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Dexter Knight (Preview inside)


TMF Expert
Jan 21, 2007
Here is my second novel that I published myself. There might be a few mistakes here or there, but I'm still learning you know? So be nice, this was written a while ago. Here's the link to the e-novel


Written By: Jordan Ray Little


The morning sun shown brightly through the partly closed curtains of queen Emeralds castle. Her eyes were closed tightly, and her breaths were shallow. Once the sun hit her closed eyes Emerald moaned, and rolled over onto her side, but it was too late the sun had already woken her up. Sitting up in her bed, she slid her bare feet out from underneath the covers, and sat at the edge of her bed yawning and stretching her hands high over her head. Emerald was known as a beautiful woman, she was often considered to be an angle, but she wasn’t sure about that statement.
She had honey blond hair that was draped over small rounded shoulders, bright blue eyes that seemed to shimmer like tiny pools of water, and ample breasts. She stood exactly five feet tall, and was often considered to be a midget in her family. That statement didn’t bother her in the least.
She was often cited by other for getting her short stature from her father. The man only stood a few inches taller than her, and her mother stood an entire foot taller than she did. She got most of her looks from her. She too had blue eyes, and honey blond hair. She looked nothing like her father who was balding, the hair he did have was around his ears. He was a short, portly figure.
Standing Emerald made her way into the bathroom where she bathed, and changed into a white, flowing dress, matching nylons and heels. Looking at herself in the mirror, she combed her hair and than went outside.
Emerald’s mother had passed away when she was only twelve-years old. She had sworn to be the kind of queen her mother was. Kind and gentle, and understanding. She might be better off than most, but she didn’t let that fact take away her humanity. Her father relinquished his powers to her only a few months ago, but he was still known as the king in the kingdom. He was much like her, and always tried to help those in need.
She wasn’t the kind of queen to sit around in the castle all day. She liked to go outside, walk in the garden, or even head into the village down the hill and interact with her people. The people who protected her castle with their lives. The village and castle was surrounded by a large fence made of stone, it marked the kingdoms boundaries, but her power stretched beyond these walls, and even to other planets.
I wonder if Alessa’s awake. Emerald thought. She wanted to check in on her, but decided against it. If she was still asleep she didn’t want to disturb her.
After ordering her breakfast, Emerald headed outside. A few of the guards who guarded the front gates of her castle insisted on accompanying her to the village, but Emerald insisted they stay behind. She trusted her people, and knew nothing bad would happen to her during her daily walks.
Walking down the dirt road that led to the village she lifted her bare arms out so the sun could hit them. It felt good against them, and the cool breeze blew her hair in the wind. Everything seemed so peaceful, and beautiful today. There wasn’t a gray cloud in the sky, and as she entered the village the smiling facing of her people reassured her even further.
“Good morning your highness.” Said a young man, bowing to Emerald as she passed.
“Good morning.” Emerald said, over her shoulder.
Besides her beauty, Emerald was also loved because of her attitude towards her people. She didn’t look at them just as loyal subjects, but as her friend, and family. They grew the crops, raised cattle and horses, protected the castle and village with the guards, and helped with anything else that needed to be dealt with.
Emerald headed down market street. The street had venders, and other open shops and was brimming with shopping mothers and their daughters, and men all looking to buy what they needed. As the queen passed she was greeted by more and more of her people. She stopped to speak with a few, and even bought some of their wares. Carrying a bag in her hands Emerald headed towards her friend, Cheryl’s home.
“Malady!” Said Cheryl, opening the front door of her quaint home.
“Good morning.” Said Emerald, merrily.
Cheryl stepped aside and allowed Emerald to enter. The home was small, but was furnished well. Taking a seat at the kitchen table the women started to chat.
“So how’s Alessa doing?” Cheryl asked.
“She’s good. I think she was still asleep when I left this morning.” Said Emerald.
“Late night of studying?” Cheryl asked.
“I think so. She’s a bright girl.” Said Emerald, smiling.
“You should be very proud of her.” Said Cheryl.
“I am.” Said Emerald.
The ladies conversation then turned to Emerald’s father who had left for Earth several days ago for diplomatic reasons.
“Have you heard anything from your father?” Cheryl asked.
“Not yet, but I’m sure he’s fine. When he left I pestered him until he took most of the star cruisers with him. He agreed, but I’m sure he was feeling uneasy about it. He‘s made a lot of enemies since he was in charge, and I felt better if he had taken most of the guard ships with him.” Said Emerald.
Even though her father was kind, his kindness also brought him a lot of problems. Whether it was on this planets with neighboring villages, or on other who were ruled by tyrants.
“I’m sure everything will be fine. This kingdom hasn’t seen war in years.” Cheryl said.
Emerald nodded. The last war that had broken out had claimed the life of her husband, Mark. Mark was called away to deal with a civil war that had broken out between to neighboring villages, but things didn’t go as planned and he was shot. Emerald thought often about the day she received the news, and the day they had buried him. It was hard, but life went on.
“How’s your husband doing?” Emerald asked.
Cheryl smiled. “A lot better. He’s back on his feet.” Cheryl’s husband had suffered an accident and hurt his back. He couldn’t walk for sometime, but thankfully he got better.
Just as Emerald was about to say something else the front door of Cheryl’s home flew open and a single guard stepped inside. The man was garbed in heavy looking armor, and carried a laser rifle in front of him. “Ma’am we need you.” He said.
Emerald looked worriedly at Cheryl, than got to her feet. “What’s wrong?” She asked.
The guard licked his lips nervously, while he looked at Cheryl for a moment before continuing. “We got reports of an enemy faction heading this way. War ships, the works!” The man said, he sounded agitated, and ready for a fight.
Emerald nodded. She wasn’t prepared for this, but had an idea. “We need to tell everyone to return to their homes.” Said Emerald, to the guard. “Get the barrier up, maybe that will buy us some time.”
The barrier was made out of pure energy and surrounded the castle. It was a lot stronger than metallic armor, and invisible to the naked eye. The only way you can really tell if it was working is when it’s first started, the sky would look like it was made up of black electricity, and than it would turn invisible. It was strong, but wouldn’t last forever.
“Emerald?” Cheryl said, now getting to her feet.
“It’s alright Cheryl.” Emerald said, touching her friends arm. “Just stay put.” Cheryl nodded.
The guard led Emerald from the home. Others guards were on horseback awaiting their commands.
“Tell everyone to return to their homes! And get the barrier up!” Shouted the guard. The men nodded and raced off into the village shouting for people to go home, and stay there. The guard who had told Emerald the news got back up on his horse, and helped Emerald into the saddle behind him.
“What do we have to defend ourselves with?” Emerald asked.
“Laser pistols, and rifles. The castle has a few energy based cannons. I don’t know if it will be enough though.” Said the man.
“Can we call for help?” Emerald asked.
“Yes, we’ve already contacted planet Otlanet for help. They’re sending a fleet to help out.”
“Ok. Take me back to the castle. Someone needs to see to Alyssa!” Said Emerald.
The two raced back to the castle on horseback as fast as they could. All around them villagers stopped to stare, a look of concern splayed across their faces. “GET BACK TO YOUR HOMES!” Both Emerald, and the guard shouted. As they passed the villagers clambered into their, and others homes. They slammed the doors and windows closed, and locked them. They weren’t sure what was happening. Emerald knew, but why was this happening? Why now?
When they had arrived back at the castle Emerald ordered the guard to see to Alessa. He nodded and disappeared around the castle, still on the horse. Emerald ran into the castle and headed to her room on the top floor. She passed by cooks, and maids who were all heading towards their rooms.
“What’s happening ma’am?” Asked a young girl, she looked frightened.
“Nothing we can’t handle child.” Said Emerald, patting the girl on her shoulder. “Please go to your room and stay there, the barriers about to go up.” She said.
“Yes ma’am.” Said the girl, bowing.
Emerald smiled and watched as the girl ran to the nearest door and entered.
Poor child. Emerald thought. She hated the look of fear on the young, or anyone.
Emerald entered her room and gazed out the window. The streets were bare, but the court yard below was filled with guards all brandishing laser rifles, and pistols. The castles cannons rose from the gardens and were pointed towards the heavens. They were ready for a fight.
“BE STRONG!” Emerald shouted, from her window.
The guards looked up and saluted, Emerald returned the gesture. Emerald pressed her hands against her chest, her heart felt like it was breaking in two. She was so scared for her people, for Alessa.
Emerald turned to leave her room to see to Alessa when she saw a black shadow fall over her castle. The shadow chased away the sun, and hopes of all it touched. The ship was huge, much bigger than the castle.
“God help us…” Emerald cried, as she folded her hands together.
The ship turned towards the castle and started to fire. Heavy red blasts of energy struck the barrier. The barrier held, but made a loud crackling sound as it was struck again, and again. Emerald watched in horror as the ship continuously fired it’s cannons even though they weren’t breaking. The barrier was steadily growing darker as it was continuously struck with the energy blasts. Finally it shattered and a beam of energy struck the east side of the castle punching a hole in it’s stone ceiling. Emerald heard screams in the distance.
“NO!” Emerald screamed. Turning towards the wall where she heard the screams. Tears were now draining down her cheeks. Emerald dabbed her eyes with the back of her hand. Don’t cry! Don’t cry! She screamed at herself, but it was hard not to knowing her people were dying.
The castles cannons turned towards the giant ship and started to fire upon it. There were only two cannons, and were easily outnumbered by the ships who seemed to have twelve at the front, near it’s nose, and dozens more under it’s belly. The ships cannons aimed at the castles cannons and fired, the cannons were demolished. The guards far below ran into the courtyard and aimed their weapons at the ship. They knew the attack was suicidal, but it didn’t stop them. The ship on the other hand didn’t fire at the men, instead it aimed it’s nose towards the sky and took off. It disappeared in a cloud.
The men looked up dumbfounded. Emerald too looked surprised, but the reprieve didn’t last long, from far away the sounds of engines could be heard. The roar of machines coming to life. Emerald spotted them first, large tanks in the distance cutting through forests, and mowing down foliage.
“TANKS!” Emerald screamed down at the men. She pointed towards the tanks that were barreling towards their kingdom. The guards couldn’t see over the walls, and didn’t have a clue as to where they would strike first, running to different sides of the castle readying themselves for the attack. Most vehicles used for war, or otherwise were energy based. The barrier protected the castle from that, but since it was gone they were sitting ducks!
The tanks fired energy based blasts towards the castles walls, demolishing them as they struck. The tanks smashed through the walls and drove through the village, some even smashed into homes sending debris high into the air. Emerald watched helplessly as more of her people were slaughtered, and for what?
Her guards fired upon the tanks, but their weapons only bounced off the tanks high density armor. The men surrounded the tanks, but they were either mowed down or fired at. The guards didn’t last long.
The door to Emerald’s room opened and two men entered the room. One was tall and held a laser pistol in his right hand, and a laser rifle was slung over his shoulder. He wore a gun belt that was covered with grenades. The other carried only a laser rifle. “Ma’am we need to leave.” Said the man on Emerald’s right. Emerald turned and nodded. “What about Alessa?” She asked.
“She’s fine. We got her our of the village as soon as you told us to see to her.” Said the man, shaking his head. “It was the only thing we could think of doing.”
“No! That’s great, thank you.” Emerald said, smiling weakly. Even though she felt like breaking down and crying, she still needed to appear strong, and hopeful for the men. They fed off her courage, and she would show as much as she could, even if it killed her.
“Ma’am?” Asked the man on the Emerald’s right.
“Yes. Let’s go.” She said. She allowed the man to take her by the hand and lead her out of her room, they were followed from behind by the other man, who was looking very nervous.
“Don’t worry.” Said the man, catching Emerald’s eyes. He smiled, and Emerald returned the gesture. It was exactly what he was going to tell him.
Once they entered the hall the two men went separate ways. The one holding Emerald’s hand went right, while the other went left. The one on the left held his rifle like he was about to fire at something, but the hallway was empty.
“What about everyone else?” Asked Emerald.
“We need to worry about you first.” Said the man, holding her hand.
“No!” Emerald shouted, wriggling her hand out of the man’s. “We won’t leave without them
Hello Alwayssilver! Welcome to the TTC (this is Low_Roads from the TMF)! Very nice to be able to chat with you here as well as at our sister site! Well, Dexter Knight is certainly off to a rousing start! Plenty of vivid imagery, as Queen Emerald's pleasant bucolic realm suffers its surprise onslaught: ships the size of cities and crackling discharge from shorting force fields... it recalls the siege of Arrakeen from Frank Herbert's Dune (let's hope things don't turn quite so dire from the stubborn but agreeable Emerald!): a classic start! It's impossible to tell at this early stage how Mr. Knight will become involved, but he's going to have his hands full! Thank you for the generous sample, and best of luck with Lulu!
How ever, how do we know Dexter knight is a male knight? Food for thought. I'd just like to say, that the siege upon this kingdom reminds me of an old Indian texyt, telling of how the world was besieged by the gods and their futuristic weapons. It was an entertaining story, and the preview gives me much more to think about on this.
How ever, how do we know Dexter knight is a male knight?
I'm not sure if Dexter Albert Knight a knight in any traditional sense, J, but he's definitely a guy! The Lulu site identifies him as a space cadet... 'course, there are two ways to take that, too! :laughing:
Oh! I never even looked at that site! Thanks littlebighead!
Sorry everyone I didn't know anyone posted here. Yes mr. Knight is a male. And he does have his hands full through out the whole book. I do plan on doing a lot with him, I'm even planning on re-writing this book later on. I want to change Dexter Knight slightly (mostly his equipment.)
i've read the whole book...Dexter Knight...and it's super fantastic..as i said elsewhere..alwayssilver never fails to amaze me with his creativity and descriptive characters..he willl be famous of this i am sure...good luck love...

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