week... I hope I can manage it 😀
For all those who were faithful to my series of stories... I will try to finish my next chapter tomorrow and from that point I will try to add the chapters once a week... I hope I can manage it 😀

I hope you can manage as well. :super_hap
I tried... but I forgot a lot of things I had to do and when I was prepared to write, somehow they all attacked me 🙁
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