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Dervland (working title to comic outline)


TMF Expert
Jun 16, 2004
And now for something Completely different. A comic without panels.

I debated whether or not to post this in my scrapbook, but I wanted people to know what I've been up to lately. I've had this comic idea in my head for years now and actually started working with an artist on it a few months ago. It's a 20 issue story-arc that involves magic, witchcraft, strange lands, time travel, and living shoes with superpowers.

It's an idea that I first tried drawing into a comic myself, but I didn't like my art so I scrapped the idea. Later, I tried doing a live action photo comic with models, but it didn't really pan out as I couldn't afford the models or the special effects.

I finally did find an artist who was willing to do it, ~zeiram0034 is his deviantart handle. He's mainly known for his anthro characters, so I adjusted the story a bit to involve that as well. I had hoped that anthro stuff would bring in more interest as well. The overall outline is laid out in a chat we had, I'm debating whether or not to post it, because this comic still might happen and I don't want to spoil the whole plot (there's lots of twists and turns). But, unfortunately, I was unable to get the funding to commission him, and he has been rather busy lately, but has been kind enough to draw a few character sketches for me. (Like the ones of Angelica in my scrapbook).

I got tired of leaving it on the back burner for so long, so I decided to post it so some people can enjoy the text at least. And who knows maybe some people would be willing to commission artists to make it happen.

Art by http://zeiram0034.deviantart.com/
Dervland (working title)
I’ll go panel by panel rather than page by page since you may need more or less space depending on how you draw it. I’ll leave it up to you where you end one page and start a new one.

Issue 1 – The Destined Encounter
• Angelica and her friends Tanya, Yumi and Katrina are all walking in the foreground, perhaps passing a basketball court. Close behind is Attis and further still are the bad girls Jasmine, Catherine Carolyn and Joslyn. Off to the side is shy and sweet Kaylee. They’re all human and wearing their school uniforms. Katrina: “I hate these tests. I can’t wait until next year when college life starts and we can party.” Yumi: You’re lucky you’re going to college next year, Katrina, with your grades.” Attis’s expression should be of one mustering the courage to talk to Angelica. The bad girls should look like they’re laughing and joking, and shy Kaylee smiling but careful not to intrude. Generally everyone else is in good spirits, although Tanya may be a little less enthusiastic, being a Goth and all. She should also have dark makeup. This panel alone might be half a page or even a full page since it’s rather expansive and has all our main characters.
• Attis approaches Angelica, “Ummmm … hi Angelica … thank you for studying with me today … I … uh really enjoyed it.” He’s clearly very awkward and uncomfortable talking to her. Angelica says “I should be thank YOU, Attis. I’m hopeless in Physics.”
• Attis stares at Angelica awkward and speechless, clearly taken aback the compliment. Yumi and Katrina giggle, and Tanya just smiles sensitively.
• Angelica kisses Attis. He really falls apart here. Just come up with a ridiculous expression as if he’s about to pass out from love-sickness.
• He runs off and we get another wide shot of him running away as if he’s going to hurl. He passes the bad girls and Kaylee. The bad girls laugh while the rest look shocked at his reaction.
• “Haha, you made the dweeb sick, Angelica, “Jasmine shouts as they laugh and point at his trail of vomit. Angelica and her friends should be looking at them angrily.
• The two groups face off against each other. “You shouldn’t talk, Jasmine, you make everyone in the school sick,” Katrina says. “I never made a boy vomit in the street. Seriously, I’m surprised at you Angelica. You’re one of the more normal girls in this school. He’s not only a dork, but he’s also the son of a shoe repair man. How lame. I’d expect an ugly freak like Tanya here to make a loser like that hurl. But not you.” She points at Tanya dismissively. Tanya should look hurt by this remark and Angelica, and Katrina quite angered by it, perhaps Yumi looking at Tanya protectively.
• Angelica gets in Jasmine’s face. “You think you’re so much better than everyone else because your parents are rich and they spoil you with your slut rags! Everyone knows you’re an insecure brat who’s only popular because she has her daddy’s money to throw around on her so called friends!” Jasmine should be totally taken aback by this. Everyone else should be smirking.
• “Haha, you told her off good, Angelica,” Katrina should say as she motions her away as if to diffuse a brawl. “Come on let’s leave these losers alone to contemplate their worth.” Jasmine should still be looking shocked. The other bad girls still trying to hold back their laughter.
• Later… Angelica says goodbye to her friends as they all go their separate ways.
• Angelica walks through a quiet city street deep in serious thought. The street should be somewhat menacing looking, and the sky should be showing signs of getting dark.
• Figures appear behind Angelica as she walks
• Angelica looks back at them, somewhat fearfully, but continues walking.
• She walks a little more nervously as the figures draw closer to her. You can’t quite make out who they are yet as they are in shadow, but it’s becoming clearer that it’s the four bad girls.
• Two of them grab Angelica’s arms and immobilize her. She shrieks in terror.
• Jasmine and Carolyn appear in front of her. “I’m going to make you regret how you embarrassed me in front of my friends, Angelcakes!” she threatens. Angelica looks shaken up, but defiant.
• “I can see they’re still on your payroll anyway. What do you have to give them a raise now?” Angelica says as she kicks at her.
• The kick connects and knocks Jasmine right out of her shoes and onto the ground, but Catherine makes a grab for Angelica’s foot.
• Catherine catches her foot. Angelica’s expression changes to one of pure fear.
• “Hold her!” Jasmine orders angry and embarrassed as she tries to recover.
• “Gym class to day? Those are quite some kicks you’re wearing,” Carolyn says still holding Angelica’s heavy buffalo sneaker. “Yeah, it knocked her right out of her shoes, haha!” Catherine says as the other girls laugh.
• “Shut up!” Jasmine shouts angrily as she approaches Angelica.
• She grabs Angelica’s other foot. “Only a bum like you would wear these ugly old shoes to school.”
• “Let’s relieve her of them,” Carolyn threatens teasingly as she slides the heavy but easy to remove sneaker off her slippery nylon clad foot. Jasmine has also lifted her foot off the ground and now Agelica’s completely at their mercy. “No!” Jasmine begs.
• “You made me lose my shoes it’s only fair that I return the favor,” Jasmine says as she too slides off the sneaker, “I probably have a run in my pantyhose now thanks to you.”
• “Please don’t!” Angelica begs, “These were my mother’s shoes!”
• Angelica’s nylon clad toes are now exposed and wiggling and flexing in panic. “Her tastes were as bad as yours, eh?!”
• Both girls tickle her feet mercilessly as they drop her shoes.
• More tickling, this time the girls behind are tickling her ribs and chest.
• More tickling, some mild beating, she’s ready to pass out.
• They put her in a garbage can with her head and feet sticking out.
• Too weak to get out, Angelica watches helplessly as Catherine, Joslyn and Carolyn light a fire in another garbage can while Jasmine puts her shoes back on.
• Jasmine tosses Angelica’s sneakers into the flames while Angelica watches with tears in her eyes.
• Shot of Angelica crying as the girls laugh and run off.
• Angelica tips over the garbage as she tries to struggle out of it.
• “What’s going on here?” A woman says as she steps outside from one of the buildings to see what the trouble is. She should look like an older version of Angelica, still attractive, but in her fifties.
• She sees Angelica crying and struggling to get out of the garbage can. Her expression should be one of recognition, as if she knows who Angelica is. “Oh you poor thing …”
• She helps Angelica out of the garbage can. “Who did this to you? What happened?”
• “They burned … my shoes … my mother’s shoes,” Angelica sobs as she gets to her feet. “Oh how horrible. Come inside I’ll get you some shoes.”
• Later … Angelica is sitting at the wooden table. Tears are still in her eyes. Her stocking feet are visible under the table embarrassed to be exposed, one crossed over the other in an effort to keep them warm. “Here, drink this,” The woman says handing her a glass of a strange silver liquid.
• “What is it?” Angelica asked curiously as she stared at the cup, still sobbing lightly. “It’s a special concoction I brewed up. It will make you feel better. You shouldn’t cry so much, it makes you age faster.”
• Angelica takes a sip without much thought as the woman goes off into a nearby room. For some reason she trusts this woman, she reminds her of her mother. (thought bubble probably)
• Angelica feels much better after drinking just one sip. She stops crying. Angelica thinks: “Wow that really did make me feel good …” The woman speaks from the other room (she’s getting the shoes for her), “You feel better don’t you?”
• “I do,” Angelica nods astonished as the woman returns with sneakers that look just like the ones she had lost. “These will do, I think,” the woman says.
• “I can’t believe it … Those look just like the shoes I lost…” Angelica says shocked. “That’s a strange coincidence,” the woman smiles almost knowingly, “I’ve had these for many years now. I haven’t worn them in some time, though. Big sneakers don’t quite suit me anymore. Feel free to keep them,” she winks.
• "Too strange of a coincidence," Angelica says looking at the sneakers curiously. "My mother once told me that she got them from a kindly stranger after some bullies tossed her shoes in a well. Similar to what happened to me. And …"
• "Go on," the old woman said, "Well, the strange thing is, the stranger, some young woman, gave her the shoes right off her feet. She walked away in just her stockings after just giving her shoes away, and then she just … disappeared, like in some portal or something." Angelica shook her head, "I never believed her when she told me it, but she always said that the sneakers meant a lot to her, and that she'd give it to me."
• "I'm not surprised by tat at all, and there's probably more truth to what your mother said than you think. Go on, put them on."
• With unplaced trepidation, Angelica slips into the sneakers. “How do they fit?” The woman asks.
• Angelica adjusts the laces … they don’t reach to tie them on, just like her old pair. “They’re a little loose, but then my mother’s were also loose … where’d you get them?” The woman: “Like I said, I’ve had them for years. I think I got them at a place called Dervland or something … Ah I don’t remember it was a long time ago,” she laughs.
• Angelica looks up at the woman’s face, studying her for the first time. “Do you know me? I feel like I recognize you. Did you know my mother?” The woman answers, “We do look alike, don’t we. Maybe we’re long lost relatives. But no, I don’t think I’ve ever met you. You should be off home. Your mother would be worried.”
• “My mother’s dead,” Angelica said without breaking eye contact. The woman looked right back at her consolingly. “Oh I’m sorry to hear that. You poor thing, that must have been why it troubled you so to have those sneakers burned."
• “You knew my mother was dead, didn’t you?” Angelica said, still not breaking eye contact. “Nobody else has shoes like these … you’re not telling me something.” The woman responded seriously, “I think you better go now,” she said getting up to escort her out.
• “Now hurry home, it will be dark soon,” as she ushers her to the door. Angelica responds “I’m 18 you know, I’m allowed to be out after dark.” The woman can’t help but smile and say “Not here, you’re not.”
• Angelica is outside and the woman is about to close the door. Before she does she said, “Click her heels together before you run.”
• “Wait, what?” Angelica says, but the door shuts.
• She looks at her new sneakers curiously; indeed they look newer than her old ones. Angelica thinking: “Click my heels together? Who does she think she is, my fairy godmother? Nah, more like the good witch of the north. This is stupid …”
• “… Ah, what the hell …” she thinks as she clicks her heels together.
• “Nothing … What was I expecting anyway. It’s probably some old timer expression. I better run though, I don’t want to have to explain this to dad.”
• Jasmine build up to a run “Just wait until Jasmine and her goons see me tomorrow with the same sneakers. I can’t wait to see the look on their …
• “… faaaaaaa….” Her thoughts are interrupted by her shoes taking off at super speed. She runs faster than she’s seen anyone before.
• “Oh my god! What the hell is going on?!” She shouts as she seems to zoom through the streets of the city in seconds. You can have an overhead shot here, or in the next panel of her trajectory through the city.
• Not much later … Angelica stops exhilarated and with a huge smile on her face, “That was incredible!” she thinks, “Where am I? Wow, I shot way passed home!”
• She texts her friend Katrina, “You’ve GOT to see this, I’m coming over right now!” What she doesn’t notice is the slightest inkling of ears have started to grow out of top of her head …
• Or the slight bulge of a tale at the back of her skirt.
• [Next Morning] Angelica wakes up and yawns, while turning off her alarm clock. She’s sitting up in bed. She has fox ears.
• Angelica gets up wearing her nightgown. She has a fox tail that’s lifting up the back of her gown, but still doesn’t notice.
• She accidently knocks over her alarm clock with her tail as she turns to face the bedroom door.
• Confused, she turns around. “Dammit! How did that happen?”
• She picks up her alarm clock and notices it has reset. “Now I have to set it all up again!”
• After putting her alarm clock back, Angelica walks passed her mirror. She can see her ears and tale through her peripheral vision, but doesn’t take notice of it. “I’ll do it later. Bathroom takes priority.”
• After walking just passed the mirror, she does a double take. She should be passed the mirror but have her head tilted back to face the mirror in dumbfounded astonishment (only her head should be reflected). A bit of a goofy expression will help. “What the hell!”
• She is now fully in front of the mirror and touching her ears with befuddlement. Still with the confused expression.
• Her tail also rises into view and starts touching and tickling her ears. Maybe a slight giggle from her.
• “Daaaah!” she shouts clutching her tale in surprise.
• “Angelica, are you okay?” her Dad can be heard shouting from the door. Her expression should now change to a look of fright at the thought of her Dad seeing her in this state.
• “Umm … yeah Dad … I’m … Okay … sorry!” She shouts back locking her door.
• “Oh my god! What am I gonna do?” She says to herself as she opens her tights drawer on her dresser.
• “I’ve got an idea!” she says as she looks at a pair of pantyhose she has pulled out.
• Angelica pulls on her pantyhose under her night gown (try not to show any naughty bits).
• She wraps her tail around her waist before pulling them all the way up.
• Show the tail wrapped up under her pantyhose. “That should do … good thing I showered last night.”
• [After a quick bathroom run, Angelica completes her disguise]. Looking in the mirror, Angelica wearing a hat (any type of hat you want) to cover her ears is fully dressed in her school uniform. No one can tell she’s a fox girl. “Now to find that woman and find out what’s going on!”
• Angelica walks downstairs fully dressed wearing a hat to cover her ears. “Morning, Angel,” her dad says from the bottom of the stairs, “Did you have fun at Katrina’s last night? You got home real late.” Angelica: “Yes Dad, sorry, won’t happen again,” she says doing her best to avoid this conversation.
• “That’s okay, you’re 18 now, I’ll give you some leeway … Hmmm, it’s rare to see you wearing a hat to school,” her Dad comments as she reaches the bottom of the stairs and turns toward the door.
• “Thought I’d try something different,” She smiles back nervously as she reaches for the front door. Dad: “It’s still early, don’t you want …”
• “Breakfast?” can be heard as she slams the door after stepping outside, nearly tripping in her large sneakers.
• “Crazy woman’s shoes. What the hell is did she do to me?” she asks looking down at her shoes in frustration
• “You probably shouldn’t have swallowed that potion,” Jod, her left shoe says suddenly. The eyes of the shoe should come to life, and the front part open like a mouth. Her sheer stocking clad toes should be visible inside. If you want a close up of her shoe, you can do that.
• “Eeeeek!” Angelica screams as she cartoonily jumps out of her shoes …
• … but her stockings are too slippery and she slips and falls to the bottom of the front steps in her stocking feet. Her hat falls off as well. She also gets a run in her stocking in the process (You may split this panel up to show her fall.)
• “Hahahaha!” Frod, the right shoe, laughs hysterically …
• … As she sits up on the ground shoeless and watches them with shocked annoyance. “I knew this girl was going to be a fun one!” Frod taunts.
• Angelica angrily scrambles to her knees and makes a violent grab for Frod. “Hey wait a minute!”
• Side view close up of Angela’s angry profile as she holds Frod up in front of her tightly. “What did you say?” She asks threateningly. Frod looks at her with a look of fright. “Ummm … nothing,” he says fearfully.
• “If you don’t talk I’m going to throw you in the ocean. Now what the hell are you and what did that woman do to me?” She demands as she strangles Frod. Frod gasps for air, unraveling his laces. Frod gasps.
• Frod tickles Angelica with his lace. “Hey! HahahahA!” Angelica laughs but she doesn’t release her grip. “Acck!” Frod says.
• The laces move down to her feet and toes as she rolls on her back in hysterics, still strangling Frod. “HAHAHAHAHAHA! STOP!” Frod: “Can’t … breathe … let go … and I’ll stop … okhkk!”
• Suddenly her Dad opens the front door and sees her talking to her shoe. “Angie, are you okay?” he asks deeply concerned. Angelica’s expression should be one of severe embarrassment. Her shoes have returned to their ordinary lifeless self and she looks quite foolish on her knees choking one of her sneakers.
• Her ears quickly drop to the sides in an attempt to hide in her air. They’re still visible though. “Umm … nothing dad. These shoes just … uh … won’t stay on and I … fell is all. I got a little mad at them,” she says shamefully evasive.
• “Umm … Okay … Angie,” her father says still concerned and somewhat frightened of her behavior, “You know, I gave you money to buy a new pair of sneakers awhile back. You don’t have to wear your mom’s every day you have gym. Do you even have gym today?” Angie responds, “Yes … I do … don’t worry, I’ll get new shoes today. I’m actually going to check the shop before school.” she says evasively.
• “Okay …,” Dad says his expression softening into a smile, “I can see why you’re wearing a hat today. Looks like you’re having a bad hair day.” He says noticing Angelica’s flattened ears.
• “Oh!” Angelica says grabbing her hat …
• And plopping it on her head quickly while giving him a guilty smile.
End of first issue

Issue 2 - Transformation
• Later … Angelica is walking through city streets talking to her shoes (which are now back on her feet). Angelica asks: “So why didn’t you guys talk to me yesterday?” Frod answers: “You didn’t ask us anything.” Jod: “That hasn’t stopped you from flapping your mouth before …” Frod: “True, but I’m a bit shy when it comes to new feet. Though yours are quite nice … in fact I would consider your foot an upgrade from our last owner.”
• “Ummm … thanks, I guess …” Angelica says looking down at Frod self consciously. She then notices the small run in her pantyhose. “Oh shit! A run in my tights!”
• “Allow me, mistress,” Jod says unraveling his lace a few holes.
• Angelica’s heel pops out of Frod as she walks due to the looseness of her unlacing shoe. “Hey! You’re loose enough as it is, I did need you unlacing on me now! … I can’t believe I’m actually talking to my shoe.”
• “Just stand still, it will only be a moment,” Jod says as his laces extend up to her calf where the run is. Angelica is holding her leg up in front of her watching in amazingment. Her shoe is dangling off her toes as a result of the heelpop.
• “Oooh, lint!” Jod says as he picks a tiny piece of lint off her leg…
• … And tosses it into her shoe. Frod rolls his eyes: “You and your lint obsession!”
• The laces move back to her run. “Here goes …”
• A magic light emanates from the tip of the laces covering up the run. “That tickles! What are you doing?” Angelica asks giggling slightly. “Mending your stockings,” Jod says.
• The light goes out and there’s no more run, as if it had never been there. Angelica looks on astonished.
• She puts her foot down all the back into her shoe and admires the repaired stocking, “That’s amazing! How did you do it?” Jod “We have … certain powers if you haven’t noticed already.”
• “Did the witch give you these powers? You have to tell me everything!” Angelica demands. “I wouldn’t call her a witch … now that witch in Dervland, she’s definitely a witch but the old mistress barely dabbled in witchcraft,” Frod responds.
• “Oooh! You’re not answering any of my questions!” Angelica says angrily.
• Kneeling on one leg she grabs Jods laces in an attempt to tie her shoe. “Nevermind! I’ll ask her myself!” Jod defensively says “Hey! Hey! Let go! No need to get rough!”
• Angelica drops the laces impatiently, “I’m going to have to lace you up if I’m going to run back to her house without leaving you behind, shoe!”
• Jod: “The name’s Jod, and I’ll be happy to do it for you, young mistress.” Jod says relacing the shoe while Angelica watches impatiently
• Jod finishes lacing, but again the laces are too short to tie up. “Can you go any tighter? I’d prefer it if you were actually tied on,” Angelica says still annoyed. “Hey, we don’t like to be tied down. We’re free spirits,” Frod says. “Don’t worry, young mistress, we’ll stay on,” Jod reassures. Frod: “Speak for yourself, I have a social life, you know.”
• In a flash, Angelica zips back to the house with the woman she met the day before.
• She knocks on the door with purpose.
• She waits impatiently as no one answers.
• “Damn, she’s probably asleep … I wonder?” she says opening the door. “Haha, she left it unlocked!”
• Inside the house looks abandoned, as if whoever lived here cleared out in a hurry. “What the hell?” Angelica says.
• Looking in the bedroom, she sees it’s empty. “Where is she?! Why did she do this to me!?” She asks pulling off her hat in frustration. “How should we know? She hasn’t worn us or talked to us for years,” Frod answers.
• “Dammit!” Angelica cries out tearing up. “Now how am I going to turn back to normal?”
• Jod answers, “There is a potion that can turn you back, but I think only the witch in Dervland knows how to make it.” Angelica with hope in her teary eyes, “Where is Dervland?”
• Frod and Jod look at each other confused. “That’s a good question,” they both say. Angelica sighs defeatedly.
• [Later on, in school] “You’re late, Angelica,” her teacher says as she walks into the classroom. “Sorry … overslept” she says. All her friends are in this class, as well as all of the bad girls. The bad girls look at her and giggle, while the rest just look at her blankly. The teacher, Ms. Lake is a hot young woman with a pretty dress, brown stockings, and sexy red high heels.
• As she walks toward her seat, the bad girls notice her sneakers. Jasmine looks on angrily while Joslyn whispers to her and points at the shoes. “Aren’t those the shoes we destroyed?” Joslyn asks. Angelica takes some small satisfaction from this.
• After taking her seat her teacher says, “Angelica, you’re hat.” Angelica responds nervously, “Oh please Ms. Lake, let me keep it on. My hair’s a wreck.”
• Very well,” Ms. Lake says, “just this once.”
• As the teacher continues the lesson, Frod notices the teacher’s shoes. “Hey Jod, check those babes out. One for each of us, eh?” he says nudging with his lace.
• “Shut up!” Angelica whispers trying to quiet Frod down as several students look at her suspiciously. In the background, the bad girls giggle as Carolyn grabs a meter stick from near her desk. (this can happen in a later panel if it’s easier for you)
• “Is everything okay, Angelica?” The teacher asks turning to face her again. “Y-Yes ma’am,” Angelica says embarrassed. . In the background, the bad girls attempt to attach something to the meter stick. (this can happen in a later panel if it’s easier for you)
• After the teacher turns back around Frod says: “They looked at us! Did you see that!” Frod says excitedly unraveling his laces. “I’m going to introduce myself … you be my wingman, Jod!” Jod: “I don’t think Angelica would appreciate you popping off,” Jod warns.
• “Nonsense,” Jod says as he lifts himself off the ground by pushing himself up with his lace “arms”, “She’s sitting indoors. She doesn’t need us right now.
• “Oh no!” Angelica thinks worriedly as her mostly unlaced shoe lifts her foot precariously off the ground. “No Frod!” she whispers.
• “Now class, I want you to work on this assignment individually,” the teacher says. Frod pops himself off her heel…
• … And flings himself forward under one of the other students desks.
• The students all turn to Angelica who bashfully and unsuccessfully tries to cover up her stocking foot with her remaining shoe. They laugh.
• “Angelica, I can see your having a bad day, but do try to keep your shoes on in class,” Ms. Lake says as she takes a seat behind her desk.
• After the students turn back to their work, Frod shuffles forward, using his laces as legs. Attis notices this and looks on perplexed.
• Frod makes his way under the teacher’s desk. Angelica watches anxiously, “No!” she whispers. “Can you stop him, Jod?” “Probably not, but I’ll try,” Jod says as he starts to pop off her foot as well. Meanwhile, Carolyn is holding a meter stick with a hook attached to it in an attempt to fish off Angelica’s hat. (you can move this to a later frame if you want, it might be interesting to show the hook above her head without showing the whole meter stick or Carolyn until later).
• Frod under the desk is meanwhile flirting with Mrs. Lake’s shoes. She has her legs crossed under her chair. “Let me take you away from all this. Your sister can come too, of course. I have a brother who’s almost as good looking as me!”
• Jod, meanwhile has stopped under Catherine’s desk, and sees a piece of lint on her thigh just under her skirt. “Oooh, lint!” he says excitedly. (Again don’t show any naughty bits, we want to keep this PG13)
• “Oh, I have rendered you speechless with my charms,” Jod says. “Very well, It’s inevitable that I must sweep you off her feet, or foot rather, unless you want me to take your sister too …” he says rapping his laces around the teacher’s heels.
• The teacher gasps as her shoes pop off her heels. (if you need an extra panel to show both the gasp and the shoes popping off, go for it)
• Angelica gasps as her hat is removed from her head by the hook.
• Catherine gasps as Jod tickles her nylon clad legs under her skirt. (If you need an extra panel to show her gasp and the tickling, go for it)
• The teacher looks down and screams as the shoes are pulled completely off her feet by a living sneaker. “Eeeeek!” she shrieks.
• Angelica tries to grab her hat but Carolyn pulls it up too high for her.
• Catherine falls out of her chair giggling as Frod continues to tickle her thighs “easy there, just hold still, almost got it!” he says. Her shoe falls off.
• The teacher tries to stomp on the sneaker with her stocking feet as it flings her shoes away from her. (of course while all this is happening the classroom’s in an uproar with a mix of laughter and shock) Frod has a look of fear on his face. “I promise to bring them home before midnight!” he says fearfully.
• Angelica is standing on her chair on her toes now trying to reach her hat. As she stretches, her tail begins to pop out of her pantyhose.
• “Got it!” Jod says after procuring the lint from between Catherine’s legs, who is still giggling on the floor.
• While tossing the lint into his sneaker, he notices another piece of lint on the bottom of Catherine’s, now exposed, stocking foot. “Oh boy, more lint!”
• Frod holds up his laces defensively as Mrs. Lake’s foot descends on him. “So it’s a duel you want, eh?”
• Angelica starts to fall over her desk.
• Jod tickles Catherine’s foot mercilessly.
• Frod tickles Mrs. Lakes foot mercilessly.
• Wide shot of the whole class laughing and in shock as Cat and teacher are being tickled, and Angelica is slumped over the desk with her but in the air and her tail just about to pop out of her hose completely. Jasmine is putting Angelica’s hat on her head in triumph.
• POP! Her tail pops out, and many look on in shock as her ears also become more visible.
• Angelica stands and looks at everyone staring at her with a startled expression. Her cover’s blown, but most of the class is still busy watching the teacher and Catherine getting tickled by living sneakers.
• Angelica runs out of class in tears, sliding on the smooth hallway in her stocking feet. Her friends, Tanya, Katrina, Yumi and Attis stand up with looks of concern.
• Katrina, Yumi and Tanya chase her down the hall as she slips and slides in her stockings.
• She slides into the girl’s bathroom to hide from everyone. Her friends follow.
• “What’s wrong, Angelica?” Tanya asks sensitively as she approaches her while she’s crying in the corner. “What’s wrong? That’s obvious. The question is how?” Katrina says. “Is this because the shoes we were messing around with yesterday?” Angelica is still crying and not responding. “Umm, do you mean these shoes?” A voice says from behind.
• “Attis! What are you doing in the girl’s bathroom?” Yumi shouts as they all turn to face him. He is carrying both Jod and Frod who are once again lifeless. “I, umm, came to … give Angelica her shoes back …” he says red faced.
• Angelica grabs the shoes from his hands, still crying while the rest look on in surprise.
• She runs out of the bathroom, slipping some more and bumping into a locker.
• “Ugh!” she shouts forcing the shoes back on her feet.
• She taps her heels together.
• And zips right out of the school as her friends watch in awe.
• On the football field, she picks up speed.
• And jumps in the air.
• Higher and higher as she flaps her tail
• Until she’s flying
• “I’m … I’m flying?” she asks looking down in astonishment, her tears starting to clear up.
• “Yeah … looks like you are,” Jod says, “Sorry about what happened back there. We didn’t mean to upset you this much.”
• Angelica shakes her head, “I don’t care I just want to go home. Take me home!”
• Jod and Frod look at each other. “Okay …” they both say.
• Suddenly the wind picks up, and Jasmine is blown around helplessly. “Oh God!”
• A cyclone forms around as she’s whipped helplessly around. “How do I land?!”
• Frod flies off her foot as she’s whipped around in a tornado. “Help!” “Frod!” Jod shouts.
• Soon Jod flies off as well as the cyclone picks up speed.
• All is a blur.
• She screams as she falls helplessly to the ground on a strange island surrounded by, not water, but a thick taffy like mud called derv. The sky is dark, and on a distant mountain on the other side of the derv sea is a large mountain atop which sits a giant and dreadful looking castle.
• Angelica sits up and looks around in shock. “Where am I?”
• She looks at her stocking feet and gasps.
• “Jod! Frod!” She shouts as she stands up.
• “Okay, I’m not hurt at all,” she thinks to herself. “That should have killed me though.” She rubs her head. “Not even a run in my stockings. It figures that I lost my shoes.”
• As she wanders around, she approaches a wrecked shack with only two walls still standing and a little piece of ceiling still standing. She sees one of her shoes in front of it. “Jod! Frod! Is that you?”
• “It’s me,” Jod says weakly after she approaches. “I think Frod landed in that shack over there.”
• “Frod!” she calls as she slips on Jod.
• She arrives at the remains of the shack and here’s a muffled “mmfff” from under some debris.
• After moving a fallen piece of ceiling she uncovers Frod. “Thank you! Any longer and I would have died of oxygen deprivation.”
• “Do shoes really breathe oxygen?” Angelica asks as she slips Frod on. “Only the good ones! On hot days you won’t regret buying a pair that breathes!”
• Angelica rolls her eyes as she dusts herself off.
• “So where are we anyway?”
• “Dervland,” both her shoes answer.
• “Dervland?!” Angelica asks, “But how?!” this should be a zoomed out wide shot of the whole island with all the derv around, and the castle in the distance on the mountain.

End of issue 2
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Issue 3

• Panel of Angelica walking around the broken down shack nervously. "How did we get here? I don't understand."
• "You told us to bring you here," Frod answers, "You said the magic words, 'Take Me Home', so we did."
• Large panel of the island, "This is NOT my home," Angelica answers irritatingly adjusting her tail through a hole in the back of skirt.
• "Yeah, sorry about that," Jod replies, "We still have the old home point saved in our memory. You never updated it." Angelica: "Old home point? Does that mean this your old home? So, wait, did the old woman used to live here?"
• "Yeah, it used to be a decent joint back in the day," Frod answers, "before the witch flattened it." Angelica: "Witch? Wait, you said she could turn me back to normal, right?" Frod and Jod look at each other confused.
• Another wide shot showing Angelica facing the mountain with the witch's castle, lightning striking it imposingly. Jod answers "See that castle up there? That's where she lives. I wouldn't go anywhere near there. She's evil as sin."
• Angelica walks out of the shack towards the mountain, "I'm going to have to try. I can't go back home like this."
• Angelica walks towards the derv sea and is about to step in it. "Where is this place anyway?" "Umm …" Jod starts to say concerned but is interrupted.
• "How far is it from my home?" Angelica has stepped into the Derv.
• "Can you fly me back just as quick--" Her right heel pops out of shoe as she takes another step into the Derv.
• "Huh?" she says dumbfounded looking at her stocking foot.
• Standing on one foot she looks back angrily at her errant sneaker. "Frod! Don't be a coward. You can't expect me to go there in just my stockings. It's your fault I'm here, after all. You have to come with me."
• "I'd love to, sweet feet, but I'm stuck," Frod answers as Angelica slips her foot back into him.
• "Dammit!" Angelica says as she takes another step back, this time losing her left shoe. "Why didn't you tell me this stuff was so sticky!"
• "We thought everyone knew not to step in derv," Jod answers sheepishly as Angelica awkwardly tries to pry Jod free of the derv while balanced on one foot.
• "How could I have known, I've never seen 'derv' before, woaah!" Angelica complains as she falls backwards onto the island edge after pulling Jod free.
• "Yeah, kind of strange how there's no derv where she comes from," Frod responds. Agelica seems to have fallen out of Frod and is oddly balanced on her tail with her feet in the air. She looks down at her tail with astonishment. Jod is still in her hand.
• "I've never heard of it. Where is this place?" Angelica asks as she tries to pull Frod free.
• Jod answers as Frod pops free. "Like we said before, we don't know where Dervland is in relation to where you come from. It's just … here."
• "But you brought me here." Angelica says slipping her shoes back on. "That was auto-pilot, sweet feet," Frod answers, "All we can do is bring you to this home point, nowhere else."
• "So you can't get me back home?" Angelica asks with growing despair as she walks back towards the shack. Jod answers consolingly, "Not the way we brought you here, but there might be another way."
• "I bet the witch knows," Frod says. "Bad idea," answers Jod, "She's the worst person to ask for help."
• "Who else can we ask?" Angelica asks turning back to the mountain. There's no answer.
• "Okay then," Angelica says starting a run back towards the mountain.
• "Fly me to her castle!" she orders as she takes a running start back towards the derv. "Ummm," Frod starts to say.
• Just before she steps back onto the derv, Angelica flaps her tail and she takes off. "I think we should tell you …" Jod continues.
• Angelica is gaining altitude as she soars over the derv sea towards the large mountain in the distance. "We can't fly you that far!" Frod finishes. "What!?" Angelica exclaims in surprise.
• Slowly and helplessly she starts to descend into the sticky derv. "Let's go back then!" She cries as she tries to turn around.
• "It's too late, we're too far out," Jod says, "Let's head for that rock!" Angelica answers pointing to a strange purple object in the middle of the derv.
• Angelica touches down on the rock. "Yes, we made it!"
• She soon realizes the rock is quite gooey, but is much more slippery and doesn't cling to her shoes like the derv did. "Yuck!" she says.
• Suddenly the purple thing begins to sink into the derv. "Oh no!" Angelica says losing her balance.
• Her left foot slides into the derv as the purple thing continues to sink and purple tentacles rise up all around her. "What the hell is this?" she exclaims.
• The tentacles wrap around her wrists and ankles as she screams. "Aack, get off!"
• Angelica is lifted into the air by the tentacles. Her left foot slips out of her shoe as Frod remains stuck in the derv. "Ahhh, no!" Angelica screams. "Uh oh, it's a dervipus!" Frod screams.
• Another pair of tentacles proceed to tickle Angelica's midsection as she cries with laughter. "Ahahahaha, nohohoahahah!"
• A separate tentacle starts tickling the sole of her foot as she screams with laughter.
• The eighth tentacle removes her remaining shoe.
• And tickles that foot after dropping a helpless Jod into the Derv below. Angelica continues to laugh uncontrollably.
• Angelica is pulled spread eagle as each tentacle tickles her stocking feet and upper body. "Hehahehehalp me!" Jod and Frod do their best to swat at the monster with their laces, but it has little effect.
• Close up her her toes wiggling and spreading under her stockings, laughing uncontrollably.
• Suddenly a hovercraft rams into the dervipus from behind driven by an anthro-cheetah version of Katrina. Angelica is flung from the dervipus's grips. Angelica screams.
• Angelica falls into the hovercraft on top of Katrina. "Ouch! Get off me!" Katrina says steering the hovercraft into the island.
• The hovercraft crashes into the island and gets stuck on the shore, a bag of strange red fruit spills out of the hovercraft as it tips to the side. Angelica nearly falls out. "What the hell?!" she exclaims.
• "Dammit!" Katrina says climbing out of the hovercraft. "Dad's gonna kill me for this. You okay, half-human?"
• "Umm … I guess … Half human?" Angelica replies a bit dazed as Katrina examines the damage to the craft. "Thank god, just a few scratches. I can cover that up easily. What's wrong with you, half human? Are you stupid or something … walking out in the derv like that?"
• "Why do you keep calling me half human? Wait, what are you? A cheetah-girl?" Angelica asks rubbing her stocking feet as if still feeling the remnants of the tickle torture she endured. Katrina, meanwhile, attempts to refill her spilt bag.
• "You really are stupid, aren't you. Good thing I came along and saved you. Well, don't just sit there. The least you can do in return is help me get these dervberries back in the bag." Angelica watches confused as she climbs out of the hovercraft, "Dervberries?"
• "You never heard of dervberries either? Where are you from, anyway, half human? And what's your name?" "Angelica, and … uh, where am I?" Angelica answers as she helps Katrina refill the bag.
• "Did you lose your memory or something?" Katrina asks looking at her skeptically as she closes up the bag. "Ummm, maybe," Angelica responds meekly.
• "Well, I don't where this is. Just some dumb island in the middle of nowhere. I'm from Driftwood, a town to the west." Katrina says pointing to a distant settlement on the horizon of the derv sea. Angelica stares at Katrina in wonder.
• "What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?" Angelica answers hesitantly. "This may sound strange, but you remind of someone. A best friend of mine named Katrina. Only …,"
• "Katrina, eh? Maybe you do know me, because that's my name. You sure you're not from Driftwood?" "Your name is Katrina?!" Angelica exclaims. "This must be a dream!"
• "Okay, calm down half … I mean Angelica," Katrina laughs as she pushes the hovercraft back into the derv, "I think you need to see a doctor. I know someone who can help in Driftwood. I'll take you there." Angelica thinks for a moment, "Okay, I guess," she responds.
• "Well? Are you coming or what?" Katrina asks from the driver seat as Angelica looks down at her stocking feet sadly. "But what about my shoes?"
• "Forget 'em. They're gone. Lost in the derv sea. That'll teach you not to walk in the derv," Katrina answers. "No!" Angelica exclaims, "I have to get them back!" She says starting towards the derv.
• "Hey, hey, careful! You'll get stuck in the derv for good if you go in without shoes," Katrina warns moving the hovercraft to block Angelica from going further. "But I can't leave them out there!" Angelica exclaims.
• "Okay, okay! We'll try and get your shoes back. Geez, and I thought Tanya was attached to her shoes. Hopefully they haven't sunken too deep yet," she says helping Angelica into the hovercraft. "Tanya?" Angelica responds, "Could it be the same Tanya I remember?"
• As Katrina drives the hovercraft towards Angelica's shoes she says, "I doubt it, Tanya and I have been close friends for as long as I can remember and I don't remember you." Angelica's expression is one of bewilderment and deep thought.
• Katrina reaches out and tries to pull Frod free of the sticky derv. "Don't just sit there, help me. This isn't easy, you know."
• Angelica and Katrina both grab Frod's laces and pull as hard as they can. "Hey watch the laces!" Frod says. "Who said that?" Katrina asks, now the one bewildered.
• "I did lady, pull me out from my sole or you'll rip my arms off!" Frod complains. "What the hell?!" Katrina exclaims dropping the lace.
• "Here, I'll do it," Angelica says prying Frod free. "Your shoe just talked!" Katrina says looking on amazed.
• "Yeah, I know, sometimes they don't shut up," Angelica says popping it free. "I thought here, of all places, people would be used to talking shoes."
• "Nope," Katrina answered driving towards Jod, "Not in Driftwood, at least, but I hear talking shoes are all the rage in Attis. I figured you were from there. Tell me, what's the big city like?" "Attis? He's here too?" Angelica asks confused.
• "Attis isn't a person, it's a city … oh come on, you must be from there. You probably call it something else. Tell me, what are humans like, anyway? Do they smell as bad as everyone says?" Angelica pries Jod free. "I don't know what you're talking about." Angelica says confused.
• "Damn, you really did lose your memory, you've got to be from Attis though. It's the only explanation for these shoes. We also don't get too many half humans like you around here," Katrina says picking up Frod, "Tell me, shoe, where are you … is she from?"
• "None of your business!" Frod says biting her finger as Katrina puts Jod on her foot.
• "Ow!! You little!" Katrina shrieks dropping Frod.
• "It's okay, Frod, we can trust her. She saved my life." Angelica says as Frod looks at Katrina defensively while slipping back onto Angelica's foot (sort of like a dog backing into a dog house while intimidated).
• "Okay, that was too weird," Katrina says staring at her shoes in disbelief, "Let's get out of here before something else happens."
• [15 mins later as they ride towards Driftwood] "So you're a formerly human half-human with talking shoes that somehow flew you here on a whirlwind from a country called America?" Angelica thinks for a moment "Umm, yes, but what do you mean by half human?" "Half humans are people with half human and half anthro characteristics, like you." Katrina answers.
• "Anthro?" Angelica asks confused. Katrina shakes her head. "Yeah, I'm fully Anthro, of the Cheetah variety. You're only half Anthro, of the fox variety, because you don't have all the fox-like features of a fully Anthro fox girl, the rest of you is pretty clearly all human." Angelica looked at herself critically.
• "There are no humans in Driftwood. I've never even seen one. But we do have a small community half-humans. I'll be honest, they're not treated too well there. Humans and anthros have had a bit of a rocky history and there's still some hatred and distrust among some of us. But don't worry, I'm pretty open minded. I'm not racist at all." "That's good to know …," Angelica says cautiously.
• What I can't believe is that where you come from there's another girl just like me, only human?" Katrina says. "I know," Angelica answers, "I don't get it either. And of course, now my shoes aren't saying a word," she says looking at them annoyed.
• "Well, we're here," Katrina says as they speed into the small town of driftwood, where a complex of wooden boardwalks are erected on top of the derv sea and small houses and buildings stand along the winding wooden paths inches above the derv. "You can crash at my place tonight, until we figure out how to get you back home." "Thanks," Angelica says, "I wish I knew where that was."
• "Your best bet is to go to Attis. It's the only human city I know of. I've heard it's huge. Unfortunately, there's no way to get there from here, unless you can get your hands on a hovercraft. And no, you can't have this one!" Katrina says parking her hovercraft beside a small, but well kept house. Yumi, now a raccoon anthro is waiting for Katrina there and overhears them.
• "I've always wanted to travel to Attis!" Yumi says as Katrina and Angelica climb out of the hovercraft. "When are we going!"
• "WE are not going anywhere, Yumi. There's a big test next week, remember?" Katrina answers as she approaches Yumi. "I know," Yumi responds, "that's why I want to get out of here. Who's the half-human anyway?" Angelica stares at Yumi quizzically, as if recognizing how much she resembles the Yumi she knew.
• "Angelica, meet Yumi," Katrina introduces. Yumi extends her hand to shake, but Angelica looks at her in amazement, "She's just like the Yumi I knew from back home … and you said you had a friend named Tanya?" "Jasmine's coming!" a small voice could be heard off panel.
• "Speak of the devil," Katrina says turning to nervous little anthro Tanya, who is running towards them. "Stop acting so intimidated by her, you know that's what she wants." "Now there's a Jasmine here?" Angelica thinks to herself.
• "She's really on a tear though. Just bought these new boots from a traveling merchant who said he came from Attis. They've given her some magic powers or something. It's as if she can control people's minds!" Yumi shakes her head, "How many times do I have to tell you there's no such thing as magic."
• "Shhh, here she comes," Katrina says as Jasmine approaches with her entourage, Catherine (now a cat half-human girl), Carolyn (badger-anthro) and Joslyn (mongoose-anthro). Jasmine is a vixen-anthro, strutting towards Katrina in her new high heeled boots. "I see you've befriended a halfy," Jasmine says eyeing Angelica suspiciously, "I guess your cheetah-trash family isn't as racist as I thought."
• "Hah, you of all people accusing others of being racist?" Katrina says. Jasmine stops and faces off against her arch nemesis, Katrina, meanwhile Catherine stonds facing Angelica, Carolyn facing Yumi and Joslyn facing Tanya. "I should have known you'd get a halfy in your ugly clique. I know how hard you try to be like me. A vixen halfy too, I can almost smell the desperation. Why don't you lick my boots since you're obviously so obsessed with me."
• "You're nothing but a …" Katrina's response is interrupted by a sudden urge.
• Katrina kneels down at Jasmine's feet with an expression of pure disgust at what she's about to do. Her friends look in shock while Jasmine's friends just smile and laugh. "What's happening …" She says clearly struggling with herself.
• "No!" Katrina cries as she licks Jasmine's boots, gagging with disgust. "That's a good little slave, lick them clean. I got a little derv on them since you never keep your front walkway clean. I see you're still wearing those old clunky heels. Don't you think it's time you got some new ones?"
• "Uh oh," Katrina says as she rolls back against her will with her feet up in the air.
• Katrina places her shoed feet in Jasmine's hands. "Haha, what's this? Are you giving me your shoes?" "Nnn---Yes," Jasmine says clearly against her will.
• "Why thank you, Katrina," Jasmine smirks as she slips the expensive heels off of Katrina's stocking feet. Katrina watches helplessly as they are removed.
• "Give them back to her, Jasmine!" Yumi demands as Jasmine examines them in front of a humiliated Katrina. "Why? She gave them to me. You heard her," Jasmine smiles, "Actually, they do look a little shabby for my tastes."
• Katrina throws them far into the derv sea. "No!" Katrina cries.
• "Haha, I like your boots Yumi, may I have them?" Jasmine asks holding out her hands as if expecting Yumi to just give them to her.
• Yumi walks towards her and raises her foot as if to place it in Jasmine's hand, just as Katrina did. Jasmine and her friends just smile. "Haha, didn't think it would work on two…" Jasmine is interrupted
• Instead of putting her boot in her hand, Yumi suddenly kicks Jasmine in the chin, knocking her out of one of her boots, which are clearly too big for her, and on her back.
• Carolyn and Catherine are instantly upon Yumi, grabbing her arms. Yumi wrestles a bit, while Tanya and Angelica try to hold them back. "Leave her alone!" Tanya shouts.
• But Carolyn and Catherine overpower them as Joslyn now joins the fray and pushes Tanya to the ground.
• Yumi is pushed into the derv. "Nooo!" she screams.
• The three now turned on Angelica who holds her ground nervously despite being clearly overmatched.
• "Umm, I think it's time to get out of here!" Jod says. "I agree," says Frod as rockets spring up from their soles and Angelica shoots into the air.
• "What the hell?!" Catherine says as Carolyn and Joslyn cough from the smoke.
• "How'd she get up there?" Joslyn asks pointing at Angelica hovering 40 feet off the ground.
• "She has Attisian shoes," Jasmine frowns after pulling her boot back on, "Must have gotten them before I did. I'm going to have a word with that merchant."
• "What do we do now?" Carolyn asks nervously. "Let's just get out of here, I think my boots need to be recharged." Jasmine answers getting to her feet.
• The bullies run off in the distance as Angelica touches down beside Katrina while Tanya attempts to help Yumi out of the derv. "You okay?" Angelica asks concerned. Katrina sits hugging her knees looking at her stocking feet.
• "She controlled my mind … it was an awful feeling. Not sure if I'll ever get over it." Katrina says deeply troubled.
• "Well, don't dwell on it, come on, let's help get Yumi out of a Derv," Angelica says helping Katrina to her feet.
• The three of them try pulling Yumi out of the sticky derv which clings to her back and left boot, fortunately she managed to keep her right foot out of the derv. "Oh no, my clothes!" She shouts as her shorts and shirt tear part way off.
• "And there goes my boot," she sighs as it pops off her foot when they pull her out. "Don't worry, we can pry it out, Yumi," Tanya reassures her.
• "We can get your shoes back too if we take the hovercraft," Angelica assures Katrina as Yumi and Tanya try to pry the boot free of the derv.
• Katrina watches helplessly as her shoes sink slowly into the derv in the distance. "No, it will be too late by the time we get there. Let's just go home. Jasmine was right about one thing, It's time I got me some new shoes. I'm ready for an upgrade…"
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