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(Deputy's Universe) The Heiress 2: A coming storm (F/F) Part 5


Nov 28, 2001
Ok fans, time for another chapter of this series. I am glad you enjoyed it so far. The reunion is a lot of fun and I wanted to give new tickling combinations. Now, the reunion is coming to an end and we are now heading into the meat of the series. The beginning of the set up for the rest of the phase. I really hope you enjoy the story, along with the tickling, and things are going to start picking up. As always, your comments are most welcomed and truly, truly appreciated. Now, let's get to Part 5!


Bella gasped when she heard those words. Phoebe wanted to strip her naked! In all her years of willing sexual interactions with women, she had never been dominated. She was always in control. Now, she could potentially be the victim. The only time she was dominated sexually was when she was a captive of Thalia, and they tortured her. She felt her heart beating faster and she had to do something, or this woman would in fact sexually dominate her. “P-Phoebe? I think it would be good if we were both naked! However, you have to let me up so I can undress you first. I want to make the host feel, you know, special.” she told her with a nervous voice.

“Hehehehe That’s not how it works here in the Wellington mansion. Perhaps if I was in your home, you could seduce me and have your way with me. But since we are in my home, I will…..play with you. Now, let’s recall how you were trying to seduce me. It makes me wonder something about you. Your soft voice. The feeling of your touch on my skin. The way you are so damn sexy drives me crazy. However, there was one more thing you did to me that makes me wonder about you. Tell me, Ms. Bella Toscano. Are you a bit…..ticklish?” Phoebe grinned. Now she was in full heat as it was time to have her way with Bella. She then slowly moved her hands towards that vulnerable midsection and got ready to strike! She wiggled her fingers in the air, wanting to put ticklish fear in Bella. She really hoped she was ticklish, because it would make this entire moment that much better.

Bella was in shock when she heard what Phoebe said. This woman wanted to tickle her, and she was helpless. She looked at those wiggling fingers and she couldn’t help but giggle. She also started to squirm much harder because she knew if she was tickled, Phoebe would totally control her. She feared being submissive to this woman and had to do something. “Hehehehe Phoebe!! Let’s be rational here! There is no need to try and tickle me! In fact, I am NOT ticklish! So, all you would do is massage me. Get off of me, so I can massage you!” she begged.

“Someone sounds like she is very ticklish! Hehehe I like that. Is Bella a ticklish little girl? I think she……..IS!!!” Phoebe shouted, then plunged her hands onto the belly and quickly moved to the sides. She found a good spot right below the ribs and then pressed her fingers into the flesh. She immediately felt Bella squirming around and it felt incredible. After so many months, she was finally going to tickle another woman.

“HAHAHAHAHA PHOEBE!!! NO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Bella burst into laughter. Those hands were on her sides, and she felt those presses and squeezes. The ticklish feeling was very intense, and she felt helpless. The last time she was tickled was in captivity with Thalia and now this woman on top of her was going to tickle her good. She could see the look of sheer joy on Phoebe’s face and a panic started to set in. She started to kick her feet up and down and now she rocked her body side to side. She needed to get her arms free, or she was going to be doomed.

“Listen to that laugh! I love it. This is what you wanted to do to me, right? Just tickle and tickle and tickle me until I couldn’t take it anymore! Then you would have me so helpless, and you would take advantage of me. I like that plan. I like it a lot. Unfortunately for you, that is what I am going to do to you! Hehehehe I am going to find ALL of your ticklish spots. Hehehe” Phoebe threatened. She loved the way Bella’s body was moving around. She really liked the idea of controlling her and wondered what she looked like naked. As her fingers pressed into the sides, she imagined those breasts being out and wiggling around. They were hiding inside the dress, but once she got Bella weakened enough, this dress was coming off. She felt so powerful. She had a helpless woman beneath her and loved dominating her. It reminded her of playing with Bessie. She absolutely loved dominating her business manager, and now it was time to dominate a business partner. She then dug her fingers in deeper and that got a great reaction.

Bella roared in laughter as she felt those hands starting to go deeper into her flesh. The ticklish feeling got a lot worse in her body and she did her best to try and get away. Through the very powerful ticklish feelings, she then used whatever strength she had and managed to slip her left arm out from inside Phoebe’s knee and off her side. Now her hand was free. She immediately started to slap away at Phoebe’s right arm, then reached up and grabbed her side. She then squeezed it, hoping to tickle Phoebe right back.

Phoebe felt that arm coming free and before she could really react, that left hand was smacking away at her arm, then it lunged and landed on her right side. She felt that ticklish squeeze and that sent an incredible amount of ticklish energy in her body. “Hey!!! Hehehehehehehe don’t do that!” she laughed.

Bella felt a surge of confidence that she was going to get herself free. Once she did, she was going to really tickle Phoebe into submission. Now it became a battle of wills. Both women expressed their desire to get the other naked, so they could have their sexual way with them. Both women had competitive egos and now this was the tickle fight of the century Bella thought. Whoever won this tickle fight would be the most powerful woman between the two of them. “Hehehehe tickling me, huh?? Well, I am really going to get you now!!” she laughed.

Phoebe had to remove her left arm from Bella’s side, so she could use both of her arms to stop that tickling attack from Bella. She realized she was in a full-scale tickle war at the moment, and she had to get control again. Now that she tickled Bella, it was a competition. She really wanted to sexually dominate her older friend, but if she lost this tickle fight, she would be so helpless and get dominated. She then grabbed Bella’s wrist with her left hand, then plunged her fingers on her right hand on the now exposed armpit. She dug in deep, trying to find the most sensitive part. “Hehehe Now I got you!!!!” she shouted.

Bella felt her wrist being grabbed and when those fingers went into her armpit, she felt an immediate panic. That move sent an incredible number of ticklish feelings in her body and she couldn’t help but laugh very hard. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! NOT THERE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOT THERE!!!” she roared.

Phoebe couldn’t help but smile as her fingers burrowed themselves into that armpit. She loved the way Bella was laughing, and she felt a surge of energy. She loved hearing that laughter coming from that beautiful face. She could feel the fabric of that black dress on her fingertips, which prevented her from touching that skin. She felt the body squirming underneath her own and the right arm was still pinned. She then slowed down the tickling for a moment, so Bella could hear her words. “Hehehe looks like I got you now. It is so funny that you actually thought you could beat me in a tickle fight. Tsk tsk tsk. Now, you are a helpless little girl, aren’t you?” she taunted.

Bella took a deep breath and exhaled. She was already getting tired and then she heard Phoebe’s words. She felt a little embarrassed because the younger woman did in fact turn the tables on her and she was feeling a little helpless. This was new territory for her, and she had to think of a way to get Phoebe under her tickling fingers. She heard those words, and she felt herself wanting revenge. “Hehe oh, you are SO bad! Come on, let’s have a truce. I got you; you got me. Let’s call it even.” she offered.

“Hehehe you’re so cute. I like to win! I don’t want it to be even. So, let me give you an offer! Or, I should say, ask you a question. What would you do in order for me to stop?” Phoebe teased. She wanted to see how desperate Bella was, so to make sure her victim understood the stakes, she wiggled her fingers in the armpit once again.

“Hhehehehehe hey!!! Don’t tickle meeeeeeeehahahahahahahahaha” Bella squealed. Those fingers were digging into her very ticklish armpit, and she felt her body convulse. Then the tickling stopped, and she gasped for air. She was trapped and now she had to answer that question. “Hehehe you are evil…..I love it. hehehe What would I do for you to stop? Ok, pretty girl, what if I said, anything you want?” she countered.

“Nope. We are not playing that game. I want you to offer me something. Tell me what you would do for me to stop or……” Phoebe began. She then wiggled her fingers again to show she meant business. She heard that delightful squeal again and she giggled to herself. Bella may have been a sophisticated businesswoman, but now she was cackling like a schoolgirl. “…..do I have to keep tickling you?” she finished.

“You are a mean woman, Phoebe Wellington. Hehehe MEAN!” Bella retorted, then stuck out her tongue. That made her start to laugh because she felt silly doing that. There was something about Phoebe that really attracted her. She then wondered if she threw something out there, perhaps she could get Phoebe to lose her focus and she could possibly escape. She figured they were both buzzed from the wine, so she might as well have fun. “Ok, how about in order for you to stop this cruel tickling, I kiss those lips of yours?” she said, then winked.

Phoebe felt a tingle in her body, and she grinned when she heard that offer. It appeared that Bella was indeed open to having fun with another woman. She liked the idea of kissing her, but she had to play it right, or Bella could turn the tables on her. “You want to kiss my lips, huh? I must admit, it sounds nice. Ok….kiss me.” she told her.

Bella felt her heart skip a beat when she heard that response. She hoped Phoebe would turn her down because even though they were flirting with each other, she thought in the end, Phoebe would decline any real sexual interactions. She felt her nipples swelling again, and she figured it was time to push the envelope. “I can’t reach you from here. You have me pinned down, remember? Hehehe” she giggled.

“Good point….hehehe” Phoebe giggled. She then leaned her body down a bit but made sure her hand remained in the armpit. In case Bella tried to tickle her with her free left hand, she could tickle that armpit once again. Her face was now near Bella’s, and she smiled. It was a dangerous game they were playing because if they did kiss, then it could lead to sex. “Ok, kiss me. That’s what you wanted, right?” she teased.

Bella saw Phoebe’s face close to hers and she felt herself getting nervous. She wished it was her on top, and making Phoebe kiss her, but instead, she was the victim. She looked at Phoebe’s lips and that twinkle in her eye. She felt her arousal flowing and decided to just go with the flow. She lifted her head a little, then placed her lips on Phoebe’s. When she felt how soft Phoebe’s lips were, she swooned. She felt sexual electricity flowing from her head all the way to her toes. She wanted to do a quick kiss, but those lips felt very nice, so she kept kissing.

Phoebe felt a major sexual energy in her body when she felt Bella kissing her lips. The older woman had some very soft lips, and she really liked this feeling. The sexual tension between the two was starting to come out and she felt her nipples throbbing a little. It had been many months since she had sexual contact, and she craved it. She didn’t realize how sexually starved she really was until this kiss. She then started to put her own effort into the kiss, and she could hear their lips smacking. Then she broke the kiss and leaned back up. She had to gather herself, or she would be lost in this sexual dance. “Wow…that was….nice.” she said softly.

Bella could tell Phoebe was really affected by her kiss. The way the young lady was kissing her made her wonder if it had been a long time since Phoebe kissed anyone. She also felt guilty because it was also a very long time since she kissed anyone too. She felt her body heat spiking and now she felt herself getting very wet between her legs. She could see the look on Phoebe’s face and could tell this really affected her in a sexual way. “You have some sweet lips. Hehehe How about we keep kissing?” she asked.

Phoebe took a deep breath because the temptation was strong. She was still in control of the situation, but she had to be careful. She then thought that she could really prolong this sweet dance, and then tickled Bella in her armpit. “How about I tickle?” she asked.

Bella was surprised by the tickling in her armpit as both was getting ready for a more intimate encounter. Because of her arousal, her body was far more sensitive now and the tickling was more intense. “HAHAHAHA PHOEBE!!! You promised!! Hahaha no tickling me if I hahahahaha kissed you!!” she laughed.

Phoebe stopped her tickling and started to giggle. She knew Bella was right, but she had to do something to maintain control and not lost in her sexual urges. She looked at Bella who had that silly look on her face and she loved it. “Hehehe you’re right. You did kiss me to make it stop. But I never said how long I would stop.” she grinned.

“Oooooh you!!! That is absolutely cruel! Teasing me like that, then tickle me anyway? Cruel, you are just cruel. Hehehe” Bella joked. She then playfully rolled her eyes and pretended to pout.

“Like you wouldn’t have done to the same to me. I know you, Bella Toscano. I know you would absolutely love to have me in a vulnerable position and have your way with me. But I want to tickle you. I want to hear your sweet laugh. You have to do many things to me in order for me to stop. The next thing to get me to stop is, you have to tell me to take off your boots.” she grinned.

Bella let out a small gasp as she heard the next item of clothing that had to be removed to stop being tickled. When she heard she had to tell Phoebe to take off her boots, that meant two things. She was trying to strip her naked, but also wanted to tickle her feet too. She knew she wouldn’t be able to handle any foot tickling, so she had to come up with a plan. “Phoebe, taking off my boots would not be a good thing. I know what you want to do!” she teased.

“What? What do I want to do? I want to make you more comfortable. I really wanted to take off this pretty dress you are wearing, but I figured your boots would be the more…..safer….choice. hehehe” Pheobe told her. She loved the game they were playing. She really wanted to ravish her but had to take it bit by bit.

Bella started to blush when she heard Phoebe wanted to take off her dress. That got her extra excited and now she figured she had no choice but to put Phoebe in an uncomfortable position. If she could get her to be flustered just a little bit, she could sneak her left hand onto Phoebe’s body and hopefully tickle her to get her off of her. She felt nervous, but she had to do it. “hehehe naughty Phoebe. I am warning you. If my dress gets taken off, me and you….well, we are going to fuck.” she told her.

Even though they were both flirting with each other a lot and the sexual tension was high, hearing Bella talking about them having sex still stunned her. She imagined them both naked and how the sex would be mind blowing. She started to like that feeling and wondered if they should just go at it. They both seemed to want it, so they might as well do it. She got lost in her trance, when suddenly, she felt a hand gripping her side and squeezing her ribcage. The shock of her ribs being tickled stunned her and she exploded in laughter. It also caused her to lose her balance a little and her left leg lifted up a little, so Bella’s right arm was now free! “What the HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OH NO!!!!” she laughed.

Bella knew she caught Phoebe off guard and took advantage of the moment. She managed to get her left hand onto Phoebe’s ribs and tickle her, which let her right arm loose, but also forced that right hand of Phoebe to get out of her armpit. Now she used both of her hands to tickle Phoebe’s ribs and sides and used her new leverage to get out from under Phoebe, roll her onto her back, and now she straddled her. Bella felt a surge of power and she felt victorious. She was now winning the tickle fight, and it was time for revenge! “So, you want to tickle me! You want to make me laugh and scream like a schoolgirl, huh? Now, I GOT YOU!! I am going to tickle you silly!” she threatened.

Phoebe was shocked that she was now lying on her back, with Bella straddling her. She looked up and saw that devious grin and she was in deep trouble. Then she felt those hands tickling her sides and ribs again and she lost it. She was very ticklish at the moment, especially after all the sexual teasing that was happening between the two. Bella seemed relentless in her tickling, and she knew she was in trouble. She couldn’t stop laughing and she was pinned on her back. She couldn’t even get leverage and Bella’s hands were moving very fast. “HAHAHAHAHA BELLA!!! YOU CHEATED!!! HAHAHAHAHA stop tickling meeeeeeeeeee!!!!” she screamed.

“Hahaha I cheated? How did I cheat, ticklish girl?” Bella laughed. She then moved her fingers across the ribs and found the spaces between the rib bones. That really seemed to rock Phoebe as she started to thrash even more violently. She had to maintain her balance and keep Phoebe pinned down, or she would once again be on the bottom and getting tickled. She saw that look of ticklish agony on Phoebe’s face, and she adored it. She thought about the kiss they shared, and she wanted more. She now wanted to really have her way with the rich young lady and dominate her like she did with La Diabla.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU CHEATED BY TICKLING MEEEEEEEEEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOP!!! STOP!!!” Phoebe begged as the fingers were really digging into her ribcage. She stopped moving her arms around so much so that she could try and protect her ribs. But those hands were stuck on her ribcage, and her body started to weaken. Panic started to set in because this tickle attack was a lot more aggressive than earlier. She was deadly ticklish and now she was going to be weakened. She looked at Bella’s face and could see the determination on it. She knew the possibility of her being naked was great, and she hoped somehow, she could turn the tables before she submitted sexually.

Bella kept tickling those ribs and could feel Phoebe’s body weakening. That gave her such a thrill as she was now winning the tickle fight. She then thought she could mess with Phoebe’s mind and moved her hands up the rib cage, so that her hands would now bump into the breasts as she tickled the ribs. The touching of the breasts should distract her victim and make her realize that she was going to be sexually dominated. “Hehehehe yes, I tickled you. You were tickling me. Now, you will suffer in your own home. I always win tickle fights. Hehehehe” she taunted.

Phoebe laughed even harder when she heard that taunt. She remembered boasting about how she would be the strong one and win a tickle fight in her own mansion. Now, she was laughing her head off and could be seduced by this sexy older woman. Her legs stopped kicking as much, as she was going into silent laughter. Her mind was racing as she thought about what could happen. Her body reacted by getting even more turned on and hope started to slip. “Please! Hahahahaha please!!” she begged as her laughter started to go into silent mode.

Bella heard the voice lowering and silent laughter was about to happen. She continued to bump her hands against the bottoms of the breasts, and she was getting more turned on. She figured it was time to start preparing Phoebe to have sex. She then a few more hard presses into the ribcage, then leaned down a bit so her face was close by Phoebe’s. She had a sinister smile on her face as she slowed down her tickling. She wanted Phoebe to hear what she had to say. A very strong tingle flowed through her groin, and she licked her lips. “Listen to me, ticklish girl. Here is what is going to happen next. I am going to take this dress off of you. I am going to get you naked. Then, we are going to have sex. There is nothing you can do. You are all mine. I am going to make you cum your brains out. Hehehe” she told her with a strong tone.

Phoebe laughed as she felt another very strong squeeze on her ribs. Then the tickling slowed down and she used that moment to try and catch her breath. She felt her body starting to surrender and when she heard what was about to happen next, she started to mewl and whimper. The idea of having sex sounded great and even though she was being dominated, her body needed sexual release. She had only been masturbating herself over the months, but now someone was going to make her orgasm. She did not like being submissive, but at this moment, an orgasm sounded wonderful. “Please….hehehehe don’t tickle me anymore….” she whimpered.

“You…..are all…..mine.” Bella said softly. She then moved quickly and adjusted her body and flipped a tiring Phoebe onto her stomach on the bed. She then saw the zipper on the back of the dress and pulled it down. Phoebe was breathing hard, so her resistance was very weak. She could feel her nipples throbbing when she started to see the skin on Phoebe’s back. The back of the dress opened up and now she moved it around so she could see the entire back. She liked how soft the skin looked and now she reached down and undid the clasp of the bra. The straps came free, and now she had access to all of the skin on that back. She wanted to tease her victim for a moment and started to lightly stroke her fingertips on the back, going from the nape of the neck, all the way down through the spine and collarbones and then to the small of the back. She could feel Phoebe’s body squirming a little, which told her that even her back was ticklish. “Hehehe you are ticklish everywhere, aren’t you?” she teased.

Phoebe felt confused at the moment. She did not like being submissive, but at the same time, that light tickling touch felt so good. The ticklish tremors flowed through her body, and she got a little nervous. Her back was completely exposed, and her bra was undone. The fact that she was going to lose her clothes was exciting, yet scary because this woman was going to make love to her, not her making love to Bella. Then she felt a stroke right down her spine and it tickled a lot more. “Hehehehe that tickles!! Please hehehe stop tickling me….” she playfully begged.

“I like tickling you. This is just the beginning. I am going to tickle you…..everywhere. I am going to tickle your back. I am going to tickle your tummy. I am going to tickle your ribs, and your neck. Then, I will tickle your feet. Then…..I will tickle your pussy. You are going to cum, Phoebe Wellington, you are going to cum very hard for me whether you want to or not.” Bella said softly. She loved this teasing moment and could tell it was having an effect on Phoebe. There was something thrilling to her about tickle seducing younger women. Phoebe was younger than La Diabla, and a much different personality, but it was still just as erotic to her. La Diabla was a dangerous outlaw, but Phoebe was a very rich woman, that liked being in control. She wanted to take that control away, and have her under her spell, just like she did to the notorious outlaw. Bella then moved her fingers to the sides and felt the body tensing up a little. “Yes, you are so ticklish. I love this. Tickle tickle!” she teased.

Phoebe felt those fingers now tickling her sides very lightly and it drove her crazy. Her mind was spinning after hearing where Bella planned to tickle her. Those areas she mentioned were all very sensitive, but the thought of her pussy being tickled set her arousal off the charts. She had to somehow fight her way out of this predicament. She felt so good, but so determined to still win this encounter. An idea came to her mind, and she decided to play along with Bella’s attempts at seducing her. “Hehehehe Bella! I…I want to cum….Take my clothes off….please…you are driving me crazy….I….I want to fuck.” she said softly.

Bella bit her lower lip softly as she heard that soft voice coming from her prey. She loved how Phoebe surrendered to her, and she had to savor the moment. She then lowered her head to the naked back and gave it a very soft kiss. She felt lust in her body as her lips touched that very soft skin. If there was ever a benefit to tickling a rich woman, it was that she was going to take really good care of her body. She kissed down the back, even moving her body down Phoebe’s legs a little so she could get to the small of the back. Her lips arrived at the ass of Phoebe, still covered in the dress and now she wanted to strip her. She then lifted up and then she suddenly fell over as Phoebe moved her body quickly and flipped over. When she moved her body down the legs, she got to the knees, so that allowed Phoebe’s entire upperbody to be able to move around. She realized her mistake and now she was on her back and Phoebe was on top of her. The rich woman was now sitting on her groin, so she was not able to turn the tables back around. She started to swing her hands, hopefully to try and knock Phoebe off of her. Then she felt her wrists being grabbed and she was surprised on how strong Phoebe was and her hands were now pinned to the bed near her head. Bella looked at Phoebe’s face as it was now close to hers and saw a very wicked grin. She felt really nervous because this woman looked like she wanted revenge! “Phoebe? Um, what are you doing? Hehehehe aren’t we about to fuck?” she asked with a silly smile.

“Hehehe yes, we are about to fuck. Or I should say, I am going to fuck you! Hehehehehe I got you now Bella! You almost had me there! I was just about to surrender to you, but I am the head of this house, and I am going to really make you pay for what you tried to do. Hehehe” Phoebe threatened. She was really getting into this sexual game they were playing with one another. Trying to win control of a sexual encounter was definitely something new to her. Whenever she did have sex, she was usually the one in control. Even when Bessie tickled her really good, and was about to dominate her, she managed to turn it around and ravished her dear friend sexually. This was different. Bella was a very strong woman who liked control. It was a battle of egos. A sexy battle that would end in perhaps the greatest sexual experience ever, but a battle, nonetheless. Now she knew she had to finish this woman off.

Bella blushed a little when she heard Phoebe’s words. She really started to get into how they were each trying to dominate the other. It was a very fun game, and her competitive juices were still there. She knew they were going to have a very intense sexual encounter, it just depended on who would dominate whom. “Phoebe, hehehehe come on. Let’s get naked and have some sex. I want it. I know you want it. Let’s do it. I am so damn horny right now.” she told her, hoping to somehow get out of this submissive predicament.

“You are right. We will be naked, and we will have sex, but I have to tickle you first. I want to tickle the same areas you wanted to tickle me. I look forward to tickling your feet. I look forward to tickling your naked tummy. I really look forward to tickling your sweet pussy. Bella Toscano, you are mine!” Phoebe told her. She then quickly moved her hands from Bella’s wrists and plunged them right into the armpits before the older woman could react. She then dug her fingers into the pits deeply so that she could bring out the worst ticklish sensations. She had to severely weaken Bella in order to dominate her, so she knew she had to push the boundaries a bit and really tickle torture her. Not enough to be true torture, but enough to get this sexy woman to finally submit to her. She knew she wouldn’t be able to tickle all of her other spots until she made this woman quit. She was very strong and very competitive. Phoebe had to tickle her into total submission at this moment or she might end up losing to her.

Bella exploded in laughter when she felt those hands now in both armpits. That ticklish sensation ripped through her body, and she felt her entire body tensing up. This was the most aggressive tickling so far in this encounter and it overwhelmed her. She tried her best to thrash her body around, but Phoebe was now lying on top of her body, as she tickled her armpits. She could feel their body heat together, and her body ached for it. She closed her eyes, and her laughter poured out. She felt herself slipping and now she had to try and get this woman off of her. If she didn’t, she was going to tire out and that would make her lose this contest. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA PHOEBE!!! HAHAHAHAHAH STOP TICKLING MEEEEEEEEEEEEHAHAHAHAHHAA IT TICKLES!!! IT TICKLES!!!!” she screamed.

Phoebe loved the sound of that laughter. It was a guttural laugh. She knew she got Bella good, and now it was time to go for the kill. She loved the look on her face. That look of ticklish anguish. The way her eyes were shut and the mouth wide open. She looked at her lips and remembered how they felt on her own. She saw the golden skin turning a shade of dark pink and the sound of that laughter was musical. She imagined what Bella looked like naked as her eyes saw her breasts wobbling inside her dress. She imagined what it would be like to tickle them, and to play with them. Then her mind wanted to imagine what her feet looked like. Would they be pretty? Would they be ticklish? She loved the idea of playing with her feet, and she continued to burrow her fingers deeper, which sent Bella into silent laughter. Pheobe felt a thrill in her body. She was winning this tickle fight once again, and she thought about how she needed to get this woman naked. She imagined what would happen once she got the dress off, then the underwear. She imagined Bella’s womanhood was probably very pretty and, in her mind, it must taste great. Now her loins were on fire. She wanted to break this woman, and then they could both release. “Come on! Surrender to me!!! Just say you surrender and all of this stops! Hehehe” she taunted.

Bella felt herself in silent laughter mode. This tickle attack was brutal and every single nerve in her body was on fire. It was breaking her down and she wondered if she should just surrender to Phoebe, and they both could have a very passionate evening. She thought about how close she was to seeing Phoebe’s naked body. She was about to take off her dress and if it wasn’t for that one moment where she allowed her sexy friend to turn the tables, she would have dominated Phoebe at this moment. She heard what Phoebe said and she wanted to surrender. She wanted to surrender to her sexual desires, but her ego just wouldn’t quit. Those fingers burrowing in her armpits was driving her crazy and she couldn’t even squirm out of it. She slowly opened her eyes and saw that devious smile on Phoebe’s face. She just could not give in. “Never…..” she said desperately as it was nearly impossible to get a sound out.

“Never? Hehehehe good! Then I guess I will just keep tickling you. I will have you, Bella. I will break you. You will be naked. You will be my little toy to play with. I think what I will do first when I strip you is to suck on your toes. I bet you have some nice ones. Then I am going to tickle your feet. I will make you beg me to stop. Then after I tickle those sweet feet, I am going to tickle your tits, then your sweet, sweet pussy. Tell me, Bella. Does your pussy taste good? Hehehe” Phoebe taunted. She was really feeling powerful and was determined to make Bella surrender. She wanted to tease her and make her brain think about the intense sexual interaction they would surely have.

Bella laughed harder in silence when she heard those words. Even though she was suffering, she liked Phoebe. She liked how ruthless she was, and that excited her. She felt her body starting to go limp due to fatigue and she needed to get air back in her body. She then figured if she could have the tickling stop, then she could possibly try to trick Phoebe and then get her into this vulnerable position. She then started to nod her head “yes”, hoping that would make Phoebe pause in her tickling.

Phoebe saw the head nodding and she giggled. It looked like Bella was finally breaking down and it was time to take advantage. She paused her tickling but left her fingers deep into the armpits. It was time to let Bella breathe a little, so she could tell her that she surrendered. She loved the moaning sounds she had, and she leaned forward and kissed the side of her neck. She then looked at Bella’s face and saw how tired she was getting. “You nodded your head yes. Does that mean your pussy tastes great? Hehehe” she asked.

Bella started to blush when she heard that question. She could still feel the ticklish tremors in her body because the fingers of Phoebe were still in her armpits. She rolled her eyes as Phoebe was in control, but she had to keep playing it off so she could get back at her. “Yes, my pussy tastes great. Hehehe you should try it.” she quipped.

“Oh, I will! Now, do you surrender to me?” Phoebe asked with a silly grin. She wanted Bella to submit so she could be the winner of this tickle fight.

“If I say yes, you will stop trying to torture me?” Bella asked. She felt her heart beating faster as she had a counter idea to turn this situation around.

“For now, yes. Do you surrender?” Phoebe asked her, then got her fingers ready to start tickling again.

Bella could feel the fingers in her pits moving slightly and those ticklish tremors returned. She had to play along and then she was really going to tickle the life out of Phoebe. “What will you do to me if I do surrender?” she asked.

“hehehe I already told you. You will be naked. I will suck your toes and tickle your feet. I will play with your breasts, then have your pussy. Nice and simple. Do you surrender?” Phoebe asked. She had a hunch Bella was going to try and turn the tables back on her, so she moved her fingers a little more to send a message she was going to try and tickle the life out of her.

“hehehehe Phoebe!!! Stop tickling me! hehehe Ok, ok, I…..I…..” Bella began. She didn’t really want to say the word because it meant she lost. She was going to get revenge, but she didn’t want to say the word. Then she heard a knock on the door! Her eyes went wide with shock, and she looked at Phoebe.

Phoebe heard the knock on the door, and she was shocked. She did not expect anyone to come knocking on Bella’s guest room door and wondered if they were making too much noise. She wondered if someone heard the hysterical laughter. She felt extra nervous because the back of her dress was undone and could easily come off her body. She looked back at Bella and was concerned. “Who is knocking at your door?” she asked.

“How would I know? I don’t live here, remember? Hehehe” Bella joked back.

“Right. Ok, I am going to let you go. Dammit! I had you!!!” Phoebe said with chagrin. She heard another knock on the door and knew whoever it was, was not going to go away. She then pulled her fingers from the armpits and got off of Bella. She then sat at the foot of the bed and tried to make herself look presentable and not someone who was just tickle wrestling with another woman on the bed. “Who is it?” she called out.

“Madame Phoebe, are you in there? It is me, Vera.” the voice said outside of the door.

“It is my maid. Quick, zip my dress up. I don’t want her to know I was about to take you sexually.” Phoebe said as she wiped her face and tried to make herself look presentable.

“You were? Hehehe not quite. I was going to make you cum!” Bella retorted. She sat up and then started to zip the dress back up. She then sat next to Phoebe and tried to make herself look presentable as well.

Phoebe made sure Bella looked ok, and then she looked back at the door. She took a deep breath and then beckoned Vera to enter. “Come in, Vera.” she instructed.

Vera opened the door and walked inside the room. She saw both Phoebe and Bella sitting at the foot of the bed, and they looked a bit tired. She could tell they were both breathing hard, and she wondered if she interrupted anything. She remembered that kind of look whenever Kylie would dominate her by tickling her and playing sexual games with her. She wondered if they were doing the same, which made her smile. She walked up to the two of them and smiled. “Madame Phoebe, April Keaton is here. She says she has some news about business. She is waiting in the living room.” she announced.

“Ok, tell her I will be right down. Let me say goodnight to Bella and I will meet her. Thank you, Vera.” Phoebe told her. She watched as Vera left, then she started to giggle. She and Bella were dangerously close to being naked and having sex, which would have been really hard to try and recover from if Vera showed up. She looked over at Bella and smiled. Even though they were both a little sweaty, she found her looking really beautiful. “I guess I have to go handle some business. My legal assistant is here, probably going to tell me about a business deal I am preparing. I had you, Bella, I had you! You were going to surrender to me! I know it!” she smiled.

“hehehe keep dreaming. I was never going to surrender to you. I was going to break your will! Hehe” Bella joked back. She then placed her right hand on top of Phoebe’s left hand. She rubbed it a little and she looked at those pretty eyes of Phoebe. “It was fun tonight. We both are very competitive women, and not wanting to give up to the other. It could have been a very special night between us too. I guess we will have to resume at another time and place.” she told her.

Phoebe blushed a little as she knew that it would have been a very special night had they consummated with each other. She really did enjoy herself with Bella and they were so close to having a passionate time together. “It was fun. You are something else. Yes, maybe another time and another place. I like you Bella, and I know when that day comes, it will be something we both never forget.” she told her, then leaned over and started to kiss her lips.

Bella felt those soft lips on hers and she felt tingles all over her body. The kiss then broke, and she saw Phoebe standing up. She wished they could have gone further, but it was probably a good time for them to stop. She did want to somehow interact with her again, and when it did, she was going to tickle her into submission, then devour her sexually. “Enjoy your meeting. I will see you in the morning.” she said, then winked.

“Good night. See you in the morning.” Phoebe grinned, then left the room. She loved that encounter with Bella and her entire body was on edge. She knew she was going to rub an orgasm out later when she was in bed and looked forward to that. She made her way down the stairs and into her living room. There, she saw her legal assistant, April Keaton, sitting on the couch. April was a very beautiful woman, with her blond hair tied back into a bun at the moment, and wearing her business attire. She was surprised she looked so formal on a Saturday night, but April was dedicated to her work. She walked up to her and saw April stand up. “Hello April, good to see you.” she told her, then gave her a hug.

“Sorry I am so late, Phoebe. I just wanted to show you the latest draft of our business proposal to purchase the land we need to expand the business. I was a little excited about it and couldn’t wait to show you. I hope you are having a good time with your guests.” April told her. She really liked working for Phoebe and when she found out that Bessie had been kidnapped by Thalia, she felt horrible. She had really come to like both Phoebe and Bessie over the months she had been employed. When she heard the story about how Bessie was rescued from a Greek bounty hunter, and had an entire group of women that helped, she was frightened for them, but also proud of them. Normally, women would seek a man’s help when they were in danger, but these women managed to stop a major criminal enterprise without the help of men. It was very inspiring to her. She even started to believe that one day, she would become a great lawyer and have her own law firm. April still worked for Mr. Hagman, but because Phoebe insisted on working with her, Mr. Hagman let her handle all of Phoebe’s legal dealings. It benefited the entire law firm, and April’s own stature increased. She then reached in her briefcase and pull out some papers. She then handed them over to Phoebe and smiled. “If you take a look at the figures, I think we can make it work.” she told her.

Phoebe took the papers and then sat down on the couch. She saw April sitting right next to her on her left, and she started to look over the documents. She was impressed with the work that April has done and felt really happy about this potential purchase. She looked over at April and smiled. “These look great! April, thank you for taking care of this. You have been such a great partner in helping me and Bessie. I wish you could have joined this party with my friends. I think you would have really liked them.” she told her.

“Thank you, Phoebe. I just wanted to make sure I got to work on the proposal as soon as possible. You know there is other competition out there, so I wanted to stay ahead of the game. I am sure your party was amazing and maybe next time, I can join in. I know you did a lot of work to prepare all these ladies for some great fun. Hehe” April told her. She did feel nervous around other women and if all of those women were around her, she would have felt so shy.

“Yes, next time you will be invited, and you WILL stay! Hehehe You need to have some fun too. You have no choice next time. If I have to tickle you silly to make you show up, you know I will. Hehehe” Phoebe said, then winked. She remembered the first time she tickled April. She knew this woman worked so hard at her job, so she and Bessie tickled her softly to get her to loosen up. It was such a great interaction and April did end up enjoying herself a lot. She never got to tickle her like that again, because of how busy they were. There were a few pokes here and there, but nothing major in terms of tickling her silly. After wrestling and tickling Bella, she still had the tickle urge flowing and wondered if she could tickle April.

“Hehehe You know how ticklish I am! Ok, you have my word. Next time you have a social gathering like this, I will go. I don’t want you to tickle me silly. Hehehe” April giggled. She then stood up and got her things ready. She figured she would go back home and work on the proposal some more. “I will get to work right away. I will come by here on Monday and we can finalize everything.” she told her.

“Do you really have to go? April, you came all this way on a Saturday night. You might as well stay over. Perhaps you can have breakfast with all of my friends. Your room is still available, you know.” Phoebe told her. There was a room in the mansion that Phoebe had saved for April. That way if they were working on a major business matter, April would be right there for her to go to. Phoebe ran her business out of the mansion, just like her mother did. Plus, it would give April a chance to socialize more. She was a very beautiful woman, but she always kept her nose in her work.

“Thank you, Phoebe, but I will go back home. I will take tomorrow off, I promise. Enjoy your guests! I will see you Monday evening.” April told her. She then walked to the door and right before she left, she gave Phoebe a hug. She really liked her and hoped they would always be friends.

“Goodnight, April. Have safe travels back home. Tomorrow, no working at all! My tickle threat still stands. Hehehe” Phoebe told her and grinned. She wished she could get April down and tickle her all over again. She then closed the door and took a deep breath. She was still feeling very strong lust in her body, and she thought about that interaction with Bella. It was sexually charged, and she wished they had actually had sex. She couldn’t believe there were now at least four women in this house she wouldn’t mind having sex with. Bessie, Bella, Veronica and La Diabla. She then shook her head and laughed. “I got to get some soon. I am going crazy. Hehehe” she thought to herself, then went to her own bedroom to retire the rest of the evening.


It was mid Sunday afternoon, and the house was full of activity. Phoebe was in the living room, giving instructions to a group of men, as they were supposed to help all the guests with their luggage and a ride to the train station. She saw all the suitcases and bags, and everyone was moving around. She was very happy with the final breakfast that everyone had, and it was bittersweet. They had all formed deeper connections with each other this weekend and it was sad to see them go. She knew all of them had their own lives, and even as much fun as this weekend was, it was time to go back to their life. She was happy that three women were going to stay the rest of the week. La Diabla, Cheyenne and Molly agreed to stay, since the two students from school wanted to go to the social ball later in the week. La Diabla couldn’t go because of the risk of being identified, but she was very happy she was going to stay as well. Phoebe then looked up and saw Mia and Gertrude standing there. They were going back to Plotsville with Becky and Darby. She smiled at them and walked up to them. “Ladies, I hope you enjoyed yourselves. Thank you for coming. You two are beautiful ladies and you will always be my friends.” she told them.

“Thank you for inviting me! I have never been inside a mansion before, and to be inside the Wellington mansion is quite the honor. I am very happy to call you my friend. Next time you come to Plotsville, make sure you stop by the bakery, and you are always invited to my house. I will make you very comfortable there!” Gertrude told her, then leaned forward to hug her. She was very happy to be on a trip of this nature. She always wanted to be part of a social group, and these women were very kind to her. She wished she knew them another way, and not because of the most traumatic moment in her life when she was tortured by Thalia and her gang.

Mia chuckled a little when she heard Gertrude inviting Phoebe over to her house. She knew exactly what Gertrude meant by making Phoebe comfortable. She really adored that mature woman and loved her quirks. She then looked over at Phoebe. “Yes, you must visit us in Plotsville. I do recommend going to her house. She has a very comfortable home, and she has the best desserts.” she told her, then hugged Phoebe.

Phoebe loved the hugs she got, and she felt warm inside. These were wonderful ladies, and she really was happy she got to meet them and got to know them better. “That sounds like a plan! I will come to Plotsville soon, and visit your home, Gertrude. Thank you!” she told her.

On the second floor, Darby stood next to La Diabla and felt a little nervous. She was going to say goodbye to her, but she was also excited because in a week, the outlaw was going to visit her in Plotsville. She really looked forward to spending some alone time with her. “Well, I guess it is time for me and Becky to go. It is so hard to leave you right now. But I am really looking forward to seeing you again in a week. I will take all precautions of course to make sure you are safe.” she told her.

“Thank you. Yes, let’s be really careful. I can’t wait to spend some alone time with you. I think you know what we will do. Hehehe” La Diabla chuckled. She adored the deputy and couldn’t wait to get her alone. It was good to interact with her at this mansion, but she knew they both wanted to be in their own little world, so they could spend that quality time together.

“Hehehe I think I do, you naughty girl. I can’t wait.” Darby told her. She then saw Becky coming out of the room and it was time to go. She hugged La Diabla tight and then put her mouth next to her right ear. “I love you, Salem.” she whispered.

“I love you too, Darby. Have a safe trip back.” La Diabla whispered back. Then she saw Cheyenne and Molly arriving. They both had huge smiles on their faces.

“Have a safe trip, Darby! I can’t wait to see you in a week. I really want to see Plotsville!” Cheyenne told her, then hugged her.

“I can’t wait to see you too, Cheyenne. Seeing you right now is such a true pleasure. I have missed ya a lot. So, when you get to Plotsville, I will have to show you around.” Darby told her. She really loved Cheyenne. She always loved how loving she was and how friendly she was. She then looked over at Molly and smiled. “I will see you there too! Really nice meeting you!” she told her.

“After all the things Cheyenne said about you, I can see why she likes you so much. I look forward to visiting you in a week!” Molly said. She really liked engaging with Darby and Becky. She found them very fascinating and very friendly. She never heard of a woman being a deputy before, and to meet Darby was such a major thrill. She was so heroic and noble.

“Ok Darby, I got the last of our things! Are ya ready?” Becky asked.

“Yes, let’s go muh apprentice.” Darby responded. She looked at La Diabla, Cheyenne and Molly, one last time, then headed down the hallway. She was sad to leave, but also excited to go back home. She also wanted to prepare her home for the three guests when they arrived in a week’s time. She had a plan to have Becky show Cheyenne and Molly some scenes in Plotsville, that way she and La Diabla could be at her house alone. She wanted to make love to her so badly, and with her plan, it was going to happen.

“I am happy we came here. I really enjoyed muhself. It was really good to see all the ladies!” Becky said as she started to walk through the hallway. She thought about her time here at the Wellington mansion and she had such a great time connecting with all the ladies. She also remembered her first night in the mansion. She remembered how Kylie seduced her in the room and tickled her all over. It was such an interesting experience because even though she was being tickled silly, she also engaged in sex. The way Kylie touched her and made her orgasm, was something she did not stop thinking about. She felt really awkward around Kylie when they went to see the vaudeville show and the shopping because she noticed Kylie kept staring at her with his devious smile. It was weird being in front of all the other women, and none of them knew what Kylie had done to her. Becky got closer to the stairs, and she thought about what would happen if she and Kylie would ever be alone again. Would she try to seduce her again? She wasn’t sure if she would decline the offer because what happened to her body felt incredible. She had a lot to think about when she returned home. She started to wonder if having sex with girls was something she had to engage in more often. As she was thinking, she didn’t notice the top stair and her foot slipped out from under her! “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!” she screamed.

Darby was walking with Becky through the hallway and when she got to the top of the stairs, she saw Becky’s foot slip forward and now her apprentice was falling backwards. She heard that loud scream and she quickly jumped into action to prevent Becky from falling down the huge flight of stairs. She managed to use her arms to catch Becky before she hit the top stair and would surely roll down each step. “I got ya!!!” she yelled.

Becky felt herself being caught from behind and she saw the rest of her luggage falling down the stairs to the bottom. She was very close to having that be her body as well. She felt Darby’s strong arms holding her and she regained her balance. She then stood up and looked around. She saw the stunned look on the faces of La Diabla, Cheyenne and Molly. She then looked down the stairs and saw Phoebe, Vera and Kylie looking at her. She felt embarrassed and her face turned red. “Sorry. Everything is ok. I am ok.” she told them.

“Becky, you have to be careful. You could have hurt yourself. Were you daydreaming about something?” Darby asked. She noticed that Becky seemed in her own world for a moment when they walked to the stairs but thought nothing of it.

Becky swallowed hard and saw Kylie down there looking right back up at her. It was her thinking about her sexual interaction with the young maid that nearly made her hurt herself. “I’m ok. I think we should leave. Let’s go.” she said in a low voice.

Cheyenne looked at Becky nearly falling and was happy she did not fall. She then looked at La Diabla who had an amused look on her face. “She is kind of clumsy.” she told her softly.

“Yes, she is. hehehe That’s Becky Lockhart alright.” La Diabla responded with a giggle. She loved how Darby would mention in her letters how clumsy Becky could be. Now that she saw it, it tickled her.

Becky made it down the stairs and saw Kylie looking at her with this knowing grin. She looked at Phoebe, Vera, Gertrude and Mia and they all had a look of shock on their faces. “Sorry. Just a little clumsy today…” she said sheepishly.

Phoebe walked over to her and gave her a hug. She knew Becky must be really embarrassed at the moment and she wanted to comfort her. She remembered when Becky left the hotel in Ciudad Del Reina and nearly injured an older woman in the hotel lobby. She was always amazed that even though Becky was clumsy, she still could handle even the most difficult missions. “Becky, be careful! Are you ok?” she asked her.

“Yeah, I am ok. Just feelin’ a little embarrassed, that’s all.” Becky answered sheepishly. She hated when she was clumsy in front of others. She always felt silly and now her friends would think she was a clumsy fool. She couldn’t wait to get back home so she could hide in her bed.

“Darby! I KNOW you were not going to leave without saying goodbye to me!” a voice called out.

Darby heard that voice and turned to the direction from which it came. She then had a huge smile on her face when she saw Bessie. She walked over to her and then gave her a huge hug. “You know I was not leaving until I said goodbye to muh fellow maid. Hahahaha” she joked.

Bessie giggled when she heard that reference while being hugged. She remembered how both she and Darby were maids for Gloria Wellington. They had a great time together, even though Darby was undercover at the time. They had great conversations and grew close to each other. They also shared those sexual moments with Gloria, and they would sometimes joke about it. She felt a little emotional because Darby was leaving. She wanted to tell her what was bothering her, but she also did not want to burden the deputy with her problems. She wanted Darby to have a great time and to not worry about her. The hug was released, and she looked at her friend’s beautiful face. “Well, do NOT take a long time to come to visit again. I am going to miss you. You will always be my great friend. Please, have safe travels.” she told her.

“Thank you. You take care of yourself, ok? I worry about you, Bessie. You know I have so much love for you. I want you to always be happy. Take care of muh friends as well. I will talk to you soon.” Darby told her. She then saw the men grab her belongings and everyone else’s, then headed out the door. The Wellington mansion would always be something close to her heart. It was the site of her first undercover mission, but it is also the location where she made such great friends. Her lover was also staying in this mansion for another week. It amazed her how much this place meant to her. She then headed out to the carriage to go back to the train station, so she could go home to Plotsville.

Phoebe sighed as she saw the Plotsville contingent leave. It was a little emotional because she adored all of them and this weekend was ending. She then went over to Bessie and chatted with her for a little while. She then heard footsteps at the top of the stairs and saw Bella, Gabby and Veronica all coming down and they were getting ready to leave. She loved this group from Mexico and looked forward to meeting up with them again soon. She saw them checking their luggage, and then she saw Veronica approaching her. She loved the smile on her face, and she remembered how they formed a bond back at the hotel in Ciudad Del Reina. “Did you enjoy yourself this weekend?” she asked.

“I had the greatest of times! I never been to the United States before, and I really loved being here. Thank you for inviting us.” Veronica told her. She really liked Phoebe, and she remembered the bond they made in Ciudad Del Reina. They were both so stressed out over the women they adored, Gabby for her, and Bessie for Phoebe. They comforted each other and had a good time playing with one another. It was a nice tickle game they played, and it also got sensual. She then gave Phoebe a deep hug, and then leaned her head closer to Phoebe’s right ear. “I am going to miss you. Too bad we couldn’t continue the game we played back in Ciudad Del Reina. I haven’t forgotten that time. I still have to find all your ticklish spots. Hehehe and when I do, I promise you, I am going to make you have the best orgasm ever.” she whispered into her ear.

Phoebe blushed as she heard those words. The way they both flirted and played with each other in Mexico, they could have easily had sex. They both enjoyed each other and now she thought about how they didn’t get to play this weekend. “hehehe yeah, we still have to play that game. But it will be my finding your spots and making you cum your brains out. You never know. I might have you and Gabby both tied up and naked, and I will have my ticklish way with the both of you.” she teased back.

Veronica shivered when she heard those words. She loved the sexual tension between the two and if what Phoebe said happened, then it would be one of the best experiences she ever had. She broke the hug and looked at Phoebe. She really liked how she was so seductive, even in front of the others. “Hehe you tease. Be careful what you wish for.” she told her, then headed back over to Gabby.

Phoebe chuckled after that interaction. She really thought Veronica was pretty and wouldn’t mind playing with her in the bedroom. She then saw Bella walk up to her and this was another woman from Mexico where she could have had a sexual interaction with. She wondered if Bella was going to say teasing words as well. “I hope you enjoy your trip back home. Bella, it was an absolute pleasure seeing you again. I look forward to us communicating with one another about business, but also personal. You are my friend now, whether you like it or not. Haha” she told her.

“Yes, we will definitely keep in touch. You are an amazing woman, Phoebe Wellington. It was a true pleasure being her with you and…..” Bella began as she then embraced Phoebe. She felt how warm she was and was really looking forward to seeing her again. “….we will have to continue our contest. I know I can beat you and when I do, I will make your toes curl so hard when I force orgasm after orgasm out of you.” she whispered, then gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Phoebe shivered when she heard those words and now, she had two women from Mexico threatening to make her have strong orgasms. She wondered if Veronica and Bella would talk about her and discover they both had fun with her. Her mind started to think she could be outnumbered and those two would definitely overpower her and have their way with her. She knew Gabby would be in on it, so that would be three women, and she wouldn’t stand a chance. “Don’t worry, I think we will find out who the better woman is. I just hope you are not a sore loser.” she whispered back.

“hehehe Adios sweet Phoebe. Many blessings to you and this household. Please, write to me as soon as possible. We still have business to discuss.” Bella told her, then slowly walked away. She then grabbed her luggage, checked with Gabby and Veronica and soon, they headed out the door to begin their long trip back to Mexico.

Phoebe saw the door close, and she felt a warm glow in her body. The guests were gone, except for La Diabla, Cheyenne and Molly and the house suddenly seemed more empty. It was a successful gathering, and she really hoped they could do it again. She wondered if they should have it at Bella’s house in Mexico, but she would be trapped and Bella, Veronica and Gabby might do things to her ticklish body. She giggled to herself and figured it was time to enjoy the rest of the day with her other guests and make them feel very welcomed. “Now, let me go see my friends and have some fun.” she told herself.


April made it to her part of the office in Mr. J.R. Hagman’s law firm. She had been working all day long on other cases and including the business proposal for Phoebe. The day flew by, and it was getting close to evening. She looked over the documents of another case and tapped a pen against her bottom lip. She was very focused on the task at hand and wanted to finish before she went over to Phoebe’s home.

“Still working Miss Keaton? Isn’t it time for you to go home?” Mr. Hagman asked. He was dressed in his business suit and had his hat in one hand and a briefcase in another. He was preparing to leave when he spotted his dutiful assistant at her desk.

April looked up and saw Mr. Hagman looking back at her. She had lost track of time and saw that he looked like he was leaving. Normally, they both closed down the office, but she was not yet ready to leave. She appreciated him for letting her work here and be a part of his team. “Not yet, Mr. Hagman. I just want to finish these papers before I go over to Ms. Wellington’s house. I think her proposal to buy the land is ready to go.” she told him.

“Ok, see to it that she is able to buy the land. If she does, there is a nice bonus for us for putting it all together. Good job Miss Keaton. I am heading home, so don’t stay too late. You earned some rest.” Mr. Hagman told her. He then made it to the front door of the office, and then looked back. “The proposal for Ms. Wellington is still in the safe?” he asked.

“Yes, it is safely stored inside the sage. I will take it out when I am leaving to her home.” April responded. The office’s standard practice was to place all very important legal documents in the office safe to ensure they are protected in case a fire broke out, or anything else that would destroy them. Every lawyer in the firm, and her knew the combination to the safe.

“Ok, good. Well, I am leaving now. Please don’t forget to lock up. I will see you tomorrow morning. Goodnight.” Mr. Hagman said, then left the premises.

April heard the door close, then she got back to work. She wanted to hurry up with the paperwork because she still had to catch a carriage to take her to Phoebe’s home. The Wellington mansion was quite distant from the nearest town, and it would be a long ride. She considered staying the night over there, so that she wouldn’t have to leave so late. There weren’t many carriages that taxied people late at night. She wished she could have gotten to the mansion earlier, but she was so wrapped up in work. She then leaned back in her chair and took a deep breath. She would be finished in a few minutes, then she could go see Phoebe and Bessie.

Outside the office in the town’s streets, a figure quietly walked through the town. Covered in a black cloak, with a hood, the figure got close to the law office and stopped. A smile formed on the face because their destination was just ahead. The figured removed the hood and looked around. Sylvia had finally arrived, and it was time to perform part of her mission. Her plan was to find Phoebe Wellington’s legal assistant and try to take the business document for the land purchase and destroy it. She had to prevent the land purchase because her secret employer in the United States wanted to buy it for themselves. Phoebe was very reputable and the owner of a major business, so her proposal would be given great weight. She got the office and then did one more look around. There were a few people walking through the streets, but no one noticed her. Sylvia then slid her way into the back alley behind the office and it was time to infiltrate this office. She saw the back door and grinned. She took out her tool and easily picked the lock. Her profession taught her so many skills and picking locks definitely came in handy. She then entered into the building and looked around. She was in a storeroom and there were lots of boxes. Because she did not know specifically where the documents were, she would have to capture someone and force them to tell her. After scouting this location today, she knew how many lawyers were in the place, along with the legal assistant. She then made it to the door of the storeroom that led into the office and opened it.

April got up from her chair and stretched. She was almost finished with her work, and she felt tired. She knew she had to save her energy for later, but she wanted to go home and sleep. “Come on April, just a little bit longer then we can go.” she said to herself out loud.

Sylvia grinned as she heard April moaning and speaking to herself. She made it into the office area and looked at April. Her back was to her, and she knew the element of surprise was on her side. She looked at the young woman and found her to be attractive. She wondered how this encounter was going to turn out. She had been craving to have some fun with victims, and since Christos instructed her to not kill anyone on this mission unless out of self-defense, she would be able to use any torture techniques. She then slowly walked through the office, not making a sound. She knew how to balance on the balls of her feet to prevent any noises from her boots. She got closer to April and smiled when she saw her sit back down.

“Ok, here we go. Let’s wrap this up, then let’s get to Phoebe’s. I hope she has dinner. Hehehe” April giggled to herself. She then looked at the document in front of her, and then she felt something touching her shoulder. She turned around and her eyes went big! The next thing she knew, she saw blackness.

Sylvia saw April slumping in her chair, and she smiled. She touched the shoulder and when April turned around, she managed to find a pressure point on the shoulder and knocked her out. She wanted to strike her with a fist, but she didn’t want to give the woman a black eye. She then lifted April out of her chair and carried her over to a desk. She let her legs rest on the ground, then used her free arm to knock over the items on a lawyer’s desk. She then laid April onto her back on top of the desk. She knew she had to move fast and bind her. She took off her pouch she had with her and then took out some ropes. She then tied each wrist to the leg of the desk, then did the same for the ankles. Before she tied her down, she removed her business jacket, so April was now only in her white blouse, with a gray skirt that went down to her ankles. She wore her black leather short heeled boots and had black stockings on. Syliva tied the ropes above the boots, so that she could remove them later. She then took a step back and admired her handiwork. April was still out cold and stretched out on the desk. She looked like a starfish, and she grinned. She wondered if April would have fight within her. She really hoped she did, that way the torture would be more entertaining. She then went near April’s head and loosened the bun in her hair. She wanted that blond hair to be free flowing because she wanted to see it whip around. She then gently tapped April’s cheeks, trying to wake her up. It was time to play with her.

April slowly started to wake up after being knocked out. She felt a little groggy and she moaned as she regained her consciousness. She had no idea what happened, and her mind start to remember what she last saw. She then jolted awake as she remembered seeing a woman looking right at her in the office. That was a total surprise since she thought she was alone. Now she looked around where she was and realized she was still in the office. She then tried to move and realized she couldn’t. She looked around and noticed she was on her back, and neither her arms nor legs could move. It dawned on her that she was tied down. Her eyes darted around the room, and she knew she was on one of the lawyers’ desks. She felt her heart racing because she did not understand why she was in this position. “Help me!!! Someone help me!!” she called out.

“No one can help you…..” a voice from the darkness called out.

April noticed that only the desk light was illuminating the room, and the rest of the office was dark. That voice petrified her because she was not alone. She felt every nerve in her body tingling as fear overwhelmed her. “W-Who are you? What are you doing to me?” she called out.

“I have plans for you. It would be in your best interest if you cooperate.” the voice called out.

“Please! You don’t have to do anything rash. I-I don’t have much money, but you can have whatever I got. Please, don’t hurt me.” April pleaded. She assumed this was a robbery attempt and was very grateful the office did not keep any money in it. They kept it all in a nearby bank.

“I don’t want your money. I simply want….information.” Sylvia said, as she walked out of the shadows and approached April near her feet. She saw her struggling in her bondage, and it thrilled her. April was such an attractive woman, and she could do some fun things to her and her body.

April gasped as she saw the figure come out of the shadows and were near her feet on the desk. She saw the facial features and she never seen this woman before. She didn’t appear to be a client and now she wondered who she was and what information did she want. She did notice that she was an attractive woman, and her brain started to think that perhaps she was the wife of one of the lawyers, or a mistress. Even though she liked her co-workers, some of them were very crude. “W-What kind of information? I don’t know much. I am not a lawyer here. I am just an assistant.” she explained.

“You are the one I wanted to see. I learned that you have very valuable information my employers want. Now, I will give you a simple choice. Answer my questions truthfully and you will be free when I am done with you. Refuse, or act stupid, and you suffer. So, will you do what I say and tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Hehehe” Sylvia told her with a sly smile. She loved the look of fear on a victim’s face and April looked absolutely terrified. She then looked the woman up and down her body and wondered where her most sensitive areas were. This was her first opportunity to play with an American woman. She really hoped April was very responsive with her style of touch. She had gotten better with her favorite torture method after learning it from Thalia, Helga and Svetlana. She then drummed her fingertips on the desk space that was between April’s spread-eagled legs.

April was stunned that this woman had her tied down on a desk and was now threatening her. She never met her before, but she was the one the woman wanted to see? She also heard that threat. She had no idea what information this woman wanted and if it was something she knew, she hoped she didn’t have to answer. “W-What do you mean I have valuable information? I don’t know anything. I am just a legal assistant; I am not a lawyer here. Is there a case against you or something?” she asked nervously.

“Hehehe no, well, not yet at least. I know you have information for me. But first, let’s test out your ability to tell the truth. Here is an easy question. What is your name?” Sylvia asked. She wanted to start with questions she knew April should answer to set her up for what she truly wanted. She also hoped she would lie immediately so she could play with her body.

“M-My name? My name is April. April Keaton. What is yours?” April asked. Her nerves were on edge and fear overwhelmed her. Her best bet was to cooperate with this woman and hopefully she would be let go.

“Very good! You told the truth! Hehehe Nice name, April. I already knew your name, so it is good to hear you tell the truth. My name? That is not important right now. You will learn it one day, but not right now.” Sylvia responded with a smirk. Because she had to conceal herself for the mission, she did not want her name being out there in the public. It could cause her trouble when she attempted other things. April was just the beginning. She had far more plans to manage than playing with this legal assistant.

“Then, what can I help you with? Why did you have to tie me up?” April asked. She started to tremble as she saw the woman looking at her with a look of amusement on her face.

“You know, that is a great question to ask. Good job. Why do I have you tied up? Because I want you to be honest with me and helpful! Here is the next question. The stakes have increased. Tell me, do you know Phoebe Wellington?” Sylvia asked. She then placed her hands on the tops of April’s legs to make her even more fearful.

April felt those hands on her legs, and it made her jump. This woman seemed so pretty and normal. She didn’t seem like a woman who would tie someone up and threaten them. She had encountered criminals before with the law cases, but this woman was not like that. She heard the question posed to her and she was very nervous. She had no idea why this woman wanted to know about Phoebe, but if she already knew her name, then she already knew that she knew Phoebe. “Y-Yes, I know her. Why do you ask?” she asked with her voice trembling.

“Because, I know you have something of hers that I want to know. Ok April, you are doing really good. Keep up the great work that you are doing, and this will be over soon. Next question. Is she trying to buy a plot of land?” Sylvia asked, then her face turned deadly serious for a moment. She wanted to scare April and make her more willing to talk.

“H-How did you know that?” April asked. Phoebe’s bid to buy land was not public information as of yet. The proposal was barely finished. She was confused on how this woman already knew so much and why she was after her.

“I just do. Answer my question.” Syliva demanded. She didn’t have a look of amusement on her face. It turned serious and she wanted to get the information needed.

April felt a chill go through her body when she heard that tone of voice. The woman no longer looked happy, she looked really serious. She really felt fear overwhelming her body and she trembled. “I-I don’t know how you k-know, but y-yes. She is trying to buy land. W-Why do you ask?” she asked.

Sylvia’s face returned back to a happy one as she heard April answering the question truthfully. She then rubbed her hands up and down the skirt covered legs and felt a mixture of joy and disappointment. Joy because it appeared this part of the mission was going to be easy, and disappointment because she wanted to torture April. She looked very attractive and to hear her screams of laughter would be something delightful. “You are doing great, April! Wow, you are such an obedient girl. Ok, we are getting closer to the end of my questions. Here is the next one. The proposal to buy the land, where is it?” she asked.

April gasped when she heard that question. This woman knew far more than anyone else in the public did. The only people that would know was the owner of the land, and any other potential buyers. She started to wonder if another buyer sent her to stop Phoebe from buying the land. She knew just how important that business deal was, and she couldn’t hand that over to this woman. There were specific financial numbers in there, and were confidential to everyone, except Phoebe, and the seller of the land. “Her p-proposal? I-I don’t know where it is.” she lied.

Syliva heard that response and a wave of excitement filled her body. She finally got April to lie to her, so now she had her chance to play with her. She shook her head slowly, like a parent would do to their child. She then looked right into her frightened eyes and a wicked smile formed on her face. “April…..you were doing so well! You were honest, and forthcoming with me. Oh, you were doing so well. But I know you’re lying. You’re lying to me. That’s so….disappointing.” she told her.

“I-I am not lying. Please, whoever you are, let me go. Phoebe hasn’t given me the numbers. I know she wants to buy the land, but we have nothing formal written down yet.” April lied. She thought that since the only people who knew anything about the document was her, Phoebe, Bessie, and her boss, Mr. Hagman, she could persuade this woman that the document did not exist. She had to try something because if the bid was discovered or taken, then the chance of Phoebe successfully buying the land was at risk.

Syliva moved away from the foot of the desk and went towards April’s left. She looked at the fear on her victim’s face and she felt a tingle in her body. It was now time to play with April and she really looked forward to this moment. She then made it by April’s head and then leaned her own face close to hers. “April, you really hurt my feelings. I like you. You are so pretty. You are so smart. You do work in a law office. You seem like such a really nice woman that I would love to have tea with. But now, you are very naughty. I will get you to tell the truth.” she warned her.

“Listen, Miss whatever your name is, I-I really don’t know much. Maybe one of the lawyers does. Or perhaps I could contact Ms. Wellington and….” April tried to say then felt a surprisingly strong hand plant itself over her mouth. She then watched as Sylvia moved her face mere centimeters from her own.

“Ssshhhhh! April, be quiet. You’re lying to me, and now you are going to find out what happens to liars.” Sylvia told her. She then planted a kiss on the forehead of April, then stood right back up. She then moved to the center area of the midsection and looked at the helpless torso. That white blouse covered what was sure to be very nice skin. She did hope April fought her long enough so that she could strip her naked. Then she thought, even if April told her everything, she should strip her anyway. She then moved her right index finger slowly towards the belly area. She had to test April and hope that she was very responsive.

April felt the kiss on her forehead then watched in terror when the mysterious woman moved towards her midsection. She then felt extremely nervous when she saw that finger moving towards her belly. The woman did not appear to have a weapon on her, and she was grateful for that, but she still appeared to want to touch her. She felt herself writhing a little as the finger slowly moved towards her body. Then suddenly, the finger poke right into her stomach, then poked again and again. That made her squeal in surprise and with the continued poking, it also tickled her a little. “Hey!!! What are you…hehe…. Doing to me?” she asked with fear.

“Testing you…..” Sylvia simply responded. She did like how the body started to jerk around. She heard that small giggle but needed more. The way the body was moving, it could have been out of pure fear instead of being really ticklish. She then moved her finger towards the rib area and started to poke at it. Now she saw the kind of reactions a ticklish person would have. Now, she felt really excited to play with April.

April felt those pokes on her belly, but when the finger started to poke her ribs, she felt a lot of ticklish tremors in her body. She figured this woman was toying with her, because being tickled was not something that would happen with criminals. Then a thought entered her mind. Maybe this woman was finding a weakness in her to perhaps harm her body. The woman mentioned she was testing her, so maybe she was looking for a spot on the body to perhaps torture her. That really got her juices flowing and panic set in. The pokes continued and then it hit one particular ticklish spot in between the ribs. “Hey!! Cut it out! Hehehehehe that…..that hehehehe” she giggled.

Syliva had an amused smile on her face as the giggles started to come out more. She felt a surge of happiness because April was indeed ticklish. Now, it was time to really have some fun with her. “That what? Come on April, finish your statement.” she teased, then poked around the ribs more.

April felt the poking increase and it also started to tickle more. She felt embarrassed because she was giggling and squirming as much as she could in her bondage. She knew this criminal was trying to harm her, and here she was laughing about it all. She couldn’t help herself. Her ribs were a definite ticklish weak spot. “hehehehe It..heheheheheh tickles!!” she said, the immediately felt ashamed for her admission.

“How cute…..So, you’re ticklish huh? I like that. I like that a lot….” Sylvia told her, then started to poke even faster. She loved the way April would start to squeal with each poke. The more she poked her, the more April started to laugh. She could tell the ticklishness was increasing and wanted to push this woman. Her own lust started to build because this helpless woman had no idea what was going to happen to her. She really hoped to make April lose reality and even lose some love honey.

April couldn’t believe this woman kept poking her and making her laugh. It seemed as though she was trying to tickle her on purpose. That caused her great fear because she knew just how ticklish she was. The poking then stopped, and she saw that twisted smile on the woman’s face. “hehehe please….let me go. There is no…official proposal.” she wheezed as she tried to catch her breath.

“April……we both know you are lying. You are going to make it really hard on yourself if you continue to lie. Now, I noticed you are out of breath, and I must admit, you have the CUTEST laugh I have ever heard. Tell me Miss April Keaton, are you ticklish or something? You already admitted it, but I want to hear you say it.” Sylvia grinned. She loved it whenever she posed that question to her victims. Ever since she learned this torture technique, she had some great fun torturing victims on her missions. She loved the reaction whenever that question was asked. No one ever suspected they would be tortured by being tickled, and April was no different. She saw that wide look of surprise in her eyes, and she felt her nipples stiffening.

April’s jaw dropped when she heard that question. This mysterious woman who snuck into the law office, knocked her out, and tied her up was asking if she was ticklish. It didn’t seem real to her. Was this woman actually going to tickle torture her? Then her mind had a flashback. This would not be the first time she was tortured by being tickled. She remembered almost a year ago when she was first hired by Phoebe, she was captured and tickled by her maid, Kylie Rockford. She was tied to a chair and Kylie really tickled her all over, even on her naked breasts. It was the most humiliating moment in her entire life. Now, there was a possibility it was going to happen again. What made it even worse was that she was alone with this woman in the office. Everyone else had gone home. When she was tortured by Kylie, at least there were people around and that was what ended up saving her. April saw the look on Sylvia’s face, and she started to panic. “No!!! Please!!! Are you going to tickle me?!” she asked in a panic.

“Sounds fun, right? Yes, I think I am going to…..tickle….you. Well, unless you tell me what I want to know. Your choice.” Sylvia responded. She liked how April figured out she was going to be tortured with tickling and perhaps that would motivate her to give up the document. She then placed her hand on the stomach and looked at April’s frightened face. “So, where is the proposal?” she asked.

April felt really emotional at the moment. She knew she would not be able to stand any kind of tickle torture. Her body was too sensitive. But she could not give up that proposal. Phoebe, Bessie and her all worked very hard to make their numbers look great, and to present the best offer to the seller of the land. Giving up that document would put Phoebe at the disadvantage, and she would probably never be forgiven. She didn’t know what to do and she felt herself getting very emotional. “Please….I don’t want you to tickle me. I am telling the truth. I….I don’t have the proposal. You have to believe me. Please….” she whimpered.

“Here is what is going to happen. I am going to tickle you, April. It is going to be really bad. You are going to laugh. You are going to scream. I am going to tickle you until I feel like stopping. When I do, you better be ready to tell me what I want to know. If you don’t, then I will tickle you again. I might not stop until you die. So, let’s have some fun!” Sylvia threatened. She figured it was time to really torture this woman and force the information out of her. She really enjoyed this part of her job. It was time to see how April would react when she was under pure tickle distress. She didn’t want to start slow because she wanted to send a message. She then used both hands and started to dig into the rib areas. Her fingers pressed into the bones, but not enough to cause pain, but firm enough to cause a horrible ticklish feeling.

“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHA NOOOOOOOOOO!!!” April screamed when she felt those fingers pressing into her ribs. The ticklish feeling was very intense, and she had no choice but to laugh hysterically. She felt her entire body tense up and she was desperately pulling at her bonds. She could barely move around since her limbs were outstretched and tied down expertly with ropes. That made it worse because she was so vulnerable and there was nothing she could do to protect herself.

Sylvia felt herself getting turned on when she heard that hysterical laughter. The sound of it was amazing to her. The laugh was very strong but had the sweetness of April’s voice in it. She loved how her victim was barely moving around and felt proud of herself for tying her down perfectly. She did not want her victim to be able to protect her body by twisting and turning. She looked down at her fingers and how they were pressing through the bones. She moved them from the top of the cage and tried to find each and every crevice on the ribs. When she got to the middle of the cage, she noticed the laughter hit another octave. She giggled to herself because the laughter was getting to be infectious. “I love my job….” she thought to herself.

April could not believe this was happening to her. This woman was pressing into her ribcage and sending such powerful ticklish shocks throughout her body. She couldn’t help but laugh. The way the fingers pressed into her ribs was getting to be brutal. She looked at the woman’s face and saw a smile. That really worried her because the woman looked to be very happy doing this to her. Which meant she was going to give her no mercy at all. She closed her eyes for a moment and all she could feel was those fingers on her ribs and the powerful ticklish feelings flowing through her. In the back of her mind, she knew that she couldn’t tell this woman about the proposal. It meant ticklish doom for her, but she could not let the information out.

Sylvia continued to tickle those helpless ribs. She liked how soft the fabric of the shirt felt on her fingers. She knew that if April was this responsive to the tickling with her clothes on, then she would absolutely lose it when she had her clothes removed. She looked over at April’s face and saw her eyes were shut. That was a good sign that the tickling was already destroying her. She knew she could stop and let her breathe, but this was about sending a message. If she did not comply with her demands, then she would suffer. “You have such ticklish ribs! Hehehe I think I can tickle them for another day or two. Haha” she taunted.

April let out another ticklish scream when she heard those words. This woman was going to tickle her that long? The feeling of helplessness washed over her and now it was getting serious. She had been laughing too long and she was now struggling to breathe. She opened her eyes and looked at Sylvia. She had to start begging or she could run out of air. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MERCY!!! HAHAHAHA I HAHAHAHA CAN’T BREATHE!!!!” she begged.

“You can’t breathe? That’s too bad. I bet if you told me where the proposal was, you will be able to breathe again. Tell me April, where is the document?” Sylvia threatened. She wanted to apply a lot of ticklish pressure in April now, to help break her down. She was going to stop soon because if April passed out, or died, then her mission would fail. She just had to make April think there was no stopping, that way she would be more compliant.

April heard those words and now she really panicked. This woman had no intention of stopping and was going to torture her until she died. That made her really start to writhe as much as she could in her bondage. She felt her body temperature spiking and her lungs were burning. If she did not get a break soon, she was going to truly suffer. “PLEASE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I CAN’T BREATHE!! HAHAHAHA I DON’T WANT TO DIE!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA” she wailed away.

Sylvia chuckled to herself when she heard those words. She loved it whenever a victim was in such a panic. She did a few more rib tickles, then suddenly, she pulled her fingers away. She then folded her arms and looked down at April to watch her try and recover. She smiled when she saw her gasping for air and how tired she looked already. She saw how red her face had gotten and heard those gasps. “Well, don’t you have something to tell me?” she asked.

April felt relief when the fingers stopped tickling her ribs. She gasped for air as though she just came out from under water. Her entire body was tingling, and she tried to pull at her bonds on her wrists and ankles. Her eyes rolled over a few times, and she was desperate to get in as much air as possible into her lungs. That was such a brutal tickle attack, and she needed a moment just to return to earth. She heard Sylvia asking her that question and she felt agony in her mind. “Thank you….thank you….” she panted.

“Well, you got me there. Hehehe I did ask if you had something to tell me, and thanking me does seem rather appropriate at this moment. Good one April, good one.” Sylvia chuckled. She knew April didn’t do it on purpose, but she was having fun with her. She loved how sweaty her victim was and figured it was time for her to lose some clothing. “Now, what I meant to ask was, ready to tell me where the proposal is?” she asked.

April groaned as she heard the question. This woman was still asking her where the proposal was, and it really made her sad. If that was just the beginning of her torture, she knew she wasn’t going to last too long. She tried to smack her lips a few times, to create saliva as her mouth went a little dry from laughing too hard. Then she looked at Sylvia and had a pleading look in her eyes. “Miss, I…I am trying….to tell you…..I don’t….know where the proposal is.” she whined.

“April, April, April. Do I look stupid to you? Think about it. I know who you are. I know you are working for Phoebe Wellington. I know about a land purchase offer, and I know your boss wants to buy that land. If I know all this, what makes me think that you don’t know where the proposal is?” Sylvia asked. She knew April was smart, but she had all the answers beforehand. She wanted April to know that she was not going to be outsmarted.

April groaned when she heard Sylvia telling her those facts. The assailant was right. She seemed to know everything already, so if she refused her and lied to her, she was going to suffer for no reason. That tickle attack was already brutal and knew more of it was coming if she did not give her what she wanted. But she still felt loyalty to Phoebe and Bessie. This was too important for those two women that she just could not bring herself to giving up just yet. Her mind was racing as she had to think of something that could convince this woman she had no clue. “You’re right…..you’re right. You..you know a lot. But….you don’t know the private conversations…..I had with Ms. Wellington. How do you know….if a proposal….was actually….created? We….could still be….discussing the parameters…..” she panted.

Sylvia heard that response and she paused. Her prisoner made a good point. She wasn’t privy to the conversations between Phoebe and April, so she might be telling the truth. In a way, that was a good thing. Because it meant she could torture her more. If April was lying, then she could really make her suffer. If she was telling the truth, she would suffer anyway, and she would have to come up with a new plan. “Ok, you made a good point, but I don’t believe you. I know the seller wants to hurry up and sell the land, so you have to be almost done with your bid.” she told her.

“I am just…..a legal assistant. I don’t know what Ms. Wellington will do. I just….do the paperwork when she is ready.” April replied. There was some truth in her statement. She would just handle the legal documents to whatever Phoebe or Bessie decided for the business; however, she would give her own legal input. She hoped this was making Sylvia think she had no idea, and she could go free.

“Hmmm… well, I guess we are going to find out. Let’s see how well you hold up to scrutiny. I have ways of making women like you tell the truth. You already sampled it….” Sylvia threatened. She then reached down and started to unbutton the blouse. She undid the top button and started to work her way down. She could see the pale skin underneath and the white bra that was there. It was time to make April feel a lot more vulnerable. “Now, I am sure you are very hot after laughing so hard. Let me make you a little bit more…..comfortable.” she told her.

April started to get nervous as she felt her buttons coming undone on her blouse. This made her feel helpless and embarrassed. This woman was going to see her bra and her skin. She did not like showing that to others, and now she started to whimper. “Please…why are you doing this to me? I never did anything to you.” she whined.

“I know. This is the first time we ever met. I can say this, you are one beautiful woman. I love your long blond hair. You should stop putting it in that bun. Makes you look too stuffy. You have pretty eyes, and your face is really nice.” Sylvia told her. She did like how April looked and torturing her was going to be a lot of fun. She was curious if this woman was telling the truth. If she was, then she would have to change her plan a little. She then finished unbuttoning the shirt, and she pulled the flaps open. She now had a great look at April’s upper body. She could see her chest, that bra, and her very toned stomach. “You look quite nice….” she said with a hint of lust in her voice.

April did not like how this was going. Her shirt was now opened in the front and this woman was staring at her. She felt really embarrassed and closed her eyes for a moment. She opened them back up and she saw Sylvia licking her lips. That was not a good sign. “Please, I have told you the truth. Why do you want to do this to me? Please…” she begged.

“I think it is time for truth telling. I can see your delightful skin and I think it will confirm your story or not. You know what is going to happen. You will suffer a lot. How long you suffer is really up to you. If you are telling the truth, then you got a good laugh out of all this. Hehehehe get it? A good laugh?” Sylvia teased. She knew her joke was corny, but it was all part of the technique to drive victims insane.

“No!!! Please Ma’am!!! I don’t want to be tickled! It is pure torture for me! You don’t understand! I am really sensitive, and I won’t like it!” April begged. She started to squirm as best as she could, but she was very immobile. She then saw Sylvia lifting her hands and moving them towards her stomach area. She started to sweat, and fear overtook her body. “PLEASE DON’T!!! PLEASE DON’T TICKLE ME!!!” she screamed.

“You need to laugh. You sound so stressed out! So………laugh.” Sylvia told her in a calm voice. She then fluttered her fingertips all across the stomach area and heard that immediate laughter. She loved that reaction and could feel the stomach muscles becoming very tense. She slowly moved her fingers across the stomach, going from right below the bra, across the gut, and then right over the navel which seemed to be a hot spot. She just absentmindedly moved her fingers around and focused on getting the most horrific ticklish sensations she could create.

April couldn’t help but laugh helplessly as she felt those fingers moving all across her stomach. The sensations were unbearable, and she couldn’t do anything to protect her body. She was stuck on this desk, nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide. It appeared this woman was not just tickling her for information, it seemed this woman was tickling her for her own enjoyment as well. She could see the look of delight on her face as she continued to laugh hysterically. The fingers moved over to her sides a few times, and that sent ticklish shockwaves throughout her body. This moment took her back to the time Kylie tortured her. She was going to break after a prolonged tickling and in order for it to stop, she had to reveal the combination to Phoebe’s safe. It dawned on her how it was happening again. Someone wanted something inside a safe and was going to tickle torture her to get that information. That really made her panic because she was going to suffer a lot.

“You sure are ticklish, April. Hehehe I mean, your laughter sounds so desperate. So painful. I can’t even imagine how much you are suffering right now. Why should you suffer? To protect Phoebe Wellington? Is your own life worth helping her buy some land? Come on, just tell me the truth. Where is the proposal?” Sylvia asked. She knew it was time to start getting into April’s mind. She wanted to get that document, and she had to make this woman snap.

April heard those words, and her mind started to think that perhaps she should give in. She did manage to put doubt in her attacker’s mind that she didn’t know anything. It was a good thing, but also a bad thing. The good thing was that it perhaps made her attacker leave sooner, but it was bad because she was still being tickled. Through this horrific feeling her body was feeling, she did hear those words spoken to her. She was asked why she should protect Phoebe? Why should she suffer for her? In her mind and heart, she knew why. Phoebe was very good with her. Phoebe allowed her to be the top legal assistant to her business and made her feel very empowered. In an occupation dominated by men, she was the top legal assistant to a very powerful business owner. That is why she made this fateful decision. She had to protect Phoebe not just because she was a client, but because she was also a friend. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOP PLEASE!!! I DON’T HAVE ANY PROPOSAL!!!!” she screamed.

“Are you sure? I think you do. I think you are lying to me, and I really don’t like liars. So, if you want to protect Phoebe, I guess you will just have to suffer for it. I bet your belly button doesn’t agree with you….” Sylvia grinned. She then took the tip of her right index finger and slowly stroked it all around the exposed navel. She felt the stomach clench tight again and she knew she had found a nice spot. She remembered something she did to another victim and now she wanted to try it on April. She stopped her tickling and allowed her prisoner to breathe a little.

April groaned as the tickling finally stopped. It was such a horrible feeling for her and now she was getting really tired. The touches near her navel really drove her wild and she prayed that it wouldn’t get touched again. She was grateful that the tickling stopped because that constant laughter made her lungs burn and her mind was spinning. She looked up at the ceiling and hoped her ordeal would be over. “No more…..no more….” she said softly.

“April!! Of course there will be more! Until you decide to cooperate, there is going to be a LOT more! Just think, I am playing with your cute tummy. What is beautiful about a woman’s body is that there are OTHER places I can tickle you. I am going to tickle all of your spots. Probably even some you didn’t know. We just started my dear. But catch your breath for now. I want you to at least be coherent enough for this next thing I do to you. It also gives you a chance to tell me where the proposal is.” she warned.

April felt her emotions building up after hearing those threats. Her stomach and ribs were very ticklish areas, but she knew about some of the others. Kylie had tickled her brutally all across her upper body including her breasts. Phoebe and Bessie played with her feet before. The way this woman was torturing her, if she tickled those areas, she knew she was going to break. “Ma’am….I really don’t know. Come on, this is too much. I know you have a heart. Please….just let me go. I won’t tell anyone you were here.” she begged.

“I don’t think you will tell anyone I was here anyway. Hehehe What will you tell your boss? Oh, I was attacked by a strange woman, and she tickled me! He would laugh right in your face, and probably fire you.” Sylvia joked. She also loved the nature of the technique because victims would never want to admit that they were tickle tortured. There were no signs of distress, and no one would believe her. That was the greatest gift she got from her friends, Thalia, Helga and Svetlana. She then lowered her body and leaned her head close to the stomach area. She saw that cute “innie” navel and wanted to have a little fun with it. “Now, as for this navel of yours, how does it taste?” she asked.

April heard Sylvia’s words and knew it was true. Phoebe knew she was being tortured by Kylie because she and Bessie walked in on it. That entire experience was only known to those inside the Wellington mansion. She never planned on telling her boss or anyone else. It would be humiliating, and everyone would laugh at her and not believe her. Then she heard Sylvia’s question. How did her navel taste? That was new to her, and she had no idea what that even meant. Then she felt something sliding across her navel. Her head lifted and she looked towards her stomach. What she saw stunned her! She saw Sylvia’s tongue sliding across her navel, and she felt it as well. She could feel that warm, wet tongue slithering across her navel and she had no idea how to react. It tickled a little, but what she was really worried about was that it felt…….good. ‘W-What are y-you doing?” she asked in shock.

“mmmmmmmm tasting you….” Sylvia teased. She noticed the belly was still quivering, but it wasn’t tickling her too much. She figured it was time to start setting up April’s body to react sexually. It would get her entire nervous system on fire, which would enhance all of her tickling attacks. It would also get her ready for when she sexually dominated her. She knew once that aspect was in play, April would do anything she told her to do. She wanted to break April at this moment. Even if she confessed and provided that proposal, this beautiful young legal assistant was going to have her body sexually conquered. She swirled the tip of her tongue in the belly button and felt the body starting to shake.

“Hehe that tickles a little. Hey!! Stop licking meehehehehehe” April giggled. The way the tongue was slithering inside her navel was sending ticklish tremors in her body, but also tremors of pleasure. She was even more confused than before. This woman was trying to brutally torture her with tickling, but now she was trying to make her feel good too? “Hehehe hey!! Come on! Hehehe please!” she begged.

Sylvia giggled when she heard April’s sweet voice begging her. She then stopped her licking of the navel and pulled her head up. She looked to her right and saw that look of bewilderment on April’s face. She knew that would get her attention. Now it was time to continue to mess with her head. “Did you like that? It felt good, right?” she asked.

April did not know how to respond. That tongue on her belly was definitely better than getting tickled, but she just didn’t understand why she did it. “Why are you licking me? T-That’s weird!” she told her.

Sylvia couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh after hearing April’s response. She took a moment to collect herself because it was apparent that this woman didn’t experience too many sexual pleasures. That would make sexually dominating her even better. “You never had your navel licked before?” she asked.

“N-No. Why would anyone want to do that?” April asked. She felt really nervous because she couldn’t get a true sense of what this woman wanted to do to her. The tickling was already horrible, but now she was getting licked. It didn’t make sense to her at all.

“Well, there are lots of women who like having their bellies licked. It gives them…..pleasure.” Sylvia told her, then did a quick lick on the belly button again. She thought of a way to truly mess with April and even get her to give in to sexual pleasures.

“Hey!! You licked me again! Stop that!” April demanded. She heard Sylvia’s explanation, and she had no idea what she meant. She never had anyone lick her body, anywhere. She then saw the look in Sylvia’s eyes, and it really concerned her. She looked….hungry.

“I guess you are going to learn a few things today. In fact, I think I will educate you on the art of tongues and pleasures. Believe me, where my tongue will end up, you will never forget it.” Sylvia said with a wink. Now she was ready to torment April again. She then got upright again and looked down at April. She could see her chest moving up and down from nervousness and it was time to give her a choice. “So, since you think my licking is weird, I guess I have to tickle you again. Hmmm. Where should I tickle you next? I know! Your armpits! They look inviting. Here, let me make them more comfortable.” she mused, then pulled out her knife.

“WHAT???? Don’t tickle me!!!! Hey!!! What….no! You have a knife? Oh please…. Please don’t kill me!” April begged after seeing that knife. She heard she was about to be tickled, then she saw the knife. That scared her because it appeared that she was about to be stabbed.

“Hehehe I am not going to kill you. Well, at least not yet….” Sylvia grinned. She then moved her knife closer to the armpits that were still covered by the blouse. She only opened the flaps of the blouse, which exposed the midsection, but the garment was not fully off the body. She then took the tip of the blade and did a quick slit into the fabric of each armpit. She then put the knife down on April’s chest to scare her, then using her fingers, she ripped open a massive hole in the blouse, exposing the armpits. She could see how pale the skin was and there were some fine hairs there. She then looked at April and smiled. “There! All better now. So, are you ready?” she asked her.

April was still trying to comprehend what was happening to her. She got licked by another woman, threatened to get licked somewhere else, threatened to be tickled, then had her blouse cut open, exposing her armpits. She felt absolute terror when the knife was resting on her chest. Now, she saw Sylvia removing the knife and she felt some relief. Then she heard that question and before she could say anything, the woman’s fingers started to scurry all over her exposed pits. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOT THERE!! NOT THERE!!!!” she screamed.

“Ah, so this is a ticklish area for you. Good! Hehehe” Sylvia laughed as she had her fingers dancing all over the skin. She could feel April trying to move around, but she was tied too tight and there was very minimal movement. She really liked the laughter that was coming out. It was loud and it sounded desperate. She decided to change it up now, so she then pressed her fingers into the flesh, and massaged the flesh and that really got a reaction from her victim.

April felt those fingers pressing into her armpits and if she wasn’t tied down, she would have shot right through the ceiling. The sheer intensity of the ticklish sensations was devastating. It really tickled her a lot and she didn’t know what else she could do. Now desperation was sinking in, and she could only scream in laughter. “NOOOOOOOOOOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STOP!! STOOOOOOOPPPPP!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA IT TICKLES!!!!” she screamed.

“Yes, it does. Hehehe You are quite the ticklish one. Tickle, tickle!” Syliva teased as she continued to press deeper into the center of the armpits. She rotated her fingers in opposite directions with each hand. The fingers on her right hand went on a counterclockwise motion and her left hand went in a clockwise motion. She loved this feeling. It felt good to her that she was inflicting terrible tickle torture on this woman. She started to hum along with the tickling, trying to amuse herself and to torment April’s mind. “You didn’t want to get licked, so I will just tickle you instead.” she told her.

April was straining as hard as she could in her bondage, but she was tied down too tight. It was all useless and she was already tired out. She didn’t know what else to do. Her attempts at begging were ignored. Her body temperature was soaring, and she felt herself starting to sweat. She also felt her mouth going dry again as she just kept screaming in laughter. When she heard Sylvia mention licking, she thought that it would be much better than what was happening now. “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA LICK ME!!!! LICK ME!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEASE LICK MEEEEEEE!!!” she screamed.

Sylvia quickly pulled her hands away from the armpits and started to laugh. She was very amused that it didn’t take long for April to beg her to lick her instead of being tickled. She heard poor April mumbling as she was desperate to get some air in her lungs. She waited a moment to allow April to have some kind of coherence, so she could mess with her mind again. “Did you say you want me to lick you?” she asked.

“Yes……hehehye yes…..please….don’t tickle me anymore….I….I can’t….I can’t stand it.” April wheezed. Her eyes were closed as she continued to try and catch as much as her breath as possible. She was really starting to hate being tickled by this woman and now she was desperate to do almost anything. The only thing she couldn’t do was to give up the proposal. Phoebe meant too much to her.

“I thought you said licking was weird. How quickly you changed……hehehe” Sylvia joked. She felt good at the moment as her victim was breaking down. She was a little disappointed that April wasn’t being much of a challenge. It was very obvious she wasn’t too strong willed. She figured that it would be good to break this woman quickly, so she could continue her mission. The only disappointing thing was that she wanted to break a strong woman’s spirit. She hoped to get that chance. She knew of one woman who had a strong will according to her friend Thalia. That was Deputy Darby who was her ultimate goal in this mission. She looked at April and smiled. “Ok April, I will lick you. But where should I lick you? Where do you want to be licked?” she asked.

April continued to breathe hard as the tickling was taking its toll on her. Her body started to ache, and she already felt her body surrendering. She then heard Sylvia’s question, and she wanted to cry. She did tell the woman to lick her, which was humiliating enough, but she had to choose where. She had no idea where she wanted to be licked, and she wanted to cry because she was going to get tickled again. “I-I don’t know….I never been licked before.” she whimpered.

“I will give you an option. I hope you agree, because I think it will be good for you. I think I will lick……your nipples. How about that?” Sylvia asked. She couldn’t wait to see that reaction that April was sure to give.

UP NEXT: April continues to suffer!

Ok folks, how did you like this chapter? Personally for me, I enjoyed that reunion. I love the chemistry between the ladies and they all had a good time. I think I will write their next reunion in the future and come up with new combinations as well. Sylvia is now making her presence known. She has a goal in mind and she has a lot of plans in store! This series will start to get a litle more intense as we continue. It appears the danger for our ladies has arrived and now it is time to see how it all unfolds! Thank you for all of your support! Without you, I would have stopped writing a long time ago. Your comments are most welcomed!

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Nice! I like how the reunion wrapped up. It leaves so many future tickling combinations! Phoebe is amazing. I like how she seems to want to have some tickling fun with every lady she comes across. Bessie better give her some soon, or she will explode!

Uh oh! Looks like Sylvia found a target! I am looking forward to seeing her breaking poor April!
Phoebe is definitely my favorite lee/ler in the series, there's such vibe when she's getting tickled and doing the tickling. Though the thought of some big tickle orgy at her house seems not something that couldn't happen. As Curiouslee said, the new pairings are very fun. Still holding out hope for Salem to go to Gertrude's house.

I also love the cruelty the villains have as ticklers. Poor April doesn't have a chance
Thanks fellas for the comments! I appreciate the both of you for continuing to support this series. I am glad you both liked the reunion. I wanted to have some light and fun moments with the characters before more "heavy" stuff started to happen. There will be more fun and sensual tickling coming up, but the real intensity is starting to happen. I hipe you and everyone else enjoys how all of this unfolds. By the time Phase 4 is over, I want everyone to sit back and truly enjoyed the story that took place. I got some good story elements planned and of course the tickling scenes play into that.

Phoebe is getting to be like her mother. haha She really enjoys the sexual element of tickling. And she has no idea that's what her mother loved as well.

Sun80, that possibility of Salem going to Gertrude's home is still alive! You just have to wait and see!
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