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Dexter Knight


TMF Expert
Jan 21, 2007
(Enjoy! There might be mistakes, but be kind. This book took a long time to write, and it's free!)


The morning sun shown brightly through the partly closed curtains of queen Emeralds castle. Her eyes were closed tightly, and her breaths were shallow. Once the sun hit her closed eyes Emerald moaned, and rolled over onto her side, but it was too late the sun had already woken her up. Sitting up in her bed, she slid her bare feet out from underneath the covers, and sat at the edge of her bed yawning and stretching her hands high over her head. Emerald was known as a beautiful woman, she was often considered to be an angle, but she wasn’t sure about that statement.
She had honey blond hair that was draped over small rounded shoulders, bright blue eyes that seemed to shimmer like tiny pools of water, and ample breasts. She stood exactly five feet tall, and was often considered to be a midget in her family. That statement didn’t bother her in the least.
She was often cited by other for getting her short stature from her father. The man only stood a few inches taller than her, and her mother stood an entire foot taller than she did. She got most of her looks from her. She too had blue eyes, and honey blond hair. She looked nothing like her father who was balding, the hair he did have was around his ears. He was a short, portly figure.
Standing Emerald made her way into the bathroom where she bathed, and changed into a white, flowing dress, matching nylons and heels. Looking at herself in the mirror, she combed her hair and than went outside.
Emerald’s mother had passed away when she was only twelve-years old. She had sworn to be the kind of queen her mother was. Kind and gentle, and understanding. She might be better off than most, but she didn’t let that fact take away her humanity. Her father relinquished his powers to her only a few months ago, but he was still known as the king in the kingdom. He was much like her, and always tried to help those in need.
She wasn’t the kind of queen to sit around in the castle all day. She liked to go outside, walk in the garden, or even head into the village down the hill and interact with her people. The people who protected her castle with their lives. The village and castle was surrounded by a large fence made of stone, it marked the kingdoms boundaries, but her power stretched beyond these walls, and even to other planets.
I wonder if Alessa’s awake. Emerald thought. She wanted to check in on her, but decided against it. If she was still asleep she didn’t want to disturb her.
After ordering her breakfast, Emerald headed outside. A few of the guards who guarded the front gates of her castle insisted on accompanying her to the village, but Emerald insisted they stay behind. She trusted her people, and knew nothing bad would happen to her during her daily walks.
Walking down the dirt road that led to the village she lifted her bare arms out so the sun could hit them. It felt good against them, and the cool breeze blew her hair in the wind. Everything seemed so peaceful, and beautiful today. There wasn’t a gray cloud in the sky, and as she entered the village the smiling facing of her people reassured her even further.
“Good morning your highness.” Said a young man, bowing to Emerald as she passed.
“Good morning.” Emerald said, over her shoulder.
Besides her beauty, Emerald was also loved because of her attitude towards her people. She didn’t look at them just as loyal subjects, but as her friend, and family. They grew the crops, raised cattle and horses, protected the castle and village with the guards, and helped with anything else that needed to be dealt with.
Emerald headed down market street. The street had venders, and other open shops and was brimming with shopping mothers and their daughters, and men all looking to buy what they needed. As the queen passed she was greeted by more and more of her people. She stopped to speak with a few, and even bought some of their wares. Carrying a bag in her hands Emerald headed towards her friend, Cheryl’s home.
“Malady!” Said Cheryl, opening the front door of her quaint home.
“Good morning.” Said Emerald, merrily.
Cheryl stepped aside and allowed Emerald to enter. The home was small, but was furnished well. Taking a seat at the kitchen table the women started to chat.
“So how’s Alessa doing?” Cheryl asked.
“She’s good. I think she was still asleep when I left this morning.” Said Emerald.
“Late night of studying?” Cheryl asked.
“I think so. She’s a bright girl.” Said Emerald, smiling.
“You should be very proud of her.” Said Cheryl.
“I am.” Said Emerald.
The ladies conversation then turned to Emerald’s father who had left for Earth several days ago for diplomatic reasons.
“Have you heard anything from your father?” Cheryl asked.
“Not yet, but I’m sure he’s fine. When he left I pestered him until he took most of the star cruisers with him. He agreed, but I’m sure he was feeling uneasy about it. He‘s made a lot of enemies since he was in charge, and I felt better if he had taken most of the guard ships with him.” Said Emerald.
Even though her father was kind, his kindness also brought him a lot of problems. Whether it was on this planets with neighboring villages, or on other who were ruled by tyrants.
“I’m sure everything will be fine. This kingdom hasn’t seen war in years.” Cheryl said.
Emerald nodded. The last war that had broken out had claimed the life of her husband, Mark. Mark was called away to deal with a civil war that had broken out between to neighboring villages, but things didn’t go as planned and he was shot. Emerald thought often about the day she received the news, and the day they had buried him. It was hard, but life went on.
“How’s your husband doing?” Emerald asked.
Cheryl smiled. “A lot better. He’s back on his feet.” Cheryl’s husband had suffered an accident and hurt his back. He couldn’t walk for sometime, but thankfully he got better.
Just as Emerald was about to say something else the front door of Cheryl’s home flew open and a single guard stepped inside. The man was garbed in heavy looking armor, and carried a laser rifle in front of him. “Ma’am we need you.” He said.
Emerald looked worriedly at Cheryl, than got to her feet. “What’s wrong?” She asked.
The guard licked his lips nervously, while he looked at Cheryl for a moment before continuing. “We got reports of an enemy faction heading this way. War ships, the works!” The man said, he sounded agitated, and ready for a fight.
Emerald nodded. She wasn’t prepared for this, but had an idea. “We need to tell everyone to return to their homes.” Said Emerald, to the guard. “Get the barrier up, maybe that will buy us some time.”
The barrier was made out of pure energy and surrounded the castle. It was a lot stronger than metallic armor, and invisible to the naked eye. The only way you can really tell if it was working is when it’s first started, the sky would look like it was made up of black electricity, and than it would turn invisible. It was strong, but wouldn’t last forever.
“Emerald?” Cheryl said, now getting to her feet.
“It’s alright Cheryl.” Emerald said, touching her friends arm. “Just stay put.” Cheryl nodded.
The guard led Emerald from the home. Others guards were on horseback awaiting their commands.
“Tell everyone to return to their homes! And get the barrier up!” Shouted the guard. The men nodded and raced off into the village shouting for people to go home, and stay there. The guard who had told Emerald the news got back up on his horse, and helped Emerald into the saddle behind him.
“What do we have to defend ourselves with?” Emerald asked.
“Laser pistols, and rifles. The castle has a few energy based cannons. I don’t know if it will be enough though.” Said the man.
“Can we call for help?” Emerald asked.
“Yes, we’ve already contacted planet Otlanet for help. They’re sending a fleet to help out.”
“Ok. Take me back to the castle. Someone needs to see to Alyssa!” Said Emerald.
The two raced back to the castle on horseback as fast as they could. All around them villagers stopped to stare, a look of concern splayed across their faces. “GET BACK TO YOUR HOMES!” Both Emerald, and the guard shouted. As they passed the villagers clambered into their, and others homes. They slammed the doors and windows closed, and locked them. They weren’t sure what was happening. Emerald knew, but why was this happening? Why now?
When they had arrived back at the castle Emerald ordered the guard to see to Alessa. He nodded and disappeared around the castle, still on the horse. Emerald ran into the castle and headed to her room on the top floor. She passed by cooks, and maids who were all heading towards their rooms.
“What’s happening ma’am?” Asked a young girl, she looked frightened.
“Nothing we can’t handle child.” Said Emerald, patting the girl on her shoulder. “Please go to your room and stay there, the barriers about to go up.” She said.
“Yes ma’am.” Said the girl, bowing.
Emerald smiled and watched as the girl ran to the nearest door and entered.
Poor child. Emerald thought. She hated the look of fear on the young, or anyone.
Emerald entered her room and gazed out the window. The streets were bare, but the court yard below was filled with guards all brandishing laser rifles, and pistols. The castles cannons rose from the gardens and were pointed towards the heavens. They were ready for a fight.
“BE STRONG!” Emerald shouted, from her window.
The guards looked up and saluted, Emerald returned the gesture. Emerald pressed her hands against her chest, her heart felt like it was breaking in two. She was so scared for her people, for Alessa.
Emerald turned to leave her room to see to Alessa when she saw a black shadow fall over her castle. The shadow chased away the sun, and hopes of all it touched. The ship was huge, much bigger than the castle.
“God help us…” Emerald cried, as she folded her hands together.
The ship turned towards the castle and started to fire. Heavy red blasts of energy struck the barrier. The barrier held, but made a loud crackling sound as it was struck again, and again. Emerald watched in horror as the ship continuously fired it’s cannons even though they weren’t breaking. The barrier was steadily growing darker as it was continuously struck with the energy blasts. Finally it shattered and a beam of energy struck the east side of the castle punching a hole in it’s stone ceiling. Emerald heard screams in the distance.
“NO!” Emerald screamed. Turning towards the wall where she heard the screams. Tears were now draining down her cheeks. Emerald dabbed her eyes with the back of her hand. Don’t cry! Don’t cry! She screamed at herself, but it was hard not to knowing her people were dying.
The castles cannons turned towards the giant ship and started to fire upon it. There were only two cannons, and were easily outnumbered by the ships who seemed to have twelve at the front, near it’s nose, and dozens more under it’s belly. The ships cannons aimed at the castles cannons and fired, the cannons were demolished. The guards far below ran into the courtyard and aimed their weapons at the ship. They knew the attack was suicidal, but it didn’t stop them. The ship on the other hand didn’t fire at the men, instead it aimed it’s nose towards the sky and took off. It disappeared in a cloud.
The men looked up dumbfounded. Emerald too looked surprised, but the reprieve didn’t last long, from far away the sounds of engines could be heard. The roar of machines coming to life. Emerald spotted them first, large tanks in the distance cutting through forests, and mowing down foliage.
“TANKS!” Emerald screamed down at the men. She pointed towards the tanks that were barreling towards their kingdom. The guards couldn’t see over the walls, and didn’t have a clue as to where they would strike first, running to different sides of the castle readying themselves for the attack. Most vehicles used for war, or otherwise were energy based. The barrier protected the castle from that, but since it was gone they were sitting ducks!
The tanks fired energy based blasts towards the castles walls, demolishing them as they struck. The tanks smashed through the walls and drove through the village, some even smashed into homes sending debris high into the air. Emerald watched helplessly as more of her people were slaughtered, and for what?
Her guards fired upon the tanks, but their weapons only bounced off the tanks high density armor. The men surrounded the tanks, but they were either mowed down or fired at. The guards didn’t last long.
The door to Emerald’s room opened and two men entered the room. One was tall and held a laser pistol in his right hand, and a laser rifle was slung over his shoulder. He wore a gun belt that was covered with grenades. The other carried only a laser rifle. “Ma’am we need to leave.” Said the man on Emerald’s right. Emerald turned and nodded. “What about Alessa?” She asked.
“She’s fine. We got her our of the village as soon as you told us to see to her.” Said the man, shaking his head. “It was the only thing we could think of doing.”
“No! That’s great, thank you.” Emerald said, smiling weakly. Even though she felt like breaking down and crying, she still needed to appear strong, and hopeful for the men. They fed off her courage, and she would show as much as she could, even if it killed her.
“Ma’am?” Asked the man on the Emerald’s right.
“Yes. Let’s go.” She said. She allowed the man to take her by the hand and lead her out of her room, they were followed from behind by the other man, who was looking very nervous.
“Don’t worry.” Said the man, catching Emerald’s eyes. He smiled, and Emerald returned the gesture. It was exactly what he was going to tell him.
Once they entered the hall the two men went separate ways. The one holding Emerald’s hand went right, while the other went left. The one on the left held his rifle like he was about to fire at something, but the hallway was empty.
“What about everyone else?” Asked Emerald.
“We need to worry about you first.” Said the man, holding her hand.
“No!” Emerald shouted, wriggling her hand out of the man’s. “We won’t leave without them!” She said.
“Ma’am please.” Said the guard, turning to face Emerald. “There’s only one transport ship in the castles hanger, it would be impossible to get everyone in the castle and village inside. I’m sorry, but we have no choice. We might not even get out alive in it anyways. It doesn’t have any kind of defense system, cloaking system, or anything like that.” Emerald listen intently as the man continued to name all the reasons why they should only worry about her. The castle’s hanger was located underneath the castle. The guard was still talking when out of the corner of his eye he saw several enemy troops enter the hallway. They wore armor too, but their armor was crimson red, and their weapons varied from energy based pistols, shotguns, rifles. Even antique grenade launchers.
“Get back!” Shouted the guard, talking to Emerald. He pushed his queen behind him and opened fire on the men, so did the other guard who was heading down the hallway. Their blasts struck down the enemy troops as they flooded the hallway. They were caught by surprise, but soon they were firing their weapons too.
The two guards together cut through several enemy troops, but soon the enemy troops gained ground. One fired at the guard closest to them, he was killed almost instantly. The guard standing behind Emerald fired his weapon, and continuously backed up. When they made it to the next hallway he grabbed Emerald hand and guided her down it as fast as he could. The enemy troops ran as well, and the guard who led Emerald by her hand turned and fired his weapon at them as they continued to run.
They approached a large stairwell that led to the first floor of the castle. Enemy troops were waiting at the bottom, but their backs were turned. The guard fired on them striking each one down. When they reached the bottom landing the guard and Emerald turned right and without delay continued towards the hanger.
They could hear the sounds of explosions, and fighting all around them as the two continued through the castle. All Emerald wanted to do was help them, but knew there was nothing she could do for them.
Finally they arrived in front of a large wooden door that led underneath the castle. The guard opened the door and allowed Emerald to go first. He waited until she was halfway down the stairs before he followed. Closing the door behind them he locked it and headed down the stairs. The stairwell was narrow, and poorly lit, but it was bright enough to see where the next step was.
When they entered the hanger bright lights turned themselves on and illuminated a small ship. Normally the entire hanger would have been filled to the brim with fighter class space ships, but since she begged her father to take them with him to earth the only ship that remained was one transport ship that was only big enough to carry twelve people in it, and a few large and small crates off to the side. She knew the guard was right about not being able to help anyone else, but she felt like she was abandoning her people. Betraying them even.
The guard saw the concern in his queen’s eyes and smiled. “Let’s go.” He said, motioning with his head towards the ship. Just as he finished his sentence a loud boom caused them to jump and turn towards the stairwell they had just left. The sounds of enemy troops running down the stairs brought worry to the guards face. Pointing towards the crates he ran to the side of the stairwell and waited for the enemy troops.
By the time the first one appeared Emerald was hiding behind one of the large crates that was probably filled with ship parts.
The guard silently, and quickly inched his way towards the man. Driving the butt of his rifle into the man’s stomach. The man bent low, coughing just as the guard drove the butt of his rifle into the man’s chin. The man fell hard to his back. Another man appeared and the guard was on him in a second, he punched him hard in the face, and ducked underneath the man’s fist as he threw a punch. When he rose he punched the man in the side of the temple. The man turned on his feet before he fell to the ground beside his comrade. More and more of the enemy troops ran into the hanger, again and again the guard took them out with his hands. It looked like a dance to Emerald watching the guard duck, block, and dodge the enemies attacks. She was starting to think this man could single handedly take out all of the attacking troops.
Unfortunately as the though entered her mind one of the attacking troops fired a laser pistol at the guard. The attack was low, but did a lot of damage as the beam of energy sliced through the guards leg. The guard winced in pain and fell to his knees. Tearing a grenade off his gun belt he tossed it into the stairwell. It exploded killing the remaining troops, but more were coming. Emerald watched as the guard fell to his back. He was breathing hard, and clasping his hand over his wound, blood seeped through his fingers.
Emerald moved away from her hiding spot and approached the guard. “Let me help you!” She cried, tearing a small sliver of cloth from her dress. She tied it over the man’s wound, he winced in pain as she did this. “Come on. This can’t be the worst you ever suffered.” Emerald said.
“No.” The man agreed, through gritted teeth. “But it’s the only one I’m remembering right now.” At for the first time since this happened both the guard and Emerald laughed. They laughed out of exhaustion, not the fact that the guard was hurt.
The sound of someone walking down the stairwell interrupted their laughter. Emerald tired to help the guard to his feet, but his leg refused to work. So instead Emerald grabbed the man from under his arms and dragged him as fast as she could behind the crates. “Your heavy.” Emerald groaned.
“I blame that on the prosperity of this kingdom.” The man whispered. They moved behind the first crate, and Emerald slipped and fell on hard on her bottom. The heel on her left shoe had broken. Emerald kicked off her heels and tossed them aside.
Standing in her nylon clad feet she looked over the crate they hid behind and saw a single man standing near the stairwell. The man had short black hair, and dark brown eyes, broad shoulders, and muscular arms and legs. He stood six feet tall, and was garbed in a gray uniform that had black lines carved into it making it looked like the uniform was made from blocks. He wore boots, and gloves with the same designs on them, and a cape that flowed behind him. In the middle of his chest was black stitching, like the uniform had been sloppily repaired. He wore a belt with a holster on his right hip, a laser rifle could be seen in it. In the man’s hands was parts of the door that had been locked earlier.
Emerald recognized the uniform right away. It belonged to members of the ‘intergalactic space cadets.’ A group dedicated to keeping the peace on all planets in Earth’s galaxy and beyond.
The man was looking at the fragments of the door. When he moved his eyes from them he said. “It was open so I came in.” His voice was gruff, and echoed throughout the hanger. Letting the pieces fall to the ground he than turned to the dead troops. “That’s going to cost someone.” He said, pointing at the corpses.
Emerald held her breath. The man was looking at the transport ship. Did he think someone was on it? “That’s quiet a mess outside too. I can’t tell the difference between my men, or yours. Doesn’t matter I guess. To me that is.” The man said, as he strolled towards the ship, he didn’t seem bothered about what was happening outside. “I think you should come out and surrender yourself to us. If your confused about the uniform than don’t be, it’s meaningless to me now. I’m not here to help you.” Said the man.
Emerald looked down at the guard who was starring blankly at the ceiling. Tears were draining down his cheeks. Emerald patted his shoulder and smiled. “We’re ok.” She whispered.
“I know you care for your people.” The man continued. “I’ll tell you what. If you come out and surrender than the killing will stop. I’ll even spare the guard behind those crates.” Said the man, pointing at Emerald his eyes were still fixed on the ship.
How did he know they were back there?
Emerald swallowed hard. Her voice shook as she said, “do you swear?”
“On my life.” The man said, turning towards Emerald.
“Than I’m coming out.” Emerald said.
She was about to stand when the guard grabbed her arm. “No.” He sobbed helplessly.
Emerald smiled down at him, and lightly kissed him on his cheek. “It’s ok. You rest.” She said. Emerald had to pull his hand off her arm. When she stood she walked out from behind the crates and slowly made her way towards the man.
“You promised.” She said, finally stepping up to him.
“I did.” He said. Taking a small communication device out from his belt he spoke into it. “I have the queen, all men return to the tanks.” He said. Placing the device back in it’s place. “See?” He said.
“Why are you doing this? What do you want with me?” She asked.
“I don’t want anything to do with you, but I have orders to take you to my master.” The man said.
“Master?” Emerald said, repeating the man’s last word.
“Well you shouldn’t call him master.” Said the man.
“What should I call him?” Emerald asked, crossly.
“I don’t know what you would call him. Try hubby.” The man smiled, as he grabbed Emerald roughly by her arm and dragged her out of the hanger. “Let’s go meet your future husband.”


Barry was the king of planet Rolanet where his daughter Emerald was left in charge. He may worry about his daughter, about leaving her to rule his kingdom, but it wasn’t because he didn’t trust her. Often he was accused of being too overprotective, but what good father wasn’t? He argued about taking all their guard ships with him for this meeting, but Emerald had ordered the pilots to follow him anyways, so what choice did he have?
Barry was in his late fifties. He had a long, black beard, and was loosing the hair off the top of his head. The hair he did have was now around his large ears. He had dark brown eyes, and stood approximately five feet, four inches tall. He was a portly figure, with broad, droopy shoulders. Barry usually wore a black outfit, with matching boots, when he went to these diplomatic meetings. He had only received his invitation two weeks ago, and in that time he’s made his preparations for his journey to earth. It only took a few hours to get to Earth from planet Rolanet, thanks to the engines his ships were installed with, but they most certainly weren’t the fastest out there.
Barry sat in the seat next to the pilot, he was drearily looking out the front windows. He never liked these long voyages into space, but transporting from his planet to Earth was impossible.
“Are you ok your highness?” Asked the pilot, glancing over at his king.
“I’m fine. Bored, but fine.” Said Barry.
“I understand. I’m not much of a space traveler myself. I remember when I was still in training I used to fly through an asteroid filed just for fun.” The pilot laughed.
“I enjoy excitement, but let’s avoid that on this trip.” Said Barry, laughing in return.
The transport ship was nice. It was rather large and easy accommodated twenty men. And it did. Beside the king, and the pilot, eighteen guards all brandishing laser pistols sat in the seats behind the two men. Even the pilot had a pistol in a holster connected to his left hip. The guards looked just as bored as the king did. A few were asleep even.
“I hope Emerald’s doing ok.” Said Barry.
“I’m sure she’s fine. She’s a strong woman.” Said the pilot.
“That she is. I guess I shouldn’t worry, but it’s a habit.” Said Barry.
“It’s normal to worry.” Said the pilot.
Barry nodded in agreement. When the king decided to relinquish his powers to Emerald he knew he acted unsure of his decision. Which might have hurt Emerald’s feelings, but it was unintentional. He wanted the best for his kingdom, and was almost positive that his daughter was it. Even though he was no longer considered king of his kingdom he was always referred to as one. Even though his daughter was now in charge she always looked to him for guidance, and he was always more than happy to provide it. He loved his daughter very much, and she loved him.
In the distance the blue planet earth could be seen, and just in front of them they could see the space colony that hovered thousands of miles above the earths atmosphere. They had to dock there first before they could get to earth.
“This is pilot Titus escorting king Barry to Earth. Requesting permission to land.” Said the pilot into the videophone.
The videophone was located in the middle of the ships consoles. Seconds after asking for permission a young, smiling woman’s face appeared. “We have received your transmission. Permission to land has been granted, please land your ship in hangar one.” Said the voice.
“Thank you.” The pilot said.
Maneuvering the ship into the space colony that was floating high about Earth was an easy task since the opening was so large. The opening was protected by a barrier which could be flown in and out of, however if an unauthorized ship flew into that barrier it would be like flying into a brick wall. The barrier also protected everyone within the colony from the vacuum of space.
The colony was positioned there hundreds of years ago as a docking station for new inhabitants who wished to colonize, or develop diplomatic relations with Earth. And thanks to the super barrier that had been placed around the entirety of Earth the colony was the only way to get into Earth. A special transporter was located deep within the colony. That transporter teleported people to the ‘intergalactic space cadets’ HQ building for processing. Barry didn’t like being teleported to earth and hoped that the meeting would take place in the space colony.
The ship landed in hangar one. The guard ships that had followed the transport ship to colony landed in special places around the ship. Barry got to his feet, and stretched out his back. He hated sitting for so long.
“Your majesty we’ll follow you inside.” Said the pilot, as he powered down the ship.
“That won’t be necessary.” Said King Barry, shaking his head.
The pilot looked nervous about this. And so did the other guards who were standing as well.
“Are you sure?” Asked the pilot.
“I’ll be fine.” Barry said. He stood in front of the door. The pilot pressed a few commands into the ships consol and the door opened. Barry walked down the steps and into the hanger. Glancing around the guard ships, and beyond he noticed that his ship was the only one that belonged to royalty.
Maybe I’m early. Thought Barry.
Barry walked, unescorted, to the strategy room where he was hoping the meeting would be taken place. He was greeted by passerby’s who seemed surprised to see him. “Hello?” He said, to a woman who was starring at him as he passed.
“Hi.” She said, giving Barry a small wave.
Barry shook his head as he passed. Walking through a set of double doors he spotted the head of the space colony, Markus, sitting at a tall podium typing on his computer.
Markus was a chubby little man in his early thirties. He had dark, beady little eyes, and short black hair. He wore a suit, with a red tie, and looked busy.
“Markus!” Barry shouted, gleefully. Smiling brightly at Markus he made his way past the empty isles of seats. Markus was the only person at these meeting he could stand to be around. The other planets leaders, and even the leader of Earth were usually uptight, but Markus was usually loose, and easygoing with everyone.
“Barry?” Markus said, confused looking up from his work.
“Am I early?” Barry asked. He turned and starred out at all the empty isles.
“Early for what?” Markus asked, still confused.
Barry furrowed his eyebrows. It was unusual for Markus not to know about a diplomatic meeting since he was the one who always set them up. Barry reached into his uniform and removed a date screen from it’s depths. A data screen was a tiny computer that generated a hologram of a computer screen, and could store unlimited amounts of information.
Barry activated the tiny computer and found the notice for the meeting, he than handed it to Markus.
“What the…” Markus said, as soon as he was finished reading the notice.
“You see!” Barry laughed. “I…” He began, but was interrupted by Markus who picked up a communicator that sat beside his computer.
“Sorry Barry…” Markus said, looking at the king. “Tom could you please come to the strategy room?” He said. Markus than sat down the communicator.
Just as Barry was about to ask what was wrong the door opened, and a small man with long black hair, and dark brown eyes stepped inside. “Can I help you?” Asked Tom, standing making his way towards the two men. When his eyes turned to Barry he stopped. “Sir!” He said, saluting. Barry returned the gesture.
“What’s up?” Tom asked Markus.
“Look at this, will you?” Markus handed the data screen over to Tom.
Tom quickly scanned the notice. “It’s a forgery, but it’s been so well done. It could almost pass as a genuine notice.” Said Tom.
Barry looked at Tom. “Who would send me a forged notice? And why?”
The three men stood dumbfounded. The door to the strategy room opened yet again and one of Barry’s guards stepped inside. “Your majesty.” The guard said, bowing.
“Yes? What is it?” Asked Barry.
“Sir we have some distressing news. The castle was attacked, and Queen Emerald was taken.”
All the air inside the room seemed to have been sucked out. The color in Barry’s face drained, and the lower half of his jaw dropped. “W-what do you mean taken?” He asked. The guard dropped his head, and the king understood.
“Who did this thing?” Barry asked.
“Were not sure, but request for help was sent by one of your daughters guards. A fleet of ships were sent to help, but they didn’t make it on time. There helping with the repairs to the castle and were trying to find where your daughter was taken, but I’m afraid we haven’t made any progress.” The guard said.
“And Alessa?” Barry asked, rubbing his hands together nervously.
“She was taken to a nearby village before the attack.” Said the guard.
Barry nodded, his eyes scanned the floor as though he were reading something. Than without saying another word King Barry headed up the aisles as fast as he could.
“Wait Barry!” Markus shouted, jumping to his feet. The man followed Barry past the guard, he knew where the old king was going.
“This way!” Markus said, as Barry stopped in a cross section in the colony. The king always got turned around. Barry followed the man into another room where Markus sat behind another desk. Grabbing dozens of files, and another communication device he started to shout orders into it.
“Don’t worry about anything Barry. We’ll do anything we can to insure your daughters safe return.” Said Markus, but he wasn’t looking at Barry who was now sitting in a seat in front of Markus’s desk. The room was soon abuzz with chattering people, they were all trying to find out who took Emerald, why she was taken, and where she was now.
Barry watched quietly as more, and more people entered and left the room. Finally the sounds of chattering stopped, and it was just Markus, Barry, and Tom in the room. “Barry we’ve found where your daughter was taken. We’ll get our best man on it immediately.” Said Markus, casting a sideways glance at Tom. Tom nodded and started typing information into his data screen. It was like they both knew who Markus was talking about.
“I’ll do anything to get my daughter back.” Said Barry. “She’s all I have now.”
“Don’t worry about anything.” Said Markus.
Barry nodded. He felt confidence in Markus and the intergalactic space cadets. He couldn’t help, but feel helpless. “Who- Who did you get?” Asked Barry, dabbing the sweat that was trickling down his forehead with the back of his hand.
Markus looked up from his paperwork and said, “Dexter Knight.”


The small spaceship that flew through space was a class seven ‘Mars battle cruiser’ and several years ago was considered the best in it’s class, but now it was classified as a antique since every time a new class of ships were brought out the old design received an entire overhaul making previous classes outdated. This ship however was in total disrepair. The engines were vibrating violently, and large holes had been punched into the ships wings. Inside the ship it was just as bad. Wires hung out of the bottom of the control mechanism, and smoke bellowed out of the ships consoles.
The pilot of that ship was a young man who’s name was Dexter Albert Knight, but he just went by the name Dexter. Dexter had long blond hair that fell to his cheekbones, and bright blue eyes that were hiding behind a pair of goggles. He stood five feet, six inches tall, had broad shoulders, and small arms and legs, but he was stronger than he looked. Wearing a pair of headphones over his ears, with a microphone close to his mouth. Dexter wore an intergalactic space cadet’s uniform. His was a crimson red uniform, that had thick black lines carved into it giving it a block like look. The collar of his uniform was also very long and fell to his chest. Matching gloves and shoes which bared the same design. Instead of wearing boots like most intergalactic space cadets, he wore steel toed shoes, that had a special guard that protected the tops of his feet. He wore a belt that was wrapped loosely around his waist, with a holster close to his right hip. A laser pistol was sitting in that holster, except that pistol wasn’t his. It was borrowed from his friend while his old one was being retuned.
Dexter wasn’t really fond of his middle name and rarely told anybody what it was simply because of it. He wasn’t sure which of his parents had given him that name.
Dexter had been with the space cadets most of his life. He started his training when he was very young, and had a reputation for getting missions done fast, and without fail. He wasn’t the strongest out of the other cadets, or the smartest, but his determination and success rate was how he came to be known simply as ‘the best.’ He was the only one in his class that had the ability to spin on the palms of his hand. It wasn’t a normal fighting technique, but he was good at it.
This mission was no different from the countless others he had received. Rebels had built an actual doomsday device that had the power to destroy planets! Dexter’s mission was to destroy the doomsday device, and than grab the blueprints for that device. The blueprints had been stored on a data screen. Dexter completed his mission, but as he was leaving the planets atmosphere his ship had sustained considerable damage from attacking rebel ships. He got away, but now he was afraid his ship wouldn’t hold out until he reached earth’s space colony.
At least if I blow up no one will be able to use the blue prints on that data screen to build another doomsday device. Dexter thought as he connected several wires to each other. The ship was loosing power and Dexter had no choice, but to rewire the ship to take power from parts of the ship he wasn’t using.
Dexter was turned to his left doing a rewire job when suddenly a red light flashed on a small display screen. The red light indicated that the ship was loosing more power than originally thought. Dexter shook his head when suddenly the screen cracked down the middle, and than exploded sending glass shards flying at Dexter’s face. Dexter placed his hands in front of his face to avoid being cut.
“That’s not good,” Dexter Said.
He finished his work he grabbed the controls than looked through the front window of his ship. He could just see the space colony.
Maybe I won’t die after all.
Dexter’s ship wasn’t outfitted with a videophone so he had to use the microphone. “This is Dexter Knight! I’ve sustained heavy damage to my ship and requesting an emergency landing!” Said Dexter, into the microphone.
Moment’s later a female voice said, “Dexter we have received your transmission. Please use hangar three for your emergency landing.” Said the voice.
Just as the transmission died Dexter flew past the first hangars. “Come on…” Dexter said, licking his lips. He flew past the second, and just as he flew past the third he cut all power to the ship and sailed inside. He was still going too fast to land safely. The hangar was luckily empty.
Forcing the nose of the ship down he bounced off the metal flooring and flew back into the air, but he was determined to land it. The ship once again hit the floor and as it did several metallic nets from the ceilings and floors of the hangar shot upwards catching the ship and slowing it down. The ship was now skidding across the floor throwing sparks high into the air. Just as Dexter thought his ship was going to slam into the back wall it slowed to a stop.
Throwing off his goggles, and headphones Dexter opened the hull of the ship and quickly climbed out. He saw Markus entering the ship with a look of concern on his face. Flying robots that were filled with water made their way over to the ship where they attempted to douse the fire that had sprung up from the back of the spaceship.
“Dexter!” Shouted Markus, waving the space cadet over to him.
Dexter made his way over to Markus where he handed the man the data disk he had collected from the rebels. “Sir the plan went off without a hitch. The doomsday device was destroyed, and I’ve collected the blueprints on it here. My ship sustained heavy damage, but…” The sounds of an explosion tore Dexter away from Markus. The right section of his ship had exploded and one of the robots putting out the flames had caught fire. Dexter watched as the rest of his ship was quickly engulfed in flames. A barrier had to be activated to contain the it.
“Great…” Dexter moaned. He turned back to Markus and handed him the data disk.
“I’ll review this later. Right now we have a very important mission that requires your immediate attention.” Said Markus, shoving the data disk into his pocket. He led Dexter out of the hangar. “Are you familiar with the royal family hailing from the planet Rolanet?” Markus asked, as he guided Dexter through the hull of the space station.
“I’ve heard of them, but I’m not too familiar.” Dexter Admitted.
Markus nodded. “A few hours ago we received some distressing news. The daughter of King Barry had been kidnapped, we haven’t received a ransom as of yet, but we did learn who was responsible.”
“Who?” Dexter asked.
Markus turned to face Dexter. “Alexander.” The name struck Dexter like a ton of bricks. Alexander was like a pirate, or a warlord depending on who told tales of him. Alexander was known for looting, murder, and creating an army of loyal soldiers willing to give their very lives for him.
“Why?” Dexter asked.
“Were not sure just yet.” Markus said.
Dexter and Markus stood facing each other for the longest time. Dexter didn’t know what to say, or think for that matter. Alexander had never kidnapped anyone. He usually killed them first. “Who did he take? What’s the woman’s name?” Asked Dexter.
“Queen Emerald.” Said Markus.
“I understand. What are my orders?” He asked.
Markus grinned. “We need you to retrieve the young woman as soon as you can. We’ve picked up on the ship that had taken her. We’ll give you all the information you need before you leave. Before you leave however King Barry wanted to have a word with you, in private.”
“Ok.” Dexter said. Markus told Dexter the king was waiting for him in the strategy room. Making his way down the many hallways of the space station Dexter arrived at the strategy room. Two men were standing in front of the door, each clad in armor and brandishing laser rifles.
“Your name?” Asked one of the guards.
“Dexter Knight.” Said Dexter.
“Our king wants to speak with you.” Said the same guard, and with that both men stepped aside.
“That’s why I’m here.” Breathed the space cadet. He didn’t like when royalty brought their guards to this space station. It was something he quickly grew used to. Even though the space station hovered over earth it was still a region where people, or entities that showed some kind of intelligence could gather. They sometimes brought along their guards for extra protection even if The Intergalactic Space Cadets was housed there. Even though most of the cadets were from earth they were employed by anyone who requested their assistance. The cadets had been around for so long that no one knew who exactly started the program. They had the tendency of taking control of certain rooms, and showing unnecessary hostility. The guards were his concern though as he entered through the front door. His eyes scanned the room it was empty except for the portly king sitting in one of the many aisles. A look of worry was splayed across his features.
“You wanted to see me?” Dexter said, entering the room.
The king breathed and stood. Sweat was trickling down his brow. “Has Markus spoken with you?” The king asked.
“He did.” Dexter said, he was now standing a few feet away from the worried king.
The king dabbed at his sweating forehead with the back of his hand. “I really don’t know what I’m supposed to do right now. I feel like I should go myself and rescue my daughter, but I’m scared.” Said the king.
“What do you mean?” Dexter asked, wondering where the king was going with this.
“I’m old. I’m fat. I’m not who I used to be. I’m afraid I might get my daughter killed by going myself. Before I made my way to the office of the space cadets, but when I got there I folded. I was lost.” Said the king. Dexter nodded in understanding. He knew finally where the king was coming from.
“Sir it’s alright.” Dexter said, comfortingly. “I give you my word, your daughter will be returned to you safely.”
King Barry turned towards the seat he was sitting at. Dexter hadn’t noticed before, but a small card was sitting on the armrest. Picking it up the king held it out to Dexter. “This card has over one million credits stored on it.” Said the king, credits took the place of paper money several decades ago, they were a lot easier to carry around. “And a brand new class twelve ‘mars battle cruiser’ is waiting for you in hangar four.” Continued the king. “I want to give these to you to ensure my daughters safety.”
Dexter’s features softened. “My normal fee will be sufficient, but…” Dexter turned towards the front doors of the strategy room. “Since my old ship is heading towards the scrap yard I’ll be happy to take the one your offering.” Dexter said.
The king smiled. “Thank you Dexter Knight.” He said, and the two men shook hands.


Even though Dexter was raring to go he still had to keep a promise he had made to an old friend. Luckily she lived on the space station so he didn’t have to be transported to earth just to see her. Standing outside her door, Dexter reached into his uniform and removed a card key from it sliding it into the card reader that was installed to the side of his door. His friend had given him the keycard so he could enter her place anytime he needed to. Stepping inside a dark room he waited until his eyes adjusted to the dark.
The room was a mess. Machine parts were lying everywhere, and a large computer terminal could be seen next to a large, metallic door. Dexter took a few steps into the room and saw the lying form of his friend on a plush couch. Finding a lamp he switched on the light so he could see better.
His friend was young, a few months younger than Dexter in fact. She stood five feet tall, had long bleach blond hair, and bright green eyes, though they couldn’t be seen now because they were closed. Small rounded shoulders, and she was wearing a white tank top that was tucked neatly into a pair of black shorts, and flip-flops on her feet. Her name was Angel.
Angel and Dexter had been friends for most of their lives. They went to the same school, they joined the cadets when they were young, but Angel never stuck with it. She told him once that her true calling was mechanics. Even in the semi dark room Dexter could see small splotches of oil on her cheeks.
Your always sleeping on the job. Thought Dexter, stepping up to his friend. He lightly touched the side of her face. Angel sighed and opened her eyes. A smile appeared on her face.
“Welcome home.” She said, smiling up at Dexter.
“Yeah I just got in.“ Said Dexter, as he stepped back giving his friend room to sit up. Angel sat up and stretched her hands high over her head. “Sorry, I didn‘t mean to wake you.” He said.
“Don’t be. I‘m glad you did.” Said Angel. She looked up at Dexter and smiled. “You look good.” She said.
“You don’t look half bad yourself.” Said Dexter. He found a seat next to Angel. “Here.” Dexter removed the laser pistol from it’s holster and handed it to Angel. “I didn’t have to use it.” He said.
“I know how you space cadets are. It wouldn’t have felt right, right?” She asked.
“Yeah… about my old one.” He said. Hinting for her to get it.
Angel nodded and stood. She walked behind a counter and removed a metal box. Reaching into her short’s pockets she found a small key and slid it into the lock. Opening the lid she removed an elderly looking laser pistol that was much bulkier than the one he had just given her. She put the newer looking laser pistol in the box and placed it back under the counter. “Here you are. Good as new.” Angel said.
Standing Dexter took the pistol and quickly examined it. “Thanks.” He said. “It was getting pretty bad.”
“That’s what happens when you use antiques.” Angel said.
“Yeah, yeah.” Dexter said, as he placed the pistol in his holster.
He knew Angel was right, but the problem is these newer pistols were made lighter and lost most of the protection the older models had, that meant they were easy to break. “You’re a life saver.” He said.
“I know. You can thank me later. I’m thinking a night on the town.” Angel said, smiling. “You can buy me whatever I want.” She said.
“Sounds like a date. So what have you been working on lately?” He asked. Angel looked over at her computer terminal. The terminal wasn’t like others. It had three screens, and three keyboards for each terminal. It was old in comparison to the data disks, but Angel created computers to be reliable not portable.
“Want to see?” She asked.
“Yeah.” Dexter said. Angel stepped up to the terminal. Her fingers started to pound information into the terminal screens. Each hand danced across the three keyboards. When she was done both Dexter and Angel stood in front of the metallic door as it slid open. The door led into a private hangar set aside just for Angel. His friend was the chief mechanic on this space station and often got special benefits for being one. This hangar was just one of those benefits.
In the middle of the room was a ship. “Beautiful isn’t it?” Angel said, the look of admiration could be seen in her eyes.
The ship wasn’t exactly what you’d call beautiful. It was missing one of it’s wings, the hull had a large hole in it’s side. “Sure… I guess.” Said Dexter.
“You guess?” Angel said. She turned to face Dexter.
“You can’t fly it.” Said the cadet.
“Why would you want to? It’s an antique!” Said Angel. “I’m going to fix it up. It’ll run like new when I’m through with it.”
“You just said something about using antiques.” Dexter said.
“Well there’s a difference. These ships can be used for decades, laser pistols eventually have to be replaced. This thing will fly great.” Angel said.
“Than we can fly it into an asteroid field.” Said Dexter, excitedly.
Angel crossed her arms in front of her chest. “That’s never going to happen.” She said.
Closing up the hangar Angel was just about to sit back down when she got a message on her terminal. “One second.” She said, to Dexter. “Do you mind putting some coffee on for me?” She asked.
“Sure.” Said Dexter. Walking into the small kitchen, the only room in the small apartment that wasn’t covered in machine, or ship parts and found the coffee machine and started to put a filter in.
“What the…” Mumbled Angel.
“What’s wrong?” Dexter asked.
“A ship wrecked in hangar three.” Angel said.
Dexter’s eyes widened. Angel had designed the ship especially for him, and was very passionate when it came to her work. Dexter finished the coffee and was bringing the pot into the small living room. Angel was standing in front of her terminal looking very cross.
“Coffee?” Dexter said, holding up the pot.
“You destroyed my baby?” She said, with white hot fire.
“Well in all honesty it was the rebels shooting at me who wrecked it.” Said Dexter.
“And of course you destroyed them for it, right?” Said Angel.
“Well…” Dexter’s voice trailed off. He turned away from Angel to avoid her gaze. “Look I wanted to, but I…” Angel grabbed Dexter from behind.
“I’m going to kill you!” She screamed.
“Stop! Your going to make me spill the coffee!” Dexter cried. Angel had wrapped her right arm roughly around his neck, and had slid her other arm around under the arm he was using to hold the coffee and had grabbed his shoulder to make sure he didn’t run away.
“I don’t care about coffee now! Do you have any idea how long it took me to fix that ship up to your specifications! Days!” Angel screamed. “And you wrecked it like it was nothing!”
“If you kill me than you’ll have to save Queen Emerald yourself!” Dexter said. Angel loosened her grip on the space cadet.
“Who’s that?” She asked, settling down.
“She hails from planet Rolanet.” Dexter said. He found two coffee cups and poured the coffee into each of them. Handing one cup to Angel, the girl sat down on the couch. “Have you ever heard of it?” He asked.
“Who hasn’t.” Angel said, taking up her cup.
Dexter was starting to feel a little stupid around Angel. Not only was she a whiz when it came to machines, ships, and computers, but she was also well informed when it came to royalty and the planets they come from.
“It seems Alexander kidnapped her.” Said Dexter, sipping at his coffee.
“Why?” Angel asked. She knew who Alexander was of course, and knew that it wasn’t his style to kidnap anyone.
“Not sure. I’ll ask if I run into him.” Said Dexter.
Angel didn’t know if he was being serious or not. Taking a sip of her coffee she smacked her lips looking disgusted. “This is so bitter. How many scoops did you put in it?” Asked Angle.
“Three.” Said Dexter.
“Just three?” Angel asked.
“Yeah.” Said Dexter, nodding.
“Well you must have put it in wrong than.” Angel said.
“How many ways is there to put it in?” Dexter asked.
“Two. The way you put it in is number two. I like to call that way the ‘wrong way’ of putting it in. Now when coffee comes out of that machine tasting better than this than we in the mechanics community call that the ‘right way’ of doing it.” Said Angel.
“You make the coffee next time.” Said Dexter.
Angel was about to say something else when a small beeping sound in coming from Dexter’s wrist made her stop. The alarm of course came from a wristwatch. Glancing down at it he sighed deeply. “Sorry… I have to get going.” He said.
“Oh.” Angel said, sadly. “I was hoping we’d have more time to spend together. I rarely see you anymore.”
“I know. I’ll tell you what. If I come back we’ll spend a few days together. You can tell me how that clunker in the back works. Dexter said, motioning towards the metallic door with his thumb.
“No. When you come back I’ll show you.” Angel said.
Dexter and Angel stood. Angel sat her cup of coffee on the armrest of the couch and followed Dexter to the door.
“I’ll see you later, ok?” Dexter said.
“Yeah. I’ll be here.” Angel said.
Dexter was about to leave when Angel wrapped her arms around his waist. Dexter breathed deeply. He could smell the odor of motor oil in her hair. “Come back, ok?” She said.
“Hey, you can’t get rid of me that easily.” He said, hugging her back. Angel loosened her grip and watched as her friend waved goodbye to her and disappeared around a bend.
Angel had seen Dexter leave like this dozens of times, and each time it seemed to get harder and harder. He was a slave to his work, and sometimes Angel wondered if he would even come see her if it didn’t benefit his work. Angel moved a few locks of her hair out from her eyes. “See you.” She whispered, as she turned and disappeared into her room.


Dexter made his way to hangar four and was standing in front of his new ship. He noticed right away that this ship was a tad bigger than his old one. From what he saw it had three extra seats, an area to walk around in. A small room with a tiny bed in the back, and it even had a bathroom! Dexter was impressed, the old king obviously knew a good ship when he saw it.
“So what do you think?” Hank asked, the ships sales man.
“It looks great!” Dexter exclaimed. It was hard to hide his expression.
“King Barry told me you like this class of ship.” Said the man. He was much shorter than Dexter was, and completely bald headed. He wore a thick pair of glasses, and was dressed in a black suite, wearing a matching tie.
“Of course. Any good pilot flies a Mars battle cruiser, but man this thing’s a beauty!”
“I’m glad you like it sir. If you’ll follow me.” The sales man gestured for Dexter to follow him. Both men entered the ship, Dexter sat behind the controls while the man sat in the seat next to him. “I understand that your in a hurry to leave. Unfortunate business, King Barry told me all about it.”
“Yeah.” Dexter said, even though it looked like he was more interested in the control system than in saving a queen, he was really listening to what the man had to say.
“I didn’t know Queen Emerald personally, but I’ve known King Barry all my life.” Said the man, he looked down at the controls that were displayed in front of him. Unlike past models of the mars battle cruiser this one had a duel control setup.
“Is that so?” Said Dexter, glancing at the man.
“Yeah. He bought ships from my father, and now he buys them from me. I know it might sound like all this is coming from a salesman, but me and King Barry have history. You know?” Said the man.
“I understand.” Said Dexter, turning back to the controls.
“Well anyways I noticed that your old ship used the old radio communications system. This on the other hand has the best videophone setup you’ll ever see.” And with that Hank pressed a large red button in the middle of his control setup. In the space between the two controls a screen appeared.
“Nice.” Dexter said, smiling.
“Not only that, but this ship also has the best artificial gravitational system this galaxy has ever seen! You won’t be able to tell the difference between walking on earth and this ship.”
Dexter nodded. “Now if you’ll follow me outside.” The man stood and headed outside. He walked a few feet away from the ship expecting to see Dexter, but instead he watched as the ship lifted off the ground. “Wait!” Called Hank, waving his hands wildly in the air.
“Thanks for the tour Hank, but I’ll check out the rest later.” Dexter muttered, knowing the salesman couldn’t hear him. “Half-an-hour of filling out registration forms kind of does that to a guy.” He continued. Pressing the ignition button he waited for the ship to vibrate indicating they were ready to be engaged, but it was so smooth he couldn‘t tell whether or not they were on. “Nice…” Dexter admitted. He knew this ship was a lot better than his old one. Pushing forwards on the controls the ship, with a burst of energy sailed through the protective barrier of hangar four.
Just as Dexter left the space colony behind him he got a message on the videophone. Pressing the button Hank had showed him the screen came to life and Dexter saw a planet that was completely dark. He recognized it right-away. That must be where Queen Emerald is… Dexter thought. He pounded the planets coordinates into the control system and sat back. It would be a few hours before he reached the planet, and it gave him the perfect chance to go over his options of safely rescuing the queen.


Emerald sat waiting on the uncomfortable bed her captives had accommodated her with. The bed was nothing more than a slab of wood connected to the wall with bolts and chains. She was given a small pillow, and a blanket to cover herself up with. Sleeping on the other hand was the last thing on the young woman’s mind. All she could think about was her kingdom, and Alyssa. Hopefully she was still alright.
Emerald didn’t look very lady like since her capture. She was roughly tossed around on the ship as she was strapped down like a criminal in an uncomfortable chair. And than once she was brought to this planet she was tossed in this prison and given only a few rations of food. Her hair was a mess, and her dress was ripped in a few places, her feet were bare as well having discarded her nylons hours ago. She wasn’t worried about her looks, she just wanted to go home.
Bringing her legs close to her chest she wrapped her arms around them. “Alyssa…” She sobbed.
“Who?” Said a light voice, from beyond the bars embedded in the door. Emerald turned suddenly and saw the one who had captured her standing beyond the door. A wide grin was smeared across his face. “Who were you talking about just now?” Asked the man, his grin remained.
“No one!” Emerald said, quickly getting to her feet. “What do you want from me!?” She demanded, standing a few feet away from the door. She could see the man’s eyes were glaring at her. The look was very unsettling.
“I don’t want anything from you. I told you that once already. You’re here to make another man very happy.” Said the man.
“What do you mean by that?” Emerald asked.
“Inquisitive little thing.” The man chuckled. He paced back and fourth in front of the door. “You see he wants to marry you.”
“I refuse to marry this man!” Emerald said, shrilly.
“As though you have a choice.” The man laughed. “Believe me Alexander isn’t the kind of man you want to say no to. It’s just best to do as he says, when he says it.”
Queen Emerald shook her head. She couldn’t understand why this man would want to marry her, or why he would go through all that trouble just to get at her. Why attack her kingdom? Why? Emerald sighed deeply, maybe it didn’t really matter why he did this.
“Who are you?” Emerald asked.
“My name isn’t really important, but if you really want to know it’s Adam.” The man said, he smiled a toothy smile at Queen Emerald.
Queen Emerald watched as the man continued to pace. He reminded her of a lion in a zoo. Pacing back and fourth in front of the bars that kept them there. Angry, alone, and afraid, but this she was sure was just her imagination. This man didn‘t look like someone who would be afraid of anything. Suddenly Emerald remembered something, something that happened when she had been discovered by this man. And it bothered her. “Before in the hangar you said you knew where I was. And that I was with someone else. How?” Emerald asked, remembering what had happened before in the castles underground hangar.
“Well that’s quiet simple. I knew you weren’t in the ship because you would have taken off long before I had arrived. I knew someone was with you because I know you. I know you would never take someone’s life. I knew if someone was with you they would have to be injured or they would have attacked me.” The man laughed. He stopped his pacing. “I kept my word didn’t I?” The man asked.
“You did.” Queen Emerald said.
“I’m not a bad guy. I just never found profit in being a good one.” The man said.
“Your still a monster.” Said Queen Emerald.
“Ouch. I guess we’ll never be friends now.” Said the man. He disappeared from the door. Emerald waited for the man to return, but he never did. Returning to her uncomfortable bed she hugged her legs close to her chest and started to cry.


Adam was laughing when he entered Alexander’s chambers. The large man was sitting behind a desk which he had his feet propped up on. The man stood exactly six feet tall, and was completely bald on top of his head. His face was smoothed cut, and he had dark brown eyes, and broad shoulders. His whole body seemed to be a mass of muscle. He wore a black coat, with matching pants and boots. He was holding a data disk close to his eyes.
“What’s the matter?” Adam asked, closing the door to Alexander’s chambers behind him.
“There isn’t anything about the kidnapping of Queen Emerald. Not on her home planet, not on earth where we sent her father, nothing!” Alexander said.
“How’s our guest doing?” Alexander asked, his voice boomed.
“Fine, fine.” Said Adam. “She’s scared. Just cold feet I guess.” He said.
Alexander laughed and stood. “She should be afraid. That’s how I like my women.” Alexander waved his left hand dismissively. “I really have no interest in her. It’s that little army of hers that’s what I’m interested in.” He said.
“I don’t really understand sir.” Said Adam.
Alexander cast a sideways glance at the man. He found it astounding sometimes that someone like Adam would be in his presence. The intergalactic space rangers had caused him his greatest problems at the beginning of his career. Often sending their best to take down some of his biggest and brightest plans. Now he was employing a former ranger. However this man had come to him once with information that had saved his life, and there for earned him Alexander’s trust. And over the years that trust had grown. He was the only man Alexander trusted with his life. And in this particular mission it was Adam’s idea to send a fake notice to King Barry. It was just luck that Queen Emerald would insist that her father take all their battle cruisers with him. Not that they would do any good against Alexander’s army, but still.
“Men cost money, am I right?” Alexander asked.
“Yeah.” Said Adam. “Food, and shelter I guess.”
“Right. So instead of using my money to keep my soldiers fed and sheltered just to take over another planet and slowly take over the armies they own on surrounding planets, I marry the queen and inherit them that way.” Alexander said.
“Oh.” Adam said, finally understanding where he was getting at. “A lot of people aren’t going to be very happy about that.”
“I won’t be the only one ruling these armies. She won’t have a say in how they are run, but they’ll follow her and won’t cause problems. And besides I’ll finally be settling down.” Alexander said, after a few moments both men burst into laughter. When they had settled Alexander turned towards Adam, a look of concern could be clearly seen in his dark eyes. “I need you to be ready for anything tomorrow. Understand?” The man asked.
“I do sir. I’ll be ready.” Said Adam.
“We need the wedding to look as authentic as possible. If it looks like Queen Emerald is being forced to marry me we could have problems later on.” Said Alexander.
“Don’t worry sir. She mentioned someone by the name of Alyssa. I’m going to see if I can find this girl.” Said Adam.
“Do it.” Alexander said, he yawned and stretched his hands high over his head. Stretching out his back he faced Adam. “Until than I need my rest.”
“Understood.” Adam said, he bowed to Alexander and left his chambers.


Hours later Dexter reached the dark, nameless planet where the ruler Alexander presided. He flew over the castle and noticed that every window was lit, and several guards stood at the entry points of the castle. It wouldn’t be easy to get inside, but he would find a way. Landing his ship a few clicks away Dexter climbed out and headed towards the castle. Making his way past two guards he was standing in a brightly lit hallway. Dexter was surprised that the castle was as clean as it was. The walls were white, and the floors were tiled and waxed. A few pedestals had small statues depicting Alexander as a great warrior, but those who knew him knew better than that.
Dexter slowly made his way down the long hallway, he ducked in and out of rooms as guards marched by, or entered the hallway to make sure it was still empty of life. It took a while, but finally Dexter was walking into a large open area.
Now where am I? Dexter wondered, his eyes scanning the walls, and tables that littered the huge area. He heard the sounds of footsteps behind him and Dexter as quickly as he could ducked underneath one of those tables.
“So how’s it going…” Said a muscular voice.
“Fine… Tired.” Said a different voice.
“Can’t wait for tomorrow to be over with…” Said the first voice. “I’m tired of looking out for that crabby queen.” The voice continued.
Queen Emerald. Dexter thought.
“I wouldn’t bother, that place is sealed pretty tightly.” Said the second voice.
Dexter glanced out from underneath the table and saw two guards standing only a few meters away. Each man was clad in old fashion knights armor, and carried laser pistols in their hands. The tallest one actually had a sword shoved into a scabbard by his right hip.
“Come on.” Said the tallest one, he patted the smaller man on the shoulder and they both left the room. After a few moments of holding his breath, and straining his ears listening for someone else to enter Dexter crawled out from underneath the table.
Now where is she? Dexter wondered. He made his way to the other side of the room and opened a large wooden door and slipping inside. He made sure the room he entered was empty before doing so. Walking a few feet into the room Dexter started to wonder if he should search for a dungeon. As he walked his eyes moved upwards and he stopped suddenly. He spotted a small android standing on the ceiling just above a door.
There… Dexter thought. He ran towards the door and gazed through a set of bars embedded in it. He saw a girl sleeping on a hard wooden slate, her eyes were closed tightly, and a blanket had been draped over her. “Hey!” Dexter hissed at the girl. The girl moaned and scratched her closed eyes. Glancing up and towards the door.
“What do you want?” She asked.
“I’m Dexter Knight! Your father hired me to rescue you.” Said Dexter.
The girl didn’t seem to understand right away. She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, but than she jumped up suddenly. “Don’t touch the door!” She said, shrilly.
“I saw the android.” Dexter said, motioning towards the ceiling with his head. As Queen Emerald slowly stepped up to the door Dexter was amazed at the beauty of this woman. Sure he heard rumors of her beauty, but it was hard to imagine someone like her actually existing.
“Your Dexter Knight?” Emerald asked. “I heard of you.” She said, a smile appeared on her lips.
“Really? I’m honored.” Dexter said, returning the smile.
“How are you going to rescue me?” Emerald asked.
Dexter glanced up at the android. He noticed it had it’s arms replaced with laser weapons, and he was sure there were a few other traps awaiting the foolish person that touched the door to this cell. He could only imagine what. “Has anyone spoken with you yet? Do you know why they kidnapped you?” Dexter asked.
Emerald nodded. “Do you know who Alexander is? He wants to marry me. I think it’s so he would inherit what I own.”
“And that would include armies right? You have armies on other planets too, right?” Dexter asked. Emerald nodded. “In a scary way that makes a lot of sense.” Said Dexter. After few moments of silence Emerald sighed deeply. “Did they hurt you?” Dexter asked.
“Nothing that I can’t handle. Just please be careful yourself.” Said Queen Emerald.
“Don’t worry about me. Listen I have an idea, be ready to run tomorrow.” Said Dexter. “I have to go get ready.” Turning towards the door he had just gone through Emerald stopped him.
“Wait!” She called. “What are you planning?”
“Sorry I have to find out where their planning on having the wedding. I plan on attending, and than crashing it.” Said Dexter, grinning. And without another word, and as quickly as he could Dexter ran through the door.
Lots to do. He thought.

The next morning one of Alexander’s maidens stopped by and slipped a large box through the cells bars. “The wedding starts in two hours. Make sure your ready.” The woman was elderly, and seemed just as cold as the rest of the guards, and Adam seemed. The other night a different maiden had taken Emerald’s measurements and the queen figured this was what she was measured for. Opening the box Emerald’s lower jaw fell. The dress was gorgeous, it was white and flowing, had matching nylons, and heels. Emerald quickly. Even though she was forced into a marriage she still couldn’t help, but feel a little appreciation for the nice dress. Two hours slowly ticked by and soon Adam returned to collect her.
“You look nice.” He said, opening the door. Emerald stepped outside.
“I don’t care what you think.” She snapped.
“That’s ok.” He laughed, and grabbed her roughly by the forearm. Leading her to a large room that was filled with chattering people, dozens of chairs, and a small stage in front of those. And a statue of Alexander was standing on the stage as well, glaring out at everyone. Emerald scanned the room hoping to catch a sign of Dexter, but unfortunately the only thing that stood out of place was a television news crew that had set up a camera to the right of the stage. Her eyes than moved towards the window where she saw daylight.
“How’s that possible?” Emerald asked. “The light. This is a dark planet.”
“We have ships high above us.” Said Adam
“What are the cameras for?” Emerald asked, motioning with her head towards the stage.
“We need to make your wedding looking real so your people don’t try to rebel against us. The only person who doesn’t know this isn’t real is the preacher.” He said. Adam turned them around in a complete circle and spotted Alexander standing in front of a short man. The word man didn‘t mean he was human though. The preacher only stood three feet tall, and had small shoulders, and four arms that ended in sharp hooks. He had four wings connected to it’s back, and wore a black cloak over his tiny body. His eyes and mouth were the only things that resembled a human. Despite it’s grotesque appearance the preacher was a very nice individual. Adam of course hated him.
“Doesn’t he disgust you?” Adam asked.
“Yes.” Emerald said, nodding. “But your master never really held my interest.”
“I meant the preacher!” Adam snarled, her jerked hard on Emerald’s arm, pain shot up her arm.
“I’d rather marry the preacher. At least than I would know I wouldn’t be shot if I said no.” Emerald said. This seemed to humor Adam, and he didn’t press the matter any further. They stood there watching Alexander as he talked with the preacher. He seemed intent on whatever it was they were discussing. Finally he stooped low and shook one of the preachers claws and than spotted Emerald and Adam waiting for him.
“Were all set. You can let her go.” Said Alexander, smiling at Adam. “She knows if she tries anything I’ll return my fleet of warships to her planet and make a nice smoking crater out of it.” Said Alexander.
“I must have just had a brain fart.” Said Adam, slapping his forehead. He released Emerald’s arm. “I’m going up on the stage.” And headed off towards it. Emerald watched the man go, just as he stepped up on the stage twelve men garbed in highly polished armor, and carrying swords stepped out of the door directly to the right of the stage. They all wore helmets that concealed their identities.
“Good. The ceremony will begin soon.” Alexander Said. Watching the same scene as Emerald.
“You’re a monster.” Emerald said, turning to face the man.
“Stop.” He laughed, waving his hands dismissively. “Your embarrassing me.” This caused him to laugh even harder. “I’ll tell you what. If you do this thing without causing me any problems than we will skip the honeymoon.” He said.
“What?” Emerald said, taking a step back.
“If you do this. Marry me and look happy about doing it, than I swear I won’t touch you in anyway. We’ll forget about the honeymoon and skip to the part of the marriage where we don’t even like sleeping in the same room as each other.” He said.
“Fine.” Emerald sighed, and looked down at her feet. She was loosing hope of escaping this man. The sounds of trumpets startled Emerald. The chattering people all took their seats in front of the steps, and the guards stood around the stage facing the people, whilst the preacher took his place in the middle of the stage.
“It’s time.” Said Alexander. He held out his hand, and after forcing a smile, Emerald took it. They made their way to the stage.
“Are you ready to begin?” Asked the preacher. His voice was low, and scratchy.
“Yes.” Said Alexander.
“Yes.” Emerald said, faking enthusiasm.
“Very well. We are here today to bind you two in a holy union. Man and wife. If anyone feels there is no reason for these two to be wed than speak now.” The preacher stopped his words and waited for someone to speak up. A smile wider than his old one appeared on Alexander’s face. The crowd sitting before them weren’t family members, but guards, and maidens ordered to attend the wedding. Everyone who worked under him were around in this room, the next two rooms, and the room directly above them. If anything were to happen they could flood this room faster than water from a broken dam.
“Very well. This wedding will proceed. We are here to bind you two in a…” The preacher stopped as an armed guard, that stood a few feet away from Alexander and Emerald stepped forwards.
“Sorry…” Said the guard, he pressed an invisible button in the middle of his chest. The armor seemed to be pulled towards the button, soon it was nothing more than a disk floating in midair. The man grabbed the disk and shoved it in his crimson red uniform.
“Dexter!” Emerald laughing, clapping her hands together.
“Sorry I missed my cue.” Dexter said. “It would have looked better if I did this when the preacher asked if anyone was against the marriage, but I dozed a bit.” He laughed.
“GET HIM!” Alexander, and Adam roared at the same time. People stood from their seats, while the guards behind him rushed forwards.
“I wouldn’t do that!” Dexter shouted. He quickly reached into his uniform and removed a remote. Pressing the first button the door the guards entered exploded with a deafening roar. Everyone in the room turned to see what had caused that explosion. Dexter pressed the button again and one of the empty tables that was going to be used for refreshments exploded. The last button Dexter pressed exploded and the head of Alexander’s statue popped off and shattered on the ground.
“You…” Alexander roared, his face was flush red.
“Look under your seats, and under this stage!” Dexter commanded. The people obeyed, but Dexter continued with his explanation. “This whole place is rigged with explosives. Anyone come anywhere near me, or…” Dexter stepped up to Alexander and shoved him away from Emerald. “Emerald will be… well you know what happens when you explode.” Said Dexter. He held out his hand to Emerald and led her down the isle and towards a large window.
“Someone do something!” Alexander shouted, frustrated that someone was taking his future bride away from him. No one moved towards Alexander or Emerald as they ran down towards the window.
Adam scanned the seats and noticed something about the explosives. “There smoke bombs!” He shouted.
“They are.” Dexter whispered, to Emerald.
“GET HIM!” Adam shouted.
People ran down the aisle towards Dexter. Pressing the last two buttons on the remote he detonated the smoke bombs, and the room quickly filled with choking gas. Dexter and Emerald finally arrived in front of the window, Dexter grabbed a chair and threw it through the window, shattering the glass. He raked his gloved hands over the bottom of the window to remove all the sharp glass that could cut Emerald as she climbed over it. His uniform was made tough so it wouldn’t be pierced, but Emerald’s dress wasn’t as protective. “You go first. I’ll cover you!” Dexter said.
“Right.” Emerald nodded. Kicking off her heels she slipped through the window and ran on top of the roof. It was twenty feet to the ledge, but no place to go. Glancing upwards she saw people standing on the roof above her holding laser rifles in their hands. They wouldn’t fire on her, Emerald knew that.
Now what? Emerald thought. Suddenly near the ledge of the roof Emerald stood on a ship appeared, and opened it’s hull. The ship was empty, and Emerald just knew it was Dexter’s. She ran towards it as fast as she could.
Back inside the castle Dexter had overturned a table and was hunkered down behind it. He glanced over the edge and watched as the people coughed, and stumbled around. Even Alexander, and Adam were coughing uncontrollably.
“Who are you?” Asked a scratchy voice.
Dexter turned and saw the preacher standing a few feet away. He must have flown over the smoke to avoid it. “Dexter Knight. I’m an…” Dexter began.
“I know who you work for. I just wanted your name. What’s the meaning of this?” He demanded.
“Alexander kidnapped Queen Emerald and is forcing her into a marriage. It’s all a sham! He only wants to marry her for her army.” Said Dexter.
“I see.” The preacher nodded.
“You better get out of here. It’s going to get bad.” Dexter said, the gas wasn’t as thick as it was moments ago. The preacher nodded and ran as fast as his short legs could carry him out of the room. Dexter stood and withdrew his laser pistol and fired. He wasn’t a murder, and even though he had ample opportunity to kill Alexander he refused to take the man’s life. He fired at chairs, and the floor of the stage causing the people to jump, and scream as though it was them being struck.
After a few more shots Dexter turned towards the window and ran to it. Slipping out the window he jumped and landed, but was off balance and fell forwards, luckily he rolled to his feet just as fast as he had fallen. Dexter saw that as soon as he was outside people from up above started to fire down at him. Red beams of energy struck the roof Dexter was on. He saw his ship, and Emerald twenty feet away. Emerald was waving wildly at him. Dexter ran as fast as he could towards the ship, the red beams of energy that were fired from the laser rifles nipped at his heels. He finally made it to his ship and jumped into his seat. Closing the hull he pulled hard on the controls. Beams of red hit his ship, but it was covered in a barrier and couldn’t be penetrated.
“Buckle up!” Dexter said, as he slid his seatbelt into place.
“I am.” Emerald said, she was very tense.
The ship turned and both Dexter and Emerald saw that several people had made it out to the part of the roof they were standing on. Dexter reached for the controls, but accidentally hit a different button. The nose of the ship opened and a twelve barrel gatling gun slid into it’s place. “I love this ship!” Dexter said, gleefully. He fired at the part of the roof underneath the people collapsing it. The ship continued to turn and lifted higher into the air. A small ship, much like Dexter’s flew down from the air. Dexter fired on that ship and destroyed it’s right wing with the gatling gun. Finally after one more turn the ship pointed upwards and after engaging the ships secondary engines. Passing several larger ships that were used to light up the castle, soon they were headed upwards and into the blackness of space.
“Wow.” Emerald breathed. “I can’t believe it.” Than suddenly her eyes went wide. “My home!”
“Don’t worry. The intergalactic space cadets sent ships to protect your home.” Said Dexter.
“Do you mind if I use your videophone?” Emerald asked.
“No. Go ahead.” Said Dexter.
Emerald thanked him and undid her belt. Stooping in front of the phone she pounded information into it. Soon the black screen came to life. An elderly man appeared on the screen.
“Queen Emerald!” The man said, happily bowing to the woman.
“Is everything ok there?” She asked.
“Yes. Reconstruction of the damaged parts of the castle have commenced. It should be done in a day or so.” Said the man.
“Great. Take care, ok?” Emerald said.
The man bowed again. His image soon disappeared. “I need to call Alyssa.” She said. Dexter nodded. Just as Emerald was pressing the information into the videophone a siren went off.
“Great… Someone’s following us.” Dexter said. “Hang up and get back in your seat!” He said. Pulling on the controls hard the ship lurched right, and upwards. A beam of white energy shot past. It was only inches away from colliding with the back of the ship. Emerald stumbled backwards, and than back towards the phone.
“I can’t!” She shouted.
Dexter undid his belt and gently grabbed Emerald around her waist and lifted her to her feet. “Please!” He said, putting her in her seat. Emerald breathed deeply and slid her belt back in place. She looked at the videophone, a young girl had appeared, but soon that image disappeared as Dexter pressed the disconnect button as he walked past. Sliding back in his seat he put his belt back on and grabbed the controls. Several ships had appeared directly behind Dexter’s.
Pulling on the controls and made the ship move left and right. Each time a blast of white energy sailed past, just managing to avoid the back of the ship.
“Have you ever done a rescue before?” Emerald asked.
“Yes. This is my fourteenth rescue.” Dexter said.
“All successful?” Emerald asked, digging her nails into the arms of her seat.
“I wouldn’t be here now if I hadn’t been successful…” Dexter pulled hard on the controls and the ship’s nose pointed upwards, the lasers of the attacking ships just barley missing the back of his ship. “Now would I?” Said Dexter, crossly. Glancing over at Queen Emerald who crossed her arms in front of her chest.
Dexter dodged a few more laser blasts from the attacking ships, and than turned the ship towards a bright blue planet that had a few speckles of green. “Where are you going?” Emerald asked.
“That planet should house us for a while.” Said Dexter. He flew through the planets atmosphere, and as he did his videophone came to life and a young, beautiful woman appeared.
“How may I help you?” Asked the woman.
“Dexter Knight of the Intergalactic Space Cadets. I’m transporting precious cargo and being pursued. I need assistance.” Said Dexter.
“We are sending your information to our police department. They will be happy to help you.” Said the woman, her image disappeared from the screen, and was replaced with a cities.
“Precious cargo?” Emerald repeated, obviously not appreciating being called cargo.
“I couldn’t tell them that I was transporting a queen. You wouldn’t believe how many people are working for Alexander.” Said Dexter. Dexter flew his ship towards the city that was displayed on the videophone, the enemy ships were close behind.
“Wow.” Queen Emerald said, after a time. The city came into view and it was like nothing she had ever seen before. The buildings in the city were huge, and seemed to touch the underbellies of the clouds that flew overhead. They also looked like they were made of mirrors, but Emerald knew that was just a trick of the light.
Dexter didn’t have time to admire the city, the enemy ships were gaining on them. He turned the ship up on it’s right side and flew between two buildings. That forced the enemy ships to turn and go around them. Dexter straightened out his ship and than circled around another building.
“What are you doing?” Emerald asked.
“Look.” Dexter said, pointing out of the ships window. They both saw beyond the building a huge national park. And moments later the ships that were chasing them flew past. They continued to watch until the same ships flew by again, only going in the opposite direction, and being pursued by this planets police force.
“Oh.” Said Queen emerald.
The same woman that had appeared on Dexter’s videophone reappeared smiling. “I hope we have served you well.” Said the woman.
“You have. Thank you… Do you know a place we can hold up for the night?” Asked Dexter.
“We sure do!” Said the woman, gleefully.


Alexander fumed in his bedroom. His entire body shook with rage. “How could this have happened!?” He roared. Just as he was about to leave his room he heard a tiny knock on his front door. Since he told his men not to bother him he had a pretty good idea who it was before the door even opened. “Enter.” Alexander breathed.
A small figure entered his room, it was the preacher. “What I saw out there was shameful.” Said the preacher, his voice was low.
“I apologize for that. We plan on punishing the one responsible.” Said Alexander.
“I meant you.” The preacher snapped.
Normally Alexander would have killed the preacher for what he had just said. He wasn’t a particularly religious man anyways. The only reason he called the preacher to marry him and Emerald was for the authenticity. “W-what do you mean?” Alexander asked, he was having a hard to controlling his anger.
“I spoke to the young man who saved Emerald. He said this was all a scam. Your forcing this young woman into marrying you simply to inherit her army.” Said the small man. “That’s disgraceful.” He said.
“Why don’t you get to the point.” Said Alexander, narrowing his eyes at the preacher.
“My point is simple. IF you want me to marry the two of you than she better want to get married.” And without another word the preacher left Alexander’s room. Alexander’s whole body was shaking with rage. It had been a long time since anyone’s dared talk to him in such a manner.
The door to his room opened yet again and Adam stepped inside. “I know you don’t want to be disturbed, but…” Adam began, closing the door behind him.
“Silence!” Alexander hissed.
Adam whirled around. “What?” He asked.
“What? WHAT?! Emerald was stolen right from underneath us. I was held captive in my own castle!” Alexander said, rubbing his hands together.
“We know where they are.” Said Adam. He saw his master like this one other time. And it didn’t end well for the man he was fuming about. “I’ll get her back.” He said.
“I want that man killed.” Said Alexander.
“The one who kidnapped Emerald?” Adam asked.
“The one in the same.” Said Alexander, sarcastically. “I’m heading towards my other castle. We’ll hold the ceremony there.” Alexander was calming down, but the tinge of anger could still be seen in his eyes.
Adam nodded and gave a short bow before he left Alexander’s room. Slowly making his way down the long, furbished hallway he started to look towards the ceiling. He saw dozens of androids hanging from the roofs rafters. “Why didn’t they spot him?” Adam wondered. He turned a corner and stopped suddenly.
Just as he rounded a corner he heard his communicator sound. Taking it out he held it close to his ear. “Sir we found them.” Said a voice.
“Good. I’m on my way.” Adam said, just as he was about to place his communicator back in his uniform his mind wondered to the other castle Alexander had mentioned.
The other castle Alexander was talking about was located on a planet even darker than this one. It was also the home of a race of creatures who worshipped a strange monster that lived there. The monster was controlled by that race and was used to protect Alexander’s castle in return for human sacrifices. A smile appeared on Adam’s face, and said. “I wonder how long it’s been since their god has been appeased?”


Dexter and Emerald were sent to a large hotel that housed dozens of ships. None of them were as small as Dexter’s, than again none of the pilots had the same job as him. Emerald still seemed upset at Dexter, and he couldn’t understand why.
Did I say something? He wondered.
“Here.” Said Emerald, stopping in front of a shop they passed by.
“Here what?” Dexter asked.
“It’s a clothing shop.” Said Emerald.
“It’s not a good time…” Dexter began, but Emerald cut him off just as quickly.
“Look I’m not strolling around in a wedding dress, ok?” She said. “I look crazy as it is.” And without another word Emerald entered the shop and disappeared in the mesh of people inside. Dexter quickly followed. He followed Emerald up and down the aisles as she picked up items she could wear. Shoes, pants, a shirt, socks, and some unmentionables. Walking into the changing room she emerged looking quiet differently.
“What did you do with the dress?” Dexter asked, noticing the queen wasn’t carrying it.
“It’s in my pocket. I’m saving it for my real wedding.” Emerald said, sarcastically.
Dexter followed Emerald than to the counter. “I’m taking these.” Said Emerald, stepping back, and allowing the cashier to see what she was wearing.
“Ok… Uh… Two hundred and Forty-nine credits please.” Said the cashier.
“Pay her.” Said Emerald looking at Dexter.
“What?!” Dexter said. “Don’t stick me with the bill.”
“You get reimbursed by your company don’t you? So pay the woman.” Said Emerald.
Dexter sighed deeply. Pulling out his credit card he handed it over to the woman and soon he and Emerald were walking back towards the ship. Dexter looked the queen up and down. It was the first time he had ever seen the woman wear anything, but a dress. “I bet this is the first time you’ve worn pants.” Said Dexter.
The queen stopped and narrowed her eyes at Dexter. “What do you mean by that?!” She demanded, sternly.
“I just meant this is the first time I’ve seen you in anything, but a dress. Look all the pictures I saw you in…” Dexter began, but knew he wasn’t getting through to the queen. “I didn’t mean anything by it. I’m sorry.” Said Dexter, figuring an apology was the best solution.
“Why did my father hire a rude man like you anyways?” Asked Emerald.
Dexter only shrugged his shoulders. They continued towards Dexter’s ship and were stopped several times by passerby’s who recognized Queen Emerald. They greeted her, shook her hand, and than gave their condolences. Dexter was surprised to see that Emerald was so nice to them. Some people looked terrible. Some walked up to Emerald having giant holes in their clothes, and missing their shoes. Yet despite their terrible disposition Emerald greeted them pleasantly, and warmly.
Why can’t she treat me that way? Dexter wondered. I rescued her after all.
They had finally made it back to his ship. “Let’s get some rest.” Said Dexter, yawning.
“I thought we were staying in the hotel.” Said Emerald.
“Yeah. I thought we could sleep in the ship.” Said Dexter.
“I don’t think so. I want a room, and a bed!” Said Emerald, and turned and started heading back the same way they had just come.
“Great…” Dexter sighed. He knew this was going to be a long rescue.


After checking into the hotel Dexter and Emerald were escorted to their room. It was close to the top floor. “I hope you enjoy your stay with us.” Said their escort, as she left Dexter and Emerald to their own devices. Emerald kicked off her shoes and laid back in her bed. Picking up and entertainment screen she started to scan the contents. After a moment she glanced up at Dexter who was still standing near the door. His eyes were moving over the television. The twin beds, even the large window. Finally he moved towards the window and starred down at the streets below, it was nearly impossible since the building they stayed in was unbelievably tall.
“What are you going to do?” Emerald asked.
“What?” Dexter said, he wasn’t paying any attention to the queen.
“I said what are you going to do?” She said, a little louder than before.
Dexter turned to face the queen. He saw she was looking rather annoyed. “I think I’m going to go downstairs and get something to eat.” Said Dexter, hotly. He turned back to the window and drew the curtains before he headed towards the door. “Do you want something?” He asked.
“No. When your done feeding your face are you coming back? Your supposed to be protecting me after all.” Said Emerald.
“Your fine.” Dexter said, and without another word slipped out into the hall. He breathed deeply, and placed his hand over his heart. He could feel it pounding through his palm. He breathed again before he headed downstairs. He didn’t go to the mess hall, or any of the hotels surrounding restaurants to eat. In fact eating was the last thing on his mind. He made his way back to the hangar where he boarded his ship. He wanted to explore the ships other functions.
Sitting in front of his videophone he typed in Angel’s number. A moment later she appeared. She didn’t look too happy at first, her face was splattered with oil, and as she dabbed her brow with the back of her right hand Dexter noticed blood was dripped from her fingers.
“Are you ok?” Dexter asked.
“I’m good.” Angel said, her hand disappearing off camera.
“Your bleeding.” Dexter said, pointing to the place her hand disappeared.
Angel lifted her hand and starred down at the wound in awe. “Huh, guess I must have hurt myself.” She said. Angel always got caught up in her work, and if she was ever hurt she didn’t realize it until her work was done. Angel shook her head. “How’s the mission going?” She asked.
“Successful.” Dexter said. “I rescued the queen.”
Angel nodded. “You don’t sound very happy.” She said.
“Well…” Dexter began. He wasn’t sure if he should tell Angel his problem. After all it was his problem. Finally after a few moments of silence he decided to let her in on it. “She’s kind of a pain.” Dexter said.
“What do you mean?” Angel asked.
“Well she’s really crabby. She’s nice to everyone else, but to me she’s mean.” Dexter said.
Angel giggled. “Is she picking on you?” She asked.
“Forget it.” Dexter said, annoyed.
“No!” Angel shouted, holding up her hands in defense. She giggled as she said, “I’m sorry. I was only joking… so how’s the new ship handling?” She asked, in an attempt to change the subject.
“Pretty good. The controls are sensitive, but I’m sure you can tweak them for me.” Said Dexter.
“For the right price.” Said Angel.
“When did you start charging?” Dexter asked.
“Since you weren’t able to take a joke.” Said Angel.
“Ok, ok!” Dexter laughed.
“It sounds romantic doesn’t it?” Angel asked, her eyes shifted towards the top of Dexter’s videophone. She seemed a million miles away all of a sudden.
“What?” Asked Dexter.
“Riding amongst the stars with a queen… or better yet someone you love.” Angel said, dreamily.
Dexter didn’t know why Angel said something like that. He felt something for the queen, but it wasn’t love. And it certainly wasn’t friendship either. “Were not in love.” Said Dexter.
“Were not?” Angel asked. Than quickly corrected herself. “I mean of course you two aren’t! I was just thinking out loud.” Her tone was back to normal.
“That’s the problem… Your thinking.” Said Dexter.
“I guess… You jerk.”

Dexter and Angel spoke on the videophone for a few more hours before they said their goodbyes. During the conversation Angel had ran a systems spec on Dexter’s new ship and discovered it had a very high-tech hacking device built into the ship. It could hack into anything that was a computer including androids! Dexter was happy about that and quickly learned how to use it. He could always pick up on things that involved computers, but Angel was the best at it.
Dexter headed back towards his room. He was feeling pretty good about everything until his mind wondered back to queen Emerald waiting in their room.
I can do this. Dexter thought, stepping up to the door. He was about to open it when he heard Emerald talking.
“…I miss you too.” She said.
“When can you come home?” Said a younger girls voice.
“As soon as I can.” Said Emerald.
Dexter held his breath and listened to the conversation. Emerald and the young girl said goodbye to each other. “I love you so much!” Emerald said.
“I love you too.” Said the young girl.
And that was the end of the conversation. Dexter sighed deeply. Whoever that young girl was she must mean a lot to Emerald. No wonder she’s upset. That must be who she wanted to speak too. I’m such a jerk. Dexter thought, running his fingers through his hair. He could hear Emerald crying now. He waited a few moments before he went inside.
Emerald wiped her eyes. “Done feeding your face?” She asked.
Dexter didn’t say anything. He walked to the bed and grabbed a pillow off of it and headed back towards the door.
“Where are you going?” Emerald asked.
“I’m going to sleep out in the hallway.” Said Dexter, and went back into the hallway. Laying down he leaned against the door.
I’m a clueless jerk. He thought.
The next day Dexter woke up to the sound of Emerald calling for him. “Dexter! Could you please come in here!” She shouted, through the door. Dexter stood and stretched his hands high over his head, and yawned. Picking up the pillow he opened the door to their room. Suddenly the butt of a laser rifle connected with his stomach causing him to fall to his knees gasping for air. Four rough hands grabbed his arms and forced him to his feet. Dexter looked around and saw the whole place was filled with soldiers. Alexander’s soldiers to be exact. Two soldiers held Emerald by her arms.
“Crap.” Dexter breathed. He was still trying to catch his breath.
“I’m so sorry!” Emerald cried.
“It’s ok.” Dexter said.
A man dressed in the same kind of uniform as Dexter’s stepped out of the bathroom. “My room back home isn’t this nice.” Said the man.
“Who are you?” Dexter asked.
“My names Adam. As if that information is going to help you now. You’ve caused me enough problems boy to last a lifetime.” The man said. Dexter looked the man up and down. He noticed that the man had a cut in his uniform across his chest.
“Boy?” Dexter repeated.
“Take them to the roof. I’ve had enough of this already.” Said Adam. The soldiers dragged Dexter and Emerald from the room and into a service elevator. They took the elevator all the way to the roof where two spaceships were waiting for them to arrive. Dexter was taken to one ship where he was chained to a seat. Queen Emerald on the other hand was taken to a different ship.
Dexter glanced around the ship hoping to find someway out of this mess, but nothing presented itself. The ship he rode in wasn’t being piloted by Alexander’s soldiers either, but fat, gray creatures that stood four feet tall, and had large watery eyes.
A creature sitting to Dexter right said in it’s unique language that sounded like something heavy being dropped into water over and over again, <he is not worthy of Sqi-Oct-Ly!>
<He is too scrawny!> Said a different one.
<He will be palatable.> Said the pilot of the ship.
<Where are you taking me and Emerald?> Dexter asked, mimicking the sounds the creature made.
<Silence!> One hissed.
Dexter looked out the port window and saw Emerald was starring back at him from the ship she rode in. The ships closed their doors and lifted off the roof of the hotel and pointed upwards. “I’ll find you! I promise!” Dexter mouthed, to Emerald. Emerald nodded, and smiled bravely.


<Were here!> Shouted the pilot, and the creatures that surrounded Dexter cheered jubilantly. Both ships breached a dark planets atmosphere. Dexter could see endless oceans of mud, and debris from ships that were unfortunate enough to try and land here. Even ancient building could be seen where Dexter sat. The ship suddenly stopped and started to land on one of those building while the ship Emerald rode in continued towards a dark castle that sat on the horizon. The creature that had taken Dexter’s laser pistol undid the chains that held Dexter’s feet to the floor. The ship touched down and the creatures opened the ships hull and threw Dexter out.
<What are you doing?> Dexter Demanded, in the creatures language.
<Go!> Shouted one of the creatures, pointing towards a large pond of mud. <Feed Sqi-Oct-Ly!>
<You feed him!> Dexter shouted, and rushed towards the creatures. He grabbed the one that had taken his laser pistol and tried to drag him out with him. The creature screamed in rage and began to pound on Dexter’s back with it’s large fists. Dexter winced in pain, but refused to let go.
<Let go!> The creature demanded, and it’s companions soon joined in. They pounded Dexter’s back, his head, and hands until he lost his grip and fell backwards. <Ha!> The creature laughed.
<Ha this!> Dexter shouted, and aimed his laser pistol at the creature. He had taken it during the struggle.
<Now you are going to let me back on and take me to the castle where they took Emerald!> Dexter said. The creatures stood motionless. Dexter took a step forwards when he heard a cracking sound from beneath his feet. Glancing down the stone floor he stood on gave way and he fell down a slope and into the pond of mud.
<SQI-OCT-LY!> The creatures shouted loudly. Dexter got to his feet, and wiped the mud off his uniform with his left hand, and continued to hold onto his laser pistol with his right. <SQI-OCT-LY!> The creatures continued to shout that name over, and over again.
Who’s Sqi-Oct-Ly? Dexter asked himself. The pond of mud started to bubble and the ground beneath Dexter’s feet shook violently. Dexter knew he was about to have his question answered. Turning on his heels he found a rock and started to pound the cuffs that held his hands together against the rock. It took five good hits, but finally the cuffs broke free of his wrists and sank into the mud. Dexter climbed the slope but the time he had gotten back up the ship had taken off and was heading towards the castle.
“Great!” Dexter cried. He heard a loud roar behind him, and turned. A giant maw that looked like a crocodiles rose from the muddy pond. It’s mouth opened wide and dozens of tentacles exploded from it. More tentacles appeared from around the base of the giant creatures head, those tentacles were much larger than the ones in it’s mouth.
Creatures like this weren’t unusual. When space exploration on earth had reached it’s peak than the exploration of different planets could be commenced. It only took a few years to discover life on other planets. And animals that ranged in sizes. Some could be an inch small, or as tall as a skyscraper. This creature had most of it’s body hiding in the earth. The actual size of it was impossible to calculate or imagine.
Dexter turned and saw a staircase leading away from the structure he stood on. Running as fast as he could towards it a giant tentacle slammed into it sending debris flying into the air. The tentacle arched and headed straight towards Dexter.
“Whoa!” Dexter shouted, as he fired his laser pistol at the tentacle. The beam that exploded from the pistol struck the tentacle. Even though it didn’t look like the beam did anything more than tick the creature off. The creature roared and lashed out with more tentacles. One slammed into the wall of stone behind Dexter, while another slammed into the floor directly in front of him. Dexter fired at the tentacles, and than at the creatures head. One of the smaller tentacles from it’s mouth reached forwards and wrapped lovingly around Dexter’s left leg. Dexter aimed his pistol down at it and fired. The tentacle snapped off, but it still moved.
“Gross…” Dexter moaned, and quickly unwrapped the tentacle from his leg and tossed it away. As he stood he saw several more tentacles heading towards him. One wrapped around his left arm, another two wrapped around his waist, and one more around the same leg he had just removed the tentacle from. Dexter was lifted into the air.
Dexter struggled with the tentacle. He fired at the face of the creature, at the tentacles themselves, but these tentacles didn’t snap when shot. Dexter gasped when he realized he was being lowered into the creatures enormous mouth.


The ship that had transported Emerald to the castle landed and Emerald was escorted to Alexander’s chambers, where the man was waiting. He sat behind a large, wooden desk. His hands were folded in front of him, and he wore an unusual smile on his face. “Did you have fun?” Alexander asked.
“I’d be lying if I said I missed you.” Said Emerald.
The guards that had escorted Emerald to Alexander’s chambers roughly pushed her down in an uncomfortable seat in front of Alexander’s desk. The chambers looked like a dungeon instead of some place you lived in. There wasn’t a bed, just this desk.
“Careful.” Alexander said, to the guards. “Don’t damage your future queen.
“I refuse to marry you!” Emerald said, folding her hands in front of her chest.
“Why? What’s wrong with me?” Alexander asked, He stood and looked down at his body. “Is it the way I dress?” He asked.
“Try the man in the clothes!” Emerald said.
Alexander only laughed at this. The guards laughed as well. “Enough of this.” He said, waving his hands in the air as though shooing the topic away. “It might come as a surprise to you, but I’m not a very patient man. I’ll ask you only one more time. Will you marry me?”
Emerald sighed deeply. “If I refused to marry you yesterday, if I refused to marry you two minutes ago, that what do you think my answer is now?”
“I see. ADAM!” Alexander called, loudly. Adam stepped into the room and smiled.
“I see…” Said Adam, as though he heard the whole conversation. And Emerald was sure he had. “Come this way Emerald.”
Emerald stood and followed Adam out of the room. They walked down the hallway, and into a room at the end of the hall. When they entered Adam turned on a light. The only thing in the room was a bed made of steel, and a computer device standing next to it. Adam led Emerald to the bed and told her to lie on it.
“What’s this for?” Emerald asked, nervously.
“You’ll see.” Said Adam.
Emerald reluctantly obeyed. She didn’t want her confidence to wane now, and she certainly didn’t want to show weakness in front of this man. Once Emerald laid down on the table Adam locked her hands down above her head, and her feet to the table as well. “Are you sure you won’t change your mind? Torture isn’t really my game.” Said Adam.
“No. I refuse to marry that man!” Emerald said.
“Ok.” Adam said. He pressed a few keys in the computer and than headed towards the door. “See you in a few hours.” Adam said, as he left Emerald alone in the room. Emerald hear several sounds around her. She turned her head hoping to spot the thing making those sounds, but she couldn’t. The table tilted and soon Emerald was in a standing position. She pulled on the straps, but they refused to give.
Than from the other side of the room a piece of the paneling moved and a large cylindrical thing appeared and slowly moved towards Emerald. Emerald could hear her heart pounding in her ears as the thing moved ever closer towards her.
“What is that!?” She shouted, to know one in particular. As though responding to her question the thing started to move. Sweat trickled down Emerald brow. The front of it opened and seven dark holes could be seen. Suddenly tiny hands with metallic tubes hanging out of the back snaked out of the holes and floated inches away from Emerald’s body.
“What!” Emerald said, shrilly. She had never seen machines like this before. “What are you going to do to me?” She demanded.
“You will marry lord Alexander.” Said a metallic voice.
“Who said that?” Emerald asked. She watched as the hands turned their attention towards her. They seemed to be focusing on certain parts of her body all at the same time with invisible eyes. She heard another sound and looked down at her feet. Another cylindrical tube appeared, this one opened revealing only two holes. Two hands slithered out of those and they undid her shoes and slid them off her feet.
“What are you doing!?” Emerald screamed.
“You will marry lord Alexander.” Said that mechanical voice again.
“I REFUSE TO MARRY THAT MAN! NOW LET ME GO!” Emerald shouted as loud as she could. The hands started to sway in the air like a king cobra about to strike. Emerald became weary of the hands. She didn’t like how they swayed, how their fingers wiggled every once in a while. “Please let me go…” Emerald said, in a weak voice. The hands stopped swaying, their fingers twitched and than they attacked.


Dexter continued to struggle with the tentacles as they lowered him closer, and closer to the gaping maw of the creature. He fired at the tentacles, and the creatures head, but nothing seemed to work. He could smell the hot, stinking breath of the creature as it breathed deeply probably smelling him as well. He was inches from the creatures mouth now, and just as he was about to give up hope of escaping an idea formed in his mind. He couldn’t believe he didn’t think of this earlier. Dexter aimed his laser pistol at the creature left eye and fired. The eye exploded as the beam of energy struck it. The creature screamed in rage and tossed Dexter high into the air.
Flailing his arms wildly in front of him Dexter turned in the air he started falling straight towards the creature open mouth. He grabbed onto a tentacle and dangled from it. He fired at the creatures other eye, but a different tentacle got in the way of the shot.
“Didn’t like that I bet!” Dexter said, to the creature.
He let the tentacle go and started falling downwards, but a tentacle wrapped around his waist. Dexter continued to fire, not at the tentacles, but at the creatures remaining eye. He burnt the appendages that got in the way of his shots, but finally the other eye was hit. Dexter was thrown towards the structure he was standing on before. He rolled to a stop. He was sore, but nothing was broken.
“Ok Sqi-Oct-Ly! Come get your butt kicked.” Dexter said. He stood fully erected and saw that the creature was heading towards him. Roaring in rage, and pain. Dexter turned and saw another staircase leading to the floor above him. Large holes had been punched into the floor above, but there was enough to walk on. Dexter climbed up the staircase, firing his laser pistol at the creature. Sqi-Oct-Ly roared, and threw two massive tentacles at the floor below Dexter destroying them.
“Whoa!” Dexter cried, stumbling forwards. The creature lifted it’s body and than threw it’s full weight into the structure. Dexter ran backwards narrowly avoiding going down with the creature, and structure. The stone debris buried the creatures head. Dexter watched for the longest time, he didn’t see any signs of life. He than turned his attention towards the castle on the horizon. He had to find Emerald!
Dexter set out. He didn’t know how long he walked through the knee high mud. The wind whipped him as he walked. And his left arm was very sore. He held it with his right hand, but it was sore as well. He came across a tube in the ground. It looked like a sewer pipe that led to the castle. Stepping inside he could at least walk through it without having to crawl through the muck inside. Dexter followed the pipe for hours until he found himself standing in an underground hangar. The sewer pipe must have belonged to an old structure that was located where the hangar was now.
Dexter looked around. The hangar was empty except for small structures, and space ships. He even found his own! “I can’t believe it!” Dexter said, he made his way to his ship. They brought it with us. Dexter thought. He went inside and typed information into the computers hacking system. He located Emerald, and found the room they were planning on keeping her in. He even found a route to the rooms that didn’t have any traps along the way. Dexter downloaded the information into a tiny computer, and placed it inside his uniform.
“Ok Emerald…” Dexter said, heading out of his ship. “I’m coming.”


“I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!” Emerald screamed. The hands that had appeared from the cylindrical devices were tickling her furiously. Their tiny fingers squirmed in her armpits, her sides, and stomach, and even the soles of her stocking feet. She screamed, and laughed wildly, pulled on her binds, and even tried begging the machines to show some kind of mercy. The tickling had been going on like that for hours it seemed. Adam appeared at the door laughing himself.
“Enjoying yourself?” He asked.
Emerald tried to say something to the man, but it was impossible because she was laughing so hard. Adam made his way to the computer and typed in some commands. The hands stopped their torture and returned to the cylindrical device, the devices than disappeared into the wall, and floor. Emerald breathed deeply, as the bed she lied on returned to it’s original position. Adam undid her binds and helped her to her feet.
“Have you changed your mind?” Adam asked.
Emerald stooped down and picked up her shoes. She swayed on her feet. Her sides were swore, and her cheeks were beet red. “No.” Emerald said, defiantly.
“I see. Than my only advice to you is this. Get used to this room, because you’ll be visiting it everyday. That is unless you change your mind, or die. Whichever comes first.” Adam said.
Adam’s words scared Emerald, but she refused to show fear. Adam motioned for Emerald to follow him. Emerald followed him to a room where she was allowed to rest. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Adam said, laughing. He than locked Emerald inside the room. Sitting on the metal slab of a bed, she hugged her legs close to her chest and started to cry. She wasn’t crying for her predicament, but the fact that she might never see Alyssa again.
“I’m sorry baby.” Emerald cried, picturing the girl in her mind.


Dexter crawled through the castles ventilation shaft. He stopped at the room where Emerald was supposed to have been first, but it was empty. The room where she was staying was only a few meters ahead. Dexter didn’t have a problem crawling through the shaft, but getting back would be difficult. The traps that could have killed him as he was making his way through the castle would be reactivated, for some reason they shut off every two hours for twenty-minutes. Dexter made it to Emerald’s room, and opened the vent. He saw the queen sitting on a metal slab crying.
“Emerald!” Dexter called.
Emerald looked up, and saw Dexter. “Dexter!” She said, excitedly. The excitement in her voice quickly died. “Your still alive?” She said.
“Don’t sound so disappointed! The night’s still young, you know?” Said Dexter, hotly.
“No… I’m sorry. It’s great to see you.” Said Emerald.
Dexter smiled. “Don’t worry about it. Let’s get out of here.” He said, holding out his hand. Emerald got off the table and headed towards Dexter.
“Oh right!” She said, and went back to the bed and got her shoes. She handed them up to Dexter first, and than gave him her hands. He easily pulled her into the shaft.
“Here.” Said Dexter, handing her the small computer he had downloaded the castles information into. “In case we get separated.” He said. Emerald nodded, and looked at the information.
“What about you?” She asked.
“It’s ok.” He said. “I memorized the information.”
“Thanks Dexter.” Said Emerald.
“Thank me later. Let’s go.” Dexter said.
Emerald and Dexter crawled through the ventilation shaft until they reached the castles armory. Opening up the vent they both climbed out.
“Follow me.” Said Emerald, taking charge. Dexter was a few feet away from Emerald when a beam of red energy shot between them. The beam belonged to Adam’s laser pistol. Adam walked out from behind an armor suit.
“Go!” Shouted Dexter. He aimed his laser pistol at Adam and started to fire.
“Good luck!” Said Emerald, as she continued her way towards the underground hangar.
Adam ducked back behind the suit of armor as Dexter ran forwards. Looking out from behind the armor Adam saw Dexter jump into the air striking the pistol with his left boot, the pistol flew out of his hands, and skidded away. Adam jumped up and kicked the laser pistol out from Dexter’s hand as well, his right hand moved towards his left hip and a sword lashed forwards cutting the chest of Dexter’s uniform. The tip of the sword had cut Dexter’s flesh, blood was seeping from the wound.
Dexter tumbled backwards as Adam made his way towards him. “We have the same mark now. I learned the same harsh lesson you just learned. Always be ready for anything.” Said Adam. He swung his sword at Dexter’s head, Dexter ducked underneath the sword as he continued to move backwards. He had nothing to use as a weapon. Adam was standing in front of his laser pistol, it would be impossible to get it now.
“I used to be a space ranger myself. I was known as the best!” Said Adam. Dexter ran into the room Emerald had disappeared into. Luckily the queen wasn’t there. This room was for garbage. “But I realized that no matter how many planets I save, no matter how many queens, kings, and princesses I rescue, I never really get ahead.” Said Adam. “That’s when I realized that being a bad guy was much more profitable…”
Dexter made his way to the other side of the room. In the middle of the room was a circular ring that was used to drop garbage into the incinerator located a few miles below the castle. The control console to use the drop was near Adam. “That was a long time ago.” Said Adam. “You know they teach you that if your up against an opponent you can’t beat. Your supposed to give up. It’s written in your hand book.”
“It must have been a long time ago.” Said Dexter. He was holding his chest. “First off were called space cadets now. We haven’t been known as rangers in over ten years! Secondly we get better monetary earnings based on the importance of the mission. Third they rewrote that last passage. If your up against an opponent you can’t beat…” Dexter ran towards Adam who himself was jumping towards Dexter, his sword was held high. Dexter rolled underneath the blade as it was brought down, and came to a stop near the controls for the garbage drop. He stood fully erected his hand on the lever. “Cheat.” Said Dexter.
Adam saw he was standing on the drop now. “Oh yeah… I’m known as the best now.” Dexter said, as he pulled the lever. The drop opened and Adam disappeared into the darkness screaming. Dexter pulled the lever once more and the drop closed. Retrieving his pistol and heading towards the door that led back to the underground hangar.
He ran down a long, circular hallway he couldn’t see queen Emerald, hopefully she made it to the ship. Dexter was halfway down the hall when he heard a loud thump behind him. Turning he saw a spider looking android had landed behind him. The android had two pulse rifles mounted to both sides of it’s head, and only four legs. The android rushed towards him with remarkable speeds. Dexter jumped through a small circular door, and slammed it shut, but as soon as it closed the android spider slammed into it sending Dexter, and the door flying backwards. Two of it’s legs were sticking out of the gaping hole that was once the door. Dexter aimed his laser pistol at the creatures front legs and fired, the beam of energy cut through the legs like a knife through hot butter. The creature fell forwards and fired it’s pulse rifles at the ground causing it’s head to explode.
Dexter jumped to his feet and looked up. He saw dozens of androids hanging from the ceiling aiming their weapons at him. He noticed them before. They must be activating now. Picking up the door he slung it over his back hiding underneath it. The door was heavy, but it could withstand the blasts from the androids weapons. Dozens of beams of energy struck the ground around Dexter as he ran, a few of those beams struck the door itself. It sounded like electricity was being charged inside the door as the beams of energy collided with it’s metallic surface.
Dexter saw another circular doorway in front of him. Jumping inside he fixed the door he held over the hole, and pulled a pipe from the wall. It took a few tugs, but it popped off and Dexter pushed it through the handles in the door locking it in place. He turned and entered the ventilation shaft. Half-an-hour later Dexter reached the other side and was standing in the underground hangar on a catwalk. He saw his ship, and queen Emerald waving towards him. Dexter waved back and took a few steps forwards than stopped.
He couldn’t see anything, but something felt wrong. And as crazy as it sounded he felt he was getting away too easily. Dexter was about to move forwards, pushing his feelings aside thinking of them as only paranoia, but stopped again. He could hear something beneath his feet. Glancing down he saw another android spider looking up at him through the metal grates of the catwalk, but this android was much bigger than the last one. Dexter leapt forwards and rolled as he spotted the pulse rifles on the sides of the androids head light up a deep orange color. The pulse beams struck the part of the catwalk Dexter had been standing on earlier obliterating them completely.
Rolling to his feet he ran towards the stairs, but another blast from the pulse rifles turned him around. Dexter aimed his laser pistol at the android and fired, but the pistols beams only bounced off the tough exterior of the android.
“Great!” Dexter breathed. He was stuck, he couldn’t possibly jump over the hole the android had created earlier, he couldn’t jump to the ground below without breaking his legs. Dexter looked towards his ship and was surprised to see it had lifted off the ground, not only that but the gatling gun mounted on it’s nose had been activated. Emerald was sitting behind the controls.
Dexter laughed as the gatling gun came to life and the bullets smashed into the android below. The android turned to face the ship, but the gun already took it’s toll on the android. It teetered on it’s destroyed legs, it’s back exploded in a plume of fire.
Emerald maneuvered the ship towards Dexter and opened the hull. Jumping through he said, “where did you learn to do that?” He asked.
“Dad.” Emerald said. “Aren’t you supposed to be rescuing me?” She asked.
“I won’t tell anyone if you don’t.” Dexter said.
Emerald slid out of her seat and sat back in hers, Dexter sat and aimed his ship towards the hangars opening. “Incase your wondering I wanted to sit in the captains seat when I saved your butt.” Emerald said, patting the controls that sat in front of her.
“Be careful. You might accidentally put me out of work.” Said Dexter.
“Really?” Emerald said, batting her eyelashes at him. “You think I could be a queen by day and a space cadet by night?” She asked. The two glanced at each other than laughed.
The ship flew through the hangar opening and into the dark sky, they soon were leaving the planets orbit. Dexter quickly dressed his wounded chest, though he couldn’t do anything about his uniform, but he was sure someone could fix it back at the space station.
The videophone started ringing and Emerald pressed the button for Dexter. She gasped at the sight of Alexander’s smug face appearing on the screen. “Ah we finally meet again.” He said, to Dexter.
“Alexander! Sorry to break your plans.” Dexter said.
“OH they aren’t broken. Not yet.” Alexander said, and stepped out of the videophones camera to reveal a small girl standing in a white dress. The girl was dressed like a flower girl, and had honey blond hair, and sad blue eyes. “Isn’t she adorable!” Alexander said, off camera.
“Your low Alexander!” Dexter spat.
“Alyssa!” Emerald cried, going to her knees in front of the videophone. Dexter looked at Emerald and than back to the videophone. Alexander stepped back into view. “She’s here for a wedding, and if you want to see her alive than I suggest turning around now.” Alexander said, the videophones screen then went black.
Emerald sat back in her seat, she watched the videophones screen as she did so expecting Alexander to appear, but he didn’t. “ I don’t know if you can understand, but we have to go back!” She said, tearing her eyes from the screen.
“Who is she?” Asked Dexter.
“She’s… my daughter.” Queen Emerald said.
Dexter breathed deeply. She couldn’t imagine Emerald having a kid. Not that she wouldn’t make a good mother, she just didn’t look the type to have one. “My husband died a while ago so she didn‘t know her father. He was a kind man who loved Alyssa with all his heart, but a civil war took him away from us.” She said.
“You don’t have to explain.” Dexter said, he knew all too well what its like to loose someone close to him. “I promise I’ll do everything in my power to get her back.” Dexter said, he pulled on the controls of his ship and turned it back towards the planet. It was than that his videophone came back to life. It was Markus.
“How’s the mission going?” Markus asked, concerned.
“I got queen Emerald, but now Alexander has her daughter! I’m heading back to Alexander’s castle to get her.” Said Dexter.
“Negative. Head back to the space station and we’ll deal with the daughter than, after queen Emerald is returned safely.” He said.
“But sir I can get-” Dexter began, but Markus’s sharp words cut him off.
“You have your orders. Return immediately no matter what! You do everything you have to do to come back.” He said, his image vanished. Emerald sat back in her seat, tucking her feet underneath her. She looked sadder than before. Crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“Sorry…” Dexter began.
“I don’t know what to say.” Emerald said.
“No. Sorry about the fuel.” Dexter said. “Looks like I’ll have to make a pit stop somewhere and fill up.”
Emerald looked at the ships computer and saw that the ships fuel tanks were completely full. “The tanks are…” She began, and saw the smile appear on Dexter’s face.
“We need to fill up.” He repeated.
Emerald returned the smile. “Thank you.” She said. As the ship breached the dark planets atmosphere and headed back towards Alexander’s gloomy castle.


Dexter flew around the castle for a few moments scanning the ground below, he took care to fly behind mountains of mud, and rocks so they wouldn’t be spotted, finally he stopped and started to land. “What are you doing?” Emerald asked.
“I noticed there are several abandoned hangars around the castle. I think we should land in one of those. I’m going to sneak back in and get your daughter so we can leave before were noticed.” Said Dexter.
“Ok.” Emerald Said.
The ship continued to lower. There was a circular hole dug into the ground that led into an old hangar that hadn’t been used in years. When they touched down Dexter went to his ships controls and soon an image from deep inside the castle appeared. “This ship has a great hacking system, I’ll find your daughter on here before I go inside. These security cameras will help.” Said Dexter. He stopped going through the images when he spotted the little girl standing on a platform. The platform was made of stone, and looked like a giant portion of it had been destroyed. It was also being held up by a wall to the right of the little girl.
“There.” Dexter said, he downloaded the information into the computer he had gotten back from Emerald and than headed towards the door. “I’ll be back soon.” He said, Dexter found the ventilation shaft leading into the castle and slowly made his way to the room queen Emerald’s daughter was being held in.
He passed unnoticed by dozens of armed guards, and androids that hung upside down from the ceilings, he was feeling pretty good about saving her daughter now, fearing that when he rescued Emerald he would have alerted the whole castle of his presence, but he was surprised to see that no one was looking for him, or Emerald.
Stepping through a heavy wooden door he glanced down at the stone flooring below and spotted Alyssa standing on a small platform. She looked nervous, even scared a little. Glancing around the massive room she spotted a rope hanging from the ceiling, taking hold of it he pulled on it testing the ropes strength. It held.
Swinging down he landed a few feet away from the little girl. “Hi Alyssa.” Dexter said. The little girl looked frightened.
“Who are you?” She asked.
“I’m a friend of your mommies.” Dexter said. “She asked me to give you a hand.”
“Where is she?” Alyssa asked.
“Waiting in my ship. She’s worried about you.” Dexter said.
“Will you take me to her?” Alyssa asked.
“Yes. I need you to be brave though, ok?” Said Dexter. Alyssa nodded and stepped up to Dexter, bending low he let her climb up onto his back. “Hold on tight.” He said, and started climbing back up the rope. Emerald would be happy to see her daughter safe and sound, he was sure.
“Is mommy ok?” Alyssa asked.
“She’s fine. Just worried.” Said Dexter. “I can’t blame her either.”
“I miss her.” Alyssa said.
“That’s ok. Are you holding on pretty tightly?” Dexter asked, she was sure the little girl would loose her grip so he was climbing slow so that wouldn’t happen, but she was much stronger than she looked.
“Yes!” She said, happily.
“Good.” Dexter said, smiling.


As soon as Dexter stepped out of the ship and close the door behind him Emerald sat in front of the computer console and watched her daughter. She looked so beautiful in that dress, and nervous. She could only imagine what her daughter was going through.
A figured swinging from a rope suddenly appeared at Alyssa’s side. It was Dexter! Emerald laughed and touched the screen with a trembling hand when the image shifted to a different part of the castle. “No…” She said, weakly. Pressing the screen again, and again, she shifted through countless images until she saw the room her daughter was in, but a different part of the room. Emerald saw a large stone stairwell leading up to an alter, and a wall. Than the image began to move upwards, and she suddenly knew what she was seeing. The image was coming from a battle ship!
Emerald looked for a communicator to get in touch with Dexter, but there was nothing. Soon Dexter and Alyssa appeared, Dexter was talking to the small girl now, they had no idea the ship was beside them.
Alexander’s face suddenly appeared on the videophone. “ Persistent little pest isn’t he?” Alexander said, with a sneer. “He doesn’t know I’ve been watching him ever since he reentered my castle. I figured he deserves to die along side your daughter, I figure you should be punished for disobeying me for so long. Working against me with this man.”
“NO! PLEASE!” Emerald cried.
“Than I propose a trade.” He said. “There lives, for your hand in marriage.” He said. Emerald looked away from Alexander’s sneering face and back towards Dexter and her daughter. They were still talking and the battleship had cleared the wall and was aiming it’s rifles at them. Even if Dexter saw the ship he couldn’t possibly bring it down with a single laser pistol, and he certainly couldn’t protect her daughter at the same time. “ You’ll marry me regardless of what you say and they die!” Alexander said.
“NO!” Emerald screamed, the queens heart gave. She couldn’t stand being near this man, but if it meant her daughters safety than she had no choice. “Fine.” She said. “I’ll marry you.”


It took some time, but Dexter and Alyssa made their way back to the hangar. Dexter was happy to see that Alyssa wasn’t as nervous as she seemed earlier, maybe his presence there gave her the confidence she needed when an android, or armed guards got too close. They made it back to the abandoned hangar and was climbing inside Dexter’s ship.
“Look who I’ve got…” Dexter began, as he climbed into the ship after Alyssa, but stopped saying anything more. The ship was empty. “Great…” Dexter moaned, as he ran to the computer console he saw the image he had put up displaying Alyssa’s whereabouts earlier had changed, now it was showing a large, stone staircase leading up to an alter. Emerald was standing at those stone steps, arm-in-arm with Alexander. Both were surrounded by armed guards holding javelins, and laser rifles in their hands.
Dexter cast a quick glance at Alyssa who was seating herself in a chair behind Emerald’s seat, when she finished she looked at Dexter smiling. “Where’s mommy?” She asked.
“Uh…” Dexter began, wondering if he should break the news to the little girl. He returned the smile, but he wasn’t feeling as strong as he was earlier. He was truly afraid something bad was going to happen if he went back. Stepping over to Alyssa he sat on the floor looking up at the little girl. He never dealt with kids before, so this was a first for him. “Alyssa I need you to be a big girl while I go out, ok?” He said.
Alyssa nodded. “Ok.” She said.
Dexter turned and pointed towards a small red button sitting near the controls near his seat. “See that red button?” He asked. “If me and your mommy don’t return in twenty minutes I want you to press that button. The ship will start flying, but don’t be afraid. It’s going to take you to the Earths space colony, ok?”
“Ok.” Alyssa said.
Dexter stood and patted the girl on the top of her head. “Good girl.” He said, and headed towards the ships door, but not before he removed two metallic canisters from a side compartment and shoved them inside his uniform.
“Be careful.” Said Alyssa.
“Thanks sweetheart.” Dexter said, hoping off the ship. He closed the door behind him and started to run back towards the room he saved Alyssa from. He didn’t care if anyone, or anything saw him, he couldn’t afford to take his time getting to Emerald. If she got married to Alexander than everything would be lost, and Emerald’s armies would belong to him, he’d be more powerful than he is now!


Emerald saw the preacher from before standing at the stone alter, it seemed to rise up hundreds of feet in the air. Maybe if the castle wasn’t so dark, and bleak, this setting would have been romantic, even to a girl being married against her will. Breathing deeply she looked up at Alexander he looked down at her and sneered at the queen. “Ready?” He asked.
“Yeah.” Emerald said, and they started to climb the stone steps.


Alexander removed his laser pistol from it’s holster and fired at an android who had just appeared in front of him. The android didn’t have a chance to react as the beam sliced through it’s body. It toppled over, and Dexter leapt over it’s body. Rounding a corner he sat two armed guards standing in front of a large, wooden door, they seemed startled by the androids sudden destruction. Putting his laser pistol back in it’s holster, without slowing down, charged towards the guards who held laser rifles in their hands. Grabbing onto the laser rifle of the first man, Dexter jumped and kicked the second in the side of the head with the toe of his left boot. He than turned towards the remaining guard and kicked with all his strength. His foot collided with the guards chest sending him flying into the wall behind him. Dexter was still holding the rifle in his hands. Dropping it he pushed his way into the room.
Dexter saw queen Emerald, and Alexander had climbed halfway up the stone steps. Emerald looked sad, but Alexander looked triumphant, like he had already won.
“EMERALD!” Dexter screamed, the queen turned, but Alexander jerked on her arm turning her away. The armed guards standing at the base of the steps started firing their weapons at the space cadet. Dexter reached into his uniform and removed the cylinders. Tossing them at the guards they exploded in a cloud of white smoke. The guards coughed, and dropped their weapons. Dexter ran past them and up the stone steps taking them two at a time, Alexander and Emerald were nearing the alter.
“STOP!” Shouted a guard, holding a javelin in his hands. Dexter jumped up another step and twirled to the right on his heels just as the javelin was tossed at him, He was still spinning at the javelin flew past, Dexter grabbed it out of the air and tossed it back as he came to a halt. The guard leapt out of the way, but tripped over his own feet and fell off the steps and into the darkness below.
Continuing his assent up the stone steps he saw that Alexander and Emerald were now standing at the stone alter in front of the preacher he saw before. “No.” Dexter mumbled.


Alexander looked nervously behind him. The only thing standing between him and the space cadet were two guards standing only five feet away. “You miss.” The preachers voice tore Alexander’s attention away from the approaching space cadet. “Are you sure you want to get married?” He asked. Alexander knew the preacher would push this onto the queen. After his talk with the space cadet at their first attempt to getting married. He looked down at Emerald who was looking unsure, or maybe just scared.
“Ye-” The queen began, but the space cadet had made it to the top of the stone steps.
“Emerald!” He shouted, one of the guards moved towards Dexter and punched him in the stomach. Dexter fell to his knees coughing, and sputtering. “You don’t…” He began, the guards forced the space cadet to his feet.
“That’s it.” Alexander snarled. He slowly walked towards Dexter his fist raised. Dexter pushed the guards out of his way with a little effort and stood stock still as Alexander approached.
“She’s not marrying you!” Dexter said, pointing at Alexander.
“She will.” Alexander said.
Dexter reached for his laser pistol, but Alexander was much quicker, he punched Dexter with all his might causing Dexter to fall to the right, he turned to face Alexander, but another punch caused the space cadet to fall to one knee. The man was tougher than he looked.
“You don’t even love her.” Dexter said.
“It’s not about love! Haven’t you figure that out?” Alexander asked.
“We both did.” Emerald said.
Dexter leapt into the air and kicked Alexander in the chest with both feet. Alexander didn’t even budge, it was like kicking a statue. Dexter fell hard on his right arm. He sat on the ground holding his arm which was beginning to ache, he was afraid it was sprained.
“You can’t beat me!” Alexander laughed, throwing his hands into the air. “You have been trying to interfere with my plans ever since you got your mission from Emeralds father!”
“How did you know?” Emerald asked. She didn’t tell the man that her father was the one who hired Dexter to save her.
“I think it’s a little obvious. I have contacts everywhere! I have the best hacking team in the galaxy working for me! There’s not a planet that isn’t occupied by at least one of my people. My influence is everywhere!” Alexander screamed. He pointed a defiant finger at Dexter. “And incase your wondering. I plan on keeping you alive for quiet awhile. You’ll be my stress relief toy. Every time I think the jobs getting to me I’ll come get you, and vent.” He said.
It was Dexter’s turn to laugh. “You think that’s how it’s going down, huh?” He said, blood was trickling from his nose. He reached into his uniform, Alexander whole body grew tense until he saw what Dexter had removed from it. It was the circular disk he used to mask his identity before.
“What is that?” Alexander laughed. “You plan on beating me with that?” He said, not believing what he was seeing.
“Yeah.” Said Dexter, and tossed the device at Alexander. Alexander laughed again and reached forwards to snatch it out of the air. Suddenly it started shining a bright, white color, than exploded forth. A creature much larger than Alexander emerged from the device and roared in rage, and latched onto Alexander’s wrist with it’s massive hands. Alexander’s eyes lit up in horror as he screamed and fell back. They dropped off the side of the alter and fell into the darkness below, his screams faded as they fell. Dexter, with the help of Emerald got to his feet.
“What on earth was that?!” She asked, fear occupied her voice.
“Just a hologram.” Said Dexter, both he and the queen stepped up to the ledge and starred down into the darkness. “A few years ago a horror film was released. That was the monster they used in that movie. I programmed it into the masking device.”
Emerald looked at Dexter and smiled. “I liked that movie too.” She said.
“I was a big fan.” Dexter said.
They heard a laugh behind them and saw the preacher step up to Emerald. “You’re a very lucky woman to have friends that are willing to risk their lives for you.” He said.
“I am.” Said Emerald.
“What are you going to do now?” The preacher asked, Dexter.
“Take Emerald to the earths space colony. Her father’s looking for her. And a little girl needs her mom.” Said Dexter. “Need a lift?”
“No.” The preacher said, shaking his head. “God brought me here, and he’ll take me back… and my ship.” He quickly added. The preacher unfurled his wings and leapt into the air and started flying towards a gaping hole in the side of the castle.
“So much for Alexander and his influence.” Dexter said, as he took Emerald by the hand and led her toward the stone steps.
“What about the guards?” Emerald asked.
“There cool.” Dexter said, the guards he had defeated earlier were gone. All having a chip set in their brain’s that told them when Alexander was dead. Dexter had discovered them while he hacked into the castles security system. He couldn’t use it, but knew a few programs inside the chips. Once Alexander died his people would scatter across the galaxy and never speak of him again. Strange program, but now it was like Alexander never existed. His kingdoms would spoil, and that would be that.
They made it back to Dexter’s ship and Emerald scooped up her daughter in her arms. “You made it!” Alyssa laughed.
“What do you mean, baby?” Emerald asked, they had settled into one seat, Alyssa sitting on her mothers lap. Alyssa laughed again and pointed towards a small clock set in the ships control console.
“Five minutes to go.” Dexter said, he saw the confusion in Emerald’s eyes and quickly explained what it all meant.
“Oh.” She said.. “Glad you didn’t have to push that button.” She said, hugging her daughter tighter to her chest.
“Me too.” Alyssa said.
Dexter was flying out of the hangar and soon they were in space. “Instead of taking us to earth’s colony.” Emerald began. “Can you take us home?” She asked.
“Sure.” Dexter said. “You’re the boss.”


Dexter notified Markus that he was taking Emerald and Alyssa home instead of to Earth’s space colony. He didn’t look happy for a number of reasons, but nodded. “Good work.” He said.
“Thank you sir.” Dexter said.
They were flying over the castle. “Were home.” Said Alyssa.
“I bet your tired.” Emerald said.
“I’m alright.” The young daughter than yawned. Dexter sat his ship down on the roof of the castle and helped the ladies out. He was standing on the wing on one knee.
“Alyssa.” Dexter said, he took the small girls right hand and kissed it. “Your going to grow up into a fine lady. You take care of your mother for me.” He said.
“I will.” She said.
Dexter nodded at Emerald and was about to stand when he felt a hand on his knee. “You don’t have to go…. Right away.” She said.
Dexter leaned forwards and kissed Emerald on the lips. When he stood he saw she was smiling. “I said you could stay, I didn’t give you permission to kiss me.” She said, trying to sound angry, but she kept smiling.
“I can’t.” Said Dexter. “I have to get back.” And without another word he jumped into his ship and took off. He watched out the window as Emerald and Alyssa waved him goodbye. “I must be crazy.” He said, sighing. He had completed another mission, could have gotten the girl, and a kingdom too. “A real nut job.” He muttered.
Dexter had just made it into space when Markus’s image appeared on the videophone. “Are you done?” He said.
“Yes.” Said Dexter. He wanted to say something else to Markus, but the man interrupted. “Good. We have a mission for you. Remember those rebels you fought before? Well they have new plans for a doomsday device. And it’s nearly done. We need you to head towards these coordinates.”
A grin appeared on Dexter’s face. “Yes sir! I have received my orders and will head towards those coordinates immediately.” Dexter said, saluting.
Markus returned the gesture. “Good.” He said, his image vanished.
“Works never done.” Dexter sighed.

Thanks for the story! I moved it here so it wouldn't get lost in General Discussions 🙂
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