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(Deputy's Universe) The Heiress: A coming storm (F/F) Part 4


Nov 28, 2001
Ok folks, time for the next chapter in this series. I hope you are all enjoying it so far and it is good to see the ladies having a good time with one another. They all went through a lot in Phase 3, culminating in that battle against Thalia. So now they get to have some fun with each other and just relax. As you have seen, this phase will encompass different styles of tickling sessions. There of course will be the intense, torturous kind, but also the very loving/sexual kind, but also some friendly tickling time between friends. Just like real life, there are many styles of tickle engagement and I want the characters to experience all kinds. I hope you like the moments, and the story as well. Seriously, without your support, I would not be writing these tales. You energize me and motivate me. I hope this next chapter is very enjoyable for you. Your comments are always welcomed!


The hours passed and it was time to get ready to go to the vaudeville show. The women all got into several carriages, and they headed out. They traveled a good distance towards one of the cattle farms, and when they got there, they were led to a large barn that was used to store grains. It was separated from the other buildings, as those were more to store the cattle. Phoebe and Bessie led the way to the building and when they looked inside, they were impressed. The farm hands had done a great job of cleaning up the place and setting up the stage and chairs for the vaudeville show. She saw Bessie guiding the women to their seats, and she stood next to La Diabla. She saw her in her Elu tribe clothing, along with face paint under her eyes. It was a really nice disguise, and someone had to get close enough to her, to potentially recognize her. “You know, you have the perfect disguise. You look absolutely beautiful. We can’t take chances though. So, if you are ready, I can guide you to your special seat in the hayloft above. The performers will think you are a servant or something, so someone sitting up there won’t scare them or wonder what was happening. Hehehehe” she giggled.

“Thank you. I can’t believe you went through all this trouble for me. I would have been fine to be left back at the mansion. Knowing that all of you were having fun, especially Cheyenne and Molly, would have been good for me. I am used to hiding. Hehe” La Diabla replied. She then saw the other ladies come over as they were all ready to go inside.

“Hey, are you going to sit next to me?” Cheyenne asked her. She was especially excited to attend this show. She always read about them, but never experienced it.

“No, I will be up in the loft. I have to hide myself, remember?” La Diabla responded.

“All by yourself? I don’t want you to be alone. I will go up there with you.” Cheyenne told her. She felt bad that La Diabla had to be by herself, even though she understood why she had to hide.

“No, that’s ok. You and Molly sit with the others and enjoy the show. I will be ok.” La Diabla told her. She adored Cheyenne for wanting to keep her company. But she wanted her to be part of the audience and get the full experience.

“I will sit with you then. You are supposed to be up there because you are a servant, right? Well, I am a servant so it will look legitimate.” Kylie offered. She felt bad that La Diabla had to sit alone, and she was already shocked that she was allowed on this trip. She figured that she could still play the servant and keep her hero company. She admired La Diabla’s criminal background. She thought she was the greatest woman ever. Going into battle in Ciudad Del Reina with the infamous La Diabla was an honor.

“I like that idea. Sure, she can sit with me. We can be servants. Hehehe” La Diabla chuckled. She admired Kylie for wanting to keep her company.

“Ok, I guess that will be ok. I wish you both can join the rest of us, but it will have to do. Ok, let’s all take our seats and enjoy the show!” Phoebe told them.

La Diabla got a small hug from Cheyenne and then went with Kylie up to the loft. She found her seat and Kylie sat next to her on her left-hand side. She could see the stage from above and had a clear view of the show. It reminded her of the “cheap seats” in a theater.

Phoebe sat in her chair and watched as the show started. The host, Mr. Jim Mulligan introduced his crew and expressed his excitement to perform a special show for this exclusive group. The show began and everyone was very entertained. The show included magic acts, comedy scenes, singers, a strong man, and finally the clowns. She loved how interactive the clowns were with the audience. She couldn’t help but laugh when she saw Gertrude and a clown interacting and having a great time. She even saw Darby goofing off with a clown, and it was fun seeing that side of her. She adored seeing Cheyenne on stage, being a volunteer for a magic act. She absolutely loved that smile Cheyenne had when she finished her part and came back to the audience. She really couldn’t help but laugh when she saw the strongman lift up both Mia and Veronica at the same time. Then the strongman challenged Gabby, and he even lifted her up with ease. Gabby was more heavy set than the others and the banter between Gabby and the strongman had everyone in the audience laughing. It was such a great moment, and she enjoyed every single moment of it. The show ended and everyone gave the performers a standing ovation. “BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!!!” she yelled out as she wanted to give them great praise.

After the show, Cheyenne excitedly went over to Bessie and smiled. She really loved the show and was so excited that she got to participate in it. “Did you see me? hehehe I hope I didn’t look too silly!” she told her.

“You were wonderful! I hope you had a great time!” Bessie told her. She loved seeing Cheyenne so happy. This was the one woman that she always wanted to see very happy. The experiences Cheyenne had in that mansion in Santa Selena were something she would never forget. She would also think about time when she struggled with her own trauma. Seeing Cheyenne happy and ok helped her that perhaps one day she would heal from her own trauma. “I love seeing you so happy. Hehe” she told her.

“Thank you! This was such a great show! I can’t believe I was watching it in person AND being a part of it. hehehe I can’t wait to tell my people at the Elu tribe.” Cheyenne told her. She looked at Bessie and even though she was smiling, she could still sense something was off about her. Bessie had a certain spirit about herself. It radiated from her spirit. She remembered that time when they were forced to play tickle games and even sexual games with each other and even though she was frightened to her core, Bessie’s spirit really helped her get through that and find some enjoyment. Even though Bessie was in a good mood right now, she just sensed something was different. “How are you doing? Everything ok with you?” she asked.

“Oh yes, I loved the show! It was so good! The performers are really good at what they do, and I will always remember it.” Bessie told her. She could see the look on Cheyenne’s face and felt something from her.

“I mean, are you….ok? Please don’t hate me for saying this, but is there something wrong? You are so beautiful and happy, but I can tell that something is bothering you.” Cheyenne told her. She wanted to make sure her friend was ok.

“Yes! Cheyenne, I am fine. Do I seem like something is wrong?” Bessie asked. She was surprised that Cheyenne could sense something because she did her best to hide her own pain. This wasn’t the first time someone asked her if she was ok, so she had to put in a lot of effort to conceal her pain from these ladies.

“Maybe I am just crazy. Don’t answer that. Hehehehe” Cheyenne joked. She then nodded her head as she didn’t want to press the issue. She then saw Molly approaching her and they were both excited about seeing the show.

Phoebe saw La Diabla and Kylie approach and saw they had smiles. She wished they could have sat in the main audience, so they could interact with some of the clowns, or get on stage, but they seemed really happy. “I hope you both enjoyed the show.” she said to them.

“It was great!! Hahaha I loved seeing the strongman lift everyone and the comedy acts were amazing! I like how the clowns almost hit you in the face with a pie! Hehehe” Kylie joked.

“They almost got me!! My heart stopped for a moment. Hehehe” Phoebe joked back. She then looked at La Diabla. She could see she was happy, and she wanted that. “I hope you enjoyed that as well. It would have been great to see you hit in the face with a pie, to be honest. Hahaha” she laughed.

“Hey!! Yeah, that probably wouldn’t go very well. Hahaha” La Diabla laughed. Over the course of this weekend at the Wellington mansion, she did think about how she interacted with everyone. All of the ladies were very cordial to her. All of them knew who she was, and what her background was, yet they treated her as one of their own. No one had any fear of her, and they wanted to be her friends. It was the first time in her life since she was a child did her friends treat her for who she really was. Not like the friends she had in El Guapo’s gang, where their connection to each other were the crimes they committed. She definitely did not have a lot of female friends, so this was a very nice time for her.

“Ok ladies, it is time to go to lunch! Let’s go, come on, let’s go.” Phoebe instructed as everyone started to make their way out of the barn and headed back towards the carriage. As she walked to her carriage, Darby walked right up to her and Bessie.

“Thank you for this show. I think everyone had a great time! I know I did. Clowns are very funny. Hehehehe” Darby giggled. She looked around the massive ranch and was very impressed. “You sure have an impressive ranch. I can see why Wellington Cattle Company is as successful as it is.” she told her.

“Thank you! Yes, we continue to try ways to improve and grow. As a matter of fact, I am putting in a bid to acquire more land. My legal assistant, April Keaton, has been working on the bid to make sure we are the most competitive. If I acquire this additional land, the business will grow exponentially! I am very excited about it.” Phoebe told her. She wanted to continue to expand the company and was getting better at understanding the nuances of it. Her mother, Gloria Wellington, made the company grow into the powerhouse that it was, so she wanted to make sure it stayed that way. She wished April could have joined the party, but she was working hard on making sure the bid was finished. Phoebe then got into the carriage, and it was time to go to lunch and shopping!

Hours went by and soon, the group of women returned to the Wellington mansion. The chatter was very loud as they all talked about their afternoon together. They had a fantastic lunch, and they really loved the shopping. Phoebe paid for everyone’s new clothes and the ladies were extremely grateful. Now, it was time to come back to the mansion and just unwind. There was still going to be a dinner, but until then, everyone had “free time” to do whatever they wanted for the next two hours or so.

Gabby walked with Veronica, Gertrude and Mia as they made their way to the couches in one of the small parlor rooms in the mansion. The rooms were designed to be areas for social interaction, without being in the main living room. It had been a very fun afternoon, and this was a trip she was going to remember forever. This was the very first trip she ever made into the United States, and it was the greatest time. She saw Bella walk off with Darby, Becky and La Diabla, so now it was just them together. She really did love interacting with Mia and Gertrude. They were so nice, and they had lots of stories to tell about their lives in Plotsville. She remembered how brave they were during Ciudad Del Reina, and they shared the same experiences in terms of being tortured by Thalia and her gang. It created a bond of sorts because they were each humiliated by the Greek warrior and Sabrina, by having orgasms ripped out from them. They discussed the events of the day and soon, the conversation turned to playing cards. She couldn’t help but brag about how good she was at cards, even with Veronica playfully taunting her. “You see, Veronica is lying to all of you. I am truly the best at cards. I beat her ALL the time. When I say all the time, I mean ALL the time. Hehehehe Isn’t that right, baby?” she grinned.

“I guess you can say she is really good at cards. Hehehe” Veronica giggled, trying to help Gabby look good in front of their friends.

“I am GREAT! Haha! I have beaten some of the best men players back home. So, when it comes to cards, everyone takes a step back from me. hehehe So, Gertrude, Mia, are you any good at playing cards?” Gabby asked.

“I am ok at cards. I just play for fun. I am not a serious player.” Mia replied. She was thrilled to be a part of this weekend. After working so many hours at the town saloon, The Thirsty Cowboy, she loved the opportunity to relax and get away for a weekend. She really enjoyed being around these ladies and hoped one day they could also visit Plotsville.

“I can hold my own….” Gertrude replied with a sly smile. She really loved to play cards, and always had competitive games whenever there was a card playing tournament in town. She would often surprise many onlookers and now she could tell that Gabby would probably challenge her. She loved cocky card players and wanted to have some fun.

“Oh, you can? Well, I’ll tell you what. How about we play some poker, and we can see if you hold your own against……me. hehehe” Gabby challenged. She liked the idea of playing against someone right now, and playing against the older woman would be a lot of fun.

“Well, we could play, and it would be a lot of fun. But I really don’t want to hurt your feelings when I win. Hehehe” Gertrude said with a devious smile. She felt the urge to have some fun as her competitive juices started to flow. This weekend was such a great time for her, and bonding with these women only made her happier. This was another opportunity to establish a great relationship with the women that helped her in her most heartbreaking experience in Mexico.

“Oooooohhhh!!!! That sounds like a challenge, baby! I think Gertrude here can beat you.” Veronica said, trying to add to the competitive tension. She already knew how Gabby was going to react, and she wanted to watch the interaction to get entertained.

Gabby felt a surge of pride swelling as Gertrude challenged her ego, and Veronica didn’t help matters by taunting as well. She started to smile because she absolutely loved competition. “Ok, you’re on! Let’s play! You are going to learn today!” she said in a loud voice.

“Ok, I am game. Bring it on. Now, I want to warn you, I haven’t played in a while, so I might be a bit rusty. But when I get going, well….things might be difficult.” Gertrude said, then raised her right eyebrow. She loved setting people up and could tell those words would mess with Gabby’s ego. She liked the larger woman, as she had such a heart of gold and was very fun to be around. Then, she thought of something. She felt a familiar tingle throughout her body as she wondered if Gabby was…..ticklish. Her urge to tickle Gabby’s feet started to surge and she had to take this golden opportunity to perhaps tickle some feet in this house. She had been around all these ladies, and she hasn’t tickled any feet this weekend so far.

“Hahah you sure seem confident! Well, I hope you don’t get mad at me when I crush you. Hehehehe I like you Gertrude, you are such a sweet woman. But right now I will have to teach you a lesson.” Gabby challenged. She turned her eyes to slits to show she could try and intimidate Gertrude. She had to start the mind games now and strike some fear into the mature woman.

“Hehehe why thank you for the compliment, and you are a very beautiful woman. You are simply amazing. However, when it comes to cards young lady, I will have to teach you some manners. Hehehe” Gertrude shot back. She loved the friendly banter and now she had to make her move to set up her ultimate goal. Her eyes glanced down at Gabby’s boots, and she could see how large and wide the feet were. That got her really excited and she almost started to salivate.

“Ok, you’re on!! I would like to see you try. And, to make it more interesting, how about a friendly wager? Or would that kind of pressure make you fold?” Gabby sneered. She liked making friendly wagers because it made victories even sweeter. She looked over at Veronica and could see how amused she was.

“Are you sure, baby? Why do I have a feeling Gertrude is more talented than you think?” Veronica told her. She loved this competition already, but there was something about Gertrude that made her worry about Gabby’s chances. She had seen many men who seemed like they didn’t have any skills at poker, end up defeating even some of the most skilled players. The way Gertrude’s demeanor was and the way she would glance down at Gabby’s boots made her think there was more to this woman than her sweet appearance.

“Of course, I am sure! I can beat Gertrude! I really like her, but she will have to learn a very hard lesson. So, want to make a friendly wager?” Gabby asked. She figured that since Gertrude was so confident, she would make a wager that would embarrass her a little in front of their little group. Nothing horrible, just probably make her sing and dance to make everyone laugh.

“I accept! To make it more interesting, we won’t say what the wager is until afterwards. The mystery of it all will raise the stakes. Deal?” Gertrude countered. She got really excited at the prospect of getting her hands on those large feet.

Gabby sat back and started to giggle. The confidence that Gertrude had was very amusing to her. She looked at the older woman and nodded her head. “You’re on. Oh Gertrude, this is going to be such a great moment. Hehehe” she giggled.

“I agree. I hope you won’t mind your ego getting bruised. Just a little bit. Hehehe I like you Gabby, I really do. Your laughter is infectious too. Hehehe” Gertrude said with a smile. Her trap was set, and now she had to win!

Mia enjoyed the banter and when she saw Gertrude’s eyes look down towards Gabby’s boots, excitement filled her own body. She knew that look and she now understood what Gertrude was trying to do. She wanted to burst into laughter knowing that Gertrude wanted to tickle Gabby’s feet, but she held back. Now she really wanted Gertrude to win, so she could witness that kind of a show. She shared a room with Gertrude on this trip, and she had a nervous fear that the woman would tickle her feet when she slept. It didn’t happen, but there was still one night to go. She hoped that Gabby’s feet would at least satisfy Gerturde’s urges, plus it would be fun to see her tickle someone else’s feet instead of hers for a change. “Sounds like Gertrude will win this. Hehehe” she added, hoping to stir the pot a little more.

“Mia!!! You are taking her side? Well, it looks like we have Plotsville vs Ciudad del Serpientes in here! I got this baby! Think of a suitable punishment for the BOTH of them when Gertrude loses. Hehehehe” Gabby chuckled. The thrill of competition was there, and now it was time to play!

Gertrude was really excited when the cards were pulled out from Gabby’s carry pouch. She watched as she shuffled the deck and then got ready to deal the cards. She sat on the edge of the couch, leaning forward towards a coffee table between her and Gabby. Mia was to her right side, and she looked across and saw Veronica next to Gabby. She liked the idea of the two groups from different towns against each other. It gave her a sense of pride that she was “representing” Plotsville. She picked up her cards and the contest began. She had lost the first hand, and that made Gabby become more cocky. She won the next three hands, and now her own confidence started to swell and saw the cockiness slipping in Gabby and replaced with concern. They were going to play the best of 11, and all she needed was three more wins. Now, she looked at the cards in her hand and felt confident. “You doing ok over there, Gabby? Hehehe Do you want to fold?” she taunted.

Gabby found herself concerned as she lost three consecutive hands. She never lost three in a row before, and she was behind in the overall score. She took a deep breath as she looked at her cards. Her eyes then looked at Gertrude and the woman had such a look of confidence on her face. She looked back at her cards and hoped for the best. She laid them down with confidence and sneered. “Ha!!! Four of a kind! Read them and weep!” she said with vigor in her voice.

Gertrude leaned back and took a deep breath. She saw the hand that was laid down by Gabby and she fidgeted in her seat. She looked around the room and saw that smug look on Gabby’s face. She also saw the looks on both Veronica’s and Mia’s face as they were such great cheerleaders for their “team”. She slowly shook her head and prepared to lay her cards down. “Dammit, that is a good hand you have right there. I just have…….. A STRAIGHT FLUSH!!! Read them and please, start weeping. Hehehehe” she laughed as she hoped she played her ruse perfectly.

Gabby’s jaw dropped as she saw the hand come down and it was a straight flush. Now, she lost four in a row and all Gertrude had to do was win two more and she had to win five. She had to work hard, or she would lose. She felt she could not lose. Not after all the boasting she did. She looked over at Gertrude and could tell she was brimming with great confidence. She then looked over at Veronica who also had a look of concern on her face. “Dammit, she is much better than I thought.” she whispered to her.

Veronica was stunned to see how Gertrude was winning all those hands in a row. She saw Gertrude as this sweet older woman who wouldn’t harm a fly. There was no way she would have ever thought she was a card expert. She saw Gabby defeat some dangerous men before with ease, now she was struggling. She leaned closer to her and gave her a kiss on her right cheek. “You got this, baby. Concentrate. You can still do this. You can’t lose to her.” she whispered back.

Gertrude saw the shaken confidence and now her own excitement grew. She was getting closer to her goal, and she wondered how ticklish Gabby was. She wondered how she would react as her fingers danced up and down those large feet. She wanted to have her at her mercy and satisfy her own tickling desires. Now, it was time to put more pressure on her. “So, ready to give up? Hehehe there is no shame in folding right now.” she taunted.

Gabby saw that cocky smile on Gertrude’s face, and she felt a little embarrassed. The older woman seemed to be brimming with confidence, and she started to worry. Could she actually lose to her? She shook her head and the dealt the next set of cards. She looked at her hand and knew she was in trouble. She figured she would have to bluff her way out of this predicament. “Hmmm….you may be winning right now, but I can see this all turning around. I will give you one chance, and one chance only. I suggest you fold. There is no shame in folding….” she told her.

“Hehehe No thank you. I think I am fine.” Gertrude smiled back. She could tell by the shaky nervousness in Gabby’s voice that she was trying to bluff her. She looked over at Mia for a quick second and winked at her. She knew that Mia knew what she wanted to do when she defeated Gabby. She then looked back at Gabby and saw her getting flustered. She was surprised she didn’t have a better poker face. She then laid down her cards and grinned. “Full house….” she grinned.

Gabby threw down her cards as she lost this hand. Now, she lost 5 in a row and one more defeat meant she lost the matchup. She looked around and tried to control her frustration. She adored Gertrude, but she hated to lose. She took a few deep breaths and then she looked over at Veronica. “How is this happening???” she asked her.

Veronica could tell Gabby was getting flustered and she wrapped her arm around her shoulders. She wanted to calm down her lover so that she could focus on winning five straight. She was also surprised that Gertrude was skilled at poker and found it fascinating that this demure older woman had such a personality on her. She looked over at Gertrude and grinned. “You sure are one lucky woman. Don’t worry, Gabby will make a huge comeback!” she told her, trying to also give her girlfriend confidence.

“We shall see…..” Gertrude responded, and then raised her eyebrow. She could feel herself getting excited as those hidden large feet were soon to be hers. It would be a fascinating time to play with those feet and see just how ticklish Gabby was. The only time she tickled a much larger woman was Peta back in Mexico. Tickling those large feet felt amazing, but that was for revenge. Tickling Gabby would be for fun. She watched as Gabby dealt the cards and she looked at her hand. It wasn’t a particularly strong one, but she could work with it. “Hmmmm….” she mumbled.

Gabby looked at Gertrude and tried to study what she was doing. The pressure was on her and she either won this hand, or she would lose. She had no idea what the wager consequence would be, but she hoped it wouldn’t be too bad. She then thought about what she would do to Gertrude if she did make a comeback. She might have her sing and dance in her underwear! She giggled to that thought and even thought about finding some ticklish spots on her! That would definitely be a fun thing to do, and it would feel so good to silence Gertrude’s confidence.

Gertrude heard the giggling, and she felt herself getting aroused. She loved that sound and now tickling Gabby became a stronger desire. She wanted to hear that pretty woman laughing her head off as she tickled those sure to be massive feet. She then saw Gabby drop her hand and heard her excitement.

“That’s right! Full house! Read them and weep, Gertrude! I got you!” Gabby bellowed as she felt really good about that hand. She then looked over at Veronica and winked. She felt this was the beginning of her comeback.

Gertrude’s eyes went large when she saw the hand. It was a full house and Gabby was really pumped. She looked over at Mia and shook her head. She grimaced a little bit and then with hesitation, she slapped her cards down on the table. “Dammit!!! I only had……A STRAIGHT FLUSH!!!! I win!!!! Hehehehehe” she laughed.

Gabby’s jaw dropped when she saw that indeed Gertrude had a straight flush. She looked up at Gertrude and saw that very happy smile. She was fooled by Gertrude’s first reactions. She thought she won the hand, but that woman tricked her and now she lost the entire contest. It wasn’t even close. She lost 6 to 1. She leaned back onto the couch and placed her hands over her mouth. She was completely shocked she lost. “I lost?” she mumbled.

“I’m sorry, baby. You tried….” Veronica said softly as she tried to console her lover. She knew Gabby absolutely hated to lose. It was a friendly competition, but she knew how much losing bothered Gabby.

Gertrude felt really excited about her victory and she calmed herself down. She did not want to gloat because she believed in sportsmanship. She really liked Gabby and Veronica and wanted to make sure this was a friendly competition. She remembered how some men and women would be very angry losing to her and things got really tense until cooler heads prevailed. She then stuck out her hand in an act of sportsmanship. “Good matchup. I know this was not the result you wanted, and I know you are disappointed. I want to thank you for such a good time. Cheers to the both of us.” she said with a smile.

Gabby saw Gertrude’s extended right hand and she heard the words. She hated losing, but Gertrude was being really nice, and this was a friendly competition. It wasn’t like times where she had to take out her gun and defend herself when she defeated some male criminals in a high stakes poker game with money involved. She liked Gertrude’s cheery disposition and took a deep breath and let some of the tension out of her body. She then reached her right hand forward and shook Gertrude’s hand. “Yes, good matchup. Congratulations on your win. You are much better than I thought. You got me good. Well, what happens now? What is the wager?” she asked.

Getrude felt her excitement shoot through the ceiling when she heard that question. The moment had arrived, and it was time to collect her prize. She stood up and made her way over to the couch. She saw Gabby about to stand up and she held up her hand. “No, you can stay seated. That is perfectly fine. In fact, since you are so nice to me, and my friend Mia, I think you will like this wager. It is something I do with my friends, and you both are such good people. I just want you to indulge me and enjoy yourself. Just relax as I get to work, ok?” she told her.

Gabby looked at Veronica, then back at Gertrude. She had no idea what was about to happen, and she wondered what Gertrude did with her friends that would make her enjoy it. She then saw Gertrude sitting on the couch next to her on the left-hand side. She watched as this woman with a beautiful smile looked back at her, then went down towards her legs. She watched with curiosity as she saw Gertrude reaching down. Then she felt her ankles being grabbed and soon, her legs were slowly lifting up. This startled her because she had no idea what was happening. “Hey! Um, what are you doing? Why are you lifting up my legs?” she asked in surprise.

“Just relax, Gabby. I am going to give you a wonderful treat. Your wager loss is to allow me to make you feel better. Hehehe I am not such a bad woman! I am going to give you a treat!” Gertrude told her. She then managed place both booted ankles on her lap, with the feet barely hanging over her lap. She saw the large boots and Gabby’s body shifted to where she was now leaning against the armrest of the couch. She looked at the boots and her heart started to race. These feet were indeed very large, and this was going to be a lot of fun. “There! Now, feeling a bit more comfy?” she asked.

Gabby was in shock as this woman placed her feet in her lap. She looked over at Veronica who had a surprised look on her face, and then she looked at Mia. Mia had an amused look on her face, and she wondered if she knew what was about to happen. “W-What are you about to do?” she asked nervously.

“Gabby, just relax. That’s all I want you to do. Now, just go with the flow. Nothing bad will happen to you. I am going to take off your boots.” Gertrude told her. She then wrapped her right hand on the top part of the boot, and her left hand gripped the edges of the sole of the boot. She then pulled to her left and started to slide the boot off. It was time for her to have a lot of fun and she couldn’t wait to see what these feet looked like and if Gabby was indeed ticklish.

Gabby felt her boot coming off, and her initial instinct was to pull away. She had no idea why her boots had to come off, but a curiosity also started to fill her mind. Was Gertrude going to steal her boots. Was she going to do something to her feet? She got nervous when the boot came off her heel and slowly off her foot. Now her brown socked foot was exposed and she nervously wiggled it. She watched as the boot was carefully placed on the floor and now, she saw those hands moving towards her right boot. “W-Why are you taking off my boots? What are you going to do?” she asked.

“You will see. I know you are a hard worker, and we were all in our boots all day long. Doesn’t it feel nice to relax when your boots come off?” Gertrude told her. She looked down at the socked foot and saw it wiggling nervously. She had a feeling this foot was going to be really ticklish, and she couldn’t wait to play with it. She then started to tug at the right boot and felt it sliding off. It would be very soon that her hands would be on those feet!

Mia looked on with anticipation as she remembered all the times Gertrude would play with her feet. Even though it tickled her a lot, sometimes she did really look forward to having her feet played with after a long shift at work. It also gave her a chance to bond with the woman. She needed that bond because of the trauma they both endured at the hands of Thalia and her gang. Now, she wanted to watch as she was setting up Gabby. She wondered if Gabby was indeed ticklish. She never watched Gertrude tickle another woman in this setting, the only time was when she saw her tickling Peta in Mexico. Now, she saw the right boot come off and she sat back and wanted to enjoy the show.

“There! Now, don’t your feet feel much better? It is good to get them out of those boots! Hehe” Gertrude giggled. Now, she had those two brown socked feet on her lap, and it was time to give a small test. She wrapped her hands around the left foot and started to massage it. She wanted to test if it was really sensitive or not. Her thumbs moved into the sole and she could tell this was a very meaty foot. She loved the idea of playing with such a larger foot. Darby’s were also very large, but not as wide. Darby’s were also a bigger size than Gabby, a size 11 compared to 8 for Gabby, but these were definitely thicker. She then did a very small stroke of her thumb and felt the foot flinch. Her adrenaline spiked as she knew this foot was indeed ticklish. “Now, relax as I work on your feet.” she told her.

Gabby felt that small stroke on her foot and she felt that tickling sensation in her foot. Her nerves started to get frazzled because after being in her boots all day, her feet were feeling very sensitive. She looked over at Veronica and she saw the look of surprise on her face. “Is she really going to touch my feet?” she asked nervously.

Veronica was shocked that Gertrude had taken off Gabby’s boot and was now massaging her feet. She found it odd that the lost wager would be a foot massage. She looked at Gertrude and she had this look of happiness on her face. She started to wonder if that woman liked feet, and this was her chance to play with Gabby’s. She felt her own toes curl inside her boots and was also happy that it wasn’t her feet being played with. She knew her feet were very ticklish at the moment. “I think so. I think she likes your feet. Hehe” she whispered.

Gertrude continued to massage the left foot and could feel how warm it was. She loved this moment. She finally had another pair of women’s feet in her hands and now it was time to get to her prize. The naked foot. She then reached under Gabby’s black pants and started to tug on the sock. “Now, let’s get this sock off of you and let your foot breathe. Hehehe” she told her.

Gabby gasped in surprise as she heard those words. Her sock was going to be taken off and now she really started to panic. She did not want her naked foot to be revealed and touched. The thought of it started to make her feel very sensitive as well. “That’s ok! You don’t have to take off my sock. My feet stink.” she lied.

“Nonsense! Besides, you lost the wager, so off with your sock!” Gertrude grinned right back at her. She could feel the nervous tremors in Gabby’s body and that got her juices flowing. She felt like a spider that just caught a fly. She felt the sock sliding down the leg and then the heel was exposed. She felt the foot trying to move away and she held the ankle. “hehehe Gabby, you have to remain still!” she laughed.

Gabby felt extremely nervous as the sock moved down her leg. She had a feeling that if her foot was exposed, she would be vulnerable and now she could feel her ticklishness increasing. She didn’t want to admit her weakness to Gertrude, so she had to think of something to get her to stop. “Hehe I know I lost the wager. But why do you want to see my feet? Can’t I do something else, like maybe bark like a dog or something?” she grinned.

“Hehehe well, there is a reason I want to see your feet. The sooner you let me see them, the quicker you will figure out what the lost wager is.” Gertrude told her. She then started to peel the sock down further and now it came off the heel. She saw the tanned skin color and her heart skipped a beat.

“Wait, my feet are part of the lost wager? Miss Gertrude, what are you up to? What are you going to do to me?” Gabby asked. She felt the sock come off her heel and now she started to feel a little embarrassed. She knew she had to honor her loss and whatever this woman planned, she had to endure. She couldn’t back out of the wager now. She looked at Veronica again, and this time, she had a look of excitement on her face. “Why do you look so happy? Hehe” she giggled.

"Because I like it when you are barefoot. I want to see what she does to your feet. I am a little jealous because now I want to play with them.” Veronica told her. She loved the idea of Gabby being barefoot at the moment. Ever since La Diabla introduced them to foot play during sex, they both made it a point to touch each other’s feet. Now, she was witnessing this mature woman about to play with her lover’s feet. It felt a little erotic when the sock got to the tips of the toes. Then she saw the sock come off and now, Gabby’s left foot was completely exposed. She felt herself getting turned on and couldn’t wait to see what would happen next.

Gertrude took the sock off and now that left foot was naked. She felt jolts of pleasure in her body as she looked at that thick foot. She moved her head a little so she could see the bottom and she was not disappointed. The heel was very thick, and the foot widened out as her eyes went up the sole. She could see the arch and the ball of the foot looked plump. Then she saw those toes. They were very chunky, and she adored them. “Wow! I am impressed, Gabby. You have some very nice looking feet!” she said with enthusiasm.

Gabby blushed as she heard that compliment. She covered her face with her hands since she felt so embarrassed. This woman was now looking at her barefoot and she felt a little self-conscious. Then she felt the right sock starting to slide down and it was going to be mere moments before she was completely barefoot. She felt so vulnerable, and she shook her head. “I can’t believe you are looking at my bare feet.” she said.

Mia sat back and watched the entire scene unfold. It seemed surreal to her with Gertrude removing Gabby’s sock. This scene happened to her own feet many times, and it was interesting to watch Gertrude at work playing with someone else’s feet. She saw the sock sliding off the foot and finally, the toes were revealed. She looked at Gertrude’s face and she looked to be in heaven. She then looked over at Gabby’s face and her hands still covered the face. She knew Gabby must feel embarrassed because she had that same feeling a few times.

“Yes, such cute barefeet! Hehehe Now, here is where the lost wager part comes in. So, I want you to be a good girl and keep your feet still, ok?” Gertrude teased. She loved feeling this position of power and now she was going to find out just how ticklish Gabby was. She looked over at Veronica and could tell she was very fascinated. She looked over at Mia who seemed very enthralled with what was happening. Her eyes then went to the feet again and could see those thick toes wiggling nervously. Her plan was to start slow, then increase the speed. She took the tips of the fingers of her left hand and slowly stroked them from the heel through the arch. The foot jerked immediately, and she quickly clamped down on the ankle with her right hand. “Hehehe something the matter?” she grinned.

Gabby felt those fingers stroking the sole of her foot and her hands shot down immediately from her face. She looked over at Gertrude and that sinister smile. That simple stroke sent a lot of ticklish shockwaves throughout her entire body, and she realized what the lost wager must be. “No…..it can’t be! The lost wager is…..you tickling my feet?” she asked in shock.

“hehehe bingo!!! Yes, I think it is a fun thing to do with a lost wager. No one gets hurt and you get a lot of laughs from it. hehehehe and judging by your reaction, you must have very……very ticklish feet! I love that….” Gertrude told her.

“Hehehehehee NOOOOOOOOO!!! Come on!!! You can’t tickle my feet! That is torture!!! Hehehe” Gabby laughed. She couldn’t believe this woman wanted to tickle her feet. Out of all the things she could have done to honor her lost wager, tickling of her feet was the last thing she wanted. She started to fidget around and then felt another stroke on her foot. This time on the right foot. “Hehehehe Gertrude!!! Come on, this is not funny!! Are you really going to tickle my feet?” she asked.

“Yes, I am going to tickle these pretty feet of yours. Hehehehe” Gertrude answered. She then lightly fluttered her fingers up and down both soles and then she heard it. That sweet laughter she had been waiting for. She could see the ticklish reaction from Gabby as the woman was already rocking her body on the couch. She then held onto the right ankle with her right hand and used the fingers of her left hand to gently skitter up and down that foot. She could feel how tender the skin was. The foot wasn’t rough or calloused at all. She truly loved well taken care of feet and poor Gabby was going to be a lot of fun. “hehehe you are so ticklish!” she teased.

“Hehehehehehehe Gertrude!!! That tickles!!! That tickles!!!! Please! Don’t tickle meeeeeeehehehehehehehehehehe” Gabby laughed as she felt the fingers moving faster on the sole of her right foot. Her head snapped back, and she laughed harder.

Veronica’s jaw dropped as she saw how much Gabby was laughing already. She started to feel a lot of arousal because her lover’s laughter always turned her on. She would tickle Gabby a few times and just listening to her laugh was a great thrill to her. She felt her nipples getting hard and her body temperature rose. She looked at Gabby’s face and could see that cute ticklish smile on it. “hehehe you really do have ticklish feet, baby. Hehehe I am starting to like this.” she whispered to her.

Gabby heard those words, and she felt embarrassed. Her girlfriend was watching her get tickled and that made her feel very vulnerable. She loved foreplay and touching with Veronica, and she had a feeling watching her get tickled was turning her on. That got her own arousal to rise because she loved it when Veronica got horny. She then let out a ticklish squeal when she felt those fingers invading her arch. That was a very tender spot and now she started to panic. “Hahahahahah Gertrude!!! You have to stop tickling my feet!!! Hahahahahahahaha” she laughed.

Gertrude started to get into her zone. Tickling a woman’s feet was an art to her. She loved the sound of ticklish laughter. She loved the way the skin of their feet felt on her fingers. As far back as she could remember in her life, she really loved tickling feet. Playing with Gabby’s feet was such a great thrill to her. Just being in this house with all these pretty women drove her crazy because she wished she could tickle all of their feet. Darby, Becky and Mia were all her usual victims, so the thought of tickling someone outside of Plotsville really thrilled her. Now that she had these chunky feet in her possession, she was going to savor this moment. She watched as her fingers moved across the arch and headed towards the instep. She heard a cute squeal from Gabby’s lips, and she chuckled. “hehehe yep, seems like there is a nice tickle spot riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight here!” she teased.

Gabby felt the fingers now tickling her instep and that made her body jump. That was a very sensitive area on her feet and now that woman was playing with it. She tried to rollover her body, to get her feet away, but she suddenly felt arms pushing her back upright. She looked over and saw Veronica with a mischievous grin! “Hehehehehehe what are you doing? Hehehehe are you trying to help her??” she laughed.

“Maybe….hehehe” Veronica giggled. She then held onto Gabby to keep her leaning on her back, so she couldn’t escape from Gertrude. She felt Gabby wiggling around which only made her very aroused. She thought back to the first time they met La Diabla and how the outlaw tickled both of their feet while they made out. It was such an erotic feeling and now there was this woman playing with Gabby’s feet now, so she wanted to have some fun. She started to think that after this tickling was over, she was going to take Gabby back to their room and have some intense sex with one another. “You have such the cutest laugh. Hehehe” she teased, then started to poke at the sides a little.

“Hehehehehe hey!! Vero!!! Hahahaha you can’t tickle me HAHAHAHAHAH too!” Gabby burst into laughter when she felt those fingers poking her sides. The fingers on the bottom of her foot were now heading towards her toes and she knew that would spell ticklish doom. She was aware that her legs weren’t tied down, so she could kick Gertrude with her very strong legs, but this was about fun. She sensed that Veronica was getting turned on, which only made her turned on. At that moment, she decided to let Gertrude have her ticklish way with her feet and would try not to resist. She wanted to have sex with Veronica and the tickling would definitely help with that.

Gertrude was skittering her fingers across the meaty ball of the foot and got some very good reactions from Gabby. She really did enjoy the soft texture of the foot. She loved how thick it was, so her fingers sank into the flesh. The sound of those giggles got her excited, and now she could see Veronica playfully tickling Gabby on her sides and stomach area. She liked the fact that they were a loving couple. She knew they couldn’t display their love too much in public because of the lesbian nature, but after the experiences she had, she really liked the thought of these two women being in love with each other. She slowed down her tickling and now used the very tips of her nails and placed them at the heel of the foot. She slowly dragged her fingers up the length of the foot, going from the heel, into that very delicate arch, then the ball of the foot. She felt the legs in her lap seizing up and heard that very beautiful laughter pouring out of her. “Kitchy kitchy koo!” she teased.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA IT TICKLES!!! IT TICKLES!!!” Gabby roared as she felt the nails on the sole of her foot. She had her eyes shut tight as the ticklish sensations were very strong. She also felt Veronica’s fingers tickling her belly and she just laughed. It did feel good to laugh and having fun with these ladies was worth it. Her nipples got hard as she continued to laugh and couldn’t wait to play with Veronica in private. She also thought about getting some revenge against her girlfriend for participating in her tickle torture.

“Hehehe you a beautiful laugh, baby. Tickle tickle tickle! Such a ticklish tummy!” Veronica teased as she kept tickling the stomach area. She looked over at the left foot and saw how Gertrude was moving her fingers. She chuckled to herself because that must have been pure ticklish agony. Her own feet were very ticklish and was very grateful that she did not have to be tickled.

Mia kept laughing to herself as she watched that beautiful tickle scene in front of her. She could see Gertrude’s fingers moving up and down that foot and when she saw Veronica tickling Gabby’s sides and stomach, she thought it was the cutest sight. She could feel how much fun this atmosphere was. This entire weekend was the best time she had in a long time. All these women with different backgrounds were having such a great time. She thought about joining in on the fun and tickle Gabby somewhere, but it would just seem strange to her, and they might get revenge against her. She then saw Gertrude’s fingers move over to the right foot and went up and down that foot. She shivered because she remembered that same motion when Gertrude had her hands on her feet. “Hehehe this is just too cute.” she thought to herself.

Gertrude felt a tingle in her body as she tickled the right foot. The way Gabby laughed was mesmerizing to her. She also noticed that the woman did not move her legs as much and seemed to surrender herself to being tickled. That got her more excited because it meant she could tickle her even longer. She did like the banter between Gabby and Veronica. She looked over at Mia and saw how amused she looked. She remembered tickling her feet, and figured she would get them again when they got to Plotsville. As she went back to look at Gabby’s feet, her eyes caught a glimpse of Veronica’s booted feet. She wondered if her feet were just as ticklish. Her mind already started to try and plot an idea to get her hands on those feet and find out. Then her trance was broken when she heard a delightful ticklish squeal. “Hehehehe you’re tickling her belly button? Hehehe it seems really sensitive.” she chuckled.

“Yes! She has a very ticklish tummy! Don’t you, baby? You have a ticklish tummy! Hehehehe especially riiiiiiiiiiiight here!” Veronica teased as her fingers stroked around the navel. She had pulled up Gabby’s shirt a little and saw her bare belly. She went after that navel because she knew exactly how sensitive it was. It also gave her a major thrill to reveal her lover’s flesh.

Gabby couldn’t even answer as she felt those fingers poking into her navel, and fingers on the bottom of her right foot. She felt so ticklish at the moment, and also felt helpless. The taunts from her two ticklers were driving her wild and she felt herself getting wetter between her legs. “HAHAHAHAHAHA YOU GOT TO STOP!! IT TICKLES TOO MUCH!” she pleaded.

Gertrude laughed when she heard that desperation in Gabby’s voice. She loved it when they did beg because it meant that she could drive them wild even more. She moved her fingers onto the ball of the foot and made very fast circles on the expanse of flesh. She felt the leg trembling in her lap and saw those thick toes starting to scrunch up. She then moved her fingers to the base of the toes. It was time to play with those chunky digits. She paused her tickling for a moment to let Gabby breathe. Because she had a feeling once she got to the toes, her friend was going to lose it. “You ok over there, Gabby?” she asked.

Gabby heard that question and she started to feel relief. Veronica also stopped tickling her, so now she wanted to recover. She hoped the tickle attack was over because she wanted to get on top of Veronica, strip her naked and fuck her silly. She felt herself starting to sweat, and she wiped her forehead. She also was breathing heavy and wanted to catch her breath. “Yes, I am ok…..whew! You tickled my feet really good. What are you? A foot tickling expert or something? Hehe” she joked.

“Well, let’s just say I am very skilled at it. hehehe I am glad you are having fun.” Gertrude told her. She was ready to play with those toes and would wait for Gabby to rest a little first.

“Yes, you seem to be very skilled. Hehehehe I do have a secret to tell you…..Veronica is even more ticklish on her feet.” Gabby said with a smile and winked at Veronica.

“Gabby!!!! Don’t go around telling people I have ticklish feet! You are so mean, baby!” Veronica responded, then playfully punched Gabby’s right shoulder.

“hehehe she is? That is just delightful to know! Would you like to remove your boots and let me play with your feet, Veronica?” Gertrude asked. The thought of tickling more feet excited her a lot.

“That’s ok. My feet are fine, thank you.” Veronica quickly responded. After witnessing what Gertrude was doing to Gabby’s feet, she wanted no part of that. She then looked at Gabby and saw that guilty smile on her face. “You are so cold blooded! Hehehe Don’t go around offering my feet! Oh, I hope she gets you really good now!” she playfully told her.

“Hehehe ok, maybe next time. Perhaps you should play poker, and we will see!” Gertrude quipped. She then figured it was time to go after those chunky toes. She wondered if she should use the one method that would be sure to send Gabby into ticklish hysteria. She would judge how everything flowed, then maybe attack those toes in a certain way. “Ok, let’s get back to your feet.” she told Gabby.

“Wait, what? What do you mean get back to my feet? Aren’t you done????” Gabby asked in a panic. She was hoping the tickling was over, but now this woman was going to do it again.

“Hehehe It is almost over. Just a little more. I want to make sure I tickle all of your sensitive spots on your feet.” Gertrude told her. She then looked at those frightened toes clenching. She then lightly stroked her fingertips on the pads of the toes and the foot almost kicked up and hit her in the face! “Whoa there!” she shouted.

“No!!! You cannot touch my toes! Gertrude, my toes are too much right now! That tickled. I mean, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY tickled! Hehehe mercy!! You have to have mercy!” Gabby begged. That feeling from having her toes touched really rocked her. Her feet were very sensitive at the moment and her toes seemed especially responsive.

“Gertrude, tickle her toes!!! Get her good!” Veronica shouted. She then looked at Gabby with an evil grin. She wanted her to suffer a little before she took her back to the room and made her cum her brains out. “Serves you right for offering my feet! Hehe” she teased.

Gertrude then started to flutter her fingers across the pads of the toes and when they opened up, she quickly got her fingers to the undersides of the digits and tickled that very soft skin. She absolutely loved a woman’s toes. They were also so delicate and sensitive. She heard that hysterical laughter and she felt a surge of tickle lust in her own body. She slid her fingers on that delicate skin, moving across the index toe, to the middle toe, to the ring toe and then off the baby toe. She then reversed course and tickled the baby toe, then the ring toe, the middle toe and the index toe. She wanted to save the big toe for last. The sound of the laughter filled the room, and she felt like she was floating on the clouds. “I love these adorable toes!” she said with a very large smile.

Gabby felt her toes being invaded by tickling fingers and now she felt fingers on her belly again. She looked at Veronica who had this impish grin on her face and was having fun. She then looked at her right foot and could see how her toes spread as the fingers tickled the undersides. She felt like a ticklish prisoner and these two women were going to get her really good. She then looked over at Mia. Mia was sitting there smiling and laughing at her expense. She wondered if she could get her to help her. “HAHAHAHAHA MIA!! MIA!!! HELP ME!!! HAHAHAHAH THESE EVIL WOMEN ARE TICKLING ME!!! SAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!” she begged.

Mia heard that begging and she giggled. Gabby looked really cute begging like that to her. She could see the looks of pure tickle lust on Gertrude’s and Veronica’s faces. She loved listening to that laughter, and she loved the way Veronica’s fingers were dancing over Gabby’s belly and the way Gertrude’s fingers were diddling and touching Gabby’s toes. It was such great entertainment for her. She saw the desperate look in Gabby’s eyes, and she knew she could not get involved. She knew that if she did, she would get tickled herself. “I’m sorry….” she mouthed the words towards Gabby, then threw her hands up as though she washed her hands clean.

“HAHAHAHA NOOOOOOOOO!!! I’M DOOMED!!!! HAHAHAHA” Gabby roared as she saw Mia declining her request for help. She then felt some squeezes on her belly and that sent an intense shockwave through her body. She shut her eyes tight and felt every single ticklish touch on her body and her feet. She could feel her right ankle getting grabbed, and those fingers were really digging into her toes. She had no idea when they would give her mercy, and she hoped it would be soon. She looked over at Mia again and saw her laughing. “HAHAHAHAHA I AM GOING TO TICKLE YOU!!!!” she threatened.

Gertrude heard those words, and she laughed. She heard Gabby threaten Mia with tickling and she felt she had to protect her friend. If anyone was going to tickle Mia, it would be her! She then decided she was going to really push Gabby. It was time for her favorite toe tickling maneuver. She quickly interlocked her fingers with those thick toes and paused for a moment. “Are you threatening to tickle my friend?” she asked with a giggle in her voice.

Gabby felt some minor relief that her toes weren’t being tickled but could still feel fingers between them. Veronica was still tickling her, and she heard Gertrude’s question. She figured if she was going to be tortured, then she might as well deserve it. “Hehehehehe yes!!! I am going to tickle her! I am going to tickle her until she passes out! Hehehehe Baby! Stop tickling me! hehehe” she yelled out.

“Tsk tsk tsk. Threatening to tickle my friend is a severe crime. Now, for your punishment. Hehehehe” Gertrude threatened. She then counted to three silently in her head, then she squeezed her fingers between the toes. She started to squeeze those chunky digits and felt them immediately clamp up.

Gabby’s eyes nearly came out of her head when she felt those squeezes in her toes. The tickling that Veronica was doing didn’t even register anymore. The sensation she felt with those squeezes was unlike any ticklish feeling she ever experienced before. She took a very deep breath, then let out the loudest laugh she could muster from her powerful lungs. ‘HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DIOS MIO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!” she screamed.

Veronica stopped her tickling for a moment when she heard that very loud and hysterical laughter coming from Gabby. She looked over and saw how Gertrude’s fingers were in between those toes and were pulsating and squeezing. She was stunned that it sent such an incredible reaction out of her lover, and she was fascinated by it. “Wow….” she muttered under her breath.

Mia shivered a little when she heard that maniacal laughter. She looked at what Gertrude was doing, and she knew just how bad that sensation was. She remembered when it happened to her and that ticklish feeling was extremely intense and extremely powerful. She felt very grateful that it was not her toes getting squeezed and tickled like that. She saw the sheer agony on Gabby’s face and when she went into silent laughter, she knew that feeling all too well.

Gertrude had a huge smile on her face as she saw Gabby in a near paralysis state as she squeezed those toe crevices. She loved this move because it seemed to bring out the worst ticklish sensations possible. When the silent laughter arrived, she knew she had Gabby right where she wanted her. Completely submissive to her tickling control. She then looked over at Mia and winked. Then she looked right back at Gabby, and she also saw the stunned look on Veronica’s face. “Now, I want you to apologize to Mia. You threatened to tickle her, and she is an innocent woman. That was not nice. So, say you’re sorry.” she joked.

Gabby continued to convulse as she felt those intense sensations throughout her entire body. She started to tap away on the couch as a sign of submission. She heard what Gertrude said, and she was fighting to get the words out of her mouth. “sorry…..sorry….” she tried to say in a low voice because she was being tickled.

“What was that? I can’t hear you. Hehehehe” Gertrude teased. She then paused the squeezing but left her fingers in between the toes. She wanted to make sure Gabby still felt that threat.

Gabby took in a huge amount of air as the squeezing finally stopped. She gasped for air for a moment and tried to collect herself. She could still feel those ticklish tremors in her body and felt those fingers still between her toes. A minute went by, and she made eye contact with Gertrude. “What did you do to my toes??” she asked.

“I tickled them. Hehehehe I have my own special way of tickling toes! So, are you going to apologize to Mia, or do I have to tickle these cute toes of yours again? Hmmm?” Gertrude asked. She always felt so powerful whenever she had a woman’s toes helplessly captured.

Gabby heard that question and her ticklish fear skyrocketed. Normally, she would resist and just enjoy the moment. But that was with regular tickling. Whatever Gertrude did to her toes to make her lose complete control was different. She started to giggle to herself and covered her face with her hands for a moment. She felt silly, but she knew she had to apologize. She looked over at Mia and saw her face. She took a deep breath and then began. “I apologize for threatening to tickle you. I…I was hehehe just desperate for help. Do you forgive me?” she asked.

Mia started to laugh when she heard that apology. This entire scene was very funny to her, and it was such a great time. She saw that fear on Gabby’s face, and she figured it was time she received some mercy. Although it would have been a lot of fun to see her screaming in laughter, she wanted to give her a break. “Yes, I forgive you. Hehehe” she responded.

Gertrude chuckled as she heard that response. She loved this moment, and she wanted to savor every single second of it. She also figured it would probably be a good time to stop tickling Gabby. She knew her victims were absolutely worn out and she didn’t want to torture the woman. She removed her fingers from the toes and gently patted both soles with the palms of her hands. “There, that wasn’t so bad, was it? hehehe” she teased.

Gabby felt those fingers leaving her toes and she felt such great relief. She laughed to herself as she realized how silly she must have looked when she was being tickled. She then felt her feet leaving Gertrude’s lap and saw the mature woman standing up and heading back over to the couch with Mia. She felt such a glow in her body and just laid there, flexing her toes. “That was absolutely insane. I haven’t laughed like that in a very long time. Damn, you know how to tickle feet. You have to show me that move with the toes.” she panted.

“Hehehe I will. It is such fun and gets great reactions.” Gertrude told her. She then leaned back and watched as Veronica cuddled with Gabby. It appeared she was trying to comfort her. She really enjoyed these two ladies and hoped to see them again in the future. “I had so much fun with the two of you. You are both amazing. Thank you for the fun card game. We should do it again one day. You can visit me in Plotsville and have a grand ol’ time.” she offered.

Veronica looked at Gertrude and felt so much adoration for her. She really did enjoy her company and had a great time watching Gabby laugh hysterically. The idea of visiting Plotsville in the future sounded great. “I like that. Thank you. We just might take you up on that offer.” she replied.

“Yeah….we should do that one day. I need to get my revenge. And that includes tickling YOUR feet if I win. Hehehehe” Gabby told her. She then slowly sat up and started to put her socks back on. It was almost sunset, and dinner wouldn’t be ready for another hour or so. She also had an urge to spend alone time with Veronica. She then stood up and walked over to Gertrude, holding her boots in her left hand. “Thank you, Gertrude. That was…..tiring. hahahaha I am going to go back to my room for a bit and rest before dinner. You really wore me out!” she teased.

“hehehe That was fun. I guess we all will go back to our rooms. I am looking forward to dinner! And, if we play again, when I do beat you, I will have to play with those feet of yours again. Or, we can really make it interesting. If I defeat you again, I tickle Veronica’s feet!” Gertrude challenged. She thought about how she could put pressure on Gabby if her girlfriend was in ticklish danger.

“Oooh!!! That sounds fun! And if I win, I will tickle you AND Mia! Deal?” Gabby offered, then stuck out her hand.

“Deal!! Hehehe” Gertrude laughed. She then shook her hand and stood up as well.

“WAIT, WHAT??? Baby, you are NOT putting my feet on the line!!” Veronica said in shock. She heard that it would be her if Gabby lost to Gertrude again. After witnessing that toe torture move, she wanted no part of Gertrude’s hands on her feet.

“Yes!! Why do I have to be involved?? This is between you and Gabby!” Mia said as she heard that she was included in the wager.

“hehehe it will be fun! Don’t worry Mia, you will be safe….” Gertrude told her, then started to walk out the room with Mia.

Gabby watched Mia and Gertrude leaving the room and she laughed. She then looked over at Veronica and smiled. “Don’t worry baby, I got you. Your feet will be safe. Well, except for tonight when I make love to your body. Hehehe” she said, then winked.

“I can’t believe you put my feet on the line!! Oh, you owe me now!” Veronica told her. She then playfully punched Gabby in the shoulder, then they both started to walk away. She then thought about the possibility of tickling both Gertrude and Mia. “I do like the idea of tickling them. They don’t know how good we are at tickling! Hehehe plus, I would love to tickle Mia. She looks like La Diabla! Speaking of which, we still have to have a threesome with her one day.” she said.

“She does look like her! I wonder if she would be up to playing with us tonight? Hehehe” Gabby grinned. She did like the idea of playing with Mia and imagining how ticklish she would be.

“Normally, I would love to, baby, but tonight, I want you. Listening to you laugh like that really got me turned on. I want to make love to you tonight. In this house. I want us to have a special night.” Veronica told her, then gave her a quick peck on the lips. She was feeling really aroused and desired her companion.

“That sounds really good. Ok, tonight will be our night. One day, we will have our way with La Diabla. I want her to come visit us after she is done here. It has been a long time, and we have some jobs waiting for us too. Hehehe” Gabby answered. She then started to walk out of the room with Veronica and headed back to their guest room. She knew they wouldn’t have sex before dinner, but she wanted to make out with her. She also thought about inviting La Diabla to Mexico. There were some outlaw jobs waiting for them, and they would have a chance to make some money!


Phoebe looked around the dining room and saw everyone having a good time. Today was such an eventful day. They did so much together, and this was their final night as a group. She had dinner served to her guests and she loved the meal. It was roasted pheasant, along with potatoes and vegetables. The dessert came out and it was a simple one, homemade apple pie with ice cream. She sat back and loved all the banter that was happening. She rearranged the seating once again and thought that worked perfectly. At the end of the table was Bella. Directly to her right sat Gabby, Mia, Becky, Molly and Gertrude. On her left was Kylie, La Diabla, Veronica, Bessie, Darby and Cheyenne. After the dessert was finished, she took a spoon and clinked it against her wine glass. “Ladies, may I have your attention?” she asked.

Bella looked at Phoebe and smiled. She truly enjoyed being here at this mansion and found Phoebe to be such an amazing woman. She also loved the idea of somehow doing business together. She already set up some time with her after the dinner so they could socialize and perhaps discuss some business. She enjoyed her stay in the United States and knew she had a long trek back home to Mexico. She couldn’t wait to hear Gabby and Veronica talk about their experiences this weekend as well. She also looked at La Diabla and found her so attractive. She couldn’t spend any alone time with her this weekend, but she really hoped to see her again. She never lost her crush on the woman, and wished they could spend another night together. Bella enjoyed interacting with the others that were not from Mexico as well. This dinner allowed her to interact with the women closest to her at her end of the table. She found Cheyenne very intelligent and engaging, and also very adorable. Gertrude was such a fascinating woman as well. She got to interact with Darby and Molly too. Her eyes then looked at Phoebe when the young woman stood up.

“I just wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for such an amazing weekend. Spending time with all of you has been quite a blessing. We may have found each other through such a traumatic and horrible time in our lives, but out of that experience, we found some true friends. None of us will ever forget one another. We learned more about each other. Even though what Thalia and her gang did was horrendous, and we never want to live through that again, I am happy that I got to meet all of you. Your being here means so much to me, and I hope we can do this again next year. So, I want to propose a toast. To friendship and love. That is what we have with each other!” Phoebe toasted. She then raised her wine glass and saw everyone else doing the same. They all toasted each other, and the sound of clinking glasses filled the air. She then sat back down and smiled as everyone started to talk once again.

Another hour passed by, and the women were now in the living room, talking and interacting with one another. It was getting late, and some of the women made their way back to their rooms. With everyone departing the next day, they wanted to rest up because of their long trips back home. Phoebe sat in her chair and watched as she saw Gabby and Veronica leaving together. She guessed that they would be doing some physical activities later and she giggled. She was happy that three of the guests would be remaining, La Diabla, Cheyenne and Molly. She was excited that Cheyenne and Molly would be going to the ball. She then saw Darby and Becky get up and they appeared to be heading for bed. She saw them walk to her and she smiled. “Did you have a good time, Darby?” she asked.

“I had a great time! This has been an absolutely beautiful weekend. I wish I could stay longer, but me and muh apprentice do have to return to Plotsville. You know, duty calls. Hehehe” Darby told her.

“I understand. I love having you here. Please, please do not take a long time to come visit again. You are very special to me and Bessie.” Phoebe told her.

“Yes, and you two are special to me. Don’t worry, I won’t take too long. I do want to thank you for having Salem, Cheyenne and Molly stay with you this week. It will be nice. They are also coming to Plotsville afterwards.” Darby said. She loved the idea of those three staying around. She couldn’t wait until they came to Plotsville, so she could spend time with the woman she loved.

“I think it will be a great time. I am sure they will enjoy their vacation. I look forward to Cheyenne and Molly going to the ball. I wish Salem could go, but I understand. Any chance her name can be cleared? She is an amazing human being, and I think she deserves a second chance in society.” Phoebe told her. She thought about all the heroic things La Diabla has done and wanted her to enjoy being in society instead of hiding all the time. She understood she was guilty of crimes, but she hoped one day she would be a free woman.

“Me too. What she has done in Santa Selena and Ciudad Del Reina is something that should allow her to be free, but the law is the law.” Darby said with disappointment in her voice. She was very happy that Sheriff Dickerson liked La Diabla and even thanked her for her contributions to those adventures. She hoped somehow, they could get La Diabla to be forgiven in the eyes of the law. She then yawned and stretched her arms. It was a long day, and she wanted to rest. “Ok Phoebe, have a good night. I will see ya in the morning.” she told her, then walked away with Becky.

Phoebe started to yawn and then she noticed that Bessie was no longer in the room. She knew her friend was having a good time, but she still seemed a little distant. She really hoped whatever was bothering Bessie would heal, so they could bond again. She missed her. She then looked over and saw Bella looking at her. That reminded her that they were going to spend some time together and now would be a good time. She stood up and made her way over to where Bella was sitting. She had to admit that Bella was a very attractive woman. She liked the way the slight gray hairs blended with her black hair. She was an older woman, but she had such a sexy spirit to her. She stopped in front of her, and she smiled. “Hey, would you like to chat now?” she asked.

Bella smiled when she saw Phoebe in front of her. She stood up with her glass of wine in her hand and nodded her head. “Yes, let’s chat. You want to chat in here?” she asked.

“Let’s go to your room. More privacy there. Hehehe We may talk about trade secrets.” Phoebe joked. She wanted to be alone with Bella because it would give her a chance to get to know her better. Every interaction she had with her, including their time in Mexico after defeating Thalia, was amazing. She then followed the woman to her guest room. She entered the room and then saw Bella sitting at the foot of the bed. Phoebe sat down in a chair that was in the room and faced her. She saw Bella then slowly lay back onto her bed and let out a yawn. “Hehehe someone sounds tired.” she giggled.

“hehehe yes! Today was such an action-packed day. I am tired. Hehe I am not young anymore. The energy is not the same.” Bella joked. She then sat back up and saw Phoebe sitting there taking a sip of her wine.

“Nonsense! You are very young still. Your heart is without a doubt a young one. You look absolutely beautiful! So, don’t worry about your age. I would have never guessed it anyway.” Phoebe complimented. She saw the look on Bella’s face, and she hoped her compliments made her feel good.

“Why aren’t you sweet? Thank you. You know, you are absolutely stunning yourself. You are very admirable. Look at you. You are very young, and you own the largest cattle company in this State. You are quite intelligent and very charismatic. It is hard to believe that you knew nothing about the business before and now you are running it like a well-oiled machine. I truly admire you.” Bella told her. She could see Phoebe blushing and she loved that.

“Thank you. I have to admit I didn’t imagine myself running the Wellington Cattle Company at this age, but, well my mother…..you know. I do appreciate your very kind words. It means a lot. Now, about this wine….” Phoebe said. She then started to engage in conversation with Bella. They talked about the events of the weekend, but also about their daily lives running a business. Bella managed a very large farm that was highly successful. She also had a special vineyard to make her wine and that really fascinated Phoebe. She wondered if they could sell the wine in the United States, and she could be a part of it. She loved that Bella seemed open to the idea. She really started to like this woman. There was something magical about her. The conversation then turned to personal stuff and they both laughed and joked with each other and the things in their lives. “Hahahaha, then my farm hand showed up to my doorstep, covered in cow dung and he wondered why Vera didn’t let him in? I am telling you, there are some really dense people out there in the world. Hehehe” she joked.

“I know what you mean. Some of my farm hands are not the brightest people, but very good at using their hands. Hehehe” Bella laughed. She then closed her eyes for a moment, and she was feeling very relaxed. She looked over at Phoebe and saw how beautiful she really was. “You know, this weekend was the best thing ever. I am thinking that we should have a reunion every year. Maybe next year, we can have it in my home. I think you would love it in Mexico.” she told her.

“That does sound nice! I might have to take you up on that offer.” Phoebe replied. She did think that she hasn’t taken any vacations since she took over the family business. She used to travel every summer, then go back to school in the fall. The previous year, she went to Europe and had a great time. Then she returned home, and her life changed forever. She ended up going to Santa Selena and that led to her heartbreaking summer. She had been so busy since then, and a vacation in Mexico with Bella did sound very nice. She took another sip of the wine and started to giggle a little.

“What’s so funny?” Bella asked, then took a sip of her wine. She could see that delightful smile on Phoebe’s face and really enjoyed seeing her so relaxed.

“I was just thinking about vacations and how I haven’t had any lately. The last vacation I had was beautiful, but it led to me running the family business. Even though that was a dark time, I did end up meeting some very special ladies, including yourself. Sometimes I think about who I know, and I still can’t believe I am friends with an outlaw. Hehe” Phoebe told her and then giggled. She thought about how she and La Diabla “met” and how they were good friends now. She would think about how she was captured by the outlaw and how the woman tickled her all over her body, trying to torture her because of her mother.

“That is funny. La Diabla is such an interesting person. I met her in Mexico and also Gabby and Veronica. They are such an interesting group. They are outlaws, but they also have hearts of gold. Is that even possible? Hehehe” Bella responded. She thought about how she hired La Diabla, Gabby and Veronica to take care of the Greek threat of taking her farm. She also thought about her attraction for La Diabla and how she ended up seducing her and having sex with her.

“Right? Look at La Diabla for example. She is a wanted criminal for some pretty bad crimes. She has killed people before. She robs people. She tortures them. She knows how to fight. Yet, when you get to know Salem, she has this loving side to her. Her heart is full of love and compassion. It is like that recent novel, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Salem is this nice, sweet woman, who at any given moment can turn into La Diabla. Such a fascinating woman. She is also very beautiful. Criminals usually do not have physical beauty. But Salem? She is extraordinarily beautiful.” Phoebe gushed. She thought about her desire to play with the outlaw and perhaps get her tickling revenge. She was in her house and since she would be there for the week, perhaps she could find an opening and finally get her tickle revenge.

“I know what you mean. That Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde comparison is perfect. Hehehe Salem is this beautiful woman who would probably be a really good lover. However, I do not want to make her mad. She could kill you in an instant! So, I will always be nice to her. Hehehe” Bella giggled, then took another sip of her wine. She could feel her nipples swell as she thought about La Diabla. She really hoped they could have another night together.

“Hehehe yes. I agree! Now, this might sound silly, but I wonder…..” Phoebe said, then felt herself blushing as she thought about what she was about to say.

“What is it? hehehe go ahead, tell me.” Bella replied. She saw that cute look on Phoebe’s face and wondered what she was thinking.

“Well….I have wondered….where she is ticklish. Hehehe I mean, can you imagine her laughing herself silly because she is being tickled? I bet she has the cutest ticklish laughter. Hehehe” Phoebe said, then felt herself blushing even more.

Bella let out a loud laugh when she heard Phoebe’s thoughts. She loved the idea of tickling La Diabla and it took her back to when she actually did tickle her. It was part of her seduction, and it was highly successful. They ended up having sex because of it. She decided to keep that part private and wanted to explore more of Phoebe’s fantasy. It would be good to hear because she already knew exactly where the outlaw was ticklish. “Hehehe I think she is very ticklish! Someone that tough is probably ticklish everywhere.” she giggled.

“I think so. I mean, I know she is based on her experiences with Helga, and Thalia torturing her. But I kind of want to find out for myself. I did briefly tickle her feet one time, but not long enough to hear her laugh. It is only fair. She tickled me, so I should tickle her. I bet she even…..never mind. hehehe this wine is getting to me.” Phoebe giggled as she prevented herself from saying the rest of her sentence. She didn’t want to make Bella think she was a sex crazed woman.

“Phoebe, you can’t just stop mid-sentence! Finish your sentence. We are friends, remember? No judgment here! You bet she even….what?” Bella asked. She loved the way Phoebe was giggling and found her very attractive at the moment. There was a sensual spirit about her, and she was curious about it.

“Hehehe ok. I gave you a chance to stop this conversation, but you want to go forward. I was going to say, I bet she even looks good…..naked. hehehe The things that should be done to her naked body…mmmm mmmm….mmmmmm.” Phoebe said, then took another sip of wine. She started to feel a strong surge of lust in her body the more she thought about a naked La Diabla. She did feel relaxed around Bella, and it was good to have one of these kinds of conversations.

“Hahahaha wow! Ok, you did warn me. I love it! Yes, I bet she does look good naked. A woman as beautiful as she is, must have an amazing body. I bet she is very responsive to touch as well. Can you imagine tickling her in the right places? Oh dear, let me stop….hahahaha Now you got me going!” Bella laughed. She found herself getting very turned on and her memories came flooding back. She loved the way she seduced La Diabla. She slowly got the woman naked and then tickle her sexy body. Her desire increased and she shifted her legs to help try and stop the growing wetness between her legs.

Phoebe felt herself getting moist between the legs thinking about a naked La Diabla. She loved the fact that she and Bella both seemed to have a physical attraction to La Diabla. She also liked the idea of Bella playing sexual games with other women. Her admiration for her grew and she imagined her, Bella and Bessie capturing La Diabla and just having their sexual way with her. Her nipples started to throb, and she had to stop this conversation or she was going to start touching herself in front of Bella. “hehehe it is a beautiful thought. I bet her special places are ticklish too. Hehehe Ok, ok, I think we need to stop fantasizing about her. I am getting…..hot. hahaha” she laughed.

“Agreed! Hehehe I think we both have the same thing in mind with her. Hehehe” Bella giggled. Her arousal was spiking, and she looked forward to rubbing herself after Phoebe left.

“Oh, one more thought. Speaking of ticklishness, just to let you know, Deputy Darby is also very ticklish! I got to tickle her big feet before! Hehehe” Phoebe giggled. She remembered when Darby came for a social visit and spent the night here in the mansion. She and Bessie snuck into her room and tickled her feet while she slept. She loved that moment, and remembered how soft and tender the feet were. “And….her feet are perhaps the softest feet imaginable. If you touch them, you will never forget the experience. Hehehe” she told her.

“Oh really? Deputy Darby has ticklish feet, huh? That sounds interesting. Her feet are extremely soft? Perhaps we should tickle both of them. Darby and Salem. Hehehe” Bella responded. She did have a desire to interact with Darby. She wanted to see why La Diabla was infatuated with the deputy. If it wasn’t for Darby, she could have had a romantic relationship with La Diabla. She was a little jealous of Darby, but she did make love to the outlaw before.

“I like that!! Ok, we have to band together and capture the two of them! Hehehe Tickling their feet at the same time!” Phoebe joked. She then continued the conversation with Bella. They were laughing together and enjoying each other’s company. She loved how open minded she was and that made her adore her even more. She knew that their own relationship to one another was going to be a good one. She then started to feel a little tired. They had talked for over an hour, and she let out a yawn, then she stretched. “Sorry, just a little tired. Hehe” she smiled.

“Hehe I understand. You had a very busy day! Thank you for all of your efforts. You made this visit a memorable one. Your body must be so tired!” Bella told her. She felt some exhaustion and looked forward to going to bed.

“Yeah, I am getting tired. Your wine helped keep me feeling good though. Hehehe” Phoebe giggled. She then stood up and stretched again. That stretch felt good as she had some tension in her body. “Oooh! That was a good one. Hehehe My body has been a little sore.” she told her.

Bella smiled at Phoebe and could tell she had a nice body figure. She was still feeling the effects of the wine and then she thought of something. She figured she could help her new friend relax more. “Your body is sore? Here, sit down next to me. Let me help you with that.” she offered.

Phoebe cocked her head to the side and looked at Bella. She saw her hand patting the bed and she wondered what she wanted to do. She was such great company, so she figured she could indulge her a little. She sat down on the bed, on Bella’s right. She could see that beautiful face up close, and she felt a tingle in her body. Her mind started to wonder what Bella would look like naked, but then got rid of the thought as she figured the wine was talking to her and they were discussing sexual fantasies about La Diabla. “Ok, what do you want to do?” she asked.

“Here, turn a little bit….” Bella instructed. She used her hands on Phoebe’s shoulders and turned her slightly to the right. Now, she could see Phoebe’s back and shoulders. She then placed her hands on each shoulder and started to massage the shoulders. The long brown hair of Phoebe was tied back into a ponytail, so she had access to her back without the hair getting in the way. She put a little pressure into her massage, and she heard a moan. “Doesn’t this feel nice?” she asked.

“Oh my…..this feels……..wonderful.” Phoebe moaned as she felt those hands massaging her shoulders. She could feel that tension melting away and felt another tingle in her body. She needed this kind of care, especially after running around all day trying to make everything perfect for everyone. Her head dropped back a little and she closed her eyes. “You don’t have to do this. You might put me to sleep. Hehehe” she joked.

“Hehehe you can fall asleep if you like. Just enjoy my hands soothing you. You worked so hard today. You deserve to be pampered.” Bella whispered into Phoebe’s right ear. She could feel Phoebe starting to swoon and she felt a little tingle in her body. The young woman was very sexy, and she could tell there was a sensual energy to her. The way she was moaning, and the way she moved her body in response to her touches let her know that beneath this good businesswoman, was a woman who absolutely loved sensual pleasure. That started to make her very curious. Would Phoebe play with other women? She got the sense she did just by spending time with her and now she wanted to see if she could pull that out of her. She leaned her own body closer to Phoebe’s and now her head was right next to Phoebe’s on the right side. “You love this, don’t you?” she said softly.

“Yes…this feels amazing. You are very good at massages. You are going to make me yours if you keep doing this. Hehe” Phoebe teased. She had no idea why she just flirted with Bella right now, but with the wine flowing, the great conversation, the massaging, the beauty of Bella and the sound of her voice started to get her turned on. She also thought about the conversation she had with Bella about La Diabla and that had sexual tones to it. She then felt goosebumps on her skin when she felt Bella’s chest on her back.

“Hehe you are already mine. You just let yourself go, and I will make sure you feel like you are floating on the clouds.” Bella whispered. She then lowered her head slightly and let the surface of her lips graze across the skin on Phoebe’s neck and she loved the way her friend shuddered. The reactions she was getting from Phoebe started to really turn her on and it made her wonder if she was seducing this woman. She loved seduction because it made any sexual encounter much more pleasurable. She never planned on having any sexual interactions with Phoebe when she made the trip to this mansion, but if they ended up having sex, she wouldn’t have minded.

“I am…..Bella, you are too good at this. I feel like you are trying to seduce me. hehehe” Phoebe joked. She felt those lips on her neck skin and that got her nipples to react. She always loved having her neck played with. It was a sexual weak spot for her and now she wondered if she was actually going to make out with this beautiful businesswoman from Mexico. She started to feel her body becoming very relaxed and if Bella got her on her back, she would probably be sexually submissive to her.

“Hehehe what if I am? Would you want me to stop?” Bella asked teasingly. She loved how aroused Phoebe was becoming. She continued to massage the shoulders and now she wanted to explore more of her body. A fun thought entered into her mind, and she wondered if Phoebe was ticklish. All that talk about La Diabla and Darby being ticklish made her wonder about this rich young woman.

Phoebe smiled a little when she heard that question. There was no doubt now that Bella was indeed flirting with her and trying to seduce her. She loved the idea and wanted to see where all this interaction would lead to. “Hehe You are so bad. I do love your touch. It makes me feel….” she started to say.

“Wet? Hehehe” Bella interrupted. She wanted to put Phoebe in a compromising position. She wanted to see just how far she was willing to go.

Phoebe chuckled a little when she heard those words. She did feel herself becoming moist between her legs, but she wanted to play a little hard to get. It was like a game at that moment. Just how far would they tease each other and who would make the first move. “What if I am wet? What would you do?” she asked in a very flirty voice.

Bella felt a very strong surge of lust in her body as she heard those words. The way Phoebe said them really turned her on. She felt her nipples getting hard and started to desire to strip herself and Phoebe naked. She then finished massaging the shoulders and moved her hands further down. She placed her fingertips on the sides and wanted to softly stroke those sides to get Phoebe to relax. When she felt Phoebe flinching, that made her smile. It appeared that Phoebe might be a bit ticklish. “Mmmm…..well, if you are wet, then your body will really love what I can do to it. I like how……responsive you are.” she cooed into her ear.

Phoebe felt those fingertips sliding up and down her sides and she felt ticklish. Even though she was still wearing her evening dress, the fingers still sent small ticklish shockwaves throughout her body. She wondered if Bella was tickling her on purpose or was it a side effect for her wanting to massage her. Then she felt a gentle squeeze in her ribs and that made her react. “Bella! Are you…..you aren’t trying to….” she started to say.

“Trying to do what?” Bella responded. She then gave a very small kiss to Phoebe’s neck to distract her. She wanted to get her body in a high state of arousal, so she could seduce her just like she seduced La Diabla. She then diddled her fingers again across the ribs and felt her body jerk.

“Hehehe hey! Be careful with those fingers.” Phoebe giggled. She almost melted from that kiss on her neck, but the tickling made her become very alert again. She wondered if Bella was now purposely trying to tickle her.

“Hehehe something the matter? What’s wrong with my fingers? I thought you liked my touch.” Bella teased. She then moved her hands around the sides and placed them on the stomach area. She then gave another soft kiss to the back of Phoebe’s neck, and she heard a soft moan.

Phoebe felt that kiss and she swooned. Her neck was without a doubt her weakness and anyone who kissed it could possibly get her naked and ravish her sexually. She noticed the fingers were now on her stomach and she looked at them. Bella had some very beautiful hands and she like this type of touching. She heard those questions, and she smiled. “Yes, I do like your touch. But you are trying to be bad. Be nice to me.” she flirted.

“I will be very nice to you. In fact, I think you will enjoy what I can do for you if you let me.” Bella told her. She now put Phoebe in a position to make a choice. If she went with it, then she was going to try and have sex with her.

Phoebe closed her eyes and now she imagined what would happen if they started to make out and have a wonderful interaction. It has been a very long time since she had sex. Bessie was still declining her advances, so she didn’t have anyone to play with sexually. Now she had a house full of women, and several of them she was attracted to. The woman with her now had a very sexual aura about herself and she wanted to explore this opportunity. “Hmmm….sounds a little tempting. But I don’t know what you want to do to me. Tell me….” she teased.

“Hehehe you are cute. I think you know. Let me give you what you deserve tonight. Allow me to massage your entire body. Let me take these clothes off of you and I will make your body feel really pleasurable things.” Bella said softly. She was now getting more and more excited, and she really wanted to have some sexual fun. She also hadn’t had sex in a while, so this was definitely a time for her to relieve her own pent up sexual frustration.

“Why Bella Toscano! I do declare! Are you trying to get me naked and seduce me? hehehe” Phoebe asked and giggled. She liked the flirting, the soft touching, the soft kisses. Now it was time to see just how far they were going to go.

“hehehe well, I guess you can say that. I can make it fair. We both can lose these clothes of ours. We are just two women, enjoying each other’s bodies. Let’s make it a night to remember.” Bella told her. The thought of being naked excited her and she placed her fingertips on Phoebe’s sides and gave gentle presses into the flesh. She felt Phoebe jump a little, and she heard the cutest giggle. “hehehe you are a ticklish one.” she teased.

Phoebe felt those presses into her sides, and it really tickled her a lot. With her being buzzed from the wine, her body was extra sensitive. She tried to move her body even more, but the finger presses kept happening. Now the ticklish feelings started to increase, and she found herself gigging harder. “hehe Bella! Come on! You have to stop! I’m a little ticklish!” she giggled.

“A little? Hehehe you seem to be very ticklish. Tickle tickle! Hehe” Bella teased. She then started to squeeze around the hip areas and that made Phoebe squeal in ticklish terror. She thought Phoebe was about to go right through the ceiling, so she held onto her and tickled her a little. “Maybe I should tickle you a little before you get naked.” she told her.

Phoebe now felt a ticklish panic in her body and she worried that if she was tickled a lot, she would be totally submissive. She was used to being the aggressor when it came to sex and now, she was feeling a bit helpless. Those squeezes really tickled her and when a hard one pressed into her, she let out a loud laugh. “HAHAHAHAHA HEY!!!” she laughed.

“Oooh!!! Phoebe is ticklish! I think I will tickle you until I make you all mine. Hehe” Bella teased. She then used her hands to tickle the stomach area. Phoebe was now moving around harder, and she would have to make an effort to hold her still. She felt her tickle lust coming out. She seduced the outlaw La Diabla with tickling and it was one of the greatest sexual experiences in her life. Now, she wanted to repeat that night with the owner of the largest cattle farm in Texas.

“Heheheeh Bella!! Come on!! Hehehehe stop tickling me! hehehehe You hehehe will EEK!!! regret it!” Phoebe threatened as she felt those fingers all over her stomach area. She then felt the hands moving up on her belly and then they hit her breasts softly. That felt incredible, and she wanted to have sex, but the tickling was driving her crazy. Her mind started to race, and she had to act fast, or she would be this woman’s ticklish prisoner.

“hehe you are so cute. I love your laugh! You will make me regret what? I got you, and I am going to make you feel so good. Just wait until I take these clothes off of you. Maybe I should take your boots off first and see what we have inside them. Hehehe” Bella playfully threatened. She started to feel her aggressiveness coming out. She wanted to get Phoebe naked and tickle her all over. She wanted to tickle her feet, then tickle her special places on her body. Her own nipples were rock hard, and she wanted to release.

Phoebe felt a cold chill flowing through her body as she heard Bella’s words. This woman was definitely trying to tickle her into submission, then probably control her sexually. Her juices started to flow and then when there was a brief pause in the tickling, she knew she had to act! Since Bella was tickling her sides, she wasn’t being held down. She then quickly squirmed her way out of her grasp and stood up. She saw the surprised look on Bella’s face, then she pounced on her! She used her momentum to land on top of her and now she had Bella on her back on the bed, and she sat on her legs. She then used her folded knees to pin the arms to the sides and now she looked down at Bella. A feeling of power flowed through her, and it was her turn to have some fun. “Well, well, well. What do we have here? Hehehehe looks like the tables have turned.” she said in a playful, yet menacing voice.

Bella was stunned. She was tickling Phoebe on her sides and suddenly she was on her back and her arms were pinned to her sides. She felt Phoebe sitting on her legs and saw her looking down at her. She was shocked that Phoebe could move so fast. She started to feel silly and when she heard Phoebe’s words, she got nervous. “Hehehe Phoebe? What do you think you are doing?” she asked.

“Bella, Bella, Bella. You are such a naughty woman! You were tickling me and driving me crazy. I had to get you to stop. Hehehe” Phoebe teased. She looked down at Bella and saw how her hair was splayed all around her head. She liked those gray streaks of hair contrasting against the dark black hair. She looked at her face and she looked very beautiful. She looked even more attractive in this position, and she felt her loins getting hot. “Yes, looks like I have you now.” she smiled.

“Hehehehe Phoebe! I suggest you let me go right now. I still have to give you your massage. Now, be a good girl and let me go.” Bella said and then tried to wriggle her body free. She tried to use her feet to push up from the floor, but only the tips of her boots touched the floor, and she couldn’t get the leverage.

“Hehehe a massage huh? I think you were trying to do something else to me. I think you wanted to tickle me and make me very weak and helpless. Am I right?” Phoebe asked with a flirty smile. She felt her adrenaline flowing as she wanted to now dominate this woman.

“Hehehehe do I look like a woman who would do that? You were feeling good, right? You have been so busy making sure all of us are taken care of, so I wanted to take care of you. Now, be a good girl and let me up. Let me make this a night to remember for you.” Bella responded. She could see the mischievous look on Phoebe’s face, and it made her nervous. She was so used to being in control of any kind of sensual interaction with another woman. She even sensually dominated the infamous outlaw La Diabla! Now, she had to figure out a way to turn the tables and really have her way with Phoebe.

“Well, you were making me feel good. Your massage felt really nice. Even the way you were nuzzling my neck felt…..incredible. I think you wanted to seduce me. I think you would absolutely love to get me under control, take all my clothes off and do very, very naughty things to me. I am right, aren’t I?” Phoebe asked. She felt her nipples swelling with the thought of her clothes coming off and having Bella play with her body. She looked at Bella’s face, then went down to her neck and her cleavage peeking out in her dress. Now she wondered what Bella looked like naked. She wanted to see how this mature, beautiful woman would respond to how she liked to play with women.

“Hehehe um….well, wouldn’t that have been nice? You can still take off all of your clothes. Let me help you with that. Once you are naked, maybe, just maybe I can find spots on you that will make you forget where you are. Haha” Bella said in a lustful voice. She was trying her best to turn this situation around and the sexual tension in the room was very high. She started to struggle a little, still trying to get her arms free. She figured if she could get her arms free, she could tickle Phoebe and get her helpless. Once she did, then she would really dominate this woman sexually.

“That sounds very nice. I can’t believe that Bella Toscano wants to get me naked and then make me feel such sexual pleasure. I appreciate that. However, you forgot something. This is my home, and I am in control here. Hehehe I got a better idea. How about I get YOU naked and make my honored guest feel…….good?” Phoebe told her. Her loins caught on fire as the idea of dominating Bella filled her mind. It had been forever since she dominated someone sexually and this woman was so very attractive. She saw the look on her face and that only made her even more horny. “That’s right, Bella. I think you should be naked….” she teased.

UP NEXT: Bella and Phoebe continue to tease one another and Sylvia finds a target!

Ok folks, how did you like this chapter? This reunion has been fun to write and I hope you are having fun with it. These ladies know how to have a good time, right? We are halfway through the series and the next chapter gets the story really moving for the rest of this Phase. Thank you again for all of your support and your comments are most welcomed!

Characters featured in this part:


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