With it being the holidays.
I'm sure that we all "cheat" and eat things we are not supposed to, and then give them up.. or try to. after the 1st of the year.
Those who know me and who have seen my posts, know that I have high BP.
I used have struggles with my weight, when I lived in PA, but I've lost a considerable amount of weight since I moved to NY.
In spite of this, one food that my Dr has told me he wants me not to eat is Pie. I love Apple Pie.
I used to keep it in the house, even before my discussion with him about this. Since he told me not to eat it, I've been listening to him. I settle for Ice Cream.
I'm supposed to go to Christmas parties at a friend's house on Christmas Day.
My friend has already been like to me.
"Mitch, bring two Applie Pies"
Of course, all the pie won't be for me ;lol. My friend, and his family will undoubetedly have some as well.
I know I'll eat some. I'm sure while I'm visiting my friends I will pig out. I'll eat probably like I used to when I lived in PA, and then come back home and go back to my usual eating.
Digression aside, my apologies.
What Desserts do you try to avoid, or avoid, completely?
Mine is Apple Pie. I know that if I started eating that, I would not stop,
With it being the holidays.
I'm sure that we all "cheat" and eat things we are not supposed to, and then give them up.. or try to. after the 1st of the year.
Those who know me and who have seen my posts, know that I have high BP.
I used have struggles with my weight, when I lived in PA, but I've lost a considerable amount of weight since I moved to NY.
In spite of this, one food that my Dr has told me he wants me not to eat is Pie. I love Apple Pie.
I used to keep it in the house, even before my discussion with him about this. Since he told me not to eat it, I've been listening to him. I settle for Ice Cream.
I'm supposed to go to Christmas parties at a friend's house on Christmas Day.
My friend has already been like to me.
"Mitch, bring two Applie Pies"
Of course, all the pie won't be for me ;lol. My friend, and his family will undoubetedly have some as well.
I know I'll eat some. I'm sure while I'm visiting my friends I will pig out. I'll eat probably like I used to when I lived in PA, and then come back home and go back to my usual eating.
Digression aside, my apologies.
What Desserts do you try to avoid, or avoid, completely?
Mine is Apple Pie. I know that if I started eating that, I would not stop,