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(Deputy's Universe) Character intro: Sylvia Cartier (F/F)


Nov 28, 2001
Ok fans of my Deputy's Universe saga! The moment you have been waiting for is here! Phase 4 is starting and I hope you enjoy this next phase in this saga. It is not as large as Phase 3, but it will still have a lot of good stuff. As you know, I wanted to create a story based on great characters, and it would include tickling instead of just tickling, and creating a story around it. There is a difference. This phase focuses on character growth and evolution. There are lots of new characters, which includes "small role" characters as you go through this journey. I want you to feel like you are in this "universe" and have it seem like this could be a real event. This first series is introducing a major villain for this phase. It shows her begginnings as she will play a very large role throughout the phase. So let's meet her! Each Friday, a new chpater will be released and this will extend into 2025! Like I have always said, you fans are the absolute greatest. Thank you for sticking with me and this universe. It is a lot of reading, but I hope it is all worth it. Your feedback is always welcomed!

Character Intro: Sylvia Cartier


Time: Spring 1888 (months before the series The Deputy & The Outlaw: Reunited and The Deputy & The Outlaw: Justice)

“SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!!” a voice screamed.

There was chaos in a large mansion in Rome, Italy. The mansion was located in the hills, along with other rich houses. Soon, hand maidens and security guards were running to the master bedroom as they heard that shrill scream. Once they arrived, the burst through the door and saw Chloe Barbieri on the bed and screaming. The guards approached her and saw how she was desperately trying to press her hands into the man’s chest that was lying still on the bed. “Signora! What happened? What happened to Signore Barbieri?!!” they asked.

“I don’t know!!! I went into the room, and he was just laying there!! He is not moving!! I can’t feel him breathing! SOMEBODY HELP HIM!!!!” Chloe screamed.

A security guard went over to the body of Antonio Barbieri, and he touched his neck. He could feel no pulse and he shook his head. He then looked over at his fellow guards and screamed. “QUICK!!! GET THE DOCTOR!!! GET HIM NOW!!!! HE IS DYING!!!!”

With all the commotion happening inside the house, no one paid attention to a lone figure leaving the premises. Dressed in a black hooded cloak, the figure made their way out of the mansion and headed down the driveway. The person could see lots of people running around and heard those screams of terror. A smile formed on their face as their mission was going to be complete. They knew that Antonio Barbieri was not going to survive this, and they were paid very handsomely for this mission. The hood covered this person’s head and concealed the face to some degree. Had anyone paid attention, this figure was a very beautiful woman, standing at 5’7” tall, with dirty blond hair and a sinister smile on her face. She was a bounty hunter and an assassin. This woman was Sylvia Cartier.

Sylvia Cartier was a beautiful 26 year old woman during this mission. She loved her job. She liked getting paid for eliminating enemies of her employers. Being an assassin was something she took great pride in. She loved the stealth of the job. She also knew that being a woman helped her because most assassins were men. She could easily slip into locations and handle her business because no one would expect a woman to pull off such deadly feats. The Italian nobleman, Antonio Barbieri, was her latest victim. Her employer was another Italian nobleman that wanted to be the Head of the local council. He needed him to be eliminated so that he could assume the role. Sylvia was paid a lot of money and she wanted to celebrate. She walked away from the premises just as the doctor had just arrived. “hehehe you’re too late doctor, he won’t make it.” she said under her breath as she walked away.

Sylvia was born in New York City, the daughter of a French father and American woman. She grew up in a typical home, with her father being an artist, and her mother being a teacher. When she was a little girl, she loved listening to her father talk about the great arts he saw in Europe. He had moved to the United States in 1857, hoping to start an art gallery, but he could never get the funding. He was able to sell some of his paintings at an art show. That is where he met his wife, and they had one child. They had high hopes for their daughter. They had her go to ballet school and learn the arts. Sylvia enjoyed a great play, and amazing paintings. When she got older, she hoped to become a ballerina and perform with the famous Paris Opera ballet. When she was 19 years old in 1881, she decided to go on a trip to Europe for the summer. Her parents wanted her to go to school, but she yearned for adventure. She told them she wanted to see Europe, then would return and possibly go to school.

Once she got to Europe, she loved the place. She traveled to the various countries, from Great Britain, to Spain, to Portugal, Italy and of course France. She loved France due to its amazing culture. This was the country her father was from, and she was eager to learn more. Then one day, she was lying out in a park, relaxing and enjoying the sunset. She was suddenly attacked by a homeless man, and she nearly died. The man beat her badly and dragged her to a nearby alley of a store near the park. Right when she was about to get her clothes stripped from her, someone came and attacked the homeless man. She was dazed from the man striking her head repeatedly to subdue her, but she could see this figure beating the man up. They moved so fast and with such great precision. The homeless man was done for, and this stranger helped her up and took her to a building. She came out of her daze and saw that the figure was a woman. She was a mature woman, and had a nice thin build, with brown hair tied back into a bun and a tanned face. Sylvia was grateful that this woman saved her, and she was amazed at her fighting skills. The woman had introduced herself as “Louise”. She was very friendly and even offered to stay with her for the night.

Sylvia was fascinated as she conversed with Louise. She had a soft voice, but it was a strong voice. She was fed, attended to with bandages and soothing ointments. They had a wonderful conversation, and it went on late into the night. Then the following day, she followed Louise around the city of Annecy, France and started to learn more. When they were having lunch, she had to ask her how she learned how to fight so well. The way she beat the homeless man was something of legend. Louise smiled at her and told her it was a secret. She would tell Sylvia the secret one day, but only if she wanted to learn from her. Sylvia was very curious about what that meant and she said she could commit to it. She was surprised to hear the response from Louise. She was told that her lifestyle was not fit for a ballerina and that if she started down that path, she would never be able to go back. It was at that moment Sylvia was determined to know what it was. The way Louise fought, she had style and grace. She figured with her own ballet skills; she could be just as good!

Sylvia asked if she could stay with Louise for a while. She loved being in her company and wanted to help her around her home. She was traveling through Europe, so she didn’t have a permanent place to stay. She was happy that Louise told her it was fine, and they really got along very well over several days. Their conversations were lively and even though she would bring up the fighting skills several times, Louise would always change the subject. The more Louise avoided the talk of fighting, the more Sylvia became enamored with it. When Louise would go to the market for food, Sylvia would stand in front of a mirror and try to throw punches. She was never in any real fights in her life, so her technique was not as good. She didn’t know any better, but she thought she looked great. She would throw punches in the air and even tried to move her feet a bit. She tried to remember how Louise would move during that fight, and she tried to imitate it. She loved moving gracefully and she imagined being a great fighter!

One day, she was practicing in front of the mirror, and kicked her leg. She saw how similar the kick was to her ballet kicks and she giggled. She was a dancer, but she wanted to be a fighter. It would be good to learn how to defend herself in case some crazed man would attack her again. Then she heard something behind her, and it scared her.

“That’s not how you kick…” Louise said.

Sylvia turned around and saw Louise looking at her. She started to blush as she was caught pretending to fight. She looked at the smile on Louise’s face and told her she wanted to be a fighter. She wanted to learn the way of fighting because the way she saw Louise doing it, it looked like an art. Then she gasped in surprise when Louise told her that she would tell her about her secret profession. When they first met, Louise told her she worked at a local food market. But she also had another profession for most of her life. She had retired from that life and wanted to settle down and enjoy the rest of her years without the chaos. Sylvia listened intently to what Louise was telling her then her jaw dropped when finally, she was told what Louise used to do as a profession. She was told she was an assassin and worked in the black market.

“An assassin? You mean as you killed people assassin?” Sylvia asked. When she heard Louise reply in the affirmative, it blew her mind. Louise was such a sweet woman, and she went around killing people. She started to ask a million questions. How did she get started? Why did she do it? Was she ever caught? Did she do it for money? Why did she stop? These questions flew out of her mouth after every answer. She was really intrigued by the idea. Louise was this invincible woman and she wanted to be like her. There was something very exciting about this woman and she really liked her. Once all of her questions were answered, she inquired if it was possible she could be one as well.

“My dear Sylvia, to be an assassin, you have to do one thing that I don’t know if you can do it. You are a very nice woman. Very beautiful. To be an effective assassin, you have to shut off your emotions. You cannot have empathy. You cannot have love for others. It takes away your soul. You are taking a life. You can’t have a heart. Do you think you can do that?” Louise asked.

Sylvia thought about that question, and it affected her. She wasn’t the most loving person, but she did have empathy for others. Her parents raised her well, and harming another human being when they didn’t do anything to her would be difficult. “Yeah, you’re right. I probably can’t be an assassin. But can you at least show me the fighting skills? I really want to learn, and you are the best.” she told her.

“Ok, I will teach you…..” Louise told her. She liked Sylvia’s enthusiasm and figured she could at least teach her how to defend herself.

A month went by, and Sylvia was feeling confident every day. She had been in Europe for nearly two months, and she wrote letters to her parents that she figured she would stay there longer and not go to school. She knew they were disappointed in her, but she loved living in Europe. She progressed very well in her learnings each day. She was very thrilled to hear Louise telling her that her ballet skills helped her with her balance and that was key to fighting. She continued to get better and better and learned new techniques each day. She would spar with Louise and even though the woman was in her 50s, she could still move very well. She would lose to her quickly, but as time went on, their sparring matches became a lot more competitive. She got close to defeating her one day, but her teacher managed to pull out one last trick and subdued her. Sylvia really started to care about Louise as she was learning these fighting techniques, but also grew closer together. She would laugh to herself as she thought about how much love she had for her, which would eliminate any chance of her being an assassin and bounty hunter. Louise would tell her stories of not only finishing people off, but also participated in kidnapping people for a lot of money. She was fascinated by the stories and wondered if she could ever bring herself to do something like that.

One day Sylvia returned home from the market to get some bread when she saw the door of their home wide open. It was strange because Louise didn’t like to leave doors opened to the outside. She went to the entranceway and when she looked inside, she saw Louise lying on the floor! She rushed over to her and saw her bleeding from the head. That caused her to panic, and she ran back outside and started to scream for help. Neighbors came by and helped get Louise to a local doctor. Louise regained consciousness and she was in bad shape. Some of her limbs were broken and Sylvia was very upset. She knew this was not a case of a fall in the home, someone had to attack her. Louise told her that some thief had broken into her home and hit her with a heavy stick. After that, she was beaten and robbed of her jewels. This caused Sylvia to feel intense anger in her body. Someone had attacked her friend, and she didn’t know what to do. Then she heard words from Louise’s mouth. She spoke in a low tone, but she understood what she said.

“Avenge me…..” Louise whispered.

That was all it took for Sylvia to leave to go find the assailant. She did get a brief description of the attacker since they did not wear any masks. She started to think of techniques and skills that Louise gave her to try and track down the perpetrator. It took a few days, but she eventually found the man. She confronted him and using the anger within her body, she handled the man and left the premises. For the first time in her life, she did the unthinkable. It surprised her as she walked away. She learned that she could shut off her moral compass and perform certain tasks. She did not know how she did it, but now that she did, she started to wonder what else she could do. Sylvia returned to Louise and told her it was done. She was avenged. She could see a smile on Louise’s face and that made her excited.

“Now….you are ready….” Louise told her in a whisper.

Sylvia was happy that Louise was going to recover but she was never going to be the same. She helped her rest in the home, but Louise told her that she needed to train more and become someone that could really be dangerous. She was told by her mentor that she should meet contacts that she had and could start to make some money. It meant that she would have to leave Louise, and she thanked her for everything. Her friend was going to have a caretaker, so she did not have to worry about her being alone. She took the information needed and she left. It was bittersweet for her. She really cared about Louise, but now it was time to explore this newfound power she had. There was a certain thrill about it, and she managed to find that darkness inside her. That led her to finding Louise’s contacts in the dangerous underworld. A new life was going to happen, and she was excited.

Over the years, she became very good at her craft. She had performed certain assassinations, but she also got involved in kidnappings and inflicting terror on victims that she was paid to torment. She honed her fighting skills and got connected to such a vast underworld of bounty hunters. She met some of the most dangerous people walking the planet. She had shut off her emotions and learned to control them. She had to look at victims as just inanimate objects and not humans. Even though she loved her job, she found an extra thrill whenever she had female victims. They were far easier to terrorize than men, and she loved the sounds of their terror. Sylvia also learned to explore her sexuality. Being in this field meant she would have many sexual trysts with potential victims and for her own pleasures. Men were fun, but there was something about women that she always found exciting. She usually avoided tasks that would involve assassinating women, she rather terrorize them and break their emotions. Slowly, she became a very dangerous assassin, and no one ever suspected her. She was a beautiful woman, so no one ever expected her to have such a dark side. That was her greatest advantage.

Her most recent assignment brought her to Italy where she was paid handsomely to take out a nobleman. Word around the town quickly spread and no one knew how the man passed on. He seemed healthy and now he was gone. Once the word was out, Sylvia received a very large payment. She walked amongst the people in town and headed to a really shady part of town. She wanted to relax for the night and perhaps have a drink. She thought about the recent mission and how easy it was. She went in, and like a lot of men she encountered, her victim was trying to seduce her. It didn’t take too long to slip something inside his drink and finish her mission. She smiled as she arrived at a small bar in an alleyway. She kept moving her eyes as she knew that many criminals frequented this area. She made her way to the bar and had a seat. She removed her hood and looked around the bar. Sylvia asked the bartender for a drink and tossed out a few coins to him. She kept thinking about what her next assignment would be. She hoped for some down time, because she was a bit tired. She let out a small sigh and took a few sips of her drink. Then she heard a voice behind her.

“Well, look who decided to come here. The great assassin herself….” the voice said.

Sylvia turned around quickly and placed her hand on her pistol just in case. Someone had recognized her, and she had to be careful. She had “friends” within the criminal underworld, and also many enemies. It was a cutthroat life, and she always had to have her head on a swivel. She then saw the face of the person talking to her and saw that it was a woman. The woman’s face was pretty and had a very stern look on it. She could also see that her hair was an auburn color and flowed like a mane. The woman was very stoic, and she could see the wry smile on her face. This made her smile because she knew who this woman was. It was one of her friends that she made during a few journeys across Europe and even some parts of Africa. “Thalia Laskaris, fancy meeting you here.” she told her.

“Very good to see you, Sylvia. How have you been?” Thalia asked. She was delighted to see her friend after many months. The Greek bounty hunter came to Rome to collect a few women to take back to her employer, Christos Andino. She was always impressed with Sylvia as they joined together on a few missions to capture some helpless women and bring them back to sex slavers. Sylvia would assist in capture, but she always departed soon after. They had some great conversations in their downtime together. She found her very intelligent, and she didn’t mind how beautiful she was either. What impressed her was that behind that beauty, was someone who could be very cold-blooded and show no mercy. They would spar for fun and Sylvia had great fighting skills. She did defeat her each time, but it was a very competitive match. Thalia loved competition as it only made her own skills better. Now that she saw Sylvia in this bar, it gave her great delight.

“I have been good. It is a pleasure seeing you, Thalia! This is a small world. Last time I saw you, we were in Cairo and took care of our respective missions. Is your team with you?” Sylvia asked. She always liked being around Thalia. She was such a gifted warrior. She lost each sparring match to that woman, but she learned so much from her. She then took another sip of her drink and smiled.

“Yes, they are back at our room. We will be leaving soon. I have a new recruit. Her name is Peta. She is a little raw but has a lot of potential. I needed to grow my team as Christos’ sexual appetite has only increased. That man doesn’t know when to stop. Hehehe” Thalia laughed. She then saw that Sylvia was alone and figured they should make an evening of it and have fun together. She looked back over at her table and saw some of her friends still sitting there and they had smiles on their faces. “Say, why don’t you join us at my table? Let’s catch up.” she invited.

“Us? I thought you said your team was back in the room. Who will I be joining?” Sylvia asked. She was curious as to who else she would be sitting with. She wasn’t worried, but wondered if it would be someone new to meet.

“I am sure you will be delighted to see them again. You remember Helga and Svetlana of Russia? They are here too.” Thalia told her.

“Helga? Svetlana? This will be a great reunion! I haven’t seen then in such a long time!” Sylvia replied as she heard the names of the infamous Russian bounty hunters.

“Then follow me, let’s go have a good time.” Thalia told her, then motioned her hand to follow her. She led the assassin towards her table and once she got there, she made eyes contact with the massive Russian bounty hunter and her companion, Svetlana. “Look who I found? Helga, Svetlana, you remember Sylvia?” she asked.

“DA!!! Sylvia, is that really you? You look great!” Helga said as she saw Sylvia at their table. She was very happy to see her as she remembered a mission they had together in Germany a little over a year ago. She was impressed by this woman’s fighting skills and she had great respect for her. She watched as she sat down and now their party could really get exciting. She loved this moment as she was going to spend time with some an amazing group of women. Most bounty hunters were men, but when she could connect with women, it was always a nice time.

“Thank you! You all look great! How are you, Svetlana? Still good with your shot? Hehe” Sylvia asked with a giggle. She always loved working with Svetlana since she was a sniper. She learned some techniques from her in case her assassination mission required using a gun. The tall Russian wasn’t as skilled in fighting as both Helga and Thalia, but she could hold her own and was very deadly with a gun.

“Hehehe Da! I am even better now! I bet I could still beat you in a target practice match.” Svetlana retorted. She enjoyed Sylvia’s company as they would engage in many shooting contests with one another. She won most of them, but Sylvia would sometimes best her. It felt good to be around such skill. She looked around the table and knew this was the best women bounty hunters on the planet.

“I can’t believe all four of us are here in Rome together. It is such a small world!” Sylvia smiled. She thought about some of the other women bounty hunters out there, including a few American ones, but this particular group was exceptionally skilled at their tasks. They started to make small talk and caught up on their latest adventures. She was surprised to hear that both Helga and Svetlana were going to depart Europe soon for a mission in the United States. “Wow, you are going to the States, huh? What will you do there, and where about?” she asked.

“We got a new assignment. The employer wants to use us again. We go to California. Near a town called Santa Selena. We will bring new sex slaves to a house there, to prepare them for sale.” Helga explained. She loved going to this residence in Santa Selena. Her employers paid her well, and it was a steady gig.

“Da! We get paid very well. There are two business partners. One of them we haven’t met, but the one we have, she is a sadistic woman. We like her.” Svetlana smiled as she thought about their adventure coming up.

“That sounds like fun! Hehehehe Santa Selena, huh? I like the name. What is the name of the employer? Is she looking for an assassin?” Sylvia asked. She wondered what it would be like to visit California. She hadn’t step foot on American soil in years and she wanted a reason to go back. She rarely communicated with her parents, so she ignored the country.

“Her name is Priscilla Montenegro. Her husband is a Mexican crime lord. She is partners with a very wealthy woman in Texas. They pay extremely well. This is our fourth time working for them. It is an easy sell. The women we capture, they are VERY docile and VERY obedient!” Helga smiled. She then leaned back in her chair and took a shot of alcohol.

“Hehehe I love how all of you participate in sex trafficking. But I wonder, all of you are skilled fighters. I know you kidnap these women, but after you beat them down and torture them, doesn’t the buyer get turned off by the marks on their bodies?” Sylvia asked. She never asked them how they managed to subdue their victims, she assumed they would torture them with some very painful method until their wills broke.

“That’s right, you have no idea what we do. Hehehe We have the best method to break unwilling sex slaves….it leaves no marks.” Thalia chimed in. She could see the curiosity on Sylvia’s face, and she loved it when someone learned on their torture methods.

Sylvia turned her head and saw the look of amusement on Thalia’s face. She saw Helga, Svetlana and Thalia, all giving each other knowing looks, and now she was really curious. She leaned back in her chair and folded her arms. “Ok, tell me. What is this great method that you use? What could you possibly do to these women that leaves no marks? I know Helga has the strength of ten men, Thalia you are a fighting machine and Svetlana likes to shoot people. Enlighten me….” she told them.

“You might think it is a bit……unorthodox, but trust me, it is VERY effective. Christos demands that his harem girls are unmarked and look their absolute best. My friend Helga here taught me a method that I thought was silly at first, but after using it, I must say, it is the best torture you can do to a woman. It makes them weak. It humiliates them. It pushes their bodies to the brink, and they are willing to do anything to make it all stop. My team uses it, and no harem girl would ever defy us.” Thalia said to her with a sadistic smile. She thought about what they did to their prisoners, and she started to feel her nipples getting hard.

Sylvia looked over at Helga who was taking shot after shot of alcohol. She was impressed by the Russian as her huge stature, 6’4” tall, and well over 200 pounds of muscle, would intimidate many men. She wondered what she taught Thalia that made her seem so…..aroused. “Ok, is someone going to tell me or what?” she asked.

Helga smiled as she could see that look of eagerness on Sylvia’s face. She started to laugh, and the alcohol was flowing. She then looked at both Thalia and Svetlana and nodded her head. “How about instead of telling her, we show her? I am in the mood to play with some helpless woman….” she offered.

“I like that! Da! We should do it!!!” Svetlana said. She felt a rush of excitement as this play time was always something enjoyable.

“Yes, let’s show her. But we need a victim. Hmmmm….” Thalia mused as she then looked around the bar. She could see mostly men in the bar, and then she saw someone. She saw a barmaid taking glasses away from a table and found her to be really attractive. She felt her loins starting to get excited and figured that woman would be a great example. “How about her?” she asked, then pointed at the barmaid.

“Da…..I like that one. She is very pretty. I think she will do.” Helga responded.

Sylvia looked over at the barmaid and saw that she was very pretty. She had black curly hair, a thin frame, and wore leather high heels boots along with her bar uniform. She knew these women loved sexual interactions with other women, and by the lust in their voices, that barmaid was about to be a toy. “Ok, she will do. Are you going to take her as a sex slave too?” she asked.

“Nyet….We have to leave for America soon, and we don’t need extra baggage. We want to stock Ms. Montenegro’s stockpile with American women. She will just be toy tonight, unless Thalia wants to take her.” Helga told her as she then looked over at Thalia.

“She is a lucky woman, she will just suffer tonight, but be spared. Like you two, I don’t need extra luggage right now. My team and I will go back home tomorrow. We already have a few ladies to take back home, so our boat is filled.” Thalia added. She then looked over at the ladies and it was time to figure out the best way to capture that barmaid. “So, how should we do this?” she asked.

“Svetlana, it is your turn. Go capture that pretty young thing and bring her back to our room. Time to enjoy ourselves. We will wait for you there….” Helga commanded. She then took one last swig of beer from the bottle that was on the table and then stood up.

“Da, I will bring her to us. It shouldn’t take too long….” Svetlana said as she saw Thalia, Helga and Sylvia stand up. She then looked over at the barmaid who was innocently working, not knowing of her impending doom.

Sylvia loved the way these ladies’ used mystery regarding their methods. She was really curious now and wondered if she would ever use the technique herself. If it was a very effective method as they were bragging about, it would be something else she could add to her repertoire and become an even more dangerous bounty hunter and assassin. She then followed Helga and Thalia and they headed to a hotel. They started to engage in a friendly conversation and found themselves laughing and having a good time. They refused to answer her questions on this mysterious method, and she was getting excited. They made it to the hotel in a very dangerous part of the city and walked in. The hotel itself was decent, but it was made for poorer people, which meant crime would occur sometimes. She walked through the lobby, following these two highly skilled women. They made it to a room, and they walked in. Sylvia looked around the room and saw the basic amenities. The room itself was at the back of the hotel, further away from the lobby. She noticed that not too many people were around this part of the hotel. That had to be of design since Helga and Svetlana did want to be isolated from others. She thought the same would be for Thalia and her team. She sat down on the bed and smiled. “I guess we wait until Svetlana shows up. Why can’t you tell me what it is? Come on, I really want to know! hehehe” she begged.

“hahaha patience, you will see very soon. Once you see it, I promise, it will blow your mind.” Thalia told her. She then took a seat at the table that was in the room and watched as Helga sat on the other bed. She looked around the room and saw the thick brick walls and she liked that. It would make the room a bit soundproof because she was sure there would be screaming.

Sylvia started to chat again about her recent adventures to pass the time before Svetlana arrived. An hour had passed and then she heard a knock on the door. She reached for her weapon, but she saw Helga raise her hand towards her.

“Relax….That is Svetlana. She has special knock. Hehehe Calm down.” Helga told her as she got up from the bed and went over to the door. She opened it and saw Svetlana standing there. The barmaid was with her, her left arm draped across Svetlana’s shoulders, and she seemed out of it. “Svetlana! You did it! You brought us the prize!” she said with excitement.

Svetlana grunted a little as she then came into the room, the barmaid still groggy and was almost dead weight. She managed to get over to the bed and then laid the helpless woman down. She looked at the victim and smiled. It took a while, but when the woman went outside for a smoke break, she walked up behind her and pinched a nerve in her neck, that rendered her nearly unconscious. She loved doing that method and then she carried the woman back to the hotel. To anyone on the streets looking at her, it looked like she was taking a drunk friend back home. She looked around the room, and then wiped her hands. It was play time! “There! She is heavier than I thought, but she is going to be a very nice toy.” she grinned.

Sylvia watched with great anticipation as she saw Helga positioning the woman on the bed. The woman had a thin frame, but she was a bit tall. Perhaps taller than her own 5’7” frame. She sat across the from the foot of the bed and she could see the soles of the boots. She then saw Thalia looking at the victim with lust on her face as well as the Russians. “Well, you have your toy. What will you do with her? What painful method will you use that won’t cause a mark but have her lose her mind?” she asked with eagerness.

“hehehe I love how excited you are. You see, what will happen to this woman will seem strange at first, but I promise you, she will be begging for mercy and be willing to do ANYTHING to get us to stop. So, if you are up for it, we can make her beg to eat your pussy. Hahahaha” Thalia told her. She then looked over at Helga and Svetlana. It was time to start, but it was also time to figure out who would do the demonstration. “So, who gets to play with her?” she asked with a wicked smile.

“Eat my pussy? Hahaha you ladies are funny. I would love to see her doing that!” Sylvia added. She then sat back and watched as her three friends looked at each other. She figured they were trying to figure out a way to determine who got to play with the woman.

“Ok, we flip coin, da? Winner gets to play with this specimen first. Maybe we share in her torture?” Helga said with a smile. She knew each of them had their own torture style, and it would be a great opportunity to show Sylvia what they were capable of.

“I like that, let’s do it! Ok, here is the first flip….” Thalia said with enthusiasm in her voice. She flipped a coin into the air and saw the result. She flipped the coin a few times, and the order was determined. Helga would go first, Svetlana second, and she would finish the poor woman off. “Dammit, I wanted fresh meat! Oh well, I guess I will be the one that finishes her off.” she said in a joking manner.

Sylvia giggled as she watched these three dangerous women acting silly with each other. It was a far cry when they were in the field, causing havoc and destruction. She watched as Svetlana started to bind the woman’s wrists to the edges of the bed, then followed by her legs. She was now spread eagled and vulnerable. So far, she hadn’t seen anything she hadn’t seen before and wondered what they were about to do. She stared at the victim and saw her clothes. The barmaid’s uniform consisted of black trousers, a red and white striped shirt, and she wore those long leather high heeled boots. The woman had her head propped up by a pillow and she was peacefully sleeping. Sylvia thought she had a really pretty face, and it was soon going to be a screaming face. “Ok, I am ready for this…..method.” she told them.

Helga grinned as she saw the look on Sylvia’s face. It was the look of doubt and now it was time to put on a show! She then looked at her victim and sat down on the bed, on the right hand side of that body. The red and white striped shirt was buttoned down the middle and she looked forward to tearing it open. But first, she wanted to wake her up. She then used the back of her hand and started to slap at the right cheek. She put a little more force into it and a loud slap happened. “Wakey, wakey…..hehehe” she giggled.

The woman started to wake up after receiving a strong smack to her right cheek. Her mind was still in a fog as her eyes slowly opened. She groaned a little as she felt dazed. She remembered going out of the bar on her break to take a smoke. She was in the alley way and lit up her cigarette, then she heard something. Before she could even react, she felt something on her neck, and then blackness. She moved her head side to side and when her eyes started to clear, she saw a face staring at her. The face had a wry smile on it and then she realized just how large the woman was! Her eyes then popped wide open, and she saw the imposing figure and how muscular she looked. She thought she recognized the woman from the bar because she stood out so much. But she saw her leave with others, so she had no idea how she was in her presence again. Her eyes then noticed the other women from the bar that accompanied the massive woman. There was a thinner blond-haired woman, another woman with that flowing auburn colored hair and had a black military uniform on, and then there was another pretty one with dirty blond hair. Her heart started to race and then she tried to move her arms and legs. She felt horror as she noticed she was tied down on a bed and had no idea where she was. “W-Where am I???!!! What did you do to me? Why am I tied up?” she said in a panic.

“Hehehe good to see you awake. Now, welcome to my room. You are a guest of honor….” Helga told her with a smile. She then looked over at Sylvia and winked. She then looked at the woman again and it was time to torment her mind first, then her body. “Don’t worry, we will let you go in due time. We want to have fun with you. You like to have fun, da?” she asked.

“Where am I??? Please…please don’t hurt me!!! I…I will scream!!” the woman shouted as she desperately tried to free herself from her bondage.

“You can scream! You can scream all you like! No one will hear you, and if they did, they wouldn’t care. Hehehe” Helga told her in an ominous voice. She then started to rest her massive right hand on the woman’s belly. She rubbed it a little and then looked at the look of sheer fear on that face. “I know you are scared, and to be honest, you should be. You should also be VERY grateful! Because you will still have a future instead of coming with us. Now, first things first. What is your name?” she asked.

The woman felt that strong hand rubbing her belly and she felt really scared. These women were staring at her like prey, and she wondered what that woman meant by she would still have a future. It sounded hopeful, but she also wondered why they captured her to begin with. Her eyes darted all around the room and she saw that the window was shut, and with the brick walls, her screams probably would not be heard. She then looked right back at Helga’s face, and she gulped. “M-My name is Bianca….w-who are you?” she asked in fear.

“Bianca? Hmmmm…Bianca. What a pretty name. You are very pretty Bianca. My name is Helga! I am from Russia, and these are my friends. That is my partner Svetlana, that woman over there is Thalia and the woman close by your feet is Sylvia. We want to show Sylvia something and you are the perfect person to demonstrate on!” Helga told her. She then removed her hand from the stomach and looked over Bianca from her head down to her boots, then back to her face. She thought she was really pretty, and she was going to enjoy tormenting her, especially when she stripped her naked.

“H-Helga? Please, let me go!!! I want to go back to the bar! Please, don’t hurt me! What can I do for you?” Bianca asked. She noticed that all the women in the room were staring at her, and she felt extremely vulnerable.

“What do we want? Well, we want to play with you, that’s all. What can you do for us? Well, you will sound very joyous to us, and we will have some fun. If you behave, you will be back at the bar in no time. Now, I have question for you….” Helga told her. She then leaned in closer to Bianca’s face and she grinned evilly.

Bianca gasped as she saw that massive woman’s head getting closer to her own face. She could smell the alcohol in her breath and her nerves were on fire from fear. “W-What question do you have for me?” she asked nervously.

“I want you to be honest. We will learn the truth anyway, but it is better if you answer me honestly. Now, my question is…..hehehehe….. are you…..ticklish?” Helga asked with a very wide smile, showing all of her teeth.

“What???!!!! What????!!! Am I ticklish?? Why would you ask me that?” Bianca responded in a panic.

“Because…. That is what is going to happen to you. Now, answer my question pretty lady….” Helga requested. She then used the tip of her powerful right index finger and gently poked the exposed side of Bianca. She saw the woman jump and heard that gasp coming from her lips. She looked over at Thalia and Svetlana and smiled. She knew this woman was going to be very sensitive and would be a great victim to play with.

Bianca felt that poke in her side and she would have jumped right through the ceiling if she wasn’t tied down. Fear really washed over her because she already knew how ticklish she was, and these women wanted to inflict that on her. She was shocked being asked that question and then she felt a few more pokes. The sensations were very strong and now she started to squirm. “hehehehe stop that!!! Please don’t do that!! Hahahaha *EEK!! stop that! Hehehe I am ticklish!” she squealed as the pokes were not stopping.

Sylvia’s jaw dropped as she witnessed the scene before her. She was absolutely stunned, and she now realized what the mysterious method was going to be. It surprised her to her core because she knew of the skills her friends had. Helga was a brute force fighting machine. She could crush a skull to powder. Svetlana was a sharpshooter and could hold her own in a fight. Thalia was a true fighting machine. Her skills at combat were second to none. All three women could inflict great pain on people, and they were going to use tickling on someone instead of pain. She looked over at Thalia who had a knowing smirk on her face. “Are you serious? You are going to…..tickle her?” she asked incredulously.

Thalia could see the look of surprise on her face, and she knew it had to absolutely stun the very pretty assassin. She then walked closer to her and sat down in a chair next to her, on the right-hand side. She then looked at her and grinned. “Yes, this is our secret method. Surprised?” she asked.

“Yes!!! All three of you are dangerous bounty hunters! Why would you use something as childish as tickling? Please help me understand.” Sylvia asked. She started to hear a few cute giggles and squeals and it was amusing, but she failed to see why it would be more effective than more painful methods.

“Hehehe I know it is rather surprising, but believe me, it is VERY effective. You see, when you tickle someone, if they are very ticklish, they cannot resist. Their bodies immediately react, and they panic a lot. Listen to Bianca. She is already giggling and squirming and no pain is involved. You hear the panic in her voice? That is true fear. No one expects to be tickled tortured. Some people can focus on pain and survive it to some degree. But ticklish victims? They lose their minds quickly. Panic sets in and their bodies take over their minds. Helga taught me the technique and trust me; I use it every chance I get on those slaves we capture.” Thalia explained. She remembered how shocked she was when she first learned of the technique and now, she wanted to have Sylvia learn how effective and hellacious it could be.

“I understand tickling can be horrible for some people, but you really use it? I mean, you would rather them laugh to death? Hehe” Sylvia joked. She thought about tickle fights she witnessed throughout her life and knew being tickled can be stressful, but it seemed off that these cold-blooded women would use something like that. “She is pretty ticklish it seems, but I am just really surprised it is being used. Fascinating…..” she said.

“Yes, it is rather surprising. The effectiveness is something you will love. Listen to her right now. She is just giggling. Soon, she will be laughing hard and begging us to stop. We can torture her for as long as we like. It leaves no marks on the body when done right. Let’s just watch and observe…..” Thalia explained. She then looked over towards Helga and looked forward to watching Bianca suffer. She also could not wait until it was her turn. She figured once she got to her turn, and what she had planned, Sylvia would definitely be impressed.

Helga kept making those small pokes and loved how much Bianca was squirming. She loved playing with new victims. She liked to tease them first before she really started to torture them. She loved those panicked screams and looked forward to seeing just how bad this woman would suffer. She then moved her fingers towards the stomach area and poked the belly. She was still just teasing her, and soon, she would make this woman go insane. “Hehehehe so ticklish!” she teased.

“QUIT IT! HEHEHEHEHE STOP THAT!!! Why do you want to tickle me?” Bianca screamed. She felt just how strong that finger was, and she continued to thrash in her bonds. She tried to pull her arms down, but she was tied tightly. It had been a very long time since she was tickled. She remembered getting tickled as a kid and sometimes as an adult, someone would love to poke her ribs. Being tickled was one of her greatest fears as her sensitivity was off the charts. The fact these pokes were driving her crazy, it gave her a deep fear. She then felt the finger poking her belly and she continued to squeal. She stared at the finger touching her and she felt this sense of helplessness because she could not get away from it. Then she saw the finger slowly starting to move towards her side. This time it didn’t poke, it slowly moved up her side, across her rib area, then the side of her breast and finally into the armpit where it started to poke again. Each poke sent another ticklish shock to her system, and she started to get frustrated. “DAMN YOU!!! HEHEHEHE STOP DOING THAT!!!” she screamed.

“Hehehe You know something Bianca, this is just not working right. I think you have too much armor on. Let me make you more comfortable and make it easier for me….” Helga told her. She then reached both hands forward and placed her fingers within the spot where the buttons were. She got a good grip, then with one hard pull, she tore the shirt open, and the buttons went flying off. She heard a squeal of surprise, and then saw the naked stomach and the white bra. Now she had exposed the skin, and it was time to have more fun. She then started to tear at the shirt’s seams, as she wanted to remove the garment completely. She heard the tearing and soon, the shirt was in shreds. She yanked the flimsy garment off the body and tossed it over her shoulder. “There! Much better!” she grinned.

“What the??? You tore my shirt!!!!” Bianca screamed as she heard and watched as her shirt was ripped apart and then forcibly removed from her body. Her eyes were wide with shock because she realized just how strong Helga was. She looked over at the Russian with a look of complete shock and now she was really worried. All that remained on her upper body was her bra. She then saw that sadistic smile of the bounty hunter and now those massive hands were headed towards her body again. She immediately started to thrash as much as she could. It was a horrible feeling seeing those wiggling fingers making their way to her body. She held her breath as the fingers got closer and closer to her stomach. Then they touched her body, and she screamed as the ticklish sensations immediately hit her. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOOOOOOOO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA STOP!!! STOP!!!!” she screamed.

Sylvia sat there in stunned silence as she saw Helga’s fingers wiggling very quickly on top of the stomach. She heard that ticklish scream and knew the poor woman was in agony. She could hear that laughter and she was in awe. She was surprised that someone like Helga could apply such a ticklish touch to human skin. She saw Helga break wood with her bare hands. She was such a brute of a woman, but the way she was tickling Bianca, it showed that she had a more controlled touch. She felt butterflies in her own stomach as the tickling was getting to be more vicious. She saw the hands moving all over the stomach and the screams got louder. She knew that poor woman was suffering, but could it actually be that torturous to her? “Hmmm…she really is ticklish.” she whispered.

“Yes, she is. hehehe Listen to that scream. See how Helga is using her fingers? I bet you never thought she had such a softer touch to inflict this kind of torture. She is VERY good at this. Keep watching….” Thalia whispered to her. She then looked back at the victim and could see how red her face was getting. She enjoyed watching this demonstration and it made her think of her victims. She loved the way they would scream and beg her to stop. The way they nearly lost consciousness sometimes. She really enjoyed tickling women and whenever she was done playing with them, she would then have them pleasure her sexually. That was always the best part of the job. Listening to tormented laughter, then getting sexual release.

“Awwww…little Bianca is ticklish! Hehehe What’s the matter? Is your cute tummy ticklish?” Helga taunted as her fingertips continued to tickle massage the stomach area. She was impressed that the stomach muscles were firm, which meant this woman was in good shape. That would make the torture even worse because she was going to break down in due time. Her fingers sank into the muscles, and she saw Bianca’s head shaking back and forth and laughing herself silly. It was time to start playing with her mind as well. “I am going to tickle this tummy of yours for a long…….long time.” she teased.

Bianca shut her eyes tight as the tickling feeling started to overwhelm her. She still could not believe she was being tickled by this massive woman. It seemed surreal. It seemed like she was having a nightmare. She was simply working tonight, trying to earn a living in this seedy section of town and now she was some kind of toy to these scary women. She was always aware of her surroundings so she could avoid unwanted male attention. She never heard someone coming from behind, then taking her out so quickly. Now she was tied down on a bed in some hotel, and fingers were pressing into her stomach area. It surprised her it didn’t hurt, but it tickled like hell. Her eyes looked over at Helga’s face and she saw someone who was just focused on the task at hand. She tried her best to get her attention as she desperately wanted this tickling to stop. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEASE HELGA!!! STOP STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA” she screamed.

Svetlana watched with eager eyes as her turn was next. She wondered which spot she was going to tickle. Her companion was tormenting this woman’s stomach area for now but knew she would move to the other ticklish spots. She then thought about the woman’s feet. That gave her a thrill as she did like tickling feet. She knew about the tickling as torture, but she mainly watched Helga do it to others. She felt she wasn’t as good, even though when she did try it, it was a lot of fun. The sound of Bianca’s tortured laughter really gave her a thrill in her own body. There was just something about a ticklish woman that was fun. She thought about how she would embark with Helga to Santa Selena in California, and what fun they would have. They already worked there several times, and each time was a lot of fun. Priscilla Montenegro paid them very well, and they enjoyed torturing the sex slaves. Usually, they got a batch of about 20 women as they had many men showing up to purchase them. It was the perfect set up in that cavern under the Wellington mansion. All those cages and amenities made it easy to work over the slaves and make them very docile. She licked her lips in anticipation as her turn would be soon to come. “Hehehe she is definitely a ticklish one. She would have made a good slave, da?” she said to Helga.

“Da! She would have been perfect. I like the way she screams. She is very responsive to my touch! I like her body. Such a fit body. As we can tell, she has healthy lungs. Hehehe” Helga teased. She then turned her attention back to the stomach area and now it was time to play with the navel. She loved the bellybuttons of their victims and if Bianca was already ticklish on her stomach, her navel would probably be off the charts ticklish. She moved her hand away for a moment to allow her victim to rest before she tried to tear her ticklish soul from her body. “You can rest now….I let you breathe. Then, more fun! Hehehe” she taunted.

Bianca felt a rush of air enter her lungs as the tickling of her stomach stopped. She felt her lungs burning and she was already tingling all over from those wicked sensations. She closed her eyes for a moment to allow herself to catch her breath. That strong hand really drove the ticklish sensations deep within her body. Her arms were already getting sore from tugging at the wrist binds to the bed. She then shivered when she heard Helga tell her this was just a pause. She looked over at the woman and saw that face staring right back at her. She had no idea what she was going to do next, but she had to beg for mercy at this point. “Please….Helga….don’t do this….please….this is not funny…..I’m too tickish……let me go…please.” she panted.

“See how she is already begging? Funny how something as simple as tickling can cause a woman to beg for her life already. You can hear the desperation in her voice.” Thalia said as she leaned her head close to Sylvia. She loved the display that was happening and knew the worst was yet to come for Bianca.

“I see. Wow, she is already begging for her life. It is not a game to her. Interesting, this is very interesting…..” Sylvia responded. She heard those horrific screams and now the way Bianca was begging, it was as though she was being tortured with a painful method. She now really started to pay attention to what was happening. Thalia, Helga and Svetlana all seemed very confident in this method, and they were some of the most dangerous individuals walking the planet. Now her curiosity started to rise and wondered just how much Bianca would suffer.

“Awww….someone doesn’t want to be tickled anymore. You’re not having fun? I could always just break your legs instead. You want that?” Helga asked in a teasing voice.

“No!!! Please don’t break my legs! But don’t tickle me either!! I am too ticklish!!! Please, just let me go.” Bianca whined. She didn’t want her legs broken, but she also did not want to get tickled. Her brain started to wonder if she would change her mind later. Her body temperature was high, and this torment would not stop. She then flinched when she saw Helga’s hand move towards her stomach again. “HELGA!!! PLEASE DON’T!!! Come on, please don’t tickle me anymore!!!” she screamed.

“Break time is over. Now….let’s see just how ticklish your cute bellybutton is, da? I want to see if it is ticklish like the rest of your tummy…..hehehehe” Helga threatened. She then moved her index finger to the area right below the navel and did a quick stroke. She heard the giggle and she smiled. That area was very sensitive, and she knew once she put her finger inside the navel, Bianca was sure to scream her lungs out. That was the reaction she wanted. That was the reaction she craved. “Tickle tickle….” she teased.

Sylvia watched with intent as she heard Helga using tickle talk to her victim. This was something different because Helga was a brutal fighter. To see her with that smile on her face, and that cute tone in her voice was something she thought she would never hear from her. She watched as her finger stroked around the bellybutton and she felt a quiver in her own stomach. She started to imagine what it must have felt like to be the victim. In her years of watching someone getting tickled, she knew the body’s response was always very demonstrative. Usually, the person getting tickled would squirm around and then the tickling would stop. She usually saw it as something fun, but now this was turning into something different. She could hear those desperate giggles coming from Bianca. She could see her body straining against her binds at the ankles and wrists. She could see the agony on her face. Sylvia realized this was not play time, and perhaps this was true torture. “Hmmm…so how long do you tickle your victims?” she asked Thalia.

“Hehehe depends. Sometimes it goes quickly, if your victim is extremely ticklish. For us, we like to prolong it. The more you tickle them, the more desperate they become. There is no natural defense for it. If you are really ticklish, then it is the worst feeling in the world. When you are tied down, you have no escape, no hope. Just unrelenting torture. It can make a woman go mad. Hehehe” Thalia answered. She could tell that Sylvia went from a joking tone to now more of a curious tone. She was happy that the woman was starting to see the effectiveness of this method. She was once in disbelief, but it was the same Russian bounty hunter that showed her the true effectiveness of the torture. She then leaned over to Sylvia and smiled. “Bianca here is really going to suffer. But I do have a question for you. Are you ticklish?” she grinned.

Sylvia turned her head to her right and saw Thalia’s smiling face. She could tell she had a gleam in her eye when she asked that question. For a moment, a chill went through her spine as she knew the answer to that question. She managed to steel her nerves and then smiled right back at the Greek warrior. “Hehehe Nice try. I am not Bianca. I bet you are though. Heheheh Am I right?” she asked back with a teasing smile.

“Hehehe nice one. Great answer. Hahaha Well, you will never find out. So, what do you think of our demonstration?” Thalia asked.

“It is interesting. She hasn’t stopped screaming yet. Poor thing. She must be really ticklish.” Sylvia answered. She then looked back at a screaming woman and saw Helga’s finger drilling into the navel. She saw the veins popping out in Bianca’s neck and her face was red. She saw her body go stiff and she wondered just how much longer she would last. “Wow…..that must be killing her.” she said in a soft voice.

Helga had a sinister grin on her face as her finger was now digging into the navel. She loved the reaction Bianca was giving and knew she hit a weak spot. She then circled her finger really fast in that navel and it didn’t take long for Bianca to go into silent laughter. She loved this moment. Her finger was still spinning, and her mind drifted off into wonderful thoughts. She always enjoyed tickling women, and this one was quite responsive. The poor woman was no match for her strength or technique. What she really enjoyed was demonstrating this method to a new person. There was something about teaching another bounty hunter a new trick that delighted her. The friends she had in this underworld always helped each other out, and this method definitely gained some notoriety. It was very effective on victims and never left a mark. She was looking forward to going to Santa Selena and inflicting this terror on those poor young women that she would kidnap. Then she slowly pulled her finger from the navel. It was time to attack another area and she wanted Bianca to stay somewhat coherent so she could suffer even more. “There there…. Take a moment to breathe. Hehehe” she teased.

Bianca felt a little lightheaded as the finger was finally removed from her navel. In her entire life, she never felt that kind of ticklish intensity before. She would experience a few playful tickles here and there, but this was something much different. This was far more brutal, and she didn’t know just how sensitive she was. She closed her eyes and felt her lungs burning. She had no idea when this would stop but if it continued, she was surely going to lose her mind. She could feel her chest heaving up and down and she felt how hot her body was getting. She felt herself starting to tear up as there was no way she could take another round. Her eyes slowly opened, and she saw that face. That face with a cute smile on it. “Please…..please stop. I can’t take this anymore. I am too…..too ticklish…..” she panted.

“But that is what makes you special! Hehehe” Helga teased, then used the pad of her index finger and tapped Bianca on the nose. She then looked at her face and she felt a surge of lust. Her eyes then went towards the chest and could see it heaving up and down. She could see those breasts hiding behind the bra and she figured it might be a good time to humiliate the woman. She already tore off her shirt, she might as well finish the job. “Awww….I can see how much this is wearing you down. You must be so tired. I can see you trying to get air into your lungs. But this bra is in the way. Here, let me help you with that….” she cooed.

Bianca’s mind was racing as she heard those ominous words. She was getting tired but didn’t understand how Helga was going to help her breathing. She then gasped in terror when that strong right hand grabbed the front of the bra, then the left hand joined. She looked on in terror as she saw the two hands now pulling away from each other and she heard the material of her bra tearing. She was going to tear off the garment and expose her! Her mouth was wide opened, and her eyes were wide with shock. She couldn’t even say anything as the tearing continued and then finally, her chest was exposed! She felt the garment coming off and then her eyes saw her bra in the air, being held like a trophy. Bianca then watched it get tossed across the room and heard a very devious laugh.

“Much better…..hehehehe Nice tits by the way.” Helga giggled as she tossed the bra away. She then looked at the exposed breasts and really liked what she saw. They were a larger size, which was surprising considering the thin frame of the body. She surmised that was why she was hired as a barmaid. Her bosom was very ample, probably a size C. She looked at the small brown nipples and licked her lips. Now it was time to really embarrass her and send her into another state of torture. “I like the way they look. They look…..delicious.” she teased.

Sylvia was stunned as she saw the bra get torn off as though it was paper. Helga was always impressively strong and now she saw the exposed chest of Bianca. She was impressed with the shape of the breasts, and she felt a tingle between her legs. She then sat upright and crossed her legs, trying to keep her own excitement at a normal level.

“Like what you see? Hehehe She has nice breasts, doesn’t she?” Thalia asked as she saw Sylvia shifting positions on her chair. She knew stripping the victim naked in this setting would probably affect her friend.

Sylvia turned and looked at Thalia once again and smiled. She felt a little embarrassed, but she figured everyone in the room would start to feel this way. “Hehehe Yes, in fact I do. You also strip them? Figures. But do you, you know, tickle them in certain areas?” she asked.

“Hehehe keep watching. You will find out. Like I told you, this method is very, very effective to getting sex slaves to behave themselves….” Thalia bragged.

Bianca felt total shame as her chest was now exposed. With her arms tied over her head, she couldn’t cover her chest. She could see the lustful eyes of Helga and wondered when this would all end. “Helga….please cover my chest. Please…” she whimpered.

“Not yet….hehehehehe I like your tits. In fact, I want to see them move around for me. Let me get you going again.” Helga told her. She then reached her hands forward and placed her fingertips right on the ribcage. She then gently pressed her strong fingers into the crevices between each bone and she immediately saw Bianca’s ticklish reaction. “Kitchy kitchy koo…..” she teased.

Bianca exploded in laughter as she felt those very strong fingers now poking into her ribs. Her ribs were always really ticklish and now she felt a very strong ticklish pulse throughout her body. She started to scream again as her eyes looked down and she could see her breasts wobbling everywhere. She realized that was what Helga meant by seeing them move around. This massive woman was now manipulating her body and there was nothing she could do to stop her. The feeling of embarrassment seemed to make her body extra sensitive, and she just laughed. The laughter flowed as the fingers went through each rib crevice and she just wanted her soul to leave her body so she wouldn’t suffer anymore.

Sylvia was now starting to get into this. It was a fascinating experience to see someone so ticklish suffering the way Bianca was. She heard the sheer desperation in her voice and could see those large breasts wobbling all around. She could see the legs moving, the soles of the boots moving, and the hair was starting to whip around. It really amazed her that Helga’s strong hands did not break the woman’s ribs. The Russian seemed to know how to touch a victim without breaking them and that was very impressive to her. Her mind started to wonder if this was something she would do to a victim of hers. She didn’t like to assassinate women, but she did like to torture them. Perhaps tickling them would be a great method. She looked over at Thalia who seemed to be enjoying herself. “This is really good. I never knew how much this could make someone suffer. It is the way she is screaming. You would think we put hot irons on her feet or something. No, she is just…..laughing.” she told her.

“Hehehe yes…. Now you can see it. You see why we like to use it on women. You can hear their desperation. They want it all to end, but nothing will stop it unless YOU want to stop. As you can tell, it will leave no marks on the body unless you scratch them. There is a way to do this method. Some people are very sloppy. They tickle without any thought or precision. Observe Helga. See the way she uses her fingers in key spots? She knows how to find the worst ticklish spots on Bianca. She is very careful because she doesn’t want to break any bones. She is truly a master of this…..” Thalia responded. She then watched as those fingers continued to poke and prod through each rib crevice. With each press of the fingers, she heard that shrill laughter coming from Bianca. She then thought about when it was her turn. If Sylvia was impressed right now, then her mind would be blown away when she got to that special place between the legs of Bianca.

Helga continued to press her fingers into those delicate ribs. She knew just how much pressure was needed to send hellacious ticklish feelings in a victim’s body, or to put them into pain. She saw the agony Bianca was in and she thought about how fortunate this woman was. She was just being used as a demonstration and would not be taken away as a sex slave to either her and Svetlana or to Thalia. She then stopped her rib tickling and let the victim breathe a little. It was time to demonstrate her skills on those naked armpits, then she would go after the breasts. She could hear the heavy breathing from Bianca, and she had a wry smile. “Awww….poor little Bianca. She is suffering so much. Are you ok? Do you want me to make you feel better?” she teased.

Bianca looked over at Helga and that baby talk voice was driving her crazy. That woman looked as though she could wrestle a bear, but here she was trying to be sweet. That rib attack really drove her wild and she prayed her ordeal was over. She heard something from Helga about wanting to feel better and she hoped it was her freedom. “Please Helga….please stop. What do I have to do to make you stop and let me go?” she asked.

“Pretty Bianca wants to know what to do. Hmmmm…..stay still for a moment and I will show you what I might want. This will give you good idea, and if you agree, then maybe, just maybe we stop tickling you.” Helga teased. She then lowered her head towards the right breast and then stuck out her tongue. She gave the right nipple a gentle lick and she loved it. The nipple tasted a little sweaty and it got her own lust going. More importantly, she saw the reaction from Bianca and that really got her going.

“What? No!!! You can’t possibly think…..oh no!! Please Helga, just let me go!” Bianca cried out. She felt that very strong tongue across her nipple. It felt good, but it made her realize what Helga might want to do instead of tickling her. She did not want to make love to this woman and panic started to set in. She had plenty of lesbian affairs in her young life, but this was one she was not excited about.

“You don’t want to feel the pleasure I can give to your sweet, young body? Ok…then we resume…” Helga said in a matter-of-fact tone. She then reached her hand forward and placed her fingertips directly on the exposed right armpit. She didn’t hesitate and started to drum her fingers on that spot, and she saw the instant reaction. “No sex, only tickling for Bianca. Hehehe” she taunted.

Sylvia’s eyes went wide open as she saw Helga licking that right nipple, then heard the offer to the victim. This was a whole new twist to this tickling demonstration, and she didn’t know what to think. It looked very erotic what Helga did and it even made her own nipples hard. She enjoyed sex with men, but women were much different. Those times were always so sensual and very erotic. She looked over at Thalia who had this huge smile on her face. “Y-You guys sexually tease them too?” she asked in surprise.

“Yes, oh yes. It is a way to make the victim confused. Their bodies were already breaking down from the tickling, then we get their bodies aroused. We want their bodies to betray their minds. You see, when the body takes control of the mind, they start to enjoy the pleasure, wiping out their resistance. It is such sweet torture. They feel that agony of the tickling, but also the sheer pleasure of the sexual touching. They may say they don’t want it, but their bodies crave it. It breaks their mind because they can’t understand why they are giving in so easily. Bianca here, trust me, she will desire the sex after a while. Once she does, we have her, and we can do anything we want to her. I can tell you like it. hehehe Maybe you want us to try it on you?” Thalia said in a flirty voice.

“haha Oooh, you naughty Thalia. I know you would love to make love to me, but maybe some other time. This is so fascinating. I can hear her desperate screams now. Will she really beg for the sex?” Sylvia replied.

"Just watch…..” Thalia said, then looked right back at Bianca. She loved the way she was screaming from having her armpits tickled. She started to get aroused as she looked at those tits, along with her brief flirting with the very attractive Sylvia. There were definite pluses to this business, and she wanted to get more rewards. She then licked her lips as she thought about Bianca’s very special place on her body.

Bianca screamed as loud as she could as those fingers continued to tickle her exposed armpit. Those fingers were very strong and pulled out some of the worst ticklish sensations thus far. Somehow this burly Russian bounty hunter knew what buttons to push on her to drive her absolutely crazy. She looked over at her right armpit and saw those fingers dancing in that spot. It was such a surreal sight to see as they found her very ticklish areas. She wished she could bite the fingers or do something to protect her underarm, but it was no use. She then screeched when the fingers started to press into the hollow. “AAAAAAAAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOP!!! HELGA PLEASE!!!!” she screamed.

Helga loved the sound of that laughter as she knew she hit a very sensitive area on the armpit. She noticed that most women seemed to have a weakness directly in the center of the armpit. She then saw the other armpit and reached her other hand over and started to press into that hollow. She wanted both armpits tickled and wanted to really push Bianca to the limit. Her own soul filled with delight as the tickling agony continued. She saw tears starting to come down Bianca’s face and she shivered. This woman was slowly breaking, and she got excited. She then slowed down her tickling to give Bianca a chance to hear her ultimatum. She withdrew her fingers and then started to pet the woman’s head. She then lowered her head next to Bianca’s ear. “Awww…poor pretty little Bianca. She is SO ticklish heehehe. So, as you collect your breath and thoughts, I want you to listen to me and think about what you decide. I will give you a choice. Let me lick your nipples and have my way with your breasts, or I go back to your armpits. I will tickle them until your mind snaps, and you become a vegetable. Your choice and choose wisely….” she threatened.

Bianca was gasping for air after the fingers stopped tickling her armpits. She had never felt anything like that, and her body was on fire. Every single nerve ending was pulsating, and her lungs were burning. She never felt so helpless in her life. She couldn’t even tug at her bonds as she was getting exhausted. Then she started to writhe a little as she felt that warm breath in her right ear. She heard the ultimatum and she started to cry. It was a no-win situation as this woman truly wanted to torture her. She still could not understand why she was chosen as a victim, and it was breaking her spirit. She thought about the choice and another round of tickling might do her in. She didn’t desire Helga to lick her nipples, but in her addled mind, she thought it might be a good thing. She wouldn’t get tickled, and her body did like that earlier lick. She looked at Helga’s face and she knew she had to make an impossible choice. “Ok…..you can….you can lick my nipples. Please…no more tickling.” she begged.

Sylvia’s jaw dropped as she heard that response. She heard Helga offering that horrible choice of either having nipples licked or getting a severe tickling in the armpits. She thought about what Thalia told her about how the body would take over the mind and make choices they would never make. Now she was starting to understand the power of this torture. Painful methods could do the same, but there was something different about the art of tickle torture. Bianca was breaking down, and there were no marks on her body. “I can’t believe she said it. Wow, she must really not want to be tickled….” she said softly.

“Yes, when you go through the tickle torture, the only thing on your mind is survival. She wants to survive, so she will compromise her own body to spare it from torment. Her mind is slowly breaking. Hehehe Now, sit back and enjoy….” Thalia told her, then leaned back in her chair to watch the erotic torment that was about to take place.

“Good girl….You make good choice. Hehehe” Helga giggled. She always loved it when the victims were very vulnerable to any suggestions. She then leaned her head down and stuck out her tongue. It was time for her to have a tasty treat. The tip of her tongue slowly licked around the right areola, and she savored the taste. She started to move it faster and she felt the nipple starting to stiffen. This was the moment she was waiting for. She wanted to get Bianca very aroused so they could really destroy her mind. She then took the nipple into her mouth and started to suckle on it.

Bianca felt that very warm and wet mouth on her nipple and she didn’t know what to think. This very strong woman was sucking on her breast and her body reacted. She felt her nipples getting hard and she felt a tingle between her legs. She was utterly speechless as she heard the sucking sounds. She could feel how drenched that nipple was, and goosebumps formed on her skin. Then the mouth left her right nipple and planted itself on her left nipple. The impact of that mouth on her left nipple really pushed her and she let out a small moan.

Helga heard that moan and she smiled, then resumed the suckling of the nipple. It appeared that Bianca was in fact getting turned on and now they could use it to their advantage. She really hoped Sylvia and Thalia were enjoying the show. She then moved her mouth away from the nipples, then used her hand to pull the naked breasts upwards, exposing that very delicate skin. She then licked the underside and heard a giggle.

“hehehe that…that tickles…” Bianca giggled as she felt that wet, strong tongue licking under her breasts. It was still mind blowing that this woman could be so sensual. She had no idea how far they were going to take this, but her mind rationalized that she should enjoy this while she can instead of receiving horrific tickle torture.

Helga continued to lick the undersides, then went back to the nipples. She felt herself getting very aroused and she wished she could strip this woman completely naked, and then consume her completely. She loved playing with these women and now her desire grew stronger. She then started to use the flat of her tongue to slide across each nipple, eliciting a sensual moan from Bianca. In the corner of her eye, she saw her partner Svetlana standing there and enjoying the view. That made her remember that her partner also wanted a turn to torture Bianca. She then lifted her head up and figured now that the body was aroused, it would be a good time for her portion of the torture to end, so Svetlana could have her turn. “Good news Bianca! I am done playing with your body. No more tickling from me…..” she told her.

Bianca could feel her sexual energy rising from the breast play and then she felt the mouth leaving her chest. She looked at Helga who was wiping her mouth with her arm, reminding her just how much of the Russian’s saliva was on her chest. Then she felt a ray of hope in her body when she was told by Helga that she was done tickling her. She felt that excitement that she was finally about to be set free! “Thank you….thank you for your mercy. Please…untie me….I want to go home.” she pleaded.

“Mercy? Who said anything about mercy? I just said I am done tickling you. However, my friend Svetlana wants to tickle you. Good luck. Hehehe” Helga told her with an evil chuckle. She then looked over at her partner in crime and smiled. Svetlana didn’t tickle as much as she did, but she figured since they were going to California soon, any practice would be good for her. “Ok, your turn. I think you should visit those feet of hers….” she told her.

“Sure thing….hehehehe I think her feet will be very delightful.” Svetlana smiled. She then went to the foot of the bed and sat down on the left-hand side. She could see the look of true fear in Bianca’s eyes, and she felt a surge of adrenaline. She didn’t tickle the women as much as Helga, but whenever she did, she had a great time. She also knew that once the body got aroused, the ticklishness in the body increased a lot. She then looked at the booted foot. There was rope tied around the ankle, so it would be tricky to take the boot off. She then loosened the rope enough to allow the boot to slide off, but she also had to hold onto the leg. She then grabbed the sole of the boot with her left hand and started to pull at it. Her right hand gripped the calf muscle of the leg to prevent Bianca from trying to move her leg.

Bianca went white as a ghost when she heard Helga tell her that someone else was going to tickle her. She then looked at the thinner Russian, Svetlana, and she felt fear. That woman had an expressionless face when she looked at her before, now she had a smile. She then gasped in shock when she heard that her feet were next. She really started to squirm as she was very aware that her feet were highly sensitive. She then started to whimper when she felt the bottom of her boot in the hand of the Russian and started to feel the boot sliding off. The bounty hunter had a good grip on her leg, and she watched in horror as she felt the boot sliding down her leg and when it popped off her heel, she was in a panic. “NO!!! PLEASE DON’T TAKE OFF MY BOOT!!! NOT MY FEET!!! DON’T YOU DARE TICKLE MY FEET!!!” she screamed.

Sylvia sat back in her chair as she was interested in this next phase of the tickle torture. She knew that the feet were always a great spot for tickling, and she wondered just how ticklish Bianca was. The way she was reacting, she must have had some really ticklish feet. She saw the boot sliding off and it would be soon before it came all the way off. She looked at the face of Svetlana, then the face of Bianca. It was such an interesting contrast between the two women. Bianca had pure fear in her eyes and Svetlana was calm and collected. The Russian was never much of a talker, but her interactions with her in the past were always good. Then her eyes went wide when she saw the boot come off and the gray socked foot was exposed. She held her breath in anticipation as she heard the boot fall to the floor and make a thud sound.

“There! I bet that feels better. You work on your feet all day, Da?” Svetlana asked as she looked at the wiggling toes inside the gray sock. She then looked over at Bianca and grinned.

Bianca looked at her foot in horror as her boot was now gone. She just had her sock covering her foot and now she felt extremely nervous. She knew what was going to happen and the anticipation was already killing her. “Please!!!! I beg you!!! Please don’t tickle me!!! What do you want me to do? I will do anything!! ANYTHING!!!” she pleaded.

“Hmmm….interesting proposition. You will do anything, huh?” Svetlana teased. She then did a very quick swipe of her fingers up the sole and saw the instant reaction.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA YES ANYTHING!!! ANYTHING!!!! Bianca begged. That single stroke on the bottom of her foot sent a large number of ticklish sensations throughout her entire body. She noticed that her body was feeling a lot more sensitive which would only spell doom for her.

“Wow, you were right, Thalia. She is already begging to do anything. This is……amazing.” Sylvia said as she witnessed the interaction. The fear in poor Bianca’s eyes really struck something deep inside her. She was so used to dishing out pain, that the tickling aspect was very fascinating. The victim was literally begging as though her life was in danger. She started to wonder if she could be as effective with tickling as the others.

“I am glad you are enjoying this. Yes, something as simple as tickling can be……effective. Very effective. I especially like this part. Tickling feet has always been exciting to me. I will truly enjoy this. And if you think this is great, wait until you see what I do to her when it is my turn…..” Thalia said. She then looked at Bianca and now saw Svetlana’s fingers tugging at the toe of the sock. A bare foot would be appearing soon.

Svetlana had a grip of the toe of the sock and started to pull it down. She could feel the sock sliding off the leg and then the heel was exposed. She grinned when she saw the pale skin on the heel and wondered what the rest of the foot looked like. She could still hear Bianca screaming about whether she would do anything right now, but she wanted to see this foot. The sock started to come off the arch and now she saw the ball of the foot. It had a narrow sole, and the skin was very pale. There was a high arch, which she really liked. Then when the sock was at the toes, she looked at Bianca and smiled. With a quick tug, the sock came off the toes and the size 10 foot was exposed. “Piggies! Hehehe” she giggled.

Bianca froze in place as she felt the sock come off her foot. She was in disbelief that her foot was now going to be exposed and sure to be tickled without mercy. She was scared to death as her pleading to do anything went unheard. She didn’t know what she meant by “anything”, but she was truly desperate. She stared at her long toes and wondered just how much torture she was about to go through. Her emotions started to get the best of her, and she started to feel tears in her eyes. “Please….please don’t do this to me. Don’t tickle me, please don’t tickle me. I will do anything…” she begged.

“You say that, and I will address that in a moment. But first, I just want to hear you laugh….” Svetlana responded in a very cold tone. She then gripped the left ankle with her right hand and used the fingers of her left hand to skitter up and down the sole. She loved how soft the flesh was and she got the reaction she wanted. Complete and utter tortured screaming. She could feel the foot trying its best to squirm away from her, but she held onto it. She could feel the foot flailing around and her fingers never left the sole. She put her fingers in the arch and really scrabbled them. “Hehehe ticklish feet! You have a VERY ticklish foot! Tickle tickle….” she said with a baby talk tone of voice.

“AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEASE!!! HAHAHAHAHA DON’T TICKLE MEEEEEEEEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” Bianca screamed as she felt those fingers in her arch. The sensations were worse than she ever imagined, and she was ever going to survive this. No matter how much she moved her foot, those fingers were planted in her arch, and she felt them really touching her skin. She shut her eyes and screamed hysterically. Her body was convulsing, and she couldn’t even get words out. Her toes would clench, then open again as the sensations rocked her to her very core.

Sylvia crossed her legs as the sound of that hysterical laughter was really starting to excite her. She noticed how much her attitude changed throughout this process. She thought tickling someone was silly and for children. As the time went on, she could see how exciting it was. The way the victim was begging. The look of delight on Helga’s face and the techniques she was using. The way Svetlana exposed the foot was very sexy. She thought Bianca’s foot looked really pretty and she wanted to see it get tickled even more. There was also the breast licking she saw earlier and that was very arousing to her. She felt her own lust growing and she licked her lips. Her eyes then looked at the right foot. It was still safely hidden inside the boot, and she really hoped it would get exposed as well. Her own desires to tickle started to grow and it made her wonder how she would do with another woman. “I want to tickle someone….” she thought to herself.

Svetlana continued to just stroke her fingers in that delicate arch. She had a stable focus, and she went into a zone. She never changed the rhythm of her fingers, and the touch of that soft and sensitive skin was soothing to her. She could hear Bianca’s very powerful laughter in the background, which only motivated her to keep going. Her eyes then looked down at those clenched toes and it made her smile. She could see the natural nails and they had a good shape to them. This was a very pretty foot she was tormenting. She then moved her fingers to the ball of the foot and that forced a ticklish squeal to come from Bianca’s lips. “I am never going to stop….never going to stop tickling your feet….never…” she said in a hypnotic tone.

Bianca could hear those words, but her brain was racing all over the place. Her lungs started to hurt again, and her face was beet red. She felt sweat coming down her face and she wondered if this was her end. The tickling just would not stop, and she felt every single touch on the bottom of her foot. She stopped begging as her laughter overwhelmed her. She knew there was nothing she could do to stop the madness and she laughed. The laughter hit that guttural, animalistic sound and she closed her eyes. Then suddenly, the tickling stopped. She opened her eyes and took in a huge gasp for air as though she came out from underneath the water. Bianca started to cough as she was breathing in a lot of air and her chest started to hurt. Once her coughing subsided a little, she instinctively started to beg. “Please cough cough please don’t….tickle gasp anymore. Please…” she wheezed.

“You said you would be willing to do anything, da? Well, if you want me to stop tickling, I want you to tell me if you have a pretty pussy or not.” Svetlana requested. She knew she would resume her tickling shortly, but it was time to mess with Bianca’s mind and get her thinking about what could happen with the most private area of her body. In a way, as much as she enjoyed tickling this foot, she wished she was third to torment Bianca, because that meant she would play with the pussy. Thalia would have that particular honor.

Bianca groaned as she heard the ultimatum. These women were truly trying to humiliate her and make her beg for things she would have normally never done. That really hit her emotions and she wanted to go into a hole and just cry. She could feel the fingers near her feet again and knew the tickling could happen at any moment. But she wondered if she could truly answer that question. It seemed like these women had plans with her body sexually and she didn’t know if she could truly handle it. Then she felt the fingers barely touching her sole and that forced her to answer the question posed to her. “Yes!! Yes!!! I have…..a pretty pussy. I have a pretty pussy….” she said, then felt the urge to cry as she was so ashamed.

“Good girl….hehehe Now, back to your foot.” Svetlana smiled as she then started to race her fingers up and down the sole again. She touched the heel with her fingers and then slowly raked them through the arch and then the ball of the foot. She had trimmed nails, so she didn’t have a scratching motion, but she did manage to elicit terrible ticklish screams from poor Bianca. She then moved her fingers over to the instep area and heard a very loud ticklish shriek. She was really starting to enjoy herself as Bianca was humiliating herself and still getting tickled.

“Hehehe that was mean. You made the poor girl admit she has a pretty pussy and still tickle her? That cruelty of it all. I am really starting to like this.” Sylvia told Thalia. She loved the way the Russians were systematically breaking down Bianca. She was surprised the woman still had air in her lungs with all the laughing and screaming she was doing. She could see her hair flashing around, the body writhing violently, and those toes were clenched very tightly. She giggled to herself as she really enjoyed the torture.

“Hahaha yes, as you can see, a ticklish woman gets very desperate. She will literally do anything at this point. But there is more. This is just the beginning of breaking their will. By the time we are done with victims, they become the most obedient sex slaves. The mere threat of being tickled again scares them to death. It is very,….very fun.” Thalia said with a wry smile.

Svetlana then decided to give the left foot a rest. She released the ankle and paused her tickling for a moment. She wanted to calm Bianca down a little, so she could go for those long toes. She looked over at her and saw the woman groaning in post tickle torture. She could see the nostrils flaring and the very heavy breathing. The victim had to be tiring and she knew this next round would probably push her over the edge. What really got her excited was when she looked over at the right foot. That boot was still on, and she was going to play with that foot very soon. “How are you doing? Hehehe” she asked sarcastically.

Bianca felt aches in her body from the constant thrashing of her body. The tickling was very brutal, and she had no idea how she was even still conscious. Those fingers really worked her over and she wondered when it would all end. She still had no idea why she had to admit she had a pretty pussy and still got tickled. She opened her eyes slowly and looked at the sadistic look on Svetlana’s face. Her bottom lip started to quiver, and she knew if she got tickled again, it was going to be horrible. “Please…have mercy on my soul….” she begged.

“You know what? That is not a bad idea. I will have mercy on your sole…..” Svetlana told her. It amused her that Bianca unknowingly walked right into her trap. Now it was time to push this woman to the edge. “But no mercy for your toes……” she declared then had her fingers attack the tender undersides of the toes.

“WHAT THE HELL????!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOT MY TOES!!! WHAT ARE YOU HAHAAHAH DOING TO ME???!!” Bianca screamed as she felt those fingers invading her toes.

“Tickling your toes. What else do you think I am doing? Hehehe” Svetlana joked. The toes tried to curl on her fingers. She managed to dig in on the base of the toes and she had to hold on firmly as the ankle and foot started to violently wiggle around. She laughed as she heard that sweet laughter pouring out from Bianca’s mouth. She knew she hit a very sensitive spot, and this had to be torturing the poor woman. She always liked a woman’s toes. They were usually sensitive, and this woman was no different. Her eyes then noticed Helga looking back at her and she had the biggest smile.

“Hahaha listen to her scream. Such a ticklish little girl. Tickle her toes really good. I think I will snack on her nipples….” Helga said. She then positioned her body and grabbed the right breasts with both hands to keep it from wobbling around. As Bianca screamed in hysterical laughter, she wrapped her lips around that nipple and started to suckle on it. She figured it was time to make Bianca’s body completely confused. Her tongue swirled around the nubbin, and she loved the taste. “mmmmmm so good.” she moaned, then started to slurp away.

Bianca had no idea where she was at the moment. That toe tickling was breaking her will, but then her mind exploded as she felt those lips and that very wet tongue going after her nipple. Her mind was so confused at this moment. The tickling was absolutely horrendous, but that sucking on her nipple felt really good. She never had both types of sensations happening at once and now she had no idea what to do. She didn’t know if she should enjoy the nipple play or continue to suffer from the attack on her toes. These women were treating her like a toy and there was nothing she could do about it.

Svetlana saw Helga sucking on the nipple and she loved it. She knew poor Bianca had to be a wreck at this moment. She pulled her fingers from the toes and figured it was time to go after the right foot. With the nipples being played with, she could easily take off the other boot and sock, then play with that foot. Bianca would be focused on the pleasure she was receiving and not resist having her right foot exposed. She moved her way over to the other side of the bed and used her right hand to grab the sole of the boot. She started to tug on the boot and realized she had to loosen the ropes. She stopped her boot tugging and then worked on the knot. “I can’t wait to play with this one….” she told herself.

Bianca felt incredible relief as the fingers were removed from her toes. She wiggled them freely as though she was trying to rid herself of the ticklish feelings. Now she could really feel Helga playing with her nipples. She could see the top of her head moving over to the left breast and gasped as that wet mouth started to suckle on her left nipple. She had no time to recover from the foot tickling as her body was instantly getting into an aroused state. This was all very overwhelming to her as she didn’t know why her body was reacting this way. It was as though the Russians were both nice and evil at the same time. She moaned loudly as that powerful tongue flickered across the nipple.

Svetlana managed to start tugging at the boot and felt it sliding off. She loved this moment. There was something about removing the footwear off a helpless woman that was always exciting. The boot came off the heel and then right off the foot. She held the boot up like a trophy, then let it drop to the floor. She loved the sound of the thud and then her eyes focused on that gray sock. Now it was time to remove it and she could play with the new foot. She reached her hands forward and grabbed the toe of the sock. She started to tug at it and the sock started to slide off the foot. Once it came off the ankle, it exposed that pale flesh, and when it came off the heel, she saw that pale skin. She licked her lips as the sock continued to move upwards, exposing more of that foot flesh. The high arch was then exposed and then the ball of the foot. Now the sock rested on the toes, and she looked back up at Helga. She could hear her slurping those nipples and those moaning sounds. Her partner was having a great time and now it was her turn. Svetlana then pulled the sock off the toes and tossed it over her shoulder. Her eyes then looked at the newly bared foot and she loved it. That size 10 foot with the narrow sole and long toes. It just looked really sensitive. She then grabbed the foot with both hands and placed her face at the base of the toes. She took a quick sniff, and the smell wasn’t bad. She then took her hands off and took her left index finger and slowly slid it up the outside edge of the foot. The foot jerked around, and she grinned. This foot was just as ticklish.

Sylvia watched with anticipation as she saw Svetlana remove the boot and sock. There was something about the way the footwear was removed that thrilled her. She felt herself getting really turned on and wanted to see that foot tickled. She was enjoying watching Helga suckle those nipples and could hear those sounds. She giggled to herself as she saw that finger of Svetlana sliding up and down the outer edge of the foot. She wanted to pay close attention as these women seemed to have a certain style on how to tickle. She felt herself craving to tickle someone. She knew her friends would never let her tickle them, if they were even ticklish, so she thought about if she had other friends she could try on. Then she giggled as she saw the fingers lightly scurrying in the arch area. The moans of Bianca changed to giggles and then the laughter started to get stronger. It was showtime!

“Hehehehe stop that! Hehehe that’s my foot! HahahHAHAHAHA STOP THAT!!! IT TICKLES!!!” Bianca screamed out as she felt fingers scurrying in her right arch. The sensations overtook the pleasure she was feeling from the nipple play and terror filled her mind. Her other foot was now being attacked and she was helpless. She was so wrapped up in the nipple pleasure, that she didn’t even notice her second boot and sock were removed. Her laughter got stronger, and her nightmare continued!

Svetlana loved how the hysterical laughter returned. She had a very firm grip on the ankle and used her left hand. She switched to her right hand to tickle the bottom of the foot and loved that reaction. She felt her fingers sinking into the foot flesh and she savored the moment. This was definitely a very ticklish victim, and she was suffering a lot. She didn’t think she would have the chance to tickle a hapless woman before her departure to America. But lady luck found her, and she was going to enjoy every single second of it. She flickered her fingers over the ball of the foot and loved that reaction.

Bianca felt herself getting lightheaded at this point. The nipple suckling was still taking place, but those evil fingers on her foot were destroying her. She could barely move her foot around as the ankle was tightly held. There was no way out. She tried to reason with them, and even begged them. Nothing seemed to work. She even told them she had a pretty pussy and that didn’t stop them. It was as though they wanted to destroy her. She felt her emotions bubbling over and if she wasn’t laughing hysterically, she would be crying hysterically. Then her eyes nearly bulged out of her head when she felt the fingers invading her instep. That was a very sensitive spot and she screamed in ticklish agony. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I CAN’T STAND IT HAHAHAHAHAHA MERCY HAHAHAHA PLEASE HELP MEEEEEEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SOMEBODY HELP MEEEEEEEE HAHAHAHAHA” she screamed out of desperation.

Helga heard that desperate cry and she lifted her head off the right nipple she was sucking on. She loved going back and forth with the nipples and they tasted delightful to her. She knew Bianca was on the verge of having a mental breakdown and that made her feel proud. This was just a demonstration of their abilities and she thought they were taking it easy on this woman. She then laughed when she heard that cry for help. “There is no one to help you. Hehehehe you are all……ours.” she said in a menacing tone.

Svetlana heard her partner in crime with those ominous words and that was her cue to attack the right foot. She then went after the toes. Using her left hand, she grabbed the tips of the toes and pulled them back, making the sole taut. She used her strength to keep the foot from moving everywhere, and then with her right hand, her fingertips started to flutter along the undersides of the toes. She could feel the foot straining in her hand, but she maintained her grip. She did like the soft skin of those toes. She also loved the way the laughter flowed. Svetlana knew she hit a sensitive area and wanted to try and inflict as much ticklish punishment as possible. Her fingers then went to the crevices at the base of the toes and saw Bianca trying to arch her back. She had a small grin on her face as she knew Bianca was suffering.

Bianca felt those fingers playing with her toes and those sensations drove her wild. She hated this moment and never felt so helpless in her life. These women were not stopping in her torment. In fact, they seemed to be getting more aggressive with their torture. They attacked her stomach, they attacked her ribs and underarms, they were even trying to play with her breasts. Now they were attacking her feet. Those fingers near the base of her toes were driving her wild. She tried her best to curl them, but it was no use. She felt her body getting weaker as this prolonged tickling sapped her of her strength. She had been screaming for a long time, which also helped exhaust her. She wondered what would become of her. She wanted them to stop and at this point, she would be willing to do anything. Then as the fingers moved from the toes and before she could catch her breath, she felt the fingers moving up and down her sole at a rapid pace. Bianca went into silent laughter and body started to quit. Her limbs went limp, and she just laughed. There was nothing else she could do but laugh.

Helga grinned as she saw the body starting to quit. This moment never failed for her. There was always a thrill whenever her victim would start to lose control over their body. This was the beginning of them breaking. She looked over at Svetlana who seemed very focused on tickling that helpless foot. Her eyes then went towards both Sylvia and Thalia who seemed to be enjoying themselves. She then turned her head back towards Bianca’s face and saw the distress on it. It was as though she had a permanent smile on her face, and she was losing consciousness. Helga really wished they would take this woman as their new slave, but they had other business to attend to. She then motioned her hand towards Svetlana. “You can stop now. We don’t want to kill her. Hehehehe Thalia needs a turn…..” she said.

Thalia’s eyes lit up when she heard her name. She enjoyed watching her Russian friends tickle destroy poor Bianca. She wished she could have played with the entire body herself, but this was merely a demonstration. She knew what they had done to Bianca so far was just a sample and not the full torture that could be inflicted. That would last much longer if the woman was going to be a sex slave. She turned her head towards Sylvia and smiled. “Now, observe what I do to her. I promise you; you will love it.” she told her.

Sylvia felt herself shudder as she heard those words from Thalia. She was already impressed over what her bounty hunter friends had done to Bianca. Never before in her life had she seen someone using tickling as torture. It was very effective, and the victim suffered a lot. She saw Bianca’s body starting to quit and she recognized that. When she tortured someone, when their bodies quit, that was when she would torture them again before she finished them off. She knew they were not going to let Bianca die, but the woman was going to keep suffering. She wondered what Thalia was going to do. She saw the Greek warrior moving towards the bed and both Helga and Svetlana stood up. It was going to be something she hoped she would never forget.

Thalia made her way to Bianca’s body and could see her lying there completely exhausted. Her eyes saw the toes on both feet twitching, then her chest was heaving up and down. Sweat had formed all over her face. Her long black curly hair was a complete mess and so was her face. She could see how red her skin got from the screaming and laughing. She looked at Helga and Svetlana and saw them with the biggest smiles. Now, it was her turn. She figured she would demonstrate what she loved to do when a victim was broken. She looked at the waist and it was time to remove the pants. “Can you both be nice, and untie her ankles for a moment? I think it is time we see what is hiding under those pants.” she asked in a sweet voice.

Bianca was barely conscious as she tried to recover from the tickling onslaught. Her entire body was starting to ache as she was straining so desperately in her bonds. She had never felt this tired in her life. Every nerve in her body was responsive and she prayed they were done. She also felt arousal in her body and that confused her mind. She never knew that being tortured this way could also spark lust. The way Helga played with her breasts felt amazing. It was like a calm in the sea of tickle torture. Now, all she wanted to do was sleep. She felt hope in her body as she felt the rope around her ankles coming undone. Her brain thought she should kick them, but she was too tired. Her mind then went into thinking her ordeal was all over. Bianca slowly opened her eyes and saw the auburn-haired woman now climbing on the bed. She was crawling towards her in between her legs, and it was though she was a lioness and she was the prey. “Please….let me go….I’m sorry…..I’m sorry…..” she apologized.

Thalia chuckled as she heard the apology. There were a few times when the victims would apologize to her. She knew their minds were completely lost at that moment as though they did something to have this inflicted on them. She then made it to the woman’s crotch and looked down. She saw the belt buckle and her hands reached forward. She then started to undo the belt and pulled it out. She threw it across the room and then unbuttoned the pants. She didn’t waste any time because she wanted that prize. “No need to apologize….I just want to make you feel so much better….” she teased.

Sylvia could see the soles of the feet twitching and could see Thalia’s back. Her eyes went wide when she saw the belt flying through the air and saw Thalia’s arms moving. She knew this woman was about to lose her pants and now her curiosity soared. She had an idea about what was about to happen next. That made her own spot start to get moist. She knew this woman was about to be sexually ravished. She crossed her legs as she felt her own lust growing. She then saw Helga looking at her with a knowing grin. She laughed a little, then smiled. “Hey, this is fun.” she mouthed the words back to the Russian.

Thalia got the buttons undone, now it was time to pull the pants down and have them removed. She grabbed the pants and with a strong pull, the pants came off the hips and she slid them down the legs. She pulled the pants off the feet and stood in the air. She held the pants up and looked down at Bianca who only had her underwear on. “Mmmm….so pretty. Now, it is time we see that pretty pussy. You did say you had one….” she taunted.

Bianca was in complete disbelief. The woman had removed her pants and her legs felt lifeless. She was in shock as she knew they were about to strip her naked. She started to whimper as she felt too exhausted to protect herself. Then she saw Thalia move to the left side of the bed and she was by her waist. The Greek bounty hunter was staring at her, and she knew this was her last chance to beg for mercy. “Please….don’t do this to me….I…I will do anything. Anything you want…” she whimpered.

“I know you will, sweetie. In fact, let me ask you this before I get down to business. Would you be willing to eat our pussies?” Thalia asked. She loved these moments because it made the victim choose things they wouldn’t do if they were not being tortured.

Bianca gasped as she heard that question and her emotions started to boil over. They were asking her something that she did not want to do. She participated in lesbian affairs before, but not like this. She thought about servicing each of these women and she knew if she didn’t, they would keep torturing her. “Please….let me go….I…I…I will do it.” she pleaded.

“Oh really? You will eat all of our pussies until we cream all over your face?” Thalia asked. She loved humiliating her victims. She could see that anguish in Bianca’s eyes, and she knew she had her. She then reached her left hand forward and started to pull at the underwear. She wanted to expose this woman which would break her mind.

Bianca felt that strong hand on her underwear and felt it tugging downwards. They were about to expose her most private area. Panic started to set in, and she knew she had to answer that question. “YES!! YES!!! I WILL EAT YOUR PUSSIES!!! TILL YOU CREAM!! TILL YOU CREAM!!! Please don’t expose me….” she begged.

Thalia laughed after that reaction and then looked at Sylvia. She could see the eagerness in her eyes and nodded her head. “You see? She is willing to do anything. Now, let’s see this pussy….” she said, then started to tear away at the underwear.

Sylvia’s mouth was wide open in shock as she heard the exchange between Thalia and Bianca. It was amazing how that woman was so desperate; she would be willing to perform oral sex on all of them. She wondered if it would actually happen, and her pussy got very moist. Her eyes then went wide as she saw the underwear tearing. She could see the material stretching and ripping and soon, it was forcefully removed from the body, and she saw the golden prize. Bianca’s pussy. She could see the black pubic hairs but could also see those lips. Her mind was racing with excitement as the victim was naked. She had seen plenty of naked women, but this was different. Even though this was all torture, it was such an erotic scene. She then looked at Thalia who winked back at her. She wondered what was about to happen next.

“Hey!!! You were telling the truth. You DO have a pretty pussy. I see those pretty curly-curls. Hehehehehe Now, I think I want to play with your pussy. You don’t mind, do you?” Thalia asked with a sweet smile.

Bianca was mortified at the moment. This woman just exposed her most private area and they were all looking at her. She could not believe she was tied down on the bed and was totally naked. The arousal in her body was still present and now she felt her ankles getting grabbed by both Helga and Svetlana and they spread her legs wide open. She felt so humiliated as her pussy was in clear view. She felt her heart sinking and she had no idea what they were about to her. “Please…..I said I would eat your pussies….please let me go….please…” she whimpered.

“I know you are willing to eat our pussies. But I want to play with yours first. Helga, do you think she needs a shave? Heehehe” Thalia laughed and then had a huge smile. She knew the Russians would shave the pussies of their sex slaves to humiliate them, but also to have a certain “brand”. She liked that idea as she got to play with many shaven pussies, and she enjoyed the easy access to them.

“Hahahahaha!!! Da! She needs a good shave, but that is for slaves. She is just toy today. Unless she disobeys us, then we will change our minds….” Helga responded. Helga loved shaving pussies clean. It was part of the Montenegro brand, but also something she preferred. Priscilla Montenegro wanted to have the pussies shaven, which would make her brand of slaves distinct. Others would shave pussies, and some of them would keep their pubic hair. However, Priscilla wanted all of them shaven. She wasn’t planning on taking Bianca as a slave, so there was no need to shave her.

“You hear that? You better be a good girl. Or we will shave this pussy of yours and you will become a sex slave for the rest of your life.” Thalia threatened. She then patted her hand across the pubic hairs and smiled. There wasn’t a lot of hair, but enough to be noticeable. She then looked at the pussy again, and realized she didn’t have any feathers. She figured she would use her fingers instead. She then stroked her finger up the lips and noticed the pussy flinched. She smiled as she did it again and Bianca’s body squirmed. “Hehehe your pussy is nice and sensitive. Hmmm…. Am I imagining things? Do I feel some……wetness?” she asked teasingly.

Bianca was still in a state of shock as she felt that finger stroking her most private area. She couldn’t believe she was being touched and each touch made her body squirm around. She heard what they were saying about shaving her hairs off and she was relieved when Helga said they wouldn’t do it. What really struck fear in her was when they talked about her being a sex slave. Sheer terror gripped her soul as the thought of being taken away from home was too much to handle. She heard Thalia say she had better be a good girl or she might become a slave. This was the moment of truth for her. She would either let these women continue to have their way with her, or she could be taken away from here and still played with whenever they wanted. Tears started to form in her eyes as her own freedom suddenly became a major part of this torture. Bianca then heard what Thalia asked and her mind started to scramble for an answer. She did realize she was getting aroused, but that was from all the nipple play Helga did to her. She knew that her being aroused was not going to help her cause, but she had no choice but to answer her. “Um….I think so….” she said softly.

“hahahaha you sound so scared! Well, you SHOULD be!!! The good news is, I love wet pussies. Makes them a lot more fun to play with. I love doing……this.” Thalia said as she started to flutter her fingers across the pussy lips, and she could see the entire groin area flinching around. She continued to stroke the area and could feel the wetness on her fingers. She was having fun, then she thought she heard a giggle. She looked at Bianca as she fluttered her fingers and could see a small smile forming on her face. She heard some grunts, but not pain. It sounded like she was….laughing. That really got her excited as she realized her victim was ticklish on her spot. “Are you giggling? Hehehe Why Bianca, do you have a ticklish pussy?” she asked.

Bianca was mortified when she heard that question. She felt those fingers stroking and fluttering her pussy lips and it did tickle her. She never knew she was ticklish down there and now the sensations were building. She had no idea she could be ticklish there and she felt embarrassed. The fingers continued to stroke there and now her body started to writhe a little more. The ticklish feelings increased, and she let out a few giggles. “Hehehe that…..that tickles.” she admitted.

Sylvia was in total shock. She watched this entire erotic scene, and she loved it. Bianca was completely naked and having her pussy tickled. She never knew a woman could be ticklish there, and she had to add that into her own repertoire. She watched with great intent as the fingers played with the pussy. This entire event turned out even better than she ever expected. The laughter started to get stronger, and she wondered what would happen next. “Ticklish pussy. What a great thing to have. hehehe” she thought to herself.

Thalia continued to tickle the pussy and now Bianca was starting to writhe in ticklish agony a lot more. She knew the pussy wouldn’t be as ticklish as the feet, underarms, stomach, ribs or any other areas, but it was good to get her moving around. She also understood the side effects. She could feel it getting more wet and she figured it was time to really show Sylvia just how dominant she was over captured women. She looked over at Sylvia and winked. “Now, watch what happens to her. She will NEVER forget this…and neither will you.” she told her.

Sylvia made eye contact with Thalia and saw the hand starting to tickle the pussy even more. She wondered what Thalia was going to do next. It didn’t appear Bianca was going to scream in laughter, but something amazing was about to happen. Then she saw Thalia’s fingers starting to slide inside the pussy and she leaned back in her chair in awe. It looked like Thalia was going to fingerbang the woman. That excited her and she hoped to see an orgasm. The idea of forcing an orgasm out of a victim seemed really exciting.

Bianca felt those fingers inside her and she felt incredible pleasure. It truly shocked her because she never expected to be sexually toyed with. Her body was exhausted, and she desperately wanted the torture to stop. The more the fingers toyed with her insides, the more she started to get aroused. She didn’t want the arousal to build, but her body was taking over. Her eyes met Thalia’s and she could see that woman was determined to destroy her. She then felt an incredible wave of pleasure as the invading fingers found her G-spot. That completely took her out of any resistance and her body surrendered to the pleasure. The pressure started to build, and she started to close her eyes. She let out a moan and her toes started to curl. The pleasure was getting to be too strong, and her body wanted it.

Helga smiled as she saw the fingers of Thalia inside the helpless pussy. She looked over at Sylvia who had a look of arousal on her face, and she felt happy. It was always a welcome sight to see a friend of hers in pleasure. She loved showing off her skills to others and she felt proud of how great Thalia was at this as well. The way Thalia played with a woman’s vagina impressed her. She always forced orgasms out of her prisoners, but it was the way Thalia would force the orgasms truly made her impressed. “Now, you see just how talented Thalia is with pussy. Hehehe” she grinned.

Thalia heard the compliment, and she had a wry smile. She knew she found the G-spot and it wouldn’t be much longer before Bianca had a monster orgasm. She saw the look on the helpless face and heard those moans. The nipples were very stiff, and the toes were curling. “That’s right Bianca, cum for me whore! Cum your tiny brains out for Thalia!! CUM!!!” she demanded.

Bianca heard those words and even though she did not like being called names, the pleasure was too strong for her to resist. The orgasmic feelings were really building up and she couldn’t fight it anymore. She didn’t want to surrender her orgasm, but after that horrific tickling she endured, she let her body loose. Then it started. The pangs of lust were starting to crest and when that finger stroked the spot inside her body, it crashed over into a tsunami of an orgasm! “OOOOH OOOOH OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH FUCK!” she screamed as the orgasm hit.

Thalia smiled as she heard the scream of sexual pleasure. She could feel Bianca’s hips grinding on her finger, pumping out more of her love honey. She always enjoyed this moment. She loved forcing women to orgasm. She then saw Bianca closing her eyes and felt the body go limp. She appeared to be in a state of orgasmic bliss. She chuckled to herself when she thought about how lucky Bianca was right now. Normally after forcing a woman to cum her brains out, she would then tickle attack her again, forcing her to lose all sense of her will. She then looked over at Sylvia who was in total awe. “Did you like that?” she asked.

Sylvia was stunned. She saw and heard that monstrous orgasm and saw the body go limp. That had to be one of the greatest orgasms she ever witnessed. Even when she had lesbian affairs, and made the woman scream in pleasure, she never saw anything like what she just witnessed. She wondered if she could ever make a woman scream like that. She then heard Thalia asking her a question and she shook her head slowly. “That….that was incredible. This is what you do to women?” she asked.

“Da! We do this to women a lot. As you can see, Bianca is a wreck. Hehehehe She is so very fortunate. Right now, we would tickle her again since her body is so very sensitive after orgasm. I think we showed you good time, da?” Helga asked. She then went over to the right foot of Bianca, tugged at the big toe and then gave the sole a quick tickle. She loved how quickly Bianca woke up from her bliss and started to scream in laughter.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA DON’T TICKLE ME!!! Please don’t tickle me…..” Bianca begged after waking up from her moment of pleasure. She noticed that her body was a lot more sensitive and if these women tickled her again, it would surely be the end of her.

“Hahahaha Bianca, Bianca, Bianca. I want you to thank any god you choose that we are not taking you with us. You have served your purpose. We are done with you….for now. You never know about the future. Hehehe” Thalia threatened. She then stood up and nodded her head to Svetlana. Since they were not taking Bianca with them, she had to be disposed of from the room. She knew she was not going to be harmed, but she would definitely be incapacitated before they left to go their separate ways.

Svetlana smiled and then went to Bianca’s head area. She saw that look of fear and knew it was time to get rid of this woman. She reached forward and pinched a pressure point on the neck. She grinned as Bianca’s eyes closed and she was knocked out. “I will throw her out like the trash she is. I will be back…” she told the group before she started to untie Bianca.

Thalia approached Sylvia who slowly stood up from her chair. She could see the look of excitement on her face and knew they had just impressed her. She placed her right hand on Sylvia’s left shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Did you enjoy?” she asked.

“You have no idea how much I enjoyed that!!! I never knew tickle torture and sexual humiliation could be such great things! The way you had her screaming in agony. The way you stripped her dignity away by stripping her completely naked. The way you forced her to feel arousal. You made her want to perform oral sex on all of us. Then you tore an orgasm out of her? That was magnifique!!” she said, then did a chef’s kiss.

Thalia smiled when she saw Sylvia’s reaction, then did a bow in a joking manner. She loved the way her friend reacted, and she felt proud. She was a bit disappointed that she did not get to really tickle Bianca but tearing that orgasm out of her was entertaining. It also showed Sylvia what they do to helpless women and provided her a new method of torture. She smiled as she looked over at Svetlana now hoisting the unconscious Bianca across her shoulder and was ready to drop her off somewhere in a dark alley. They no longer had any use for her, so she would be discarded like trash. She then looked over at Helga and saw that satisfied smile on her face. “You have fun, Helga?” she asked with a smile.

“Da, that was very nice. I am a little horny, but I will be ok. This moment has only made me more anxious to get to Santa Selena. I want to break many women and make them so…….easy. hehehe I will get paid very well, so it is a win-win.” Helga said with a happy tone. She thought about her upcoming mission and really looked forward to working with Svetlana and Priscilla Montenegro in the caverns under the Wellington mansion. She looked at Sylvia and was amused by the look on her face. It looked as though she had discovered a new toy and had such a huge smile. “You like? You will perhaps use it in your adventures?” she asked.

“Oh yes!!!! I mean, I don’t know if I can be as effective as the three of you, but I want to try. Hmmm…. I wonder when my opportunity will come. I need practice! I guess I have some kidnappings to do. Hehehehe” Sylvia giggled. She then saw Svetlana ready to leave the room, and she figured it would be a good time to return to the place she was staying at. She really loved being with these women. There weren’t too many friends in this line of work, but these three were all good with each other and she looked forward to working with them again in the future. “I guess I will head on out. Ladies, it has been a true pleasure working with you. After finishing my mission earlier tonight, I really needed a way to celebrate. You have showed me a GREAT new way of causing hell for these miserable women. Hehehe Thank you. Thank you very much. Be safe on your travels. Helga, Svetlana, good luck in California. Thalia, tell Christos I said hello. I hope we can all get together again one day.” she told them.

“Yes, we will all have to get together one day. I want to hear how you used this method on someone. Don’t leave out ANY details. Hehehe” Thalia told her. She then reached forward and hugged Sylvia. It was time for her to leave as well and rejoin her team.

Sylvia felt the hug and she smiled. She then hugged Helga and was always impressed with that woman’s muscles. She then went over to Svetlana who had a lifeless body over her shoulder and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Good night, ladies. Au revoir!!” she told them, then left the room.

“I think she will be very good at this. Hehe I look forward to seeing how she uses it in the future. I think it will be such a great thing…” Thalia said to Helga and Svetlana as they watched Sylvia leave the room. The three women chuckled together and then got ready to depart for their separate journeys into the dark world of bounty hunting.

UP NEXT: Sylvia practices her newfound method of torture!

So, how did you like the first part? Welcome to Phase 4 and we got a long way to go!!!


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