Has anyone had this happen to them?
I was at the dentist the other day getting a cleaning. The woman who was cleaning my teeth got to the part right behind my upper front teeth with the electric toothbrush and I almost jumped out of my chair. I actually started laughing (well somewhat laughing with a toothbrush in my mouth). It tickled so bad! Its tickled there before but nothing like that. I told her I was very ticklish and she said most people are there but she's never seen a reaction like that before. Does anyone know if you get more ticklish with age or if a certain spot just gets more sensitive as you age? I know there are other posts with similar questions, I just wanted to share my experience.
I was at the dentist the other day getting a cleaning. The woman who was cleaning my teeth got to the part right behind my upper front teeth with the electric toothbrush and I almost jumped out of my chair. I actually started laughing (well somewhat laughing with a toothbrush in my mouth). It tickled so bad! Its tickled there before but nothing like that. I told her I was very ticklish and she said most people are there but she's never seen a reaction like that before. Does anyone know if you get more ticklish with age or if a certain spot just gets more sensitive as you age? I know there are other posts with similar questions, I just wanted to share my experience.