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Delya's Cruise F/F


Registered User
Mar 27, 2004
I have been a member of the community for quite some time, though silent, as I imagine many of us are. Still, my appreciation for what many of you do for the rest of us, those with talent in drawing, computer or film, and those who have provided us with stories, vid-clips, and sites where we can enjoy our little pleasures is significant. I have often felt bad that I never contributed, and never really knew how to say my thanks to all that many of you have done for us. So for those active members in the community, and for those like myself, here is my first post ever.

A couple items of warning.

1. This is an F/F piece
2. This is my first ever story, and I do not pretend any real skill.
3. I get into character development and motivations, so those who are less patient, feel free to skip the development sections
4. The story is vague enough that it should not offend too many people’s sensibilities, but there is a female orgasm, so be warned
5. The characters are not given too many details about how they look. My feeling is that most have had a small cute girl and a tall athletic girl who we always wanted to tickle. The idea is to put them into this story. Hopefully their reactions are at least moderately conducive to your own personal versions of the characters. Barring that, use your imagination.
6. Finally, I am open to criticism, and if I haven’t done too terrible of a job, let me know if you want the story to continue to a part 2.

I do hope you enjoy.

TK 1 – Delya’s Cruise

Delya’s heart fluttered with anticipation. Her long red hair blew in the wind, flying wildly as the sea breeze whipped off the water and across the sea-port. In front of her, a gigantic, five star cruise ship awaited her. A five star luxury cruise ship towered over, a mass of white metal and portholes. Though she would not be a passenger on this grand liner, it still held a majesty about it. It was her way out. It was the beginning of what might turn out to be her new life.
Finally she had escaped from that stifling small town. Escaped from badgering parents, a large family leaving no room for privacy, and away from the bored tiring job of being an office clerk. It had taken all her self-control to save the money for the training school, and a bit more to let it go. She remembered standing, resolute in her conviction, surprising even herself, in front of her parents and told them her plans. “I’m 22 for god’s sakes. It is way past time for me to begin living my own life. I need to go out and see the world.” The memory filled her with pride.
And now she was free.
Job firmly in hand, staring across the port in Athens of all places, excited to work for nine months out at sea.
Granted, she sort of understood her parent’s reluctance in some ways. She was always a bit small of stature, and compliments of being “cute” rather than “beautiful” painted her a target for thieves and other ner-do-wells. But being locked in with her family had scared away just about all of her social life. While “cute” might not be “beautiful”, she could still garner a guy’s attention well enough she thought. She had a respectable hourglass figure, and chest that looked very reasonable, at least in proportion to her size. Though her family told her she was beautiful, they were family, and they were pretty much required by law to say that.
She felt she had been robbed of the whole dating scene by her huge family. 10 siblings with a total of 24 cousins living in relative close proximity had chased just about any boy that had the nerve to go out with her.
Now her family was thousands of miles away making them unable to thwart her new adventure.
She hadn’t deluded herself, however. A job would always be work, be that at an office, in a diner, and even on this luxurious cruise-ship. Still, never had she felt more excited. She would be seeing the world, trying new things, and finally building new experiences. Stepping forward onto the gangway, she strode to her new life.

1 Month Later
She truly was having the time of her life. Though the tedium of the job did begin to take some of the shine out of her original enthusiasm, the work was simple and not thought provoking. She served drinks, flirted with the old men for bigger tips, and cleaned tables once in a while. Still, she had made friends, and seen places she had only dreamed of before.
Delya walked into the staff-room, where Lindsay was resting, her long legs stretched up on the table, black stockings (standard issue to the uniform), stretched tightly over the long luxurious toes, while bridging the high arch. The blond woman’s shoes lay scattered casually under the table.
“Lindsay!” Delya smiled with unfeigned warmth. Her best friend. Tall, blond, with a tanned athletic body any woman would be jealous of. Initially, the woman stood out as the one to avoid, as the type had lorded their looks over other women, and Delya had had enough of that throughout high school and college. It was astonishing, then, that the woman had such a carefree attitude that exuded a confidence without diminishing those around her.
Delya quickly followed the taller woman’s example with a sigh, though not nearly as gracefully. It was rather hard to casually put your feet up when the table is so tall in comparison. The world was not well built for short people.
The tall woman smiled at Delya’s entrance, playfully bantering, “What are you complaining about? You carry half the weight I do all day long. I’m the one who should be sighing with relief.”
Delya smiled, retorting to the gentle wordplay, “If I had lovely long feet to carry my short little body around on, like your boats over there,” she pointed accusingly, “I wouldn’t complain at all. I have been graced, or cursed I should say, with little tiny feet and these short stubby toes.” As if to demonstrate, she waggled her toes toward the taller woman’s face. “So I can complain all I want,” jabbing forward with her foot on each word.
Lindsay grabbed the accusing foot and berated the smaller woman, “You have beautiful feet. Their miniature size is part of their charm.” As she finished, she poked the small foot with one of her long manicured red nails.
“Eeeeeeeeeeeeee,” Squealed Delya.
Startled, the tall blonde’s eyes widened with amusement. Grinning wickedly, Lindsay taunted her smaller friend, “What, prey tell, was that?”
“Nothing,” Giggled delay, “I’d like my foot back now please,” tugging her foot half heartedly away.
“Nothing?” grinned Lindsay, refusing to let go of the wiggling pied. With a wink, Lindsay quickly scrabbled her long nails across the smaller woman’s foot.
“Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,” came Delya’s cry as her leg spasmed in involuntary jerks.
“Eeeeeeehehehehehehehehe,” the little girl squeaked and shook. “Staaahahahahap,” she begged as she rocked her chair dangerously on its legs.
Lindsay paused for a moment, appraising her friend. “Ticklish much?” laughed the buxom blond cheerfully.
“Pleeeaase Lindsay,” she pleaded, still half laughing, “No more.”
“But I just started having fun.”
This time the squeal turned from high pitched squeak to throaty laughter.
“EEEEEEEEhehehehahahahahahahahahhahahaha, Lihihihihihihndahahahahay Plehehehehease, stahahahahahahp”
With a crash, Delya found herself on the floor, gasping for breath.
“Wow, Delya, that was sooooo cute. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone as ticklish as you,” said Lindsay. Helping the still chuckling Delya to her feet, she added, “I’m sorry, I just couldn’t resist. Are you OK dear?”
Delya playfully punched her taller friend, “Yes I’m fine, blondie, thanks for asking.”
Delya saw an odd gleam in the other woman’s eyes as they watched her, as though she was being examined. The look made her suddenly uncomfortable.
“What?” she snapped more harshly than intended.
“Nothing,” Lindsay stammered, “I just…nothing.”
“Don’t give me that, out with it already,” Delya demanded stomping her foot on the ground. The reaction, Delya was all to aware, tended to remind people of a child demanding, or throwing a temper tantrum over some small slight.
“Not yet, maybe with a little more time.” And with that, Lindsay gave Delya a quick hug in apology, while Delya hugged back in apology. “You’re still a little young to this crew, and you still need to let go of some of your preconceptions. Well, time for me to get back to it.” With that, Lindsay picked up her shoes and strode out of the room, leaving Delya confused from the enigmatic conversation.


Lindsay smiled as she walked out. Who would have thought that such perfect friend could exist for her. Just too cute for words, this tiny, fiery red head, with such a sweet disposition had stepped aboard and swept her off her feet. Her heart was still racing every time the two of them talked. And while eventually she would be a welcome addition to the groups little games, at least she desperately hoped, the girl was still too fresh to life in general. The last thing she wanted to do was scare her away.
Tall, sleekly athletic, she always intimidated both men and women. It was rare for her to find friends that didn’t quickly become jealous of her, and most of the men she had been with were far to possessive for anything lasting. Never had any preference to male or female, and tended to be open to anything once.
But as often happens, the friendships and relationships started strong at first, but always faded so quickly. “Don’t get your hopes up,” she chided herself. “Even if she is just a playmate, it will let you feel again, even if just for a moment.” As she said it, she realized the absurdity. She had fallen for this little Delya hard, and kid all she wanted; she had never wanted anything more.
It wasn’t just the physical attraction, though that presented itself in spades, it was the girl’s friendship. The girl’s life and enthusiasm were contagious. She was daring, though sheltered, and alive…so alive. Like a bird that had been freed from its cage, Delya was finally spreading her wings and flying.
“Patience,” she breathed. “It will happen if it was meant to happen, and wouldn’t if not. At the least, she would have a great friend. At most…. She shivered with the possibilities.
Grabbing a tray of drinks and feeling happiest feeling she had felt in years, she served the cruise patrons, practically dancing across the swaying ship.


The conversation played over and over in her head. She would argue with herself over the insignificance of it, but it refused to go away. What had Lindsay meant when she said, you’re not ready? Her first thought was that the woman was coming on to her, but quickly dismissed the idea after remembering of their numerous conversations about the more dashing of the men on board. The woman admitted to breaking the rules, though just to her, about a few such rule breaking nights she had spent with one of the more handsome guests.
Then she tried to confront Lindsay, subtly in conversation at first, then demanding an answer more forcefully. Each time, however, she was met with a simple smile, a pat on the cheek, and finally a complete refusal to acknowledge the questions.
Aside from this one infuriating subject, the two women became even closer friends as the days wore on. They talked about their pasts, their hopes for the future, clothes, fashion, and even men and relationships. Delya had never been so close to anyone before in her life.
She would have been content to let things go on this way, but the question began to nag, troubling her sleep. “Ready for what?” she would ask herself, over and over.
Finally she had had enough. She needed to know. Unfortunately the only clue she had led her to an idea she did not relish. Still, if she was to remove this cloud from her mind, it was the only way she could think of.


Despite her resolve it had taken a full week to build up the courage. The evening was a rare one, where both herself and Lindsay had the night off, while the other staff were off, taking care of the other passengers. The two gathered in their cramped little space they shared with two other ladies, both of whom were off working the night shift. They sat on the floor with their backs resting on opposite lower bunks.
Delya had pulled her knees to her chin, wrapping her arms around her shins, trying to summon courage, and patience, waiting for the right moment. She watched her confident friend, sprawled legs awkwardly straight in the cramped space. Just like herself, her friend’s long sleek legs were covered with the uniform black nylon stockings. The green work vests lay discarded on the floor, while their white blouses unbuttoned halfway exposing them in an almost indecent way.
Lindsay stretched catlike in her natural grace, athletic frame tensing, arms raised high, hands reaching, toes pointing, while her legs worked to find room in the narrow space. One of the long legs reached quite close to Delya, toes pointing only inches in front of her small hands. It had to be soon, before her nerve left her.
Putting on her most devious grin, she prodded her tall friend, “Bravo stilts, how many dishes did you drop today anyway?”
Lindsay mocked injury, “Only one! None of the others broke. Anyway, just because you are jealous of my long legs, doesn’t mean they still aren’t much preferable to those little stumps you got.” She smiled, eyes glittering to take the sting out of the words.
Laughing, Delya grasped the long elegant foot in her hand pointing, “Maybe if I had these big boats on the end of my legs, I would understand what it was like to be so clumsy all the time.” Her heart raced as she hesitated. Once she started, how it ended was unavoidable. There would be no stopping. This was the moment. Did she really want to know that badly? She was on the adventure of her life already. She had seen so much. Wasn’t that enough. Her heartbeat raced faster still, a sense of panic beginning to well in her chest.
No, the voice shouted in her head, you are here to experience, learn, and travel. To seek out new adventures. If you are not ready to take the risks that go with those adventures, you may as well crawl back home to mommy and daddy right now!
The thoughts had flashed through her mind in an instant. The hesitation only momentary, as she glanced upon the grasped foot, and then on the infuriatingly mocking smile on her friends face. She returned the smile with venom, reached out with her other hand, and began to rake her short nails across the long delicate foot.
The reaction was instantaneous, surprising the small red haired woman, as the foot tried to thrash away from her fingers. The tall blond howled with laughter.


Delya wrapped her little form around the taller woman’s single leg. Holding it down with both her legs and one arm pining the leg in place, she continued raking her nails over every part of the foot.


She scratched at the heel.


Her fingers moved up to the tall arch, producing a much more violent reaction from her victim.


The foot continued trying to twitch away from the little probing fingers, and the little red head held on, muscles now straining against the strong leg.


At the ball of the foot, the laughter lost a bit of the initial intensity. If her friend, however, were anything like herself, the next spot would drive her insane

Hahahahahah…gohohohohohing…. Tohohohohohohohohohoh…hahahahahahaha

Pulling the long sleek toes back, her short nails prodded and poked underneath and between each toe through the sheer nylon.


Her assumption had paid off, producing a spasm of laughter that tinged on desperation.

The taller woman had so far been hindered up to this point by her long frame in the tight space. Twisted awkwardly, struggling side to side while laughing, Lindsay scrambled to get any leverage she could find, and get the haired-haired vixen away from her foot. After what had seemed an eternity, she found the leverage she needed, adjusting position so her long frame would no longer trap her in the cramped lodging.
Delya, continued to taunt her friend, “This is payback for when you tickled me,” though she was not oblivious to what was happening. She had known the woman was athletic, just the strength in one leg had her struggling with all her might, and the end of Lindsay’s torment was coming to a close, though her own was about to begin. Delya tried not to shudder at the thought.

“Hahahahahaha yohohohoh ahahahahahre sohohohohohoh deahahahahahahd,” Lindsay forced out through chocking laughs.

“Looks like I’m not the only ticklish one here!” Delya chided. The rush she felt at this, so strange, but so good. Never had she had anyone under her power before. Everyone was always bigger and stronger. It had always been her at someone else’s mercy. Even her younger cousins always targeted her, ganging up and tickling her until she could barely breath. Now she was in control. The feeling of exhilaration, excitement, and of power, she loved every moment.
The feeling was short lived as the inevitable happened. The buxom blond had regained her leverage, twisting lengthways between the beds.

“Hahahahahaha…nowhahahah Ihihihih’ve got you”

Delya tried vainly to hold onto the single long leg, renewing her attack with desperate vigor. The taller stronger woman reached from behind her, wrapped her hands around the small delicate wrists, and pulled them back, away from the tortured toes.
And now, my little friend, you will pay…” Lindsay menaced.
Delya struggled frantically, twisting, trying to break the strong hold, knowing somewhere in her mind that it was in vain. With excruciating slowness, the little woman’s arms were drawn backward, over her head, the long legs wrapped almost delicately, but securely around the small torso, pinning both hips and legs with their strength. Not yet finished, Lindsay snaked one arm across both of Delya’s arms, securing them between the taller woman’s chest and the smaller woman’s head.
Delya’s arms flailed weakly over her head from the elbows. Completely immobilized now, her tall friend had one arm still completely free.
“I think we should lay down, I’m so tired now,” Lindsay said feigning boredom though somehow the statement dripped with mischievous malice. In horror, Delya felt as her body was pulled back, resting completely on top of the taller woman’s body, stretching her taught form from thighs to elbows.
“Lindsay, ok, OK, I’m sorry, oh my gosh!” Delya pleaded, beginning to regret her decision in this endeavor. “Let’s just call it even, huh?”
“Congratulations Delya,” ignoring the pleas, “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“Please, I am soooooooo sorry. Please, I’ve learned my lesson.”
“You took a gamble, but you found that I am very ticklish on my feet. Now we know that we are both sensitive on our feet.”
“Pleeeeeease Doooooohohohn’t,” Delya, already laughing in anticipation of what she knew was coming.
“Let’s find out where else you might be ticklish, shall we?”
“Nooooooooooooooooooo,” screamed Delya, renewing her useless struggle against the taller, stronger woman’s lean form.
Thin, elegant, but strong fingers dragged their long polished nails casually down the redhead’s side. Even over the uniform, Delya squealed madly.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehehehehehehehehehe…(gasp) Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehehehehehe

Up and down, gently, relentlessly, from just above her armpit, slowly over each rib, briefly touching the small bit of exposed skin where her white uniform had ridden up, and down to her now exposed panty line. Maddeningly, the nails would move back upward, then down, up, then down again, tracing their methodical trail up and down the side of her body.


Still squealing, the small form bucked and struggled with all her strength. Straining with ever muscle, her body flexed, bent, and strained against the nails and her friends vice-like grip.
To no avail.


Lindsay was to athletic, holding Delya easily, and laughing lightly herself, as she played at torturing her small friend.


Already panting, the squealing red head trying to catch her breath from the struggles and the torture, began to break down. The once squeals of surprise turned to uncontrollable, throaty laughter.


Suddenly the realization hit her. This wouldn’t be enough. Her gamble to know what her friend had been talking of, this wouldn’t be enough! Just showing she had the guts to tickle her friend, not enough! Doing and knowing the outcome, Not enough! She heard the echoes of Lindsay’s voice; You’re not ready yet.


She felt the nails flick across her exposed side.


She was going insane.


She could make it end right now. All she would have to do was cry. A couple of tears and Lindsay would stop. She would realize that she had gone to far, apologize. Delya would forgive her, and they would go back.
The nails counted the ribs under her shirt.


No! Came the internal scream. Then enduring all this would be for nothing! Unless….She made her decision, the one of the hardest things she had ever done in her life.


“Yes Delya?” Lindsay teased, randomly poking Delya, but with much reduced intensity.
“Eeeeet might wor…eek…work a bit behehetter if Eee…if you unbuttoned the rest of my shirt,” she squealed sheepishly between pokes.
Delya’s heart raced as the blond clumsily undid the buttons of her uniform. Cringing with anticipations, and to her amazement, with a certain amount of excitement. The last button undone, Lindsay pulled back one side of the shirt, revealing creamy white skin, behind a tan braw.
“Why Delya,” Lindsay drawled, “what an interesting Idea, I think you are finally beginning to enjoy this.” Without warning, the fingers were dragging across the smooth skin.


Gone were her squeals of laughter, replaced by frantic spasms and throaty laughs. She was frantic, out of control, and….enjoying it? The thought floated unbidden, I must be nuts.


Tuhaaaaaaaaahummmmmheeeeeeeee, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

She could almost feel Lindsay smile as long nailed fingers teased, poking her belly as she bucked. Suddenly the nails began to drag and scratch across her exposed belly, stopping once in a while at the miniature belly button.


Only one thought remained, Lindsay, please, please, please, lower, lower, lower.

HAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH- The nails at her side – Torture

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA- Fingers scratching – Insanity
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHUHNG- Scratching even lower – Ecstasy

Still wrapped up by the long legs, and stretched tight as a high wire, both arms now rested securely by the wrists under the taller woman’s armpits, leaving both hand to deal out ticklish torment. Long nails slithered into armpits, delicately against the upper swell of her heaving chest, counted ribs maniacally, scratched across her belly, finally teasing and probing below her panty line. Long elegant fingers scratched slowly, sometimes flicking, sometimes caressing. No thought was possible. Too many sensations to process. She couldn’t stand the tickling, while she begged for it. The agony, the ecstasy.


She didn’t know whether to laugh, moan, or scream for mercy. Soon she was barley making sound at all, as strangled chokes escaped. Faster, and harder, the felt the heat rising, the insanity building. Scratching between her legs, across her stomach. It wouldn’t stop. She didn’t want it to ever stop. In a fit of convulsions she screamed.



She came flowing in a rush of heat, and the darkness overtook her.


When she awoke, she felt dizzy, exhausted, and a bit giddy despite herself. Stiff muscles made her slow and awkward in her movements. She opened her eyes, seeing her friend Lindsay bent over with the kindest, most sincerely happy expression she could ever remember the woman wearing.
“I’m so happy. You’re finally ready”
A warmth and acceptance radiated through Delya. Never had she felt such a sense of being at peace. Smiling still, she looked into her friend’s eyes and spoke the most appropriate response she could think of.

“Gangly bitch,” and then let darkness take her again.
Very interesting story! Doesn't matter if this was your first attempt- this was very good, with hardly any errors. 😛
I like how you didn't focus solely/mainly on the sexual part, just added it as a natural response, or mix of feelings during that. Any ways, I liked how you incorporated everything. 🙂 Hats to you!! :super_hap
Ooh, I loved it.......I didn't see any sexual contents, not really......update soon please.
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